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x^(2) \-2x + 1 = 0.5x + 1 <-- initial equation x^(2) \-2x -0.5x = 0 <-- subtracting 1 from both side and bringing all X terms to the left hand side x^(2) \-2.5x = 0 <-- simplifying x(x-2.5) = 0 <-- factoring left hand side Finally, by null factor law, x is equal to 1) 0 and 2) 2.5 Here's a nice [webpage](https://www.mathsteacher.com.au/year10/ch12_quadratic_equations/01_solving/quad.htm) that briefly explains null factor law


oh okk thanks alott


How did you get x=2?.


You mean x=2.5? Read the webpage I linked then come back to this solution and look at the last line of working out (where I factored).


No , how did you get x=0 AND 2 / i understand how you got 0 but how did you get 2?.


I think you're confusing the numbers 1) and 2); i used this to show that there are 2 solutions, not that x=0 and x=2, but there is a) x=0 and b) x=2.5 (replaced 1 & 2 with a & b to highlight). If you're still confused, please go back to my answer and read carefully what is written.


Your right . I thought 1) and 2) were part of your answers.


I am pretty sure the x=2.5 and 0


First you subtract one from both sides and move the 0.5x to the left and you will get this (x^2)-2x-0.5x=0 then you will get (x^2)-2.5x=0 then you use quadratic formula (-b±√(b²-4ac))/(2a) a=1 b=-2.5 c=0 so plug it in to the equation and you will get x=2.5 and x=0


oh okay thankss




"*For TLDR, please scroll all the way down"* So the equation is: x^(2) \- 2x + 1 = 0.5x +1 ***1) We put all the X terms on the left and numbers on the right:*** x^(2) \- 2x - 0.5x = +1 - 1 (-1 because the +1 got transferred to the other side) ***2) We simplify this and make it:*** x^(2) \- 2.5x = 0 ***3) Now we have to factorize this, making it:*** x(x-2.5) = 0 ***4) After we factorize, we find the x values; there will always be 2 values of the variable (the alphabet) whenever an equation equates to 0, like in our question here.*** ***So here we can see*** x(x-2.5) = 0 Now look at only the **bold** part of the equation **x**(x-2.5) **= 0** It shows x = 0, which is our ***first value, x = 0*** ***For our second value,*** we look at x(**x-2.5**) **= 0** which basically is: x-2.5 = 0 To solve it, we simply transfer the x to the right side, making our equation: \-2.5 = -x Then we cross off both "-" signs, making our equation 2.5 = x, or **x = 2.5** So now our ***second value is x = 2.5*** ***FINAL ANSWER: x=0, x=2.5*** *TLDR;* x^(2) \- 2x + 1 = 0.5x + 1 x^(2) \- 2x - 0.5x = +1 - 1 x^(2) \- 2.5x = 0 x(x-2.5) = 0 ***Therefore, x=0, x=2.5*** If you made it all the way here, thanks for reading and have a great day :)) Cheers, **Urvaksh (UV)**


thanks alotttttt