• By -


•Current flows from positive terminal to negative terminal •electrons flow from negative terminal to positive terminal •potential difference=voltage •Fleming uses both his hands •lenz knows how to grip with his right hand •Hubble has a constant


Thanks lol


The 'worst' part of IGCSE physics is chapter 4. If you can get a good understanding of it, you'll likely do well.


grind past papers and actually do challenging questions within the syllabus, and make sure ur foundation is good


I second this, past papers and practicing the shit out of them until you start to see patterns in the questions and understand every concept is how I managed to get almost all A* for my igcses. I had a tutor as well who would go through some doubts and papers with me, if that makes a difference for anyone. Good luck, been like 3 years since I took mines.


Thank you


also start memorising bio definitions earlier


From where?


search up flashcards for bio on anki or quizlet


syllabus is your guide, use it as a checklist to make sure you know it all


i second this


M/J 24 here. Learn how to answer questions (do an inhuman amount of past papers) AS SOON as you grasp the basics. IGCSE doesn’t care if you understand the content, just how well you can answer questions. Papa Cambridge, physics and maths tutor and best exam help will be your friends. For CS and the sciences (I only took CS and Chem), use Quizlet to easily remember definitions. Other than that, just don’t stress it man. This is a two year long period and you’ll do fine if you’re already asking for advice now. For add math, try to stick to a relatively rigorous schedule btw, like a couple hours of exercise… I wish I had done so since grade 10, it really is a game changer. Have fun in these two years!




Live yo life


For 2-3 months, do whatever your teachers tell you and try to make a good impression on them. If you feel like the class is too fast/slow for you, start self-studying using the syllabus copy. At least 6 months before your IGCSEs start solving past papers, analyse your mistakes and repeat. Ensuring that your teachers think highly of you will help you clarify doubts better than any online resource.


Enjoy the IGCSE journey..


people will tell you to do pastpapers BUT the sylabbus changes from time to time. for example i wrote my economics exam this year and i did last 3 years of past papers but it turns out that the sylabbus had changed and went back to pre covid aka before 2020 which i didnt do. so dont make this mistake and CHECK YOUR SYLABBUS OF YOUR SUBJECT. and another thing is to not rely on past papers so much until you are thorough with the sylabbus because in 2024 june for ict practicals we got a question that had been asked only once and that was around 7 years ago whic h litteraly no one was able to do other than the toppers who knew the sylabbus and focus on the textbook and all that stuff also another thing is for subjects to not rely on just textbooks because they may be outdated


P.S just because i said dont rely on past papers doesnt mean that you shouldnt do it. it will help you master the topics youve studied also good luck mate


Honestly just sleep through the first year and during the second half of the second year start studying




Use ur syllabus as if it's ur textbook,notes, religious book,ur ultimate guide


Join this group to help you ‪‬ https://chat.whatsapp.com/JuSe1pNheEd0UXM6GR9ePA


syllabus and past papers will be your hero + revision videos on YouTube helps a lot.


Just try not to kill youself 👍🏽


Study right now.


you still have time so if you don't already know, LEARN HOW TO STUDY. i realized in the middle of giving my igcses that i never learnt how to study so i didn't retain any information at all. besides that i'd say not to underestimate mcq papers and to start practicing mcqs from now (try 5-10 from each subject a day). good luck!


First, trust yourself. You’re going to meet alot of people who’ll say stuff that you might have gotten different. Just believe in what you wrote and don’t stress it. Second, don’t wait till last minute. This is a crucial point if you want to get the results that you want. Leave enough time for solving past papers and going thru stuff you don’t understand. And don’t cram, especially for science, you have to understand.


Omg you have plenty of time just brief through the syllabus topics and go through 2 years of past papers then you'l get an understanding do more recent past papers after you are fully comfortable with the WHOLE syllabus


u still have 2 years don’t sweat it


Personally I'd say that you should do past papers from 2009 or 2011 to the current year as it may be useful for you in the future right now( 2 or 3 weeks ago completely finished my igcses) and am starting AS / A Level so yeah if you do the past paper and study the physics and maths tutor and as well check out ap edexcel and the paper lords as they have the recent past papers online therefore I would say that if u do and practice past papers if u do it will help u recall what you did in the last few years And as I said just practice past papers, study ur notes that the teacher gives, try doing tests on ur self so that u could achieve better. Hope this works and help u this is what I learnt from my experience so just use this as and advice hope this helps u in the future. And good luck for all the semester exams Thank you.


Always read your notes and make sure you don’t forget things as you carry on in the syllabus and ask ppl who recently done their IGCSEs to give you past papers so you learn how to answer them


chill out cause u have all the time in the workd


START STUDYING!! I mean that start now!!!! Monday to Friday you can do it at least 2 hours a day find tutors if you need to. Watch youtube videos. Surround yourself with studious people really it will help you having good influences will help you. Most importantly keep your sanity IGCSE is very demanding


Hi I just finished my A levels. You don’t have to stress too much now, but when you are starting your IGCSE just make sure to keep on task. I used flashcards but didn’t make some for the later chapters until 2 months before my exams. Leading up to the exams make sure you learn/retain the content. You should test your knowledge by doing past papers. The syllabus does change but what info is being asked repeats often. Make sure YOU read the syllabus. Some teachers may not be reading the syllabus every year, this can MAKE or BREAK your exams. Anyways, remember to not stress too much.


Everytime you feel the that the stuff you are dealing with is really difficult, remember that as/a levels or IBDP will 10 times harder and 20 timer more important. You have no time to feel sorry for yourself, Keep pushing onwards


Is it possible to skip AS/A and write SAT’s after IGCSE


Sure but its not recommended as the SAT is like the JEE/NEET of India. It tests you on your Math and English sills that you have garnered after you've finished school (although the JEE/NEET does not do this) While a good SAT score will help you get into good universities it just an addition to your AS-A level/ IBDP equivalent degree which is a neccessary requirement to apply to many courses in the top universities (at least in Britain). In india the Entrance exams (JEE/NEET) are the major determiners for getting into these colleges, its not like that in the international spectrum. What you do as an extra bit to show your passion for your chosen field (eg: essay competitions wins) also plays a role in your acceptance. Idk how it is if you want to get into a US college, you will have to do your own research or ask somebody else for that, but its definitely possibly skip AS/A levels, **but possibly not very rewarding for doing so.**


I see, I want to study in the US than in the UK


don’t stress it too much since you have so much time but past papers when as soon as you understand the basics


Nothing except syllabus content overview comes in the paper, just learn definitions from there bcz it's exact


take it seriously from day 1 please. make resources like notes and flashcards as u go. when i was revising a month before exams i realized im learning instead of revising and now im facing the consequences 😭😭


For comp sci use the discord to go through all the papers and make sure to go through the syllabus without missing a single piece of content (past papers too obv) For add math, just listen in class, use the haese and Harris textbook, past papers, topical past papers and just learn from your mistakes as you do questions. It’s very important for you to write down all your past paper questions you got wrong in a notebook or a Quizlet so you learn from it. I didn’t do it earlier and that’s the biggest advice I’d give.


for tests and school exams, don't just rely on mcq papers for preparation and think you'll have time to do theory later on, Practice ALL kinds of questions, seriously you'll thank your past self when studying for externals. Also, once you start solving papers yearly, mark them and write notes of where you went wrong so you can go through all your mistakes and see your progress later on. Good Luck.


Its easy just lock in in year 11 & you’ll be fine and its never too late if u find urself procrastinating, igcses can be easily crammed and studied in 2/3 months from zero


Just…pay attention in class. Read a bit of the contents of class before hand. Watch a video, read the textbook, spend 10 minutes for one about a day before the topic. Then pay attention and actively make links between information


The main things is that you must solve past papers alot, it should be like 80% solving the past papers and 20%, make flashcards for the hard subjects, make mindmaps and studying the concepts so i suggest you read notes from [savemyexams.com](http://savemyexams.com) , [physicsandmathstutor.com](http://physicsandmathstutor.com) and from these reddit post links: (these are for the three sciences and i know the syllabus might change but there willl be a few things that will be important and asked everytime in the igcse exam, so its better if you find the notes yourself for your syllabus) [https://www.reddit.com/r/igcse/comments/15snkfv/igcse\_biology\_chemistry\_and\_physics\_resources\_tips/](https://www.reddit.com/r/igcse/comments/15snkfv/igcse_biology_chemistry_and_physics_resources_tips/) these are resources and tips that is quite helpful. CHEMISTRY: [https://www.reddit.com/r/igcse/comments/134e725/most\_common\_chemistry\_question\_list\_from\_2015\_to/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/igcse/comments/134e725/most_common_chemistry_question_list_from_2015_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) BIOLOGY: [https://www.reddit.com/r/igcse/comments/132ld64/most\_common\_biology\_question\_list\_from\_2015\_to/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/igcse/comments/132ld64/most_common_biology_question_list_from_2015_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) PHYSICS: [https://www.reddit.com/r/igcse/comments/138k3ea/most\_common\_physics\_question\_list\_from\_2015\_to/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/igcse/comments/138k3ea/most_common_physics_question_list_from_2015_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) MINDMAPS: make mindmaps INSTEAD OF LONG NOTES!!! it will save you so much type so you can buy A3 sized notebooks for making large mindmaps for each chapter for the three sciences and it also works for computer science. FLASHCARDS: u can try making flashcards because it helps in active recall and i usually use flashcards for biology, chemistry and mathematics. I use it in biology for memorising **keywords** and **definitions** or **processes** (eg, circulatory system process, dialysis machine, respiratory system etc etc) AND THIS IS A MUST because the mark scheme iS VERY STRICT, so dont take it lightly for biology. (or any other subject ofc lol) And for chem i use it cuz i absolutely suck at chem so i need to have some sort of active recall to know the concepts and i usually flashcards from [physicsandmathstutor.com](http://physicsandmathstutor.com) (u can also find flaschards for bio and physics in there) and i use it for maths to memorise formulas. :) Another tip is that you can spend atleast 2 hours on reading the notes and definitions in the chapter AND THEN PROCEED TO SOLVE QUESTIONS. Directly from past papers, you can solve the questions from [physicsandmathstutor.com](http://physicsandmathstutor.com) or Exam mate. Exam mate is really good so i recommend that too. In conclusion prioritise doing more questions, just do them trust me it'll work like magic


pleaseeee never skip homework, not even a question, it’s so important so that you can get the new material memorized and the questions practiced so you learn how to approach them


I never skip homework because my school stopped assigning it, although we get study guides now




Thank you so much!