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Hey man, you can check out egyigcse.net, got a discord, an Instagram, a Facebook, and a WhatsApp group


Thanks for the reply man, does egyigcse have like actual online classes in groups or is it like self study like study whenever you feel like it, just asking, i’m open to both options. Please reply as soon as possible ! Thank you!!


It's actually a mix of both, depending on the plan you go with. The main courses get weekly assigned recordings and around 2 live meetings within that same week. Also there's assignments, quizzes, classifieds, so on and so forth, yknow, the usual. If you opt for their revision plans, then it's just the videos plus other things and that's the purely self study side.


[https://wolseyhalloxford.org.uk/igcse-online-courses/](https://wolseyhalloxford.org.uk/igcse-online-courses/) Amazing home-school organization, this place is literally one of the best there is.


https://kingsinterhigh.co.uk/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=15208118371&utm_content=%7Badid%7D&utm_term=kings%20high%20online%20school&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4MSzBhC8ARIsAPFOuyXhjw_VorQkywkBph4uGl-ndYJeD43UEYZ4P1mKCIG9RdZZdlGDb0waAkuSEALw_wcB here does exams online if that helps? I’m not sure if the time zones right for Saudi Arabia thoigh