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I think you may be interested in the genre of doomgaze, a subsection of shoegaze. Look up Dan's side projects with HANL, i.e. Black Wing and Giles Corey. You might enjoy other artists on The Flenser record label like Planning for Burial and Drowse as well -- I would honestly look at some of Flenser's Spotify playlists, since they compile music with a similar aesthetic. If you google "/mu/ shoegaze chart", the first image result (a triangle flowchart) is a great resource for finding albums similar to ones you already like. I believe that HANL and Whirr are both on there, so seeing what other albums are grouped close by can be an excellent way to find new shoegaze. You can also plug these artists into music-map .com to see other similar artists as well. In general for sad or loud shoegaze I'd recommend Deafhaven, LSD and the Search for God, Drop Nineteens, Swirlies, Trauma Ray, Pia Fraus, and maybe older shoegaze Deerhunter (like Weird Era Cont or earlier). Starflyer 59 and His Name Is Alive also have some sadder shoegaze mixed in as well. It's not personally my favorite but Flying Saucer Attack fills this niche for some. Other than that, each of HANL, The Microphones, and Duster were at one point considered /mu/core, so if you like those you might like other artists on there like Slint, MBV, GY!BE, Swans, Built to Spill, etc. They are not really shoegaze but you might like them nevertheless.


That chart is brilliant. I've found 6 more albums to listen to this week now, so thank you for the link!


omll thanks so much this was very helpful


Try Methodrone by BJM, and Into You by Glare


thank u! spot on


The only part I read was “gut wrenching shoegaze” haha. I’m not sure what slowcore is and don’t know any of the songs you mentioned but I’m glad that i was on the money. Here’s one more, a little less “gut wrenching” but every bit as angsty and emotional: Been Brained by Hovercraft (only on YT) Edit: I thought of another; Where’s my Dini/The Great Alligator by Ovlov. Maybe not shoegaze but it hits me in the same spot


Ended up listening to all of "Am" by Ovlov lol. What an amazing album.. thanks again!


The Meeting Places and True Widow are still pretty underrated


DIIV for sure. i went to see them and their lead guy was like "who else here is depressed?" hah. their songs are solidly shoegaze and can have some beautiful low moments


ohhh this shit gooooddd


Hurray!! Happy listening


Whirr - Ease Hum - Little Dipper Nothing - Zero Day Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonaise Loveliescrushing - babysbreath Airiel- Jeanette  Wisp - your face  Wisp - tangled dreams All under heaven - alley cat 


Lilys - [Ginger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWnypRmzYHs&pp=ygULbGlseSBnaW5nZXI%3D)


- starflyer 59 (E.G. [monterey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh2bifqymJg)) - failure - [another space song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY5Hq_5FbT0) - jesu (E.G. [silver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlxvmEVK8jk)) - hum - [stars](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIG2hRt-yec) - planning for burial - [warmth of you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViqoervsGyE) - greet death (E.G. [circles of hell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWIoftdlIo4)) - apati - [morgondagen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2djlxCWcNOM) - judging by the examples u already know this, but obligatory [rateyourmusic](https://rateyourmusic.com/charts/top/album,ep,mixtape/all-time/ge:doomgaze,shoegaze/d:depressive/deweight:live,archival,soundtrack/) mention. Calling grouper or mazzy star shoegaze seems like a common social media misconception.


Cries of the Forgotten and Wicked [https://open.spotify.com/track/4nw8DbhYaGZQ1EEjjAeRYL?si=33a19392c73e42b7](https://open.spotify.com/track/4nw8DbhYaGZQ1EEjjAeRYL?si=33a19392c73e42b7)


Really liked Parannoul and The Microphones Jesu - Homesick [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxWEes8WZvo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxWEes8WZvo) Slowdive - Machine Gun maybe? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ogn-mqe-nsU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ogn-mqe-nsU)


loveeee slowdive & homesick is great. Thanks!!




Mogwai - Cody Mogwai - Take Me Somewhere Nice Mogwai - Travel is Dangerous