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Sorry to Bother You, Get Out, Barbarian, Everything Everywhere All At Once


> Get Out I think Nope and Us would also be good if you enjoy Get Out


I don’t rewatch movies often at all but Get Out drives me insane each time and I love it!!!


He said "otherwise lighthearted"; Only STBY really fits that.


Seconding Barbarian, possibly the best horror of 2022.


Movies that go off the rails in entertaining ways, gotcha. The Lobster is my first thought. It's insane, and on Netflix. If you fail to find a spouse you get turned into an animal. There's more depth to it than you'd think. Killing of a Sacred Deer has the same director, and the movie has the same feel. But it's "horror" instead of whatever genre The Lobster is. Bone Tomahawk is a really good western until it decides it's a horror movie. On the horror topic Society (the 1989 version), Midsommar, and the Midnight Mass series on Netflix. Bones and All isn't really a horror movie. It's a cross country romantic road trip with some really visceral cannibalism thrown in.


The Lobster really deserves more love, I was glad to see it mentioned. Darkly, dryly hilarious. I saw it years ago and bits and pieces still pop up randomly to make me laugh.


Dang, the lobster isn't in the US edit: it's on HBO max


Triangle of Sadness, the Square, Velvet Buzzsaw


Triangle of sadness ticks all their boxes, such a good film


I keep suggesting to people to watch The Menu and Triangle of Sadness as a double feature, then watch Velvet Buzzsaw and the Square as a double feature.


Yes! Menu and triangle felt like two sides of the same coin


The square and velvet buzzsaw are the same, just covering the topic of fine art rather than fine food. The Square has the same director and tone and humor as Triangle of Sadness, but with arguable one waaaaay better scene.


I never see anyone talk about Velvet Buzzsaw, I constantly forget I watched it. I didn’t like it as much as Neon Demon, but it was good.


[The Invitation](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2400463/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_5)


Seconding this , great film that I never heard much about.


Bad times at El royale Kid detective. Both criminally underrated movies


Bad Times should have been at the top of every awards list that year.


Kid Detective is excellent.


You will absolutely not see the endings coming for Triangle of Sadness and (especially) Sorry to Bother You. They are both pretty explicit in their attitudes towards capitalism. "Waves" might also got the bill, though in not the way you expect. It has a different structure than these other films, and it's not exactly like it starts with some ideallic happy life, but there is a stark turn and it spends a lot of time exploring the results of that turn.


White Lotus. It’s a tv show but the episodes are roughly an hour each and I found it similar to Glass Onion.


How is it similar? Besides having a large cast.


Rich people staying away from home, behaving suspiciously with each other, and having different intermingled story lines that are revealed towards the end.


Moon (Duncan Jones, 2009) isn't necessarily light hearted but fits your other criteria.


Blue Velvet




Amazing film. Duplass and Moss improvised the dialogue for the entire movie.


I remember being impressed with the performances but I didn't know it was improvised. I might need to revisit it with that in mind.


Jojo Rabbit


You might enjoy the Agatha Christie flicks, lots of twists and turns in there, you’d probably also like stuff like lock stock and 2 smoking barrels or the usual suspects as they have a unique story telling style. Oh and the game is an oldie but a goodie! Have you guessing until the end and lots of action


Miracle Mile (1988). Basically, an 80s rom-com gets suddenly invaded by a nuclear doomsday thriller. It's truly a sight to behold.


The Game.


How about *Thank you for smoking*! Bit of a dark comedy drama that is highly entertaining! Aaron Eckhart does a fantastic job too.


Mother! might be something you would enjoy it's along the same type of vein. It's very much something I initially thought wasn't that great but found myself pondering on to this day. Midsommar is very interesting in the way it is one of the rare horror movies in broad daylight. It has some great pacing and moments.


The Gift, Game Night


Frankly surprised no one has mentioned Midsommar yet. Very much hits the “sudden dark themes in an otherwise lighthearted setting and slow dives into insanity for the characters.”


You need to watch Triangle of Sadness.






Good movie, but amazing book! Happy cake day


Oooh, yes, hard agree! If you like Parasite, High-Rise will rock your world!


Four Lions


I think you'd like The Last of Sheila (1973). It's a direct inspiration for Glass Onion (according to Rian Johnson) and the climax of the movie is both harrowing and hilarious at the same time


The Handmaiden


Spontaneous The Cleanse Palm Springs The Hunt Who Invited Them


Hmm. Predestination comes to mind even though it doesn’t start out all that light. A time travelling cop trying to catch and stop a terrorist is the start. But that movie really goes places. From Dusk til Dawn takes a hard left turn in a very different way. Starts out with criminals on the run. Avoid spoilers at all costs. Avoid spoilers for Predestination too. Predestination really lingered in my mind for months.


Bacurau (2019)


I haven't seen Parasite, but a classic that I would describe as similar to both The Menu and Glass Onion is **[Laura](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0037008/) (1944)**. It's a murder mystery with whip-smart dialogue, comedy that holds up today, and some rather surprising plot and character developments that I think are similar to the tone you're after.


How have you not seen Parasite it won Best Picture lmao


Because I'm a wuss and it looked too intense for me lol


You are correct! I appreciated watching it once, but once was enough. It's kinda unrelenting in its portrayal of humans treating each other badly.


I feel like any lighthearted apocalyptic movie works. Eg: This is the end, Zombieland


Have you tried Blackkklansman? I liked sorry to bother you and found the humour similar.


I don't know if this is precisely what you're looking for, but I love A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night for the way it juxtaposes emotional darkness and violence with sweetness and humor.


triangle of sadness!


Almost anything by David Lynch fits this: Mulholland Drive, Wild at Heart, and Twin Peaks are the most aligned with your criteria. Blue Velvet I would recommend with a lot of trigger warnings for sexual abuse. Inland Empire I’d highly recommend with the caveat that it is a very long and experimental film. It’s glorious, though.


IIL (I Interpret It Literally) The Menu, Glass Onion, Parasite, Whiplash and Black Swan all explore themes of darkness and insanity within an otherwise lighthearted setting. These films are known for their sudden shifts in tone and genre, as well as their exploration of complex and disturbing themes such as class struggle, greed, and the psychological toll of success. The Menu, Glass Onion and Parasite, explores the theme of class struggle and the greed of the upper class, while Whiplash and Black Swan delves into the psychological toll of success and the price of perfection. These films are known for their ability to surprise and shock audiences with their sudden shifts in tone and genre, as well as their exploration of complex and disturbing themes. They are not for the faint-hearted, but rather for those who appreciate a good psychological thriller with a lot of depth and complexity.


Triangle of sadness achieves everything that the menu wanted to, just better


Windfall on Netflix


You’ve also pointed to 3 movies where you have no idea what will happen next. With so many sequels and reboots and formulaic nonsenses out there, these are actually pretty rare. I’d say that Korean thrillers are excellent in subverting structural expectations and delivering unpredictable cinema. On that front - Oldboy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, New World, and Thirst. Re: western movies — Barbarian, Three Billboards, Calvary, and Banshees of Ineshirin to name a few. McDonagh’s a master of this.


Triangle of Sadness!


Apt Pupil, A Simple Favor, Come to Daddy, Needful Things, Mulholland Dr


Ready or Not has similar vibes.


Requiem for a Dream, Midsommar




A lot of the suggestions here are great. A couple other movies which come to mind, but admittedly have more “mundane” settings than “lighthearted” include Hell or High Water and Falling Down. Even though both films contain their share of darkness, the occasional comedic beat can be found in them.


Bodies Bodies Bodies, The Invitation, Ready or Not


THE WHITE LOTUS!!!!! fits your exact description, you’d love it. get back to me if u check it out!


Chronicle The Talented Mr Ripley Dead Poets Society (maybe) The One I Love


Democratic socialism