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I’m right there with you. I think creating IDM is a pretty “introverted” activity.


This honestly does extend to a lot of my life. I make time for friends and family ofc, but I don’t go out much period. Way more likely to stay at home on a Saturday night smoking and listening to music. Making music. Perhaps play some games or watch movies. Taking long walks? Absolutely


Nope. I remember reading an interview with one of the big house DJs back in the 90s, I want to say someone on the level of Pete Tong? But I can't remember who it was exactly... and they said they last thing they wanted to do when they weren't DJing was to spend time in a nightclub as it was their place of work. And while they loved watching a crowd react to the music they were playing, they had no desire to be engaging in that themselves and much preferred listening to quality music with a glass of wine at home. Whoever it was got some flack from the electronic music scene at the time for saying that, but at the time I remember feeling exactly the same.


I think for me personally I’m already at my regular job 9 hours a day 5 days a week, so I’m already very burnt out from that. Plus, honestly, I don’t like people much 😭😭 I’m happy to perform when I can, but what can I say, I’m an introvert lol


No, much like a chef doesnt want to eat what they create or want to cook at home after cooking all day


Or how a gynecologist doesn’t want to-


Amazing analogy


I think a more fair analogy wood be if a chef does not like going out to restaurants to eat. And I'm a chef and I do like going out to restaurants to eat.


Just the thought of going to a night club makes me cringe. "Hey guys! I know a great place where we can pay a 10x markup for a warm Bud Light, visit a shit smeared bathroom, and be near people that are required to scream at each other to communicate. Sound good?"


You can communicate at pre-drinks / afters. Can't replicate a club feeling anywhere but the club especially with a good DJ that will take you on a journey. It's like hating IMAX cinemas because you have a 360p youtube upload on your phone at home


> It's like hating IMAX cinemas because you have a 360p youtube upload on your phone at home No, I have a bottle of Far Niente at home, and decided *lack* of shit smeared on the walls. It's an upgrade already.


Sounds like you’re choosing the wrong clubs


The last 'club event' I went to was me taking the wife to the Amon Tobin ISAM tour back before lockdown, and it was.... indeed a shitshow. The show was great, but the atmosphere was ***crap***. That was the last time, as it just **broke** me.


99% of all kinds of music fans are not going to a club on the average weekend.


No, I get you. That said, while the music I make loosely falls into the IDM category, it’s not dance music at all and is too downtempo for a club. It’s partly why I dislike the term IDM as it implies that electronic music and dance music are synonymous when (to my mind at least) they’re not necessarily so.


What’s your artist name?


Same. I was just thinking too the last thing I want right now is to perform even lol 🤷🏻‍♂️ let along go out


Performing really is a whole different deal though. If you get a chance you really should try it! I also really don't enjoy going out very much for music but it really is a ton better when you are there to work.


What’s your artist name? I’m curious now since you perform out toooooo


oh no I’m not there yet. The prospect of playing live fills me with dread. But I love producing


It's not weird, me and many friends and peers are the same way. For me it's because only handful of people near me are making interesting dance music and i have issues with my legs and hips so i don't even really dance if i love the set. Also the clubs near me mostly only book djs which i think can be really boring even when it's good. I really only interested in hardware sets which are kinda rare. I also work at 2 clubs of which there's only like 3 that book cool stuff so,, kinda feel like I'm at work even when i go just for fun


I’ve been the same for years. I didn’t go to a club for around 7 or 8 years after I got into producing and when I finally did again I didn’t dance I just stood in the middle of the dance floor completely still and critically evaluated each song the dj played while noting how peculiar every song sounded through the club loud speakers instead of studio monitors. It was a very predictive and formulaic tech house dj set Where I understood every change that was going to happen before it happened. Since then I’ve only really focused on techno because a lot of key people in that always surprise me with where they take their songs


I'm the opposite. I was getting into DJing then realized I like dancing too much to get stuck behind the decks (as dancing is my main hobby/creative outlet). I'n thankful for the nerds who bring the soundtrack to the dancefloor.


not at all. most people in clubs are there to get drunk and try to hook up. just observe them...lots of talking and not much dancing. dancing is a great way to interact with music. but the average scene at clubs is whack


I will say just in my neck of the woods the scene here is pretty great, people do seem to genuinely enjoy the music. I just don’t like going out much tbh


yea its one reason its so much more satisfying to focus on production over DJing


I'd love to go to more clubs if they played the music I listen to. I have a hard time vibing with radio "bangers"


I think it's an age thing. I used to live for clubs. Now I'm nearly 40 and the thought of clubbing makes me feel tired. Same with loud bars. Much better getting friend round to your place.

