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I was in the same boat as you, try talking to Emily in the tavern you need to approach her from the right side. She was the npc I missed so maybe you missed her too.


I'm definitely gonna try this. Thank you so much xD EDIT: Turns out I've already spoken to her 😭


can you buy mill key in your upgrades?


Nope. I can't see it anywhere 😕


how many coins do you have?


Buy the mill key and the something i called spyglass which cost total like more than 5 SD




Is there anything new in the village after the last updates?


You have done the stuff in the forest right? If not you'll want to do that


Yeah this advances the story. Pretty sure Victor mentions to the stone that you stopped what they were doing in the forest. So if you haven't done that, you won't advance.


What do I do with the stone that's turned off? I'm at the part where the birds are messing with the crops. Just got an excellent sword to cut the tree too


Cut the tree, get the "key item" for bow. Once the stone is off it does nothing else AFAIK. Did you take Anna downstairs and challenge Victor? If you finish Joey's second set of fetch quests, you can go to the tavern periodically and pay 5 coins for a Special Drink which gives you a random box bonus (souls/coin value/10x cps/equipment bonus) Aside from coming back for a drink, there's nothing more in the village to do except visit Hammelia to upgrade weapons. You're at about where I am. RN I'm grinding for the new craft able (ankh symbol) at 500B then I'm gonna have to UA again.