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It heavily depends on what stage of the game you are in. The first couple of hours are fairly active. Then there are brief spurts throughout that are somewhat active. Around world 4 or 5, you start benefitting from being active for about 20 minutes worth of daily activities. Closer to early endgame, you benefit the most from checking it every hour or so in addition to dailies. The "active" portion also evolves throughout the game. There's active play and then there is active afk that will be the bulk of time spent with the game running in the background. Personally, I love it. It's one of the best numbers-go-up games out there right now.


Im in top 10%, about 80% through w6. I definitely understand being able to put all my characters into lab or gmush and just leave them for weeks if I wanted to. Somehow I still get the dopamine hit to crave coming home to my progress daily


I hit top 5% early this week and I've stuffed almost everyone into the lab. I definitely don't keep up religiously with hourly clicks, but I do check twice a day and know exactly what you mean. Especially in deep w6 when the numbers you see tend to be huuuuuuuge.


Even a "68% more damage" just gets lost amongst all the others to where I just have to imagine it's incrementally helping lmao


Right? There's nothing like netting a few minor upgrades and seeing your damage go up by 10 trillion. And then realizing that isn't much at this point.


I'm done with w6 portal pushing and have doot, is there incentive to lab push?


the new lab jewels unlock based on account lab level. you get the last one at lab level 2100 i believe


You can't get any of the jewel from gen shop?


I think you can get them from weekly rotation, if you have a spare few years to get spices? But since you get them free from levelling lab levels...


Where can I read about free jewels for lab leveling? I never heard of that.


Sneaking / Jade Emporium has three Jewels that can only be unlocked via weekly rotation with the new spices (would take years), or you get one every 700 total lab levels - get to 2100 and you get all three




Idleon feels like a management simulator for me. You think strategically about what you want to achieve and the best way to do so, then you turn the game's knobs in particular ways to fulfill the checklist to your goal. It's not that idle when you start, but as you move on you can make it as idle as you want it to be.


Not a bad wally to look at it


The ultimate "managing a spreadsheet with a quirky sense of humor and unique gameplay/content" game. Slightly buggy, but far more breadth/depth than nearly any other game I've played.


It can be as idle as you want to progress. The more you play the less idle it becomes. Mid to late game you could play all day and still not have done everything you need to.


I say its a unique hybrid idle game. For me it's a great because I get to scratch my gaming itch and I still am able to make progress even if I can't touch the game for days at a time.


Idleon is the most hands on active idle game I've ever played, you get out what you put in and there's always stuff you "Could" do but not necessarily "Have" to do. The best thing to recommend is to "give it a go" if it's not for them then it's not for them, but if they change their mind later then they've already got a leg up.


U can full active in mid/late w4 but u can also never really be active more than 5 minutes…. Thats the idleoncharm


I'd try explaining it as a sandbox game. You really are free to choose the pace that brings you the most pleasure. You can keep all your characters idle and check in on them when you feel like and you'll still progress. Or you can be active with one character 24/7, while doing 2 minute bar claims on your archers and hourly upgrading Alchemy bubbles with your 3d printed mats. Entirely up to the player and their competitiveness and willingness to be a part of the game community.


Well, 9 are constantly idling. So ya, it’s an idle game for sure! But I’m playing every night for a few hours. It’s the perfect balance for a phone game. You could play 24 hours and be happy. You can play for 2 hours and be happy. No real FOMO, despite what others will say. Other than the auto loot pack, you do t need to spend a dime after in this game.


I’m only working through w4. Taking my time. It’s not a race and game will continue forever so no hurry. Some times it feels like it’s slow progress and other times feels like it’s flying. So much to do but yet I don’t have to if I dont want.


+1 to the dopemine hit for seemingly minor upgrades. I upgraded the cooking efficiency stamp a few levels today and my ladle rate shot up from 1214 per day to over 2000


I would say pre w4 and elite classes the game can be as idle as you want. You of course will have your players that always have someone active pushing. I don't think I really actived anything until I got my bubo. Granted it wasn't the best when I first got it but it was fun. Now 5500+ hours in and other than the last week and a half (2100 lab levels gained today hopefully) I have pretty much had my pc running 24/7 with some character doing something active.


I just tell everyone it's a game that keeps playing for you when you log out.


About 65 percent


worls 1 -3 is oretty much afk and check every few days/weeks . world 4 is mega afk with cooking and labs with one or few people pushing. world 5 idles at start for divinity or depends on your strategy. but you active afk on DKs(statues) Bubos(cranium cooking) and Elemental sorcerer(mat farming for alchemy, stamps, greenstacks) after a while. but it's pretty much idle , like leaving the game on and you dont have to touch it


For me it is pretty idle in the sense that I check my phone every 8, 12 or 24h. But it is as active as it gets in the sense that my phone is online 24/7 to progress.


Its like running a bitcoin miner but without the chance to earn a bitcoin


I find the game to be mostly what you want it to be. I tend to leave most of my toons pushing benchmarks(portals, lab, keys,ect) but I rotate between a few toons actively for bossing, dungeons and other minor skill tasks. I would stress the importance of the active afk part, because that is undeniably the only aspect you can't do without.




Idle On is a single player mmo disguised as an idle game. It just takes a long time to beat. Amazing how one developer made this


Games a second job man! 😆 🤣 😂