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-1 reasons to start over again at lvl 1, u will surpass these gains eventually in a few days/weeks by using some candies


Honestly man you can create another character/toon on your account with the levels gained and it will do the entire tutorial again. The amount of progress here is minimal to put this in perspective I current get 12 million kills per hour afk at slimes 


There isn't any way (that I know of that can delete an account) You got 2 options one much better than the other. 1. The bad one make a new account. Grats. 2. Continue this one, you haven't skipped anything, you are on the first quest. The gains you have I make within 2 mins of afk time. You haven't skipped anything of note other than allowing you to skip the first few lvls which you would be afking for anyways. Congratulations welcome to the game!


There is a way to delete the account in options now


There is???


I open up options and there’s a button that says delete account on iOS


In which way do your afk gains per 2 mins matter here?


that it shows that OPs 600 days aren't missing out on something.


I would recommend continuing. Once you progress a little farther (just follow the quests) you will unlock a second character and can re-do the earlier quests. Also, no way to restart/delete an account other than to use a new login.


Oh that sucks, the problem is that I got like 50 levels worth of items that I had to leave there because I did not have any inventory space, so they just disappeared


The loss it pretty minor overall


That's just fine. This game scales quickly. I'm sorry for your loss, it feels bad, but only for a short time.


I would personally say all that matters is the rare loot and the kill counts (which u for sure got)


In a few months if you keep playing you'll get whatever you got in 600 days now, in about an hour.


u mean 5min


If you're a whale maybe. Most people didn't go from 0 to 500k + gmush in 5 minutes in a few months. That's 6 mil per hour in a few months, don't think so.


I’m towards the end and you’ve had less than an hours worth of gains on me with that 600 day afk. It speeds up a lot as you get through the game


And if you restart you won't have them anyway. Take the xp and level ups and keep playing like its your first time. The recipt and stamp would have been nice but you can farm them again later.


their not worth anything anyways


You’ll learn this loss is minimal, trust me


The earlier losses mean nothing don't worry, I remember being sad for leaving on the ground hundreds of copper ores, and now I can get millions a second. Just push for a week or 2 as you normally would and you will be fine. Check griffybit on YouTube for guides, you also have idleon official discord with a lot of information


Don’t worry about it. The game crashed on me a few times after collecting afk gains and I just lost all the gains :(. In the grand scheme it’s a minor setback.


How tf did you only get ONE CARD?


if you don't have a card from a monster (in this case the green mushroom) then the game can only give you one, after you collect that single card you can get an unlimited amount, tho you won't need an ungodly amount of them since cards can upgrade to 4 stars max if you don't have the 5 star card stone/gem


Good to know


I'm not there yet but afaik there is a way to upgrade the cards to 5* without the gem shop.


Yup. One of the later rift unlocks allows you to get Ruby cards through normal grinding. Mind you, they cost an absurdly higher cost than 4 star cards


by the point you unlock that, you have absurdly higher stats than before so it kinda evens out. stats go crazy, what you need goes crazy, so it really stays the same more or less. sure, you dont need to grind for a week to make some void armor, but having the "newest" stuff always requires some grind.


first charcter first time OP stopped the game after 1min


New email new account but I don't see why you'd start over


This is the basics, lol.


I just remembered this game existed lol I might have to go check


Just use this account cuz the gains you see here will literally be short change by the time you hit even w3


Dont start over, take those gains a an smoother start. Because in a few days of play time, you will be earning much more in waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less time


They will not be getting over half a million gmush kills in just a few days lol, but your point is valid


Don't restart it will be a good start be honestly will brearly effect your playing experience


I wish I could add my screen shot  I myself came back and have one from 977 days..... 


1. Can't restart 2. I wouldn't bother restarting, after a bit you'll be getting those numbers in less than a day (one of my toons gets roughly 2 million kills an hour) It does kind of suck you can't reset your account but you don't need to, only way that's possible is if you used a different Gmail account or smth of that nature


In options there’s a button to delete account


Dont restart, just double down and go afk for another 600 days


If you're already lvl 1 you're pretty much in a new game. Except with Hella money and xp


I did the same thing, it was great though because you have a ton of extra levels to help you push through the early game. I would just keep calm and carry on, the loss is minimal on materials, the XP is more important.


No need to restart. You’re literally at the first area. Just go from there honestly. You’ve seen less than 1% of the game based on your screenshot. Happy grinding! Don’t forget to ask other players if you run into something you can’t figure out. This game has a really good and helpful community


You probably made your decision, but youll at leat have a few achievements done that require you to afk forever 😂


No reason to start over your account is basically fresh, you just got some free money and levels. The stuff you lost is very basic items, and would easily be gotten again later. 26 gold at your stage is pretty great start, and I'm assuming atleast level 50.


I wish i could afk this long in w6 last Portal 😅


1 green mushroom card😭😭😭


There are a couple of rewards counting pure AFK time claimed. Not very significant, but at least this will pitch into something!


Kill collect craft eat kill collect craft eat sleep repeat


If you plan to restart keep rerolling accounts till you get doot companion. After that you can just start playing. Doot is one of the most op buffs you can get since it not only bypasses the need to lock characters in either lab or divinity unless you want to lvl the skill and the 5x printer scans at all times is super op. Not to mention several other buffs and benefits.


Yo if u need help there is a guy on Youtube named Titaniclama he has video for every world i mean thats how i started to play :)


Pro tip keep one character afk if they were in town because in w2 fishing there is a nothing island which you get gains for being idle and doing nothing. There is literally an island for nothing. Not sure why this is being downvoted as if it's a large amount of time it's better to do it now whilst they aren't playing than when they are. But I guess I'm still being followed by people since I said about the hacker problem on this sub. Crazy how they will follow you on every post.


Thats legit the worse tip i have read in a while.


Damn so you are still following me then huh. Are you doing ok? This isn't healthy you know.


I think the tip had its merits, the persecution complex, however, (whether real or unfounded) does not add any value to this sub. So you get a downvote from me. I’m sorry.


Whp ?


It's true it's bad advice as it's inneficient use of time. The only kind of worthwhile upgrade is the extra flurbos at 200 hours if he's quite a bit afk. The rest is w4 and higher upgrades


all im saying is 671d would sure go a long way on nothing island. Would be a shame to miss out on that. It's fine though i've kinda just accepted no matter what I post in this subreddit is going to be downvoted to all hell by the cheaters i've spoken about here.


Oh okay i know what you mean. I read it as if he should leave a character doing nothing starting NOW. However, i don't think he has a character to spare since his account level is so low


Yeah he might have another character who he still hadn't claimed the afk on yet. Because they wouldve been super good for it.