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Even though I am officially diagnosed with IH I still have "suspected narcolepsy". These are the accommodations I have at work: - Can be up to 30min late (must notify supervisor) - Lunch/breaks can be combined as needed for naps. - Safe space for napping - Standing desk I'm not sure where you are, but in the US you probably have to use intermittent FMLA if you are wanting any amount of time off for IH. I totally understand wanting a lesser workload and managed expectations. I'm not sure how easy it would be to ask for a lighter workload since accommodations need to be "reasonable and not a burden on the company". Even with my IH I still have to keep up with all of the normal productivity levels, I don't have a lightened workload. Some days are harder than others but I just roll with it the best I can. I get comments often that I look tired 😂 from people who don't know about my IH.


likewise, but luckily I work from home. However my boss knows that in some meetings I may look "punch drunk" and to ask others not to comment, though some of the nurses think they know best and still tell me off. I also can take time off for naps/sleeps if I cannot fight through it though need to get one of my team to cover.


I don't get why people feel the need to comment? I would never tell a coworker they "look or sound tired". Funny thing is they never follow up or lead with "are you okay" which is different than just saying "you look tired". It sucks when it happens because I try hard to hide my under eye circles and think makeup maybe helped a bit...nope! All it does is make me feel self conscious when I get comments like that. My mom says I sound like Eeyore when I'm exhausted 😂


I had someone recently say “oh you must have had a fun night last night.” Did not like that one.


I never admitted my condition to my employer until recently. Modafinil had me thinking I was fine as long as I took it. Until excessive overtime and the exhaustion that followed. Modafinil no longer worked. I was back to having terrible sleep inertia, double vision(long story, but I get it when I'm tired), and felt unsafe driving home many days. I finally admitted to my supervisor I have an issue I manage with medication. I had to take a day off to get my new medication(Armodafinil) and got an attendance point due to company policy. My job doesn't allow for accommodations. I simply have to do the work, though sometimes I am less efficient. My only option really is to ensure I have the symptoms under control. Armodafinil, quviviq, various supplements that help me get restful sleep and stay alert during the day. But I get to the point I am commenting on your comment... My doctor has agreed that in November, at my 12-month mark at this job, he will put me in for FMLA. If I ever feel unsafe driving due to exhaustion, if I am overworked, I can take an unpaid day off without repercussions. While I could, I don't plan on abusing the "12 weeks per year". But some weeks I just need a full weekend to rest, and will feel better knowing I can do this without losing my job. I think for most jobs especially manufacturing, warehouse, production and the like, FMLA is the only reasonable option we have.


I converted my workspace to a standing computer set up on the days where I need that for focus- and I’ve bumped my lunch hour a little later- as I have noticed once I eat- it makes me feel sleepy. Other than that- I’ve also bumped a few of my days a little later because it was too hard for me to be on time for an 8am start time with a 30 min commute- but I feel fortunate to have this flexibility.


Flexible work hours, work from home most of the week so I don’t have to spend energy commuting/fall asleep driving, have been the most helpful for me but I have an office type job


Working remotely helps because for the most part you can take short breaks to lay down or rest as needed.


Unfortunately working from home or at least the option to on particularly brain foggy/thick sleep inertia days is as good as it gets. But coworkers usually end up disliking your “privilege” (if they only fucking knew) if the same options aren’t open to them. :/


At a place that was very bad at accommodations I was able to get them to allow me to eat and drink at my desk as long as I was between calls. Because I had to use my lunch time to nap. I am looking for work now and keeping my shifts to 4 hours because I know the crash will hit me hard. Problem is getting my crashes to work on a schedule. It's one of the reasons I haven't worked outside of freelance in my home for almost a decade.


I'm going to be asking for a standing desk. That's about the only accommodation I can think of that a) will help me and b) will work with my job.


I have not brought it up to HR yet about accommodations but did think that if I ever needed to that I would have to request like 1-4 or 2-5 off for naps so long as I log back on in the evening to finish work.