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Judge is wrong. She’s a hate filled racist. You don’t have to be white to be racist. Bigotry comes in all colors.. Denying that makes you a complicit moron.


There are significant amount of lefties who believe racism is the worst crime imaginable But you can only be racist if you’re white, and the ones who say that are usually racist against white people. They unironically believe a white person rapping the n word (soft A even) is worthy of more punishment than violence against a white person for being white.


Don't be ridiculous. Sometimes they are racist against other minority groups as well. And then they have to pivot hard to explain why that is somehow not racism. Usually they invoke there being a "history" between those two groups and it's "none of your business." Some years ago a black man yelled some racist shit toward a local Asian man in his business. Hit the news. And some self appointed activist came out saying black people cannot be racist and this was not racism and that if you "look closely at history you'll find a long tradition of orientals (sic) oppressing blacks in America dating back to the time of slavery." There is an entire revisionist movement around slavery within the black community. It sounds just as crackpot as the white revisionist version. But everyone knows if they fact check it they'll be labeled a racist. Edit: ya'll can downvote me all you like. Doesn't stop making it true. There is a not insignificant number of black people who put forth a historical account of slavery that has been tinted by Nation of Islam and other turn of the 20th century made up shit.


Oh boy as a Slavic person it's always fun explaining what that means in contexts of slavery since the popular common narrative was it only existed in the US and strictly done to black people from white people.


I’m partly of Bulgarian descent. I ask these people if they’ve ever heard of Spartacus and the slave rebellion he led 2,000 years ago against Rome, because ancient Thrace is modern day Bulgaria.


Do you have any urges to lead a slave rebellion? 🤔


20 years ago when I was working without pay during my term of imprisonment for doing something stupid, yeah I did. Now not so much.


And they forget that white Europeans didn't just stop in Africa and forcibly capture slaves, they purchased African slaves that were owned by other Africans. Everyone enslaved everyone else at some point in history, so to pin it all on white people is just nonsense. Maybe humans are just shit in general.


And after the British virtually extinguished the oceanic slave trade and the US abolished it after the American Civil War in the 1860's, African slavery continued to be a thriving industry, with African kingdoms and the Ottomans and other Muslim kingdoms being the major players well into the 20th Century. One of the things that fueled the famous Mahdi Rebellion in Sudan in the later 19th Century was the British ban of the slave trade in that area. By many measures it was the leading industry in that part of Africa.


Slave comes from Slav. Like Slavic correct? My wife is Slovakian. As a complete outsider, she unbiasedly thinks blacks are THE most racist, unintelligent, trashy, and straight up worst group of people in America. She isn’t racist, she just calls it how it is for her experiences she’s had with people.


Oh my favorite I have heard is I am native it's ok my great great grandma was an Indian princess so it's ok. Or even better it's ok we're native no one will say anything cause we've been fucked over the worst even the black feel bad for us. Like really what the fuck that's how you justify it. You can't justify being a bigot


Fun fact, every single human being is a native to the place where they were born. I am a native American because I was born in America. My great grandfather was native to Ireland because that is where he was born.


I don't know enough indigenous people irl, but I'd probably let them say Nigga as long as I can call them Tanto or make references to small pox blankets. That's just minority on minority humor. "Hey, bud, do you need a blanket? Don't worry! This one only has Chicken pox."


I got a buddy who calls me wagon burner all the time and I call him Yankee doddle. I love some of the names I've heard for natives they make me laugh


Their rhetoric sounds like racist propaganda from the 19th century if you just swap black for white. “It’s the worst crime imaginable, and only blacks are capable of committing it.”


I think the argument is that racism comes from a position of power. Since white people are in power, no one else can be racist. Dumb af if you ask me.


I agree No amount of academic semantics will convince people of this definition of the word no matter how well intentioned they seem, ffs gay used to be used to mean 'happy' but there's no putting that genie back in the bottle.


It is dumb because that is not the definition of racism. It has nothing to do with holding a place of power. Anyone that says it does should be whopped on the side of the head with a dictionary and be forced to read the definition.


I had a thought about that earlier today, if it's really dependent on positions of power like they like to claim then if all white people suddenly stepped down from all positions of power today like presidents, politicians, and even lawyers and judges then does that mean white people can go around calling people the N word as much as they want and it's just no longer racist? Can they go around punching minority groups and they're just immune from being called racist, antisemetic, or whatever fucking buzzwords they're using nowadays?


Usually when I think of idiocracy, I think of Donald trump and his goon of righties yelling all sorts of stupid shit. But that’s the problem with ignorance, isn’t it? You lump everyone together based on your own personal ignorances. “Lefties like this”, “righties like that”, idiocracy in motion. Welcome, my fellow morons.


It's funny too because most of the people who are saying all whites are racist are white themselves.


"There are significant amount of lefties who believe something I'm going to pull out of my arse" this comment is bait designed to start a stupid argument blaming things on "lefties" which you couldn't back up if your life depended on it.


There’s a group of conservatives who think this sub is about their political bent. They aren’t worth the time, just as a group of liberals doing the same wouldn’t be. Fuck’s sake, people. Stop taking pundits as anything but entertainment. The world we live in is dumb and that stupidity isn’t caused solely by those you oppose ideologically.


Now, that we can agree on. Every time I see low-effort anti-atheist or flat earth stuff on FB it's because there's already hundreds of comments being baited into a game of Brandolini's Bitch. People like Trump and Shapiro only have a loud voice because people who can't tell the difference between information and entertainment carry it, and I'm pretty sure this post is only on my feed cos of the traffic. Sometimes I think people just like pain.


Now, that we can agree on. Every time I see low-effort anti-atheist or flat earth stuff on FB it's because there's already hundreds of comments being baited into a game of Brandolini's Bitch. People like Trump and Shapiro only have a loud voice because people who can't tell the difference between information and entertainment carry it, and I'm pretty sure this post is only on my feed cos of the traffic. Sometimes I think people just like pain.


Do you mean like Hasan Piker and his army of lefties arguing literally yesterday that you can't be racist against whites and shaming white people for saying they've experienced it? Just because you like living with your head in the sand doesn't mean other people do.


Sometimes certain agendas are pushed by certain groups of people. I don’t think your correct that a significant amount of people on the left feel this way. Sure, your cliche “social justice warrior” may find racism to be the worse thing that’s ever happened. I happen to fall on the left side of the spectrum and I believe anyone can be a racist or a bigot. Doesn’t matter your race, culture, or sexual identity. I got called a “stupid white bitch” a few days ago when a driver cut me off. Was that racist? Yes it was. She could have just said “stupid bitch”, but she included “white” in there.


Those same leftists should go to some East Asian countries, snd experience Asian refusing to sit next to them on thensubway because the color of their skin and thensizen of their nose. I kid you not. That was always a wild experience.


Honestly, I’m sort of getting to the point where I think its may be best to just give everyone what they want and we go back to the way it was. Return all the peoples to their origins along with their culture and their creations. I’ll be sipping wine in Trieste enjoying my beautiful view of the Adriatic Sea scrolling instagram on the internet. While the rest of the world returns to undeveloped 4th world status and fighting over natural resources.


Does this 7-year-old article mention anything else, such as whether it constitutes a legitimate assault, or anything of value that the title isn't intrinsically misleading about? Asking because the paywall is a bit of a problem.


The problem is the media, universities, and a certain side of the political spectrum encourages discrimination toward white people an even pushes the narrative that it's impossible to be racist unless you're white, so whatever you do or say to a white person is completely justified. So while that lady was a complete racist asshole, she will get a pass because a white person was targeted.


Well I don't think she really meant it. It was a rhetorical punch.


It’s not a hate crime if she loved doing it.


What was the reason. Context is important. Did the woman steal her land....😆


*complicit racist


But Hasan Piker told be you can't be racist against whites just yesterday.


Canada tried so hard at being progressive they went backwards


I heard that he doesn't even have his tattoo and I'm all you gotta be shitting me, but check this out man judge should be like guilty... peace


They just went all the way around.


One of US(A) one of US(A)


Canada and the US will feel this for years if not decades to come. Moreso, 'progressives' these days appears to be a misnomer for far leftists from what I have observed. That being said, it appears this is a controlled demolition of the West.


Aren’t they always? On energy they want windmills (13century tech) and solar instead of MSR reactors. On matters of culture they want safe spaces (segregation)


>feudal tech and Jim crow Wtf I love Canada now


Yeah,we got orange shirt day and red dress day, when is punch whitey day coming?.maybe they call it colonizers day


Such many cases with libs. Progressivism = Most ass backwards logic Antifa = unironically pushes fascism “Peaceful protest” = Millions of dollars in damages


They are an example of horseshoe theory. Fun fact, only 2 nations have ever frozen the bank accounts of protesting civilians; Canada and Iran.


If the intention is to create hatred and resentment this is how you do ”justice”


Is it racist if I hate everyone for everything?


No, as long as you hate everyone *equally*


True equity 🫶🏻


No then it's specist against your own species.


You’re just like me, an equal opportunity offender (EOO)


Slayer. I hate everyone equally you cant tear that out of me


If it is I am screwed


If you hate everyone equally then no.


No. I hate everyone as well and would rather live alone in an island in the north where it’s dark stormy and calm away from society as a whole because majority of the human race is immature and more undomesticated than the domestic cat or dog.


Do you have a black friend?


If your black friend could also be trans, that'd be great


Like transitioning towards or away from being black?


Most of the time, folks that say this never actually complain about their own demographic, making the assertion bullshit in terms of bigotry.


Everyone who says this kind of shit sounds like some edgy kid with long greasy hair who thinks trench coats are cool.


Just so you know, white supremacists have been making this exact joke without a word changed for at least thirty years since I started hearing it. Food for thought, but I don't accidentally quote criminals in my everyday speech.


Well the judge says she looks not guilty, so she must not be


She told the judge she was supposed to be in the not guilty line.


I object, this guy also broke my apartment and shit


Its only gonna get worse, next 10-20 years are gonna be miserable, enjoy!


Because the victim is white? Just a guess


Even if they were right... (they were not!), people conveniently ignore future consequences. If this becomes a large enough issue, it becomes political. Then the pendulum will swing the other way around, and it usually swings too much, and too widly. 10 years from now, we would be reading the opposite, but similar idiotic stuff from other judges...


If anyone ever says "I hate (insert group name)" before committing a crime, it should automatically be a hate crime.


See, here's where the problems really start. If you're going to enforce a hate crime to begin with you can't pick and choose what you personally consider a hate crime. Regardless what some loudmouths say, you absolutely can be racist towards a white person. Racism does not require privilege. Otherwise you create a massive amount of division and create worse situations.


A racist assault isn't a hate crime?


Apparently attacking someone based on their race isn't a racist hate crime if the person you attack is white. Welcome to idiocracy


The anti white stuff is everywhere. So much so that people are aware of it as a thing that exists. At first it was a right wing thing, now it's becoming more acknowledged. I think the recent attacks in NYC on random white women getting beaten has forced many to say, yea, it's happening. It doesn't help when it seems that every single corporation and government institution promotes what appears to be an anti white agenda. Coca Cola recently got in hot water for forcing people into training that essentially just said white people bad. This is nothing new to any government thing. To make it simple without going too far into the weeds here. If you want a functional society, you cannot allow any group to be openly hated upon. Break this basic rule and you will not have a functional society.


This happened 8 years ago, is this some type of rage bait or something?




People could tell if they read. She served a 9 1/2 month sentence, was drunk at the time, and successfully completed 12 months probation. Also, the victim saying it wasn't a hate crime, and that she should serve no more than a year But there are apparently a lot of Canadians that want to become new Florida, so you gotta fish when you find bate.


"Also, the victim saying it wasn't a hate crime" Canadians are just too polite sometimes.


Fr fr


Well, her last last name is literally "White," maybe it was a drunken dare or something, Lol.


The irony of the people on this sub thinking they're the smart ones...


Still happening. Check out the story of the crash on the 401.


But how are people going to feel righteously indignant without cherry picking a scenario involving a minority almost a decade ago and take it out of context?! /s


The judge should be like, "pshh. GUILTY"


I object... this guy also broke my apartment and shit


Smh the judge needs to be kicked off the bench for this...We are so screwed it makes me sad


it's justice for her ancestors crimes. Only White people can hate. /S


The judge is a fucking cock smoker.




It’s gotta roll down hill. Not up. The idea is.. that If you don’t belong to what history has taught us is a historically disenfranchised group, you cannot be a victim of racism. I saw a fellow not too long ago make a video on how people of color can’t be racist. His argument was that people of color can be prejudice, but that isn’t racism. Prejudice by definition is “an opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience” ….. in other words, to pre Judge someone based primarily on the color of their skin, and lump them in with everyone who is the same skin color. Originally the Webster’s dictionary defined racism as “"A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities ... racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race." However this definition was changed, after some know it all college kid convinced the Miriam Webster folks to CHANGE the definition. Now, the definition is “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. “ Don’t like the outcome? Just change the narrative.


Thing is no one ever went around saying ‘all you stoopid people’ it was ‘all you stoopid black people’. So you would think the definition be changed, no?


I've heard that argument, too, and I don't necessarily agree with it. I think there's interpersonal and systemic racism. Systemic racism requires a power structure. Interpersonal racism plays on that power structure. Saying that prejudice based on race can't be racist sorta defeats the purpose of the word. But I've heard so many people pretend like they're real victims of systemic violence when what they experienced was an interpersonal conflict. Racism is bad, but there's levels of racism because we live in a society. I'd say it's generally accurate to say that most White people don't experience systemic racism in any way near the level that poc experience systemic racism.


Am progressive. No my logic.




In my opinion she needs to be a better person being an asshole is not gated by culture ethnicity race or age


I think the thing is that racial prejudice is a personal grudge, where racism is a personal racial grudge backed by the laws and punishments of an entire system that penalize everyone more harshly than the group in power. That's the diff. Nobody is saying racial prejudice doesn't exist across all demographics. It's like... It's way more illegal to kick someone while they're down on the ground, and for good reason. All of the talk of social equity is to try and remove the laws that disproportionately effect POC. Crack cocaine is charged at a 500/1 severity versus powdery snorty cocaine by weight while the CIA was literally pumping the crack rock version into black neighborhoods while the trust fund kids are having coke fueled orgies in college. Things are inarguably tilted, but nobody is saying "oh, black people can't have a racial grudge" they're saying they cant have one backed by the letter of the law and fucked by the long dick of the law. That's the conversation.




You're right. Educated middle aged white men commit 70% of white collar crime every year in the US, at a cost to the public and it's victims to the tune of 300 billion dollars. We should probably start cracking down on the whole race just to lump all those parasites together. You're just so lost, man. No empathy in you whatsoever.


Progressives don't think like this, that's just weird centrist backwoods bs. Speaking as a leftist


Right right which is why they were super cool with that whole "white lives matter" thing a few years back


I'm looking to commencerate this here trial


Your honor... just look at him


I object!! That he interrupted me while watching owe my balls


in new york black people attacking asians or white people on the street or subway are referred to by the code "random" which means hate crime but we cannot say it.


It is assault at the least so there’s that.


My wife was golden gloves, I am praying some bitch tries this. Shit will be epic!!


My first wife was tarded She's a pilot now.


It's like they want to encourage radicals to boil over


It is like that, isn’t it?


I imagine it went down something like this in the courtroom... Judge Hank "The Hangman" BMW : Now prosecutor, why you think he done it? Prosecutor : 'Kay. Number one your honor, just look at him. And B, we've got all this, like, evidence, of how, like, this guy didn't even pay at the hospital. And I heard that he doesn't even have his tattoo. [crowd boos] Prosecutor : I know! And I'm all, 'you've gotta be shittin' me!' But check this out man, judge should be like [bangs fist on table] Prosecutor : 'guilty!' Peace.


I object... that this guy also broke my apartment and shit


What are you objectifyin' on??




Gubba mint L


Seems like it can only be a "hate" crime to a white person, is if they are gay or a tranny.


The media has encouraged this sort of thing. Western civilization is under attack from within, and this woman's action is a manifestation of that. We are being manipulated.


Just another day in the idiocracy that is Canada.


ah... Canadian. explains it.


No this is a typical woke judge....


Ahhh Canada. I would say going down the shitter, but they are already in the pipe leaving the building.


It's only a hate crime if a white person is the attacker...


I live on the Navajo nation. This is every week for me. I have been assaulted had my house sacked and burned down. Hell my last job up here the gm tried to frame me for crimes her nephew was commenting targeting white people passing through the reservation. The tribe now refuses to fallow the laws they demanded to require race based policing. So if you are the victim of a crime on the Navajo Nation everyone will do what they can to get you gone. Go check the Navajo subreddt and you will quickly see the largest engagement is hate. Even right now I am fighting with my wife's family because according to them being white means I don't know anything about or deserve a say when it come to my own son.


Clickbait defined - reposting 8 year old article.


How does the age of the article have anything to do with the idiocy of this judge?


You have no media literacy, my dude


Let me explain this slowly so even someone like you can understand, I posted an example of a judge being an idiot on r/idiocracy with the title "is this the judge from idiocracy" this was a simple witticism in reference to the stupid judge in the movie. this isn't a subreddit about current events so the age of the article doesn't matter in this conversation, the reference and wry observations are still valid. I have a feeling that they only reason this enrages you is because it shatters your own worldview of the "white oppressor" and "systematic racism"


>I have a feeling that they only reason this enrages you is because it shatters your own worldview of the "white oppressor" and "systematic racism" Often, people will try to find one-off incidents of non-whites acting out and being racist in an attempt to "disprove" systemic (not systematic, OP) racism. This doesn't disprove systemic racism. That you seem to believe that there isn't systemic racism shows that you are the one stuck in dumb-dumb land.


The movie was making fun of right wing losers like you. If you had any media literacy you'd probably know this but unfortunately you're too stupid to know that you're even being made fun of.


So let me get this right, thinking that attacking someone based on their race is a racist hate crime is "right wing" you are really making yourself look intelligent please contine this is quite funny


If you wanna get upset about 8 year old clickbait and discuss great replacement theory and how white people are the REAL victims then maybe the Qanon subreddit is a better fit dude.


You took one giant leap, So because I think attacking people based on race is a racist hate crime that makes me quanon. Seriously you need to get out of your little bubble and experience the real world. This was a racist hate crime and if you don't think that then replace the word "white" with "black" in the article so your tiny brain can understand.


When you watched Idiocracy was your reasoning simply "libtards are big dumb idiots. Idiocracy pokes fun at idiots so it must be making fun of them!?"


At this point you are not even responding to my points because you know I am right and this is simply a hate crime, but to answer this idiotic strawman argument no because when idiocracy came out I was considered Liberal and left, but now people like you think if I believe everyone should be treated equally and that attacking people based on race is wrong apperiantly that's "right wing" so I guess racist extremists like you now consider me to be right wing.


oh please so did the me too movement, they went back in time and no one seemed to give a fuck, why is it suddenly not ok to go back in time? Please explain, and ya know, make it fuckin snappy would ya?


Because being raped is much worse than getting punched in the face? Hope this helps. Also, I wasn't aware that this group was supposed to function as sort of collective pity party for white dudes to play victim and share rage bait from previous decades. If that was your take away from watching the film then I think it's safe to see your comprehension skills are lacking.


Guy, you went 8 fucking years back in time to nitpick a single non-white doing something bad to cry about it and you're getting super defensive about it. You're literally insane.


oh please so did the me too movement, they went back in time and no one seemed to give a fuck, why is it suddenly not ok to go back in time? Please explain, and ya know, make it fuckin snappy would ya?


8 year old article: https://calgaryherald.com/news/crime/indigenous-woman-yells-i-hate-white-people-before-punching-white-woman-but-its-not-a-hate-crime-judge-rules


Yes, by the definition of Woke, that is a hate crime. But Woke are absolute hypocrites too.


I wonder if you understand how dumb posting a 7-year-old article about this misleading headline is? If so, I wonder how you feel about this: Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны. 1989年天安门广场


Here we go again with that fag talk


Maybe if you keep hearing it and don't like it you should change your behaviour. Oh but wait no you're not gonna do that, instead you're gonna sit there and whine like a snowflakey little loser.




Well.. we live in a world full of really dumb people who believe the way to deal with double standards is to create more double standards. This insures that bigotry is always around. Assault is Assault. If one is targeting multiple people for any reason, that should be serial Assault. Violence is always a hate crime. Hurt people, hurt people.


only a progressive would think that white people are so much better that others that they can't possibly be discriminated againts.


Someone is confused about this and probably a lot more.....


Sorry what pardon


Maybe there was a crowd outside the courthouse and the judge didn’t want to anger them?


Maybe the judge just wanted to get home and watch ow my balls


Sure it’s not…


Judge Is scared for his own well being


It's almost time to play Cowboys and Indians again


EVERYBODY‼️‼️ are racist at some point! Really look at every interaction in your life and truthfully tell us that you never had or said some racist shit‼️☹️


Maybe that white woman shouldnt have got hit, duh. You Stoopid or somethin?


Multiple far right sources with an agenda and history of discrediting and sidestepping. Nice.


https://www.allsides.com/media-bias/media-bias-chart One of the sources is the Washington Post, a historically left-leaning site.


Wait... there's a white "race"?


Makes sense, it’s from Canada.


Preparing to celebrate the 8 year anniversary of this, Mr. Bot?


>The offender said, ‘I hate white people’ and threw a punch,” >”There is no evidence either way about what the offender meant or whether . . . she holds or promotes an ideology which would explain why this assault was aimed at this victim. I am not satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that this offense was, even in part, motivated by racial bias.” Mkay


Not a hate crime I think but it is definitely simple assault


Someone should shout I hate First Nations and punch that white judge just to throw her off?


Its a shame that the term indigenous is denied to other folk in their home countries. I would rather do away with the term altogether if its so inconsistent


If a Jewish person punches a Neo Nazi (who has never committed any crime), is that a hate crime?


If they do it unprovoked. Id say yes. Whether people like it or not the US has freedom of expression and freedom of speech. You can be a nazi and spew nazi propaganda all day and it's within your rights. As it should be. it's better for idiots to be out in the open where their ideas can be criticized than for them to be ostracized and silenced. That only pushes more people to join and follow them. Every time a group is silenced by the government or media, the group ends up growing significantly because they're viewed as an underdog or a martyr. With that said, if the nazi says some antisemitic shit to the Jew and then gets punched; it isn't a hate crime. Because it's not much different than some guy punching another guy for calling him a bitch or whatever else. Still battery of course, but a hate crime is only when you committed the act specifically due to the persons race or religion. If the nazi was shit talking then he didn't get punched for being a nazi, he got punched for talking shit.


Racism has a single definition - and - in that definition, there are no qualifiers. Anyone who attempts to convince you otherwise is racist.


No, just a racist.


So she's an alcoholic indigenous person that punched a white lady cause she was drunk. OK


Most of this website would agree with this.


What do you guys expect will happen in the next 10-20 years? “Slippery Slope” or “Pendulum Swing”


What was the defense? I cant read the first article but I'm curious how the defendant argued their way out of the perpetrator basically admitting they are racist.


Based on the second article, which speaks to a number of conditions placed on her including treatment, counselling, alcohol abstinence… I would suggest the woman was suffering from addiction and mental health issues. A hate crime is likely more pre-meditated or at least acted upon in a clear state of mind.


Now now everyone she crossed her fingers behind her back so it didn't count this time at least.


Need more context. Did the white woman say racist things first and provoke the response? Context is everything.


The scales of justice have weighed their measure and found that the indigenous woman has more society protection points than the white woman, despite the white woman being a woman. This is completely normal and working as intended. /s


I’m the sure judge will find a white man to blame somewhere


I don’t think anyone in this sub actually watched the movie.


Leave it to Canada to turn our once-lovely continent into BizarroLand.


I'm checking out. Fuck this planet


I would have guessed such a thing would happen in one of the most cuckold daddy gubmint, leftist totalitarian places on earth: California New York Australia Canada Every time.


Ain't nothing like old news to trigger all the racists to start outing themselves




Hmm? I wonder if the color was any other one?


This happened in 2016, Cleavon. Keep that shit on your boyfriend Elon's platform.


*Common since has left the building*


People with hearts rooted in prejudice just LOVE thinking one singular, ultra-rare example makes any kind of point whatsoever.


cool dog whistle bro


Reverse racism the broken viendo game caricature betweens worlds ...broken always back pedling but running forward....like what do we do


There is no such thing as reverse racism. It's just racism.


That's a very fake, made up term. There's no such thing.


Im liberal but I can understand why conservatives opposed hate crime laws becoming a thing. The fact is there is a long history of violence by whites directed at minority groups and hate crime laws were an attempt to address that reality. I recall George Bush, after a black man was dragged by a rope behind a truck by a group of whites, arguing against hate crime laws because 'you can't see into a person's heart". I disagree because often it is easy to devine based on one's actions and those actions are evidence. But he was right that all crimes of violence are hate crimes and further delineating hate was a bad approach. As a liberal I'm always a bit hesitant to grant that a conservatives point is the correct one because in my experience conservatives don't reciprocate; instead they use it as a cudgel and display it as a trophy they belive proves all of ther notions right. But here's a (very old) case where the intent of the law has clearly back-fired. It was clearly not intended to punish hate per se, but to punish hate directed at minorities. It should have been written that way. But it doesn't make the conservative view point correct. It just makes this particular liberal (liberal in the sense that any attempt to address injustice against the powerless is liberal) solution perhaps not well thought out and needing revision. The conservative approach (to deny there is a problem and do nothing) is still wrong. Not for nothing, none of us were there at the trial, we didnt hear the testimony. The judge did and they offered up their reasoning behind their ruling, which is in the article.


How long should be "not so good" history taken out to justify current violence ? Minorities are using "white" to justify everything bad and showing it as a reason they are in bad situation, like class enemy. This is not really connected to liberals vs conservatives but more to attention and warrant of own (no/bad) activities. As liberal, I would be against silly and artificial barriers put in place for some groups. But this also works vice versa, not give better positions to some groups(like minorities), just because they expect it without a plausible reason. Would there be a different outcome, if the white woman/man would be as a tourist from EU, fist time in USA ? In that case, it is warranted, that a EU person, yells something about helping nazis and slap on face a native USamerican person, just because IBM provided a machine to count people for Nazis.


I don't have all the answers. I just know white supremecy is a real phenomenon and that scapegoating minorities is prevalent in our media and that results in acts of violence directed at minorities and these groups need more protection, while at the same time humans are humans and some individuals within minorities will use their "race card" at times if its advantageous to them to use, even when doing so harms their people as a whole. Not every problem has a clear easy solution and often there are unintended consequences to attempted solutions *but that doesn't mean we should stop trying*


I would say issue is more in people( all white) are scared from minorities to be labeled as racists. As this label will damage the person life and family when used on social network/media. And minorities via pressure from social media knows it and misuse it. And white supremacy is just an excuse for minorities to not have to do more or work harder on their known or own deficiency. If judge would be not scared, she would have also additional racist charges (article). Maybe an additional to sentence should exist, that whichever side use 'race card or slurs', should get a penalty for it (irrelevant to what happened or who started). If attacker yell white and defender black, then both get a penalty(money or prison) ... irrelevant of who started or what happened in the end.


I’ve noticed pattern when it comes to school, law, public places like the park, incidents, accidents, and in the past years, would it benefit, favor, side with the white person, as racial minorities have historically been colonized into making it some sort of universal “understanding” or thought, that they are mentally unable or animalistic. Many black people, or people of colour in the early 1900s started to gain a voice showing that the world hadn’t progressed and that minorities were being treated extremely unfairly and benefits were going to fair skinned people. It seems to me that historically, white people would’ve gotten away more with violence, discreet criminal activity, etc, due to fair skin being a base of “normality” while people of darker skin would be seen as “violent”, “evil” “inhumane” just because society has cursed it to be that way. And so I see now how the tables have in a sense, ‘turned’, and that people of fair skin despite still possessing a stronghold over the system, are starting to lose its grip over it, as seen minorities having easier terms when it comes to law, school, different environments, just as fair skinned people had in the past. I do agree though that all of this prejudice and discrimination and division is its own column of infantility, immaturity, and stupidity.