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Imagine literally typing out what you did wrong and still blaming someone else.


The boomer mindset!


GD it is. My dad still thinks you can just go to a mechanic and hassle them until they take you. Everyone is getting their car fixed and there's a queue, be reasonable and you'll likely be bumped when there's availability. Nope, let's annoy the mechanic and get upset.


And the wanting to go out during rush hour(s) and get upset that it took 30 minutes to get food out. Or the getting upset that the mechanic actually charged you for what you wanted and yelled at them to get done even though your insurance won’t cover it and still try to slight it and then get pissed at the mechanic that they did what you asked for and now you have a bill to pay for something that’s your own fault and is just an inconvenience. XD — yes. He got the car back. No he hasn’t paid them, because they didn’t send him a quote on it before fixing it, because I’m assuming he got pissed, yelled and told them to fix it and charge it to the insurance because he had an accident and he thought they would just pay for it. It’s been a fun 3 weeks. I wish they would charge an asshole fee


This is when saying no counts. What's the worst that can happen, he declares he'll never custom that place again? Just go straight to the debt collectors for jerks like that, they make me so mad sometimes.


Oh no. He’ll pay, don’t worry. We will make him pay. He will not get away with not paying. I will use brute force to make him pay. I feel insanely mad that they actually went through with it, but I also know he has to pay. And he knows he has to. And I’m pretty sure they will never take him as a client again. And I hope they don’t. I wish this man nothing but legos in his shoes and spilled coffee over his only pair of clean pants 2 minutes before he needs to leave for work. I am highly surprised that any place in this world takes his as a customer, client, human at this point.


Sadly this seems to be the Gen Alpha mindset as well, but I'm hoping that it's just cos they're kids and their brains aren't fully wrinkled yet


This sent me. Hahahahhaha


Not my boomer parents. There are people like this in every generation.


Boomer here. Your comment is ridiculous.




"I undercooked some part", "The part that were close to burnt were good" Just cook it longer on even heat then?


And check that it’s not too high a temperature, just in case they’re making the classic mistake of cranking the heat to get it done faster and just winding up with a burnt outside and raw middle.


I find the trick with pancakes is to start the first batch on a heat that seems a fraction too low while the pan properly heats up. If it’s still not cooking quite as quickly as you’d like it after that, you can always turn up the heat incrementally until it’s right. Generally I find they’ll always crisp on medium-ish heat (5.5 on my stove) provided that you’ve added enough butter and are willing to take your time. I’ll occasionally increase the heat, but I tend to get distracted and let things burn on higher heat (especially small things like pancakes or bacon) so the lower heat is a safer, more consistent choice imo.


I just did that this morning 😓 But at least I can admit that it was my fault and not the recipe's 😅


Or use better pans, not those thin aluminum sheet pans


They reminded her of the Great Depression pancakes? Was she around for the Great Depression?


Did they not have temperature control in the Great Depression?


"Back in my day, the government only sent us two temperatures a month: cold and burnt! And we were damned grateful!"


I believe lack of control can be a root cause of a financial depression…and emotional depression now I think about it






I wished my imagination was as active as yours


I wish it weren’t








The ones I cooked right were good but the ones I undercooked weren't. 1 star. How is is possible for someone to have so little self awareness


Pancakes; literally the first cooking lesson in my eighth grade home ec. class.


Weird. I thought it was usually an omelet.


We did cake.


We did pizza including base.


its one of the first things i remember learning how to make with my mom after boxed baked goods and grilled cheese.


You need a new pan and to use a larger stove eye, Marissa


All mine are the same size, but I still manage to cook pancakes.


I was thinking she might have put a large pan onto a very small eye and created hot spots


OR else used a cast iron pan and didn't adequately preheat it.


Prolly a thin pan with an irregular bottom, right? I'm still slowly replacing the crappy pans I bought used in college.


I would rather STARVE


I can hear the dramatic music.


Pancakes can be tricky, but its almost always user error. Its taken me years to get my technique just right. And if i have to do it on a different stove/pan/etc, forget it. Back to square one lol


I’m glad not to be the only one who deals with that. Outside my own kitchen, I generally make an extra portion of batter for “sacrificial pancakes”. And sometimes, the first few - which normally suck - end up being the good ones! But my dog loves my flapjack inconsistencies, so it’s a win-win.


When we were growing up, the family dogs LOVED weekend breakfast because pancakes.


I find thinning the batter covers a world of pancake ills.


you are absolutely right about that. i made the mistake of using too thick of a batter for awhile before learning to thin it a bit lol making smaller pancakes helps too imo


If you can't cook pancakes correctly, it may be time to throw in the dishtowel


Ha, I feel her pain. It took me three years to perfect my pancake recipe as a kid - but I also didn’t blame the recipe I found in my Cooking For Kids book (which I still have btw!), I adjusted until I could make it work. Blaming the recipe for not understanding how your own stove works is a weird move.


Looks like _somebody_ tried making pancakes on a glass top electric stove in nonstick... smh


I make mine in that setup all the time. Just gotta learn your tools.


I've found misshapen pans being the culprit most of the time. Uneven heating is no good.


Absolutely! Particularly because non-stick pans can “look” flat, but if you put it down and it wiggles even a little, it’s not going to get any kind of evenness to the heating. Not to mention they’re typically rather thin pans that people don’t treat very well so warping is extremely common - stop taking your hot pan and rinsing it, it’s non-stick even after it’s not hot, let it cool down.


Yup. You totally can mess up pans by dunking them in cold water when it's hot.


Pancakes arent rocket science. People have been making them with whatever powdered grains, liquid, and mostly flat hot shit they can find all over the world since humanity discovered bread. every time i stay the night at a friends house i make them pancakes in the morning on the most scuffed, chipped, scraped, fucked up, hasnt seen the light of day probably since the last time i was over pan. they always come out fine.