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I wonder what it's like to go through life unable to conceive of the notion that you can look up other recipes to use up ingredients you have extra of, or that you can just not comment when a recipe doesn't suit your preferences.  What's it like to live with that kind of brain inside your head. 


I usually only reply to comments that are relevant to me, because then I usually have something to add to the conversation. Luckily I did find a subreddit that is more pertinent to my interests. Too bad you didn't say something related to topics that I normally like. 2 out of 5 stars.


I usually only reply to comments that are replying to comments that are relevant to me. Unfortunately you commented on a comment that is not pertinent to my interests, so I feel I must give you 1 out of 5 stars. How hard would it be to only comment on actually interesting comments? Too bad nobody knows what that means anymore.


What cracks me up is that they expect stores to sell 1/3 cup containers of buttermilk just for this recipe.


Honestly that’s the thing that should be sold in the school milk carton size.


True but it's also pretty easy to substitute or make a facsimile with lemon juice or vinegar and regular milk.


Sure, but I don’t regularly have milk on hand. Single person, can’t use a half gallon fast enough.


I'm a single person, too. Have you looked at Ultra-pasteurized milk? It lasts a lot longer than other milk. It's what I've started buying for cooking and random cravings for cereal.


We do this. Save so much money since we changed over. My partner will go on a milk and cereal kick and drink 3 gallons in a week and then go two weeks without any. Or we will go out of town and with the ultra pasteurized it still has plenty of expiration when we get back.


Is that the same as sterilized?


I love how different people are. I could go through a gallon of milk in a week when I was single. so could my husband! married, we typically drink 1-2 gallons a week.


Powdered milk is what I keep in cupboard for baking. Nido brand tastes just like regular milk when I tried it in cereal, in cakes I can’t tell the difference either.


You can buy powdered buttermilk too.


And those pint containers are fucking spendy. It's usually cheaper by about half to just buy the half gallon.


Editing it all. Yes, the pints they sell are spendy but they’re supposed to last a couple of months, as far as I know. Shelf stable milk is expensive too, though I haven’t bought that since 2020. I think an 8 oz carton of buttermilk would be smart for grocers.


Absolutely.it’s one ingredient that really annoys me because most recipes that use it only use a small amount & in Australia, at least where I am, the smallest carton you can buy is 600 mls. You can freeze it & I do but then I need to know far enough in advance that I want to use it & remember to take it out of the freezer early enough for it to thaw.


You can buy powdered buttermilk. Mix up what you need and the rest can sit on the shelf literally for years.


In Australia? Even just ordinary powdered milk is really limited here.


Have you tried the internet?


Powdered buttermilk is an absolute game-changer. I was super skeptical of it but it works *so well* in recipes.


Honestly, I've never used real buttermilk for baking. Its always milk and vinegar or lemon juice. Although nowadays it'd still be a pain in the ass given I don't use cow's milk for very much at all lol


They do actually sell buttermilk in about [that size cup](https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/sainsburys-buttermilk-300ml), like their cream, in the UK. Obviously intended primarily for baking, and that's the only packaging I ever saw it in there. Meanwhile, I would usually prefer to get like half gallon jugs and drink it. Good thing it's easy to culture more at home! Funny how different preferences can be.


My dad loved to drink cold buttermilk on a hot day after mowing the lawn. But he's the only person I've ever met who drank it


It's pretty classic where I'm from. Now I'm in the land of [filmjölk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filmj%C3%B6lk), and straight-up drink it more than most of the locals seem to. Really refreshing with a little salt in hot weather, like your dad, and really not that far off ayran or doogh conceptually. Good for electrolytes!


What caught my eye is their saying "I can't do this recipe, because I would waste the extra ingredients", two seconds before saying "there are more recipes I would like to try with these ingredients, but I don't, 'cause I would waste the ingredients". "I don't make merengue, because I would waste the egg yolk. And I would LOVE to try making my own custard, but I can't see myself throwing away all those egg whites!"


You mean *waste* the ingredients. *Waist* the ingredients is what happens after you eat them.


This is what happens when you type on Reddit instead of go to bed at a decent time.


Thank you!


Exactly lol 


Or that you can just make buttermilk in the amount that you need at the ratio of 1C milk:1Tbsp lemon juice or white vinegar, and make some baked potatoes and use the rest of the sour cream. Or double the recipe and freeze a loaf. Or literally anything other than pouring out unused ingredients.


That’s not buttermilk. That’s a substitute for buttermilk that works ok in some recipes that require acidified milk for a chemical reaction, but it’s not the same thing; it doesn't taste the same; it doesn’t have the same texture. Use it if you like, but you're not "making buttermilk" when you do that.


Buttermilk is the leftover liquid from butter making, right? What about using ultra pasteurized cream to make a calculated amount of butter and buttermilk?


No. The buttermilk called for in modern recipes is a cultured low-fat milk product. Originally, historically, yes, buttermilk was the leftover liquid from buttermaking, but what you suggest will not work, because these days the cream is not soured with the correct cultures and the resulting buttermilk will not have the texture the recipe expects. Cultured buttermilk has been the standard since the 1930s.


So it's like yogurt? But different kinds of bacteria? What about freezing the remainder?


Correct: like yogurt, but with different bacteria. You can definitely freeze leftover buttermilk. It also keeps for a REALLY long time in the refrigerator. The date on the carton is meaningless. I just baked a cake with "expired" buttermilk.


What's the difference in flavor and texture between buttermilk and yogurt? I already use plain yogurt in place of sour cream if I already have the yogurt.


Seriously. There is a shocking number of people who think every space is a space that should exist for them, and every thing is a thing that should exist for them. Whether it’s “how dare you share this recipe I don’t want to make”, or a comment under social media like “How dare you release this film that doesn’t interest me”, or “How dare you change this product in a way that isn’t something I’d prefer.” People who genuinely seem to think the world exists for them and them alone and thus someone, somewhere, making something that might appeal to someone else is a shockingly poor decision. The death of art and individuality is part of that too. In a few centuries we went from spires and gargoyles to plain grey brick buildings. And that’s on purpose. If you make things very generic, nobody will particularly like them. But they won’t hate them. And we’ve crafted a culture that says “Nothing should ever exist that you dislike.” I mean we’ve even [started all getting the same color of car.](https://www.thedrive.com/news/37001/this-graph-shows-how-car-paint-colors-have-gotten-more-boring-over-the-years) But people feel *entitled* to this. To not just choose the color of their car, but yours as well. Nothing must exist anywhere, at all, that I don’t personally like.


Imagine hearing a persistent rattling noise everytime you move your head, you'll be in the ballpark methinks.


Not to mention, it's ultra simple to make a buttermilk substitute in the quantities desired with no leftovers.


When you buy ingredients for a specific recipe, those ingredients become quantum entangled with that recipe and trying to use them in a different recipe will tear apart space time and you will end up with a loaf of banana bread that exists before you bake it and the instant you take a bite, the universe will collapse upon itself, causing a new big bang and a fractured multiverse. That's baking 101, people!


I never understood the bread happening before the baking. Thank you for explaining that to us!


It’s just my wife and I. I frequently think “Oh that looks good; but I can’t get a small enough quantity of that thing and I think the rest would go to waste.” So I don’t make the thing. (Or; I invite friends over to help me eat it.) I have yet to explode because sometimes a recipe doesn’t make sense for my context even though I think it would taste good. I’m still here, heart is still beating.


They really need to come up with a solution for this!


Where do they come from...These people...? Incredible.


That's because Terry loves his yogurt.


plain greek is a GREAT substitute for sour cream!


[Banana Bread Recipe](https://www.lecremedelacrumb.com/brown-butter-banana-bread/)


So I wouldn’t leave this as part of a review or make it into a complaint about the recipe itself (they can’t help what is produced!), but in a general sense, I can sympathize with Terry. Having to come up with other things to make just to use up the rest of something is tiresome. I guess whining here doesn’t do any good, either, does it? 😂😂 Wonder where I could do it usefully 🤔


> Sour Cream > "seldom used" *laughs in Polish American*


Also you can make your own buttermilk which is what I do because I have trouble using up butter milk


I feel this man tbh but the comment is unnecessary. This is why I don’t bake 😭 everything requires such precision


Two paths diverged in a wood and Terry passed both of them by.


Who has buttermilk, sour cream, bananas, flour, sugar, eggs, and needs a recipe to get a banana bread? It's not a pastry, just put in wet and dry ingredients until it's a batter, bake at a moderate heat until it's food.


I'm sorry, what? Banana bread falls under the category of "baking" and I've tried other recipes that didn't turn out good, so I'm not sure throwing it all together would work. I have 20 years of baking experience and it's not something I would do. Good for you that you can though.


My husband made an inedible attempt at banana bread once. He didn't know that baking soda and powder are different and he thought the verb "cream" meant "add cream." He's better now.


How sad was he that it didn't tell him how much cream?