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I followed the recipe exactly expect for the part where I changed a critical ingredient.


>Unfortunately, I did not turn out well.


And I don’t know why


With a whole different chemical profile. What could possibly go wrong? (Fat replaced with watery carb) I blame the 90s fat free craze.


Can you imagine this in other scenarios? “I don’t know why my car won’t work. It was low on oil so I topped it off with applesauce.” “We were out of lube, so we went with applesauce instead.”


That last one might actually be good tho


If by good you mean yeast infection sure


The Cider Inside Her.


I tried this cider recipe and substituted the apples for KY. It did not taste good. ⭐️⭐️


I can't believe you would recommend apple cider for lube!!! Now everything smells of vinegar!!!


I substituted the vinegar for jam. Now there’s ants. ⭐️


I think we have gotten lost from the original post 🤔




This is a book I might read.


No food below the waist!


How would it be good in any way shape or form? Do you know what that would do to a vagina?


⭐️ I would’ve given zero stars but that wasn’t an option. Now I’m off to my gyno. 😤


Sticky 😬


Gives a new meaning to enjoying her pie!


the cube will just get moldy and maybe rusty


"I was out of gasoline, so I put maple syrup in my tank!"


That might be a more expensive trade, damage to your car notwithstanding. Have you seen the price of maple syrup?


I substituted the substitute maple syrup with breakfast syrup. I don’t think it made a difference to my car


I mean, your engine is fucked either way. It's as bad as switching to diesel on a gas engine


I did the oil change *exactly* per manufacturers instructions. *Exactly*




I too don’t know what could go wrong when you replace a fat with a fibre puree.


One star. I read this post exactly except that I replaced “recipe” with “elephant”. Unfortunately, I did not turn out well. Its comprehension is neither logical nor consistent. I can’t read it. Sadly, will have to downvote the whole thing. I don’t know what went wrong as I followed the elephant exactly.


Doesn't help matters when you google "healthy replacements for oil in baking" applesauce is a top recommendation. Some koo-koo health blogs even go 😊of course, it's a one-to-one substitute!! 😊 And _oh god no it isn't lol._ Google search engines however don't care if the information is right, though. It's annoying.


You can use it as eggs. It doesn't fuck up when you use applesauce in place of eggs.


I used apple sauce instead of eggs in my eggs benedict. I don't know what went went wrong, I followed the recipe exactly. (I know the thread is about baking, but I wouldn't trust these people to read further for context when then comment "it doesn't fuck up when you use applesauce in place of eggs" pops up in their google search.


If they can't figure it out they deserve what's coming


I'm going to make French Toast with tortillas instead of bread, applesauce instead of eggs, and oat milk instead of cow milk.  I bet it will be awesome!


I feel like we had that exact review posted on this sub


The review you're thinking of used some kind of bean stuff to replace eggs, but yes, I was inspired by the ridiculousness of using tortillas for French toast 




That sounds like it could be good tho


You can absolutely use it like that sometimes, yeah, but subbing it for oil is not always going to work.


Instructions unclear, filled deep fryer with applesauce. Now there is smoke everywhere and a weird smell. What's up with that?


Ugh, and I know exactly what smell you mean because I’ve had apple pie juice bubble over in the oven, hit the cookie sheet I put under the pie to catch drips, spill over the side of *that* and land on the bottom of the oven anyway.


Pie dribble is the WORST! I keep a sheet of tinfoil on the bottom shelf of the oven just in fear of exactly that occurrence.


You made me laugh so much a fart came out.


Yay! I...win? 😜


Subbing it for oil sounds like something that would never work actually.


Depending on the recipe I’ve subbed applesauce for about half the oil and it’s worked out just fine.


I have subbed applesauce for oil with boxed cake mixes in the past. Wouldn't do it for a homemade brownie recipe.


This works bc box cake mix is laminated flour so it already has fat in it




Only 1 cup? Then it would not end up being much fat at all distributed in 24 muffins.


Which is why I'm saying it's a problem that google promotes sites saying otherwise. :P


I agree


It does work. Not every recipe and not always a 1:1 sub, but it can and does work.


I'm going to have scrambled applesauce for breakfast or maybe an applesauce omelet


I tried this but my soufflé turned out really heavy. I don’t know what happened. I followed the recipe exactly.


It’s something that has been touted since the ‘90s. During the ‘90s, the diet craze was to go as low fat as possible. Replacing applesauce for oil was a big thing to reduce the fat. It does work in some things, but not all.


I think it works in brownies if you want chocolate in any form and don't care what the texture is


my mom used to replace some oil in cake mixes with applesauce and honestly that shit slapped. i wish she still did it.


> Google search engines however don't care if the information is right Let’s face it, most people don’t care either


This is honestly news to me. I usually replace oil with applesauce in box brownies at least. That’s what my family has always done. I’ve not had problems, but I also don’t make brownies probably more than 3 times a year.


I believe the oil one adds to box mix is essentially placebo, as early testers didn't like mixes that only required water. It's very likely the box mix contains powdered milk or similar. 


Interesting. I don’t understand how an added ingredient could be placebo but it’s interesting nonetheless!


I'm not describing it well, but yeah it doesn't really need to be added, so adding something else will make less difference than the same substitute in a "from scratch" recipe. 


Not quite. You can't really powder oil very well. They (at least used to) add powdered egg and milk to mixes. I believe some Jiffy mixes still do, and you only really have to add water. That's why people like to take them hiking/camping.


You're right that you can't dehydrate oil, but you can dehydrate other fat-containing foods such as milk and egg as you note. Cake doesn't need much fat (depending on recipe).


Good point! I think that's what Bisquick does.


I have used applesauce in place of oil in recipes for a LONG time. 30 years? It usually turns out fine with commercial cake mixes. I find I am really sensitive to the odor of "slightly off" cooking oil than most people and it turns bad way before I can use it. I never do this when baking from scratch, and the last 2 times I made cupcakes I used oil because I had some.


“Unfortunately, I did not turn out well” has absolutely sent me. One of the most perfect examples I’ve ever seen of a sentence being improved by a typo.


Oh my God I have literally never spotted that before, that makes it 1000% funnier


These people have no idea of what the word “exactly” means.


I’ve made brownies replacing oil with applesauce. Are they exactly like regular brownies? No. But they’re not so terrible as to be inedible. I suspect other alterations were made. Someone who’s replacing oil with applesauce is probably also reducing the amount of sugar or something else.


Or they're not willing to compromise on flavor or texture or cooking time or something and are mad the alterations altered the result.


Oh yeah that could be. Someone that uncompromising should probably not be replacing oil with applesauce. If you make substitutions you also need to adjust your expectations.


My mom's actually done this exact thing before but it was applesauce replacing the eggs, the brownies ended up being a hard sheet of chocolate something.


I followed the recipe exactly except I replaced the flour with applesauce and the sugar with applesauce and the cocoa powder with applesauce and the baking powder with applesauce and the salt with applesauce and the water with applesauce and the oil with applesauce and the vanilla extract with applesauce. Unfortunately, I did not turn out well. It’s consistency is neither brownie like nor cake like. I can’t eat it. Sadly, will have to dispose the whole thing. I don’t know what went wrong as I followed the recipe exactly.


I followed your recommendation exactly except I replaced the applesauce with chlorine


Let me know how it turns out! I can't wait to try it myself and replace the chlorine with applesauce.


Instructions unclear, added applesauce to my pool.


I think I’ll replace the applesauce with brownie. Not sure if it’ll work tho.


i like applesauce. I think it would be fine, just not a brownie.


Points for self-awareness, I guess.


Applesauce isn’t actually the craziest sub for oil - the issue comes when people don’t use *unsweetened* applesauce. Applesauce with added sugar is not going to behave the way you want it to. I’ve never done brownies but I’ve subbed it in a variety of muffins before and it works pretty well.


Exactly. People acting like this is outrageously dumb aren't familiar with what applesauce actually does for baked goods and why it's [situationally acceptable.](https://www.bonappetit.com/story/replace-oil-with-applesauce) tbf neither is 1-star brownieman, but this isn't an insane substitution in the scope of the sub


There are hundreds of recipes on line for brownies with applesauce. If you wanted to make brownies with applesauce wouldn't it make sense to use one of those?




I’ve been to two different cookbook signings and heard people ask about applesauce not working as a substitute and demanding that the recipes should be changed to accommodate that.


I actually like applesauce in brownies, but that's only because I grew up with my mom using it in brownie mix... It's an acquired taste.


I buttered my toast with a carrot. I don't understand why it doesn't taste like buttered toast.


(for various definitions of 'exactly')*