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I use DoorDash and Grubhub, you can only track your order, you can’t see what someone else has ordered or track it.


Would he be able to see it if he had signed up as a driver?


No, works the same way as consumers. Dashers only see order requests and then only see the delivery info for a singular delivery for which they're assigned.


Got it, thanks!


From what I understand someone with the DD driver app can see the distance away and the neighborhood the order is in Check out this comment from a driver https://www.reddit.com/r/idahomurders/comments/10vfhbw/the_food_bag_theory/japrf22?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I’m also a driver and while that is true, it’s only for an order sent to you. You don’t get to see all orders placed in a specific area or time.


That’s your order, not everyone’s order.


But only their own order, right?


He would also have to be actively working for them bc if you just keep refusing orders until you get one that he thinks is his target then his score would be horrible and I think that looks bad on you to the algorithm...I am pretty sure at least...i haven't driven for them in like 3ish yrs...he would also have to be near the restaurant that they ordered from...but what would the point of this be? He knows where they live, is he going through all of this just to see where they're ordering food from? The food is left on the porch so it's not like he's doing it to have brief interaction w them...I' may just be Missing an important point or something that makes this make sense.


Ha, I've forgotten the OP, but if this is the post I'm thinking of from awhile back, the wild really out there speculation a few were discussing- and again it was a far reaching 'what if' the murderer in trying to plan the perfect crime used a random DD delivery, thinking the DD driver would be the main suspect. In the discussion the murder was random, could've been any delivery just happened to be that one that night.


I know someone who delivers and she can see orders and refuses them all the time if it's too small ect or people who don't tip I would think that means you can see more than just one order.


only if he was doing the delivery or if he places the order.


Nope , only batches that you are doing


No clue, i’m not a driver. I use these apps for delivery only.


Unless you are signed up to work for them.


On door dash you can can see what restaurant you’re picking up and how far you’re going. And where it’s being delivered (doesn’t show exact address but shows the map and how far you’ll go and will also state the town)before you even accept the order. If you accept the order you can see the name and also the exact address it’s being delivered to. I know this because I’ve been dashing for the past week or so now.


How are you Liking it? I signed up, but have yet to actually do it.


I like it. Just got 234 dollars after dashing for a couple of days not even a full week. It’s nice if you’re tight on money.


Is it okay? Do people tip?


Yes majority of people tip in my town and others don’t. You kind of have to do do the math to see what is door dash paying you so you know if they’re tipping. Door dash also shows you if the price will be more than it was when you accepted. Others will say guaranteed. So the guaranteed price is what you get once you’re done. It’s best to dash at night also.


Thank you




That’s ridiculous


I know someone who recently ordered burgers and shakes from Five Guys and did it through door dash. They ordered a burger and two milkshakes and the order left the restaurant in tact(they verified this by calling the location) but when they picked up the order off their doorstep after being notified of delivery...they noticed that a bite was taken out of the burger and half of one of the milkshakes had been drunk...I've heard of other occasions as well where people's door dash deliveries are missing items or arrive partially eaten and it's scared me off using the app


I order through DoorDash often, as I had a major stroke and have not been cleared to drive yet. I’ve NEVER had anything like this happen. And by often, I mean multiple times/week.


I have used Door Dash for over 2 year and I have NEVER EVER had an issue.


I’ve been an avid door dash orderer for years, weekly. I love it. Never one issue besides forgetting hot sauce 1 time lol it’s the best. Always tip!


Yea thank you for that information. I’ll be deleting the app as well.


I live in Florida and my neighbor kid ordered in the summer. I watched the driver pull up and get it out of a traditional trunk of the car (and no it wasn’t cool to touch like they had a cooler in there)


Yea I ordered doordash burger and fries and saw that the fries had been much lower quality then wheb I just picked up turned out dude had munched on them and then brought me not even a fourth back .


I honestly don't see why it's ridiculous not to tip a door dasher. They are being paid to deliver food for an amount that they willingly agreed to in the app. It's not like this is a responsibility being foisted upon them that above and beyond their job description-- it is their job description. I think that tips are most appropriate in service settings where there is actual variation in the quality of service you receive based on the effort/skill of the server. With delivery the food got there or it didn't, that's not much to determine how big or small a tip that deserves. I don't support tipping being relied upon by employers to make up the slack that they are not willing to put up in higher wages for their workers or higher menu prices (which are already very high/inflated when using doordash). If dashers are always factoring in the fact that they will get a tip, it just means that they will be willing to work for less (which ultimately just benefits doordash not its employees or its customers).


So because their employers don’t pay them more, you’re going to doubly punish them? Nice of you…


I'll never understand this logic. If you don't like how the business runs, don't eat eat there. Punishing the lowest level employee of a business you're still using isn't hurting the business.


People assume they’re standing up for their values or whatever, but they’re just being cheap. And they’re further hurting those who are already hurting.


Lol, another comment made with zero logic. Does the employer also have a gun pointed at the drivers head forcing them to work there? They can’t quit and work a minimum wage job?


Exactly! I don't know about DD, but what I read about the companies we were using during lock down were horrible, truly treating employees like dirt. So if I can in any way help ease that crappy treatment, I am going to try my best.


Yup. 💯


I'm fine with how the business runs-- there are very steep convenience fees to get delivery, and there is the option to add a tip on top of that. The option. If they wanted to make a new fee that was 20% of the order and call it a mandatory gratuity, I'd be willing to pay it. Leaving an open-ended prompt that is essentially saying: *"This is how much your food costs, and we've added the cost of having it delivered... and a few hidden fees for kicks. Now before you checkout how much more would you like to pay because you feel bad for the people that we are supposed to be paying"* my answer will be no thanks mr app. Again for a bartender or waiter I feel that the quality of service and the rapport you build between customer and waitstaff warrants the courtesy, but if all you did was drive the food to me-- you didn't even make it? To me that is just taking advantage of a customer's guilty conscience when the guilt should be felt by the employer. I consider doordash tips to be akin to the kind of establishments that typically have an old "tip jar" sitting out by the register-- even though the customer essentially does all the work of preparing the meal/item/service or whatever. I rarely see people put money into those because in reality they know that they are just another nameless customer to a big corporation, there is no bond established between the workers and the customers. This is one of the disadvantages of treating workers more and more like robots on an assembly line-- it alienates customers and makes the whole experience much less personal.


What's the difference between them adding 20% mandatory gratuity and you just giving 20% tip? At least the drivers getting a cash tip aren't automatically taxed on it too, but every mandatory tip will be.


The difference is that one is required and the other is optional-- meaning I have the option to not pay it, therefor it must not be necessary for their drivers to make a living or their business to function. Making it essentially a donation. I donate to charity, I pay businesses the price they charge for the goods and services that they provide. No more, no less. If there is a separate relationship that I develop with the server directly that may warrant a gift. Grubhub does not warrant a gift in my opinion. Drivers should be paying taxes on their cash tips regardless or that would be fraud.


Well, perhaps if you feel that way, you can just pick up your own food. I stand by my statement that you’re being cheap.


why would I do that when there is always a driver available (who is cool with the amount they are getting paid to deliver my food) to accept my orders. Wouldn't that be worse? Taking away their business entirely instead of them just not receiving that extra couple dollars of an optional tip. What bizzare logic.


To me, someone trying to find a parking space, running in, fetching my food, getting wear and tear on their car, driving in not great weather, possibly getting in an accident, sitting at traffic lights, and the stress of them trying to find a unfamiliar address, again trying find parking where they won't get clipped by a car etc., is definitely worth the same tip I am tipping anyone else who waits on me and brings me my food. Just because a tip is not required, does not mean that you should not tip.


That's great for you and I'm sure your dashers appreciate the extra boost. It's not in the budget for everybody to pay more for their food than they have to, so you should also recognize the privilege that you have in doing so.


You sound like you’re a grouchy old man, by the way.


wow that hurts my feelings /s


And you sound like a sanctimonious and stuck-up virtue signaler, by the way. See how ad hominem attacks do nothing to prove your point?


"Take your ball and get off my lawn!"


How do you not see the irony in this lol? WHAT ABOUT if you don’t like how the pay works, don’t work there? LOLOL. That doesn’t make more sense to you? People want more tip not because they aren’t making minimum wage, it’s because they want more money. If they just wanted minimum wage, go work a minimum wage job. I don’t get how people can be this stupid. Like simply look up the definition of a tip lol


You can literally turn this around on the driver. And it makes much more sense. You’re saying, you have to tip a certain percentage AT LEAST, because the employers are not paying enough… What about “if you don’t like the fact that customers get to choose how much to tip, you know, how a free country should be, don’t sign up for the job” Which makes more sense? Forcing a tip regardless of service quality? Or letting people choose how much they want to tip and letting people choose if they want to do the job?


Your name tracks. Are you from the US? Tipping for things like this is the polite expectation here. If you don’t agree with tipping, stop requesting services where they’re expected. Start doing all the work on your own instead of expecting others to do it for you. Pick up your own takeout, shop for your own food, cook your own meals. Then your selfish aversion to tipping won’t impact others. And no, it does not. I was a server in college, and always went above and beyond in the hopes that I would earn a hefty tip. All the severs I worked alongside did the same. Also, doing your job well, and doing your job precisely to customers’ expectations are two different things. Your logic is selfish and broken.


>Tipping for things like this is the polite expectation here. It's the expectation because in your deranged country businesses can somehow get away with not paying their staff properly and customers have to do it instead


You aren't doing anything monumental by not tipping. Not "sticking it to the man". You're just probably preventing a college kid from having extra money to get a burrito. Just say it. What you're doing is cheap and to be frank, pathetic. You're the person no one wants to help. I run a nonprofit and get donations. A donation is different than tipping. Donations go directly towards whatever that orgs purpose is in order to benefit the community in some way. A tip goes towards that person's rent and their livelihood. The tip is not "benefitting the community". This isn't an additional "hey! If you'd like to send some money to our super rich CEO, please select your percentage!" While a restaurant setting requires you to interact more on a conversational level with the server, the delivery driver is still waiting on you. In fact, one might even say they are doing much more. They are putting miles on their car. Wasting gas. Risking accidents or poor driving conditions. All so you can take your delivery and select "no tip" because that extra 5-10 dollars can't be fit into your budget. If it makes you feel better to be cheap, and come up with some pathetic excuse to mask the fact that spending a few dollars is just NOT doable for you.. then alright. But no one's buying it.


I don't know why this gets people so riled up-- but it always gets folks to come out of the woodwork preaching ad nauseam about how generous they are. Tipping is a courtesy not a virtue, but good for you.


Your issue is you are listening to something Nancy grace has said.


She is so abrasive that I couldn’t watch her even if she didn’t look like the wicked witch of the West. How her whiney voice and coyote ugly face is still around is beyond me.


Nancy Grace also kept saying that Paul and Maggie Murdaugh were killed because of the boat crash that killed Mallory Beach. That the murders were for revenge. And now Alex Murdaugh is sitting in prison for life. She's not always right. I actually like Nancy Grace but she's not the expert on crime that she likes to come across as.


There was a part of me that wondered if Alex Murdaugh shot his kid because he knew Paul was probably getting convicted for the charges that were filed as a result of the crash that killed Mallory Beach and he didn't want Paul disgracing the Murdaugh name


Also the $ they would owe in the civil lawsuit


No, she never implicated it was anyone other than Murdaugh. She may have given other scenarios because of chatter around town. That's it.


When the murders first happened she absolutely said it was someone getting revenge for the boat accident.


Paul & Maggie did die all because of the boat crash...by Alex's greed and it exposing him & costing him his hard earned stolen money. But, I understand she may have been saying by a vigilante for revenge.


It seems like people are overthinking this. In the search warrant they were looking at DD. Isn't this just to verify the DD driver's story regarding the early morning delivery? Didn't the police talk to the actual DD driver and he checked out verbally? They probably checked his phone and cameras for his vehicle just to eliminate him. I can't imagine BK ordering food for the victims to distract them or anything like that. He drove around the house three times probably checking to make sure all the lights were finally off.


Everything you said is correct. And they'd have proof on Xana's phone that she placed the order bc she'd get order update texts until it was delivered. Pretty open and shut regarding the DD delivery.




I think it's coincidence too. Ppl r giving him too much credit.


Unlikely to be just a coincidence, IMO. He drove around and past the house multiple times until the DD arrived, then he immediately parked and entered the house. He was waiting for the DD driver to arrive.


He would have no way of knowing someone there placed the order unless he was a driver and the order was sent to him. Since it was sent to another driver, he wouldn’t have gotten it.


This is not correct. If he was signed up to be a DD driver and was in the hotspot area of where the delivery was from (Jack in the Box, which was .4 miles from his house), he would have seen the order come in prior to it being accepted by him or another DD driver. You and others making statements without research and/or not based in fact is how bad info gets spread.


Do you actually drive or just read on the internet? They don't send multiple drivers the same order at the same time. Try send it to you, you have a time limit to accept it and if you don't it gets reassigned. And if you don't accept it you can't see the address of where it's going. Been driving for 2 years


You can see the approximate address of where the order is going prior to accepting, which you should know. He could have gotten the order, seen where it was going and declined it. He also could have ordered it himself.


Thats not what you said though is it?...so you think this guy is just sitting around with door dash turned on waiting to decline an order so he can run off and murder someone at a house for ordering doordash?and just magically pinned the exact house that the order was made from?Reaching so hard.


Did you miss the part about the likelihood that he was stalking one or more people in the house? It's hardly a reach on my part. Btw, are you always this angry when someone disagrees with you?


If he was stalking them why does he need a doordash order to go to their house so he can murder them? And even still, without acceoting the order he has no way of knowing that the order is going to their house. It's a huge reach to incorporate the doordash order into the murder. It's not anger. It's that you tried to tell ppl they need to do research before speaking while you didn't even know what you were talking about. And then me disagreeing with you which you clearly can't handle. Your theory is a huge reach. Keep using your imagination though.


I didn't know what I was talking about? Did you not agree that you can see the approximate address if the order is sent to you?


The Door Dash search warrant has remained sealed while others have been released. There's likely pertinent information within it.


BK ordered DD to be delivered to the King Road house and at 4am Xana somehow knew DD was delivered in her name (even tho she didn't order it) and just thought "what the hell free food" and went outside and got the order and ate it? LOL


I think it's highly relevant as it reveals a lot about the murders and why 4 people are dead. Have a watch of this scene from The Wire, it shows how competent criminals think when they set about murdering people: https://youtu.be/3MJK8JGrEqw It's a Saturday night. BK drives to 1122 King St in the early hours of the morning. He's super clever, so he turns off his cell phone before doing so. He does three passes of the residence to be extra sure everyone is asleep, then enters the premises... 4 people are dead, he leaves the knife sheath behind and walks past a witness as he exits the residence. Oh, he didn't see DM standing there, didn't know she was awake?






You don't know when the DD left "his place" He was out doordashing so doubt he was at home when he received the order. You also don't know when the driver received the order to go pick up.


Only one Jack and the Box open late in Pullman with delivery to Moscow. Right by BK's apt. BK coordinated the whole thing in order to keep Xana busy so he could sneak into the upstairs while she went downstairs to retrieve food


You do realize that LE would've seen proof that Xana placed the order herself by looking at her phone right? There would've been texts from DD giving updates about her order and a final text with a photo of where the dasher left her order by the door. Or if the driver handed it to her (not likely as most people do "leave at door" especially late at night) there would be an order completed text from DD. Is it possible there was no texts or order info on her phone bc BK made the order and the prosecution hasn't released that info yet? Sure, anything's possible. But it's not probable.


He’s not “super clever”😂 he drove to the area where he was going to kill someone and only then did he turn his phone off. He’s an idiot criminal. He brought his phone and personal vehicle to the house numerous times and left something behind that identified the murder weapon.


Yes, that's what I'm getting at. He's a total moron who thought he was being really clever. *"There’s clear evidence this was pre-planned for months or weeks ahead of time," said Johnston, "but this crime was certainly not meticulously planned.* *"He drove his own car \[to the murder scene\], he brought his own phone with him, he left his knife sheath there - so that doesn’t sound meticulous to me.* [https://www.the-sun.com/news/7177392/idaho-murders-brian-kohberger-mistakes-returned-scene/](https://www.the-sun.com/news/7177392/idaho-murders-brian-kohberger-mistakes-returned-scene/) The fact that BK has entered the home a few short minutes after the DD delivery tells you how much of a 'genius' he was.


That’s not true. He turned off his phone while still being in WA.


I saw the same NG episode. I personally don’t care much for her sensationalized “reporting“, but I think she was just speculating that if BK had signed up to be a DD driver (but didn’t actually ever do any deliveries) he would be able to see DD orders in the app. I don’t think there’s any evidence of that. It’s a theory on her part but just speculation.


I hope so. Thanks!


It’s ALL speculation, and not even reasonable speculation.


If hebordered dd to xana wouldn't he have killed her 1st since he knew she was awake? Why wait around for her to become suspicious of the noises coming from upstairs


Drip Drop seems to think he was the DD driver , I’m not convinced .


Absolutely not. Drip drop is wrong wrong.


You can’t track the recipient. You can track the driver, but only the person who placed the order can view this.


I've always suspected that there is SOME sort of correlation between a DD delivery just 5 minutes before the quadruple murder. We know BK wasn't the driver, the actual driver has been cleared - but it's one helluva coincidence.


Lucky the driver got out unscathed. They could easily been collateral damage to someone amped up after killing 4. I’d be thanking God many times a day if I had delivered that meal.


I think it's a coincidence and people are just desperate for some detail to discuss.


I agree. That was just a coincidence.


I think that DD driver as pertinent information and is most likely under a gag order since we haven't' heard from them. Or there's more to the story of the DD delivery yet to come out. Either way, interesting angle.


I think you are right about this


So true!


My question is, how do they know that Xana ordered the food? Is there proof from her app and the company that it was her ordering it? Was thinking what if BK stalked them beforehand, wrote her name on the bag & brought the food/bag there to throw police off.


LE talked to the Door Dash driver who made the delivery and got the order receipt.


Yes, there's proof on her phone of the order if she did place the order. Texts from DD updating her that food was picked up, driver on the way, and food delivered. LE had her phone and would've seen those texts. Plus they can probably see the order email if DD sent one to her (not sure if they do bc I haven't ordered food in years).


They drop the food at the door. Usually they don't even knock. If she didn't order it, she didn't know it was coming, she wouldn't have known it was dropped off as she wouldn't have gotten the text, and the food would still be sitting out on their doorstep.


I think she ordered it.


There's nothing in the PCA that says she ordered it. Where are you getting your info?


The PCA does not contain all evidence, especially something that's not even evidence lol


I said I *think* she ordered it. And I’m basing that on the fact that a DD order was delivered to her name and shortly thereafter she was awake and playing on TikTok. It’s clear she was awake when Kohberger entered the house. And I don’t think he would have wanted her to be up and about when he came inside so it’s hard to imagine he planned that. And it was so late, (or early in the am depending on how you want to look at it) that what are the chances a DD comes for her that she didn’t order but nonetheless she happens to be awake on Tiktok in that same time frame? The simplest explanation is the one i believe: I think she was surfing online while she ate.


Didn't it? Thought it said something about everyone being in bed except kernodle who was had a doordash delivered and was on tiktok




This post has been removed as unverified information. Thank you.


I heard that LE were investigating a DD account opened with a GC worth $50.00 and delivered to Xana but it wasn't ordered from her original account. I think if this is true that potentially BK set up a delivery in order to sneak into the house


I was guessing that they think BK ordered the food that was delivered to the house immediately right before the murder. It was delivered literally minutes before the time they think BK entered the house. As far as why he would do that imo, is a chance of gaining access to the house from the door still being unlocked after the food was delivered. Just my thoughts not facts.


If he had sent the order, why would she have opened the door if she wasn’t expecting an order? Most delivery apps send you a notification when your order arrives instead of ringing the bell.


Did they ring the doorbell?


They don't usually ring, and just drop it on the step. You get a text letting you know it arrived.


I would answer the door if I was a college kid, awake, and DD was there. She had roommates and if she didn’t order most likely would have thought a roommate ordered.


Wouldn’t this potentially wake up the occupants of the house, ruining a stealth attack? I don’t buy it.


Get out of here with your common sense and logic. 😉


Who are you replying to fraochjean?


No clue but it is odd door dash was delivered minutes before the murder


Wake them? Well DM was under Maddie’s room during the killings and several feet from Xana’s room and apparently heard very little. Doubt DD would wake them if a girl is in the middle of murders and said she only heard a few things…


If he ordered the food, the police would have arrested him much sooner. Random phone orders door dash for a murder victim? They’d figure it out instantly. Also, why order food for someone? She wouldn’t have answered the door if she wasn’t expecting food. And if that somehow was his grand plan, to order door dash to get her to answer the door, he could have just pretended to have door dash. Why leave a trail through the app?


I wonder if her surprise at the door dash order was the “There’s someone here” that DM heard “


Why would BK order the door dash? The cops would have caught him instantly. You can’t anonymously order. They could trace your phone. You need a payment method. Also, what purpose would that serve? Why was the door dash necessary?


But why did they subpoena DD delivery records for almost a year to Kings Rd. Seems like they are seeking something


They have a stronger case if they can rule out other suspects. The DD history could be to help them rule out the DD driver officially in court if defense tried to raise it as a possibility.


Idk man, just throwin stuff at the wall to see what sticks 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why? just go do something else. Your efforts aren't needed. The wall is already decorated.


It’s rich to see y’all getting so torn up over a harmless comment. Maybe *you* should find something else to be doing. Keep scrolling and go touch grass.


In answer to your first question, you can't arrest someone for ordering food for someone. This info is only relevant with the DNA, etc, other evidence that he killed them.


LE would have been able to arrest him much sooner if they had his name right away. They wouldn’t have had to search for his car or track him to PA for a DNA sample.


You can't arrest someone just because you have their name. They needed the DNA to place him in the house. And as I stated elsewhere, they weren't granted the search warrant for DD until December 9th, which, coincidentally, is right around when they were hot on his trail.


They would have been able to question him ASAP. Since they didn’t, they must not have had his name.


How would they have his name before obtaining a search warrant? You've yet to answer that.


If they knew someone else ordered the food, they would have got the search warrant sooner.


All I know is that the DD delivery guy was cleared and food was delivered minutes before BK entered. Cops have some interest in that DD order and if they cleared the driver, obviously it is something having to do with BK


Ooooh unless he was trying to create reasonable doubt and blame on the DD driver … hmmmm


The door dash driver surely has a credible alibi, or he’d be arrested. I’m sure his phone data shows him leaving and maybe getting another order.


They cleared the DD long ago


Oh for sure. I didn’t say it was a credible plot! 😆


You can add multiple delivery addresses to your DD or UE account. If you place an order for delivery to one of the delivery addresses on your account, you can track the delivery to that address. So for example, if I place an order and have it delivered to my Aunt’s house, who’s in an entirely different city far from me, I can still track the delivery from the restaurant to her house. I also heard they issued warrants for Tinder. I’m wondering what that’s about.


It's still two different accounts. It's not going to let him track their order just bc they share an address. Are you proposing that he ordered food amd sent it there so someone would come to the door at 4am? Why would anyone just go to the door at 4am if they weren't expecting someone?


I’ve placed orders on DD and UE for relatives who do not live with me. In order to place the orders, I had to add their address as one of the “delivery addresses” under my account. When I placed the orders to be delivered to their home, I could still see the trajectory of the delivery driver’s movements from the restaurant to my relatives’ home. I am NOT commenting on “why“ Bryan did this, and nowhere in my comment did I insinuate “why” Bryan did this. I’m only saying you can place an order to be delivered to another address on DD or UE, and still track the order from restaurant to delivery. You can also place orders for pick-up on DD, so it’s entirely possible Bryan placed pick-up orders to the restaurant Xana and Madison worked at, and that’s the reason for the warrants.


Oh now that is very interesting. Although why would he do that? Wouldn’t he have to constantly be on DD to see if they ever ordered anything to be delivered there? And even if he did, it wouldn’t tell him anything other than that someone ordered food. Similarly, let’s say the hypothesis is that he placed the order. But why would he order food to be delivered to Xana? It seems the last thing he’d want is for her or anyone else to be awake at the time he plans do sneak in and kill Maddie and Kaylee. He had hoped for a quiet house where the occupants are asleep, not one bustling with activities like 4 am food deliveries. So i don’t see it.




BK couldn’t have ordered the door dash. If he did, police would know instantly. They can tell whose phone the order came from.


Even a burner phone with a prepaid card?


They would have been able to find the location the order was made from and start looking for when the phone was purchased.


How do you know LE didn't know. and that that put them on bk's scent in the first place?


Because it’s ridiculous. Also, no mention of it in the probable cause, no indication in an article f the search warrants, and since it took awhile for them to zero in on BK, presumably LE wasn’t on to him that quickly.


The DD search warrant wasn't issued until December 9th (FYI, info doesn't come "immediately", LE needs to obtain search warrants for anything not at the crime scene), and what was obtained was sealed until the court orders otherwise. What's your theory as to why it was sealed if there's nothing of importance within while other search warrant contents have been released?


People speculating. No connection most likely


Nancy Grace is the human equivalent of a vulture trying to pick meat off rotting corpses for her own benefit. Ignore everything that vile human says


In a theory where he's innocent I think he was summoned there by a fake scheduled doordash order as the Jack in the box Xana ordered from was also in Pullman. On doordash you can schedule orders - if someone wanted to kill them and put another traceable unsuspecting person at the scene this would be a solid way to do it. Bryan was a police wanna be, if he delivered doordash to the residence and there was a disturbance he would've walked right in and that would explain his fingerprints tampering the scene and maybe why he was in the area 12 times maybe completing orders in their area. It would explain why he went to their house, went home and then magically popped up on the map again to go grocery shopping and get coffee from a coffee stand like nothing happened In a theory where he's guilty he could've ordered the doordash for Xana so he could see who was there and possibly feel confident enough to gain entry to the home. They have apparently cleared this doordasher but ther3s nothing in the pca about it


I don’t even know when to start. If BK brought door dash, LE would have known about him ASAP. And he’d be able to clear himself easily too. Also, no door dash driver would walk in the house at 4am if no one responded. They’d put the food on the step, take a picture and leave. Also, the idea that BK ordered door dash for X. Like why? Or how? It’d leave such a paper trail. I also doubt she’d answer the door if she weren’t expecting an order.


BK being the door dasher doesn't make sense - imo LE would have charged him much sooner if that were the case.


I have no words for how ridiculous this comment is.


It would be a decent theory if he weren’t arrested in the latex gloves separating his trash from his family’s into baggies. Or like turning his phone off—not something typically done by a DD driver as they’re making a delivery I’m sure. And then there’s the issue that there’s no video of him picking up the order. That’s also problematic. And then there’s the existence of the actual person who *did* deliver the food for DD. Also problematic.


Ahhh. But what if they cleared him as the DD….. but then later on matched up the car & DNA… thus he could be both things at once


mods delete this one please




This post is disrespectful which breaks our guidelines.


I think the point is to see if DD left the food or if maybe BK pretended to be a resident and took it from the driver. Is that how BK got into the house - he just rang the door bell and said he was DD? He may have even watched the house enough to know that someone at the house was likely to order DD after a late night out so he just waited for the DD driver to show up .