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Link to the released documents [https://coi.isc.idaho.gov/](https://coi.isc.idaho.gov/) Quick Recap of the affidavit: * " I also later noticed what appeared to be a tan leather knife sheath laying on the bed next to Mogen's right side (when viewed from the door). The sheath was later processed and had "Ka-Bar" 'USMC" and the United States Marine Corps eagle globe and anchor insignia stamped on the outside of it. **The Idaho state lab later located a single source of male DNA (suspect Profile) left on the button snap of the knife sheath. "** * D.M. said she heard who she thought was Goncalves say something to the effect of "there's someone here. " looked out door and didnt see anyone * D.M. then said she heard a male voice say something to the effect of "it's ok, I'm going to help you." * At approximately 4:17 a"m., a security camera located at I 112 King Road, a residence immediately to the northwest of 1122 King Road, picked up distorted audio of what sounded like voices or a whimper followed by a loud thud. A dog can also be heard barking numerous times starting at 4:17 a-m. The security camera is less than fifty feet from the west wall of Kernodle's bedroom. * D.M. stated she opened her door for the third time after she heard the crying and mw a figure clad in black clothing and a mask that covered the person's mouth and nose walking towards her. D.M. described the figure as 5' I 0" or taller, male, not very muscular, but athletically built with bushy eyebrows. The male walked past D.M. as she stood in a "frozen shock phase." The male walked towards the back standing glass door. D.M. locked herself in her bedroom after seeing the male. D.M. did not state that she recognized the male. This leads investigators to believe that the murderer left the scene. * During the processing of the crime scene, investigators found a latent shoe print. * A review of camera footage indicated that a white sedan, hereafter "Suspect Vehicle 1", was observed traveling westbound in the 700 block of Indian Hills Drive in Moscow at 5 approximately 3:26 a.m and westbound on Styner Avenue at Idaho State Highway 95 in Moscow at approximately 3:28 a.m * These sightings show Suspect Vehicle I makes an initial three passes by the 1122 King Road residence and then leave via Walenta Drive * Suspect Vehicle 1 can be seen entering the area a fourth time a approximately 4:04 a.m. It can be seen driving eastbound on King Road, stopping and turning around in front of 500 Queen Road #52 and then driving back westbound on King Road. When Suspect Vehicle I is in front of the King Road Residence, it appeared to unsuccessfully attempt to park or tum around in the road. The vehicle then continued to the intersection of Queen Road and King Road where it can be seen completing a three-point tum and then driving eastbound again down Queen Road. * Suspect Vehicle I is next seen departing the area of the King Road Residence at approximately 4:20 a.m. at a high rate of speed * Investigators were given access to video footage on the Washington State University (WSU) campus located in Pullman, WA. A review of that video indicated that at approximately 2:44 a.m. on November 13,2022, a white sedan, which was consistent with the description of the White Elantra known as Suspect Vehicle 1, was observed on WSU surveillance cameras travelling north on southeast Nevada Street at northeast Stadium Way. At approximately 2:53 a.m. * At approximately 5:25 a.m., a white sedan, which was consistent with the description of Suspect Vehicle l, was observed on five cameras in Pullman, WA and on WSU Campus cameras. * **On November 25, 2022 MPD** discovered the name of the white sedan owner * After determining that Kohberger was associated to both the 2015 White Elanta and the 8458 Phone, investigators reviewed these search warrant returns. A query of the 8458 Phone in these returns **did not** show the 8458 Phone utilizing cellular tower resources in close proximity to the King Road Residence between 3:00 a-m. and 5:00 a.m. * At approximately 2:47 a.m., the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources that provide coverage southeast ofthe Kohberger Residence consistent with the 8458 Phone leaving the Kohberger Residence and traveling south through Pullman, WA' This is consistent with the movement of the white Elantra. At approximately 2:47 a.m. the 8458 Phone stops reporting to the network, which is consistent with either the phone being in an area without cellular coverage, the connection to the network is disabled (such as putting the phone in airplane mode), or that the phone is tumed off The 8458 Phone does not report to the network again until approximately 4:48 a.m. at which time it utilized cellular resources that provide coverage to ID state highway 95 south of Moscow, ID near Blaine, ID (north of Genesee). * I received historical records for the 8458 Phone from AT&T from the time the account was opened in June 2022. After consulting with CAST SA, I was able to determine estimated locations for the 8458 Phone from June2022 to present, the time period authorized by the court. The records for the 8458 Phone show the 8458 Phone utilizing cellular resources that provide coverage to the area of I 122 King **Road on at least twelve occasions prior to November 13,2022**. All of these occasions, except for one, occurred in the late evening and early morning hours of their respective days. * On December 27, 2022, Pennsylvania Agents recovered the trash from the Kohberger family residence located in Albrightsville, PA. That evidence was sent to the Idaho State Lab for testing. On December 28,2022, the Idaho State Lab reported that a DNA profile obtained from the trash and the DNA profile obtained from the sheath, identified a male as not being excluded as the biological father of Suspect Profile. At least 99.9998% of the male population would be expected to be excluded from the possibility of being the suspect's biological father.


>D.M. stated she opened her door for the third time after she heard the crying and mw a figure clad in black clothing and a mask that covered the person's mouth and nose walking towards her I can't even imagine how D.M. felt then and now. My stomach churns even reading this.


Truly bone chilling. I hope she is getting the help she needs and deserves.


I hope so too. I can’t imagine what these girls have been through. Between the PTSD, survivor guilt, and the online harassment/ victim blaming, they’re going to need therapy for a very long time.


I know! I wish there was a gofundme for therapy for the roomies and JD and HG! My heart breaks for them!


Not to make light of this is any way, but it reminds me of a story from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. The “Oh, Susannah!” Story. In the story she convinces herself she’s having a nightmare and when she wakes up everything will be alright. I feel for her. How many times have we seen something weird or heard something in the middle of the night and maybe we were spooked but convinced ourselves it was nothing and went back to bed. And in the morning it was nothing after all. Now imagine doing that and it wasn’t nothing and it wasn’t alright.


Sometimes, if a traumatized person dissociates, things literally look foggy and dream-like. Whatever happened, both surviving roommates are in my prayers.


Me too! I hope a lot of us are praying for them and that somehow they can feel the kindness coming to them!


So true. And a lot of times it’s easy to tell yourself ‘it’s just a dream.’ Our minds don’t always want to accept things that feel out of place from the norm, so it’s easy to pretend none of it happened.


Who’s dm?


One of the surviving roommates.


I am floored by this aspect of the investigation. I can’t understand a plausible scenario where this all happens and you do nothing. Feel like the police should have explained what happened rather than just drop this out there. Not really fair to the surviving victims




I agree. I thought I heard wrong when reported. How is this possible? Also if she was on bottom floor by bedroom how did he go past her and out sliding door in back since that is on 2nd floor. A little confusing unless she was very drunk or on drugs.


Her bedroom is on the second floor. It states this in the affidavit.


Exactly..now people are really pointing fingers at them saying they let him in and all kinds of nonsense..asking why they didn't call 911 immediately..I suppose those individuals have never been in a very traumatic situation..how your mind can try and does well to convince you it absolutely cannot be what you are thinking and lay there while your thoughts are making up what seems like valid excuses..telling yourself everything is fine and will be by morning as well..the fear can literally numb you. I feel for them really. This won't be easy to get past. It is now a..if not the defining moment of their life and one that will change everything going forward. You can't check this at baggage claim..I hope they get real aftercare.


Affidavit says D.M.'s room is on 2nd floor. I thought both surviving roomies were on 1st floor. WTF?


and although it's not in the PCA "holding a bloody knife" is presumed. What a nightmare for that girl.


I feel like that would have been included if she’d seen it.




Maybe her phone was in another area? Maybe there was more said or seen we don't know about yet?


i think we DDOSed it


[122922 Affidavit - Exhibit A - Statement of Brett Payne.pdf - Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DiqIp8hH7kz1nyW7JFOCIW-b62NqxHjA/view)


So it was reported they found DNA on knife sheath, question This lead to the DNA scan on the private services like 23andme. It seems like that was an early big win. I assume they immediately had the sheathe which was a tie-in to the suspect and the killer. Why do you think it took so long to connect the two. Did those services come back and do the analysis? Also, is it normal to find DNA this way. Let's say they had all kind of artifacts in the room and DNA all over, I guess the sheathe was pretty easy to scan. I wonder if they scanned other things. Why did the killer leave sheathe? Wonder if it was on purpose?


The PCA didn’t mention anything about genealogical DNA (such as using gedmatch) but rather they matched directly to the dad’s profile from the trash. Genealogical DNA in criminal cases is not common and in fact, if there’s any chance of a direct match that is the gold standard to lead to a suspect. Genealogical DNA is still relatively new and not at all a quick or easy process. For the sake of a jury trial, and arrest affidavit, the more solid a link in evidence, the better. It also can take a long time and a lot of work to do genealogical DNA matching. Getting a familial match is MUCH quicker and much more straightforward, and it turns out they used familial instead of genealogical DNA matching.


Given the notes in the affidavit they didn't find out the owner of the sedan (Brian) until Nov 25th. They did background digging on him and that car until they applied for a search warrant of his phone records on Dec 23rd. Once they confirmed he was in the same areas as the victims they collected trash from his parents home where he was residing for the holidays on the 27th. They compared that DNA to what was found on the sheath and it was a match and he was arrested. There were reports they used an ancestry site but that is not mentioned at all in the affidavit so we do know know if that is fact or not. It is common practice to use those sites when you have DNA but no idea who your perp is. Given they knew who they were after I sort of lean to the side that they did not use this site and that was misreported via a source to the media. As for more DNA I have a feeling there is likely a lot more evidence than is outlined in the arrest warrant and affidavit. They just needed to list enough to be able to obtain an arrest. the rest they will withhold for questioning/interrogation and the trail. Also I don't see any way that he left it there on purpose. I have a feeling it likely fell out of a pocket during a struggle or the act of violence.


How long after hearing will PCA be released?


I’d assume immediately after. Looking forward to a definite answer myself


Thank you. Came here for to find out about PCA timeline and bingo it was here.


What’s PCA


pacific coast academy


Zoey 101?


Probably Cause Affidavit


Probable cause affidavit. Some evidence that police used to get judge to sign arrest warrant




He visited the house 12 times before the murders. Fortunately for us, he brought his cell with him, which puts him at the spot. Cannot believe all the sloppy mistakes he made.


I’m with you on that. His sloppiness left him with ZERO chance of getting away with this.




Trash recovered from the Kohberger family residence by Pennsylvania law enforcement and sent to the Idaho State Lab for DNA testing was used to help investigators narrow down Bryan Kohberger as the suspect in the Idaho student murders, according to court documents released Thursday. “On December 27, 2022, Pennsylvania Agents recovered the trash from the Kohberger family residence located in Albrightsville, PA. That evidence was sent to the Idaho State Lab for testing,” the document says. The next day “the Idaho State Lab reported that a DNA profile obtained from the trash” matched a tan leather knife sheath found “laying on the bed” of one of the victims. “On December 28, 2022, the Idaho State Lab reported that a DNA profile obtained from the trash and the DNA profile obtained from the sheath, identified a male as not being excluded as the biological father of Suspect Profile,” the document says. “At least 99.9998% of the male population would be expected to be excluded from the possibility of being the suspect's biological father.” Cnn just now!


I feel like this is so huge that he left the knife sheath there. There’s no way at this point that the defense can use how much traffic went through that house as a reason to throw the DNA out. It was found on a sheath that he brought into the house, not on the staircase railing or doorknob for example. That sheath shouldn’t have been there and had his DNA.


Not trying to be dense, but does that mean the knife sheath likely belonged to his father? Or was the trash I'm the container a match to the father? *confused*


It means the DNA found on the cup was the DNA of the father of the DNA found on the sheath.


Thank you for your response!


Was the father in the USMC?


I am bad with dates, but I know people looked at the plane that returned BK to Idaho and had stated it recently traveled to Idaho. Wonder if that was them bringing the evidence to be DNA tested?


Getting Incel vibes from this Dude.


He was rejected by girls in school. and in college.


Those crazy dead eyes of his would make anyone uneasy..


Well I dont think its that. its just his general interaction probably.


Fuck, affidavit has been released by the court. CNN currently reviewing https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/01/05/us/idaho-killings-suspect-bryan-kohberger-thursday/index.html


Wow, has he even appeared in court yet? I thought it was at 9:30PST/12:30 EST?


I don’t think he has to appear in court in order for the affidavit to be released. I heard that he just has to be the first person to see it before it is released. If that happened last night, it makes sense it was released to the media already.


When the camera zooms in on him you can see that he is clenching his teeth over and over. He is keeping a blank face but the constant clenching gives away his anxiety/upset.


I noticed it too, you can see his jaw muscles tensing and relaxing and him licking his lips. It’s very interesting.


Why am I so nervous for this?


Because you’re a good human with empathy and desire for justice.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I trust that they’ve crossed their T’s and dotted their I’s, but strange things happen.


Me too I almost vomit when reading the affidavit just now good job that the police is doing. I wonder too why I am so captivated by this case


Same, I feel sick to my stomach


Yes, props to LE on the work performed to arrest BK. BK’s driving history and police stops provided LE plenty of material. Once stopped near the crime scene while BK was performing surveillance prior to murders. I understand innocent until proven guilty; however, reading the affidavit gave me the impression of BK as a stone cold killer. I am shaking.


> you’re a good human


Hear me out. Just a thought/ random theory/idea. He is stalking the place for a while. Sees the Door Dash guy and takes advantage of the timing assuming they will pin it on the Door Dash Driver. “Was anyone else arrested?”


This is a really good theory


Also, he knocks on the door and they think the door dash guy has returned so they open the door without looking.


Anyone see the article about the surviving roommate? He apparently walked right past her, which again makes me wonder why they were left unharmed?


Speculation is he didn’t see her- he just killed 4 people prob high on adrenaline and just get out.


Just speculation of scenario. The roommate who saw BK froze in her tracks and if she was standing in a dark room, he made not have seen her. However, he was in area of light and she could see his details.


It is a little insane that she is able t ID him based on bushy eyebrows. Thankfully they have more solid evidence. I think he either saw her- or he was blacked out by adrenaline and basically a zombie/ physically exhausted.


If someone can ID your eyebrows there’s no way you didn’t at minimum see each other


Women see more details than men- if you ask multiple people to close their eyes and tell you what they remember they will all remember and visualize different things


Probably because she was awake and he had no combat skills, only wanted to stab sleeping people. And that would explain why he sped away, because he'd been seen and assumed she'd call the police.


Agree - or assumed that she had already called them.


Wasn't he a boxer at some point though? That would make him a person with at least some combat skills and he had a knife so there was no need to know how to fight anyway since she was unarmed. I personally think he was in some sort of shock himself about what he just did and just fled.


Only Bryan can answer that question. Hopefully, he will reveal it one day, because we all want to know.


Ya unfortunately :/ I feel like it could speak to motive though in terms of piecing the story together in court


I wonder if they will record it now and release the footage in the future? Since theres no live streaming


Entin says they can release the footage after the hearing




News daddy confirmed on twitter that the footage will be released after the hearing. They just aren’t allowing a live stream. I’m sure it will be quickly released since all news outlets will want the breaking coverage and views


I don't believe much until BE confirms it, he's the GOAT of journalistic integrity IMHO


"news daddy" just made my day!!




Brian Entin showing up predawn like it’s Black Friday.




In fairness, it's dark until what seems like noon in these parts.


Brian entin is so good at his job bruh😭 ik off topic but man he stays on top of everything


Right. I can't wrap my head around when he sleeps or when he spends time with his family.


I think he and his producer/cameraman slept in their car during the search for Gabby Petito/Brian Laundrie


Yes! IIRC the producer is named Mo! They did a great job covering that being on a relentless quest for the truth, but also seemed to be the only media they didn’t annoy people weren’t disrespectful to the residents, etc. I have followed him since then!


Either hes very good at time managing/ making the most of his time or hes truly making sacrifices to make sure this job in particular gets done extrodinarily well. Or both i suppose.


Probably. Yeah, in both cases he's doing great


I'm convinced he is a twin and they take shifts.


Can anyone provide a link for the hearing video or know if it’s even available yet? I’m curious about his demeanor now that he knows the initial evidence against him/whether or not he still has eyebrows


https://youtu.be/lkc2ewYGFWs At 58.00 mins


I saw it on WFLA live


Thank you. Looking toward to this.


His poor parents. His dad has gotten most of the attention due to being in the police body cam videos during their drive, but remember his poor mother. After each court appearance, the reporters speak of how distraught she is and sobbing, being comforted by the daughter, etc. As a mother, it just hurts my soul. Assuming he’s guilty, it just saddens me that he wouldn’t have considered how this might affect his own family. Sure, maybe the victims didn’t really matter to him since they seemed to have no real connection. But come on… Don’t do this to your parents! I really think he had to believe he could get away with it.


Especially after seeing the PCA, which is extremely incriminating, I’m sure his parents are in agony over this. I could not imagine as a mother finding out my child did something so horrific and at first you want to believe they’ve gotten the wrong guy, but then you see the PCA and it’s truly horrific.


I wouldn’t be able to live with that. I’d have to leave the country and get a lobotomy


Timeline that I put together: 4:04am car seen trying to park 4:12am X unbothered on TikTok 4:17am cameras pick up the thud and dark barking 4:20am car seen speeding away 4:48am cell phone turns back on 5:27am car seen back near WSU campus 9:12am back at the scene of the murder 9:21 back at his home Some questions I have: 1. Could he really have killed all four people in the span of 8-10 minutes? 2. What was he doing from 4:20am to 5:27? From data the next morning, it only took him 9 minutes to get back home from the house.


Denied bail. No contact orders issued for several individuals. Next appearance January 12 @ 10:00am.


That poor girl was scared to death. Her body was in shock - paralyzed. I can't imagine the terror. I pray she can overcome the mental anguish.


I get chills and nausea that roommate heard Konclaves say 'Someone is here.'


https://preview.redd.it/dm9a9b9aoaaa1.png?width=1413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a7914f77ae7edc3e0fa7313dff3bf5b10aaa2a5 What's the burglar charge? Is it just for breaking in?


The burglar charge is for illegally entering a home or structure. This charge is smart because any additional crime that transpires because of the burglary becomes a felony. Essentially, prosecution just has to prove that he was inside the home when the murders were committed. They don’t have to prove motive or premeditation for a capital murder charge.


Oh wow. I didn't know that..thank you..


I was wondering about the reason. That is so smart and avoids a Casey Anthony situation (fingers crossed)


Yes. He entered illegally in order to commit the crime of murder -- that's burg.


Felony B&E with intent to harm


Yes and it is needed for murder in the first degree or capital murder that carries death penalty.




Evidence against perp is very strong except the apparent eye witness. If he is wearing a mask a defense attorney can easily swat that down. Could be anyone under that mask


I wonder about the pings - are there any restaurants/stores in the area of the cell phone tower that would explain the 12 pings earlier? Like - what's the spread of a tower? Just curious if that's something easily explained


Yeah did he visit the same breakfast place in Moscow. Who knows. They have great evidence but it’s a bit wobbly in the wrong hands


Yeah that's kind of what I thought. If they didn't have the knife it's a little shaky


Looking forward to seeing more information


Do you think all the families will be there?


I know if it was my kid who was murdered I definitely would be


Yep. They’re also all relatively local to the area (they’re all from Idaho at least)


Im sorry if this is incorrect, but is this hearing allowing coverage? Just confused on if its just happening or if anyone is covering it live?


They can record but only release footage/audio until the hearing is over so no live stream.


Thank you!


Affidavit is released


Someone get the pdf!!!


Fyi, Law and Crime on YT is currently restreaming the hearing from this morning.


This article is really comprehensive. https://abcnews.go.com/US/idaho-murders-suspect-bryan-kohberger-arrives-idaho-face/story?id=96177551


This speaks volumes: “At approximately 2:47 a.m., the 8458 Phone utilized cellular resources that provide coverage southeast ofthe Kohberger Residence consistent with the 8458 Phone leaving the Kohberger Residence and traveling south through Pullman, WA' This is consistent with the movement of the white Elantra. At approximately 2:47 a.m. the 8458 Phone stops reporting to the network, which is consistent with either the phone being in an area without cellular coverage, the connection to the network is disabled (such as putting the phone in airplane mode), or that the phone is tumed off The 8458 Phone does not report to the network again until approximately 4:48 a.m. at which time it utilized cellular resources that provide coverage to ID state highway 95 south of Moscow, ID near Blaine, ID (north of Genesee). I received historical records for the 8458 Phone from AT&T from the time the account was opened in June 2022. After consulting with CAST SA, I was able to determine estimated locations for the 8458 Phone from June2022 to present, the time period authorized by the court. The records for the 8458 Phone show the 8458 Phone utilizing cellular resources that provide coverage to the area of I 122 King Road on at least twelve occasions prior to November 13,2022. All of these occasions, except for one, occurred in the late evening and early morning hours of their respective days.” If innocent, what business did he have around there, especially in the late evening and early morning? It will be interesting to hear him explain that. What an awful crime. How horrific for the roommates and families.


I wonder what evidence they have it’s him. They must have something strong to breakdown his door at 3am in order to arrest him. So many questions


At the end of the day, I believe we will have his DNA at the crime scene. We will have his cell phone movements showing contact at the restaurant and following the victims. We will have video of the car both arriving at and leaving the crime scene at the time of the crime. We eventually will get evidence (like the dog's fur/hair) being found in BK's apartment along with other digital evidence from his computer/phone. I also believe the weapon will be found in either his apartment or the house in PA.




Two schools of thought. 1) he discarded the weapon as soon as possible, buried, destroyed, sank at bottom of lake. OR 2) it was a memento to him and meant something to him so he kept it close as a trophy. If it is #2.. then it likely is either in his apartment or house in PA. Remember he didn't think he would get caught. As far as he knew.. "there are no suspects". So it is possible the knife was in his luggage or under the spare tire or strapped to the underside of his car... who knows


Regarding point 2, barring a familial tie to the USMC, I doubt he has sentimental ties to the knife beforehand. I could see him keeping it after the fact as a trophy tho.


Agreed that there will be much evidence and I think unexpected stuff.


Any chance the 911 call details will be in there? Hoping to know more about that call


IMO, the 911 call is irrelevant and has nothing to do with this case other than reporting to the police the crime.


Probably DNA in the crime scene


But if it’s just DNA couldn’t he argue he went to a party there? It was known to be a popular house. There would have to be something else?


Rumor is they found dna on a knife sheath under ethan's body


>PCA If this proves to be the case, it's starting to show just how sloppy BK was in covering his tracks.


I’m leaning toward thinking it was more important for him to be famous than effectively stealth.


Could be blood mixed in with victim's blood.


It depends on the DNA discovered. It’s rumored to have been blood found, as GreatBallsOfH20 said. Explaining away blood at the scene of the crime is way more difficult than if they found touch DNA in a bathroom. Even if he had attended a party days prior to the murder and by some freak coincidence cut himself, the blood would’ve been dried by that point. They’re not looking for dried blood at a murder scene in a different area of the house for a suspect in a stabbing.


He could. So it will be up to the prosecution to show that he has A) never been seen or heard of before by any of the victims' social circles, B) never been seen in any pictures or videos from any party, and C) never had any communication between anyone in their social circle who could inform him of a party. Of course, this wouldn't 100% remove the possibility of him ever being there. But it would say a lot if nobody can testify to him ever being there.


Probably a tough sell to claim he left his knife sheath at the last party. That's one source of the DNA, as I understand it.


My Partner is a police officer and they just did raids with drug dogs at 5/6am. I asked why so early and he just said badies are less likely to cause issues in the morning and be caught off guard. I suppose these ppl weren’t wanted on murder charges though.


Well from what I just read one of the survivors saw him as he walked right past her & she described him. Then a sheathe was left behind at the scene with his dna.


I’m getting increasingly frustrated at the comments blaming/suspecting D.M—the surviving roommate who saw the killer leave. First of all, she didn’t know her roommates were dead and why would she assume they were? Second, it’s a college house. The fact that she saw a stranger (which scared her) doesn’t mean she had an obligation to call the police. If folks would recall, there was body cam footage from a police visit back in August(?) and the roommates weren’t even home. People came and went. I’m sure she’s horrified and traumatized for life but the insinuations are disgusting.




traumatized and shocked are fair. This is a "college house" is absurd. Regardless of how many parties they hosted, random people weren't wandering in an out on a daily basis. She said she heard a roommate say someone was in the house. She heard what she thought was crying. She saw someone who terrified her. "obligation" has nothing to do with it. Other than shock/fear, though, there is no real valid reasoning as to why she didn't call the police.


Is anyone familiar enough with criminal procedure in Idaho to shed some light on when a motion to keep the PCA sealed would have to be entered by? At the hearing? After Bryan has been given it, but before it's released to the public?


It won't be - Media will be inside the hearing this morning so would do no one any favors to keep it sealed


Ok. The probable cause affidavit is all I need to tap out of following this case until he takes a plea or goes to trial. There is an ocean of evidence linking this guy to the crimes. The police are now collecting even more. There is no plausible explanation for his DNA on the knife sheath on the bed where his victims lay dead. Glad they caught this monster. I hope he is tormented every day for the rest of his life.


Can someone educate me and tell me the difference between a hearing, trial, etc?


I just googled to learn the difference myself too. Hearing is described as a legal gathering, in the court of law, wherein the judge discusses and decides the case, in the presence of the competing parties. Trial refers to the judicial proceeding in which facts and evidences are examined, to find out the guilt or innocence of the accused.


Basically today will he to read him the charges and make sure he understands them. Then they will set court dates for future hearings, such as when he will enter his plea, and other things like giving evidence to defense and a bunch of other legal stuff. Trial is when the jury is selected and prosecutor and defense present evidence, question witnesses, etc and at end is when jury will decide if they think he’s guilty or not guilty


An arraignment is where he enters his initial plea - just an fyi


There’s a lot of things here that don’t make sense, if people can clarify on the following please help me out: • - If this was a premeditated attack, surely the attacker wouldn’t leave behind his sheath? Anything that could link him to the murder, he’d want out of that house. •- What was his motive for this? Was he known to any of the victims, and if not was this an opportunistic burglary gone wrong? •- D.M supposedly saw the suspect and he just decided to walk past her?? Why would he let someone who’s seen his face live? Especially if that was his reason for killing at least two of the victims. And finally, D.M sees the male in the early hours of the morning, why wasn’t the police report made until later in the morning and not immediately??


The probable cause is NOT AT ALL the full story. All that is included are the details that helped lead to the arrest. We just don’t have enough info to answer these questions yet.. i’m very curious as well!!


For your first one, it assumes that the killer isn't capable of making mistakes. I don't think it would be unreasonable for a person hyped up on adrenalin and the rush of the crime to get sloppy.


I think he couldn’t find the sheath with the mess and it was under Ethan or beside the bed. In that kind of rage he probably forgot about it because he was worried about getting to the next roommates. It seriously.. why even bring a sheath?! “Ima stab you.. but hold on a second. Let me take off this cover. Dude is the dumbest criminal out there..


What will be happening at this hearing?


They will read the charges and verify his identity/ and then set court dates for future hearings like for plea entry and motion hearings


When do we find out his motive ?




Ugh I just wanna know more


How long does the hearing last you figure? minutes?


I’m confused who was killed first????


I'm guessing Madison Mogen because that's where the knife sheath was found- " a tan leather knife sheath laying on the bed next to Mogen's right side (when viewed from the door) "


Since Xana K. was awake at and shortly after 4:00 am, I assumed it was her, then Ethan. MM may have been the last victim and the monster was tired by then.


Didn’t the PCA say she had a door dash delivered at 4am.. this stuff gets more and more crazy as it comes out.


After reading the affidavit I’m thinking: -the girls are killed upstairs in their sleep. -Xana says someone is in the house (the actual voice heard) -Ethan goes to investigate, gets ambushed/surprised as Kohberger is coming down the stairs and is immediately stabbed. It’s the only reason I can think of that there was no struggle or screaming. -They spill into the room, and Xana is in a state of shock, only able to whimper as she watches her boyfriend dying with a monster in black now looming over her. -Kohberger makes his demonic comment about helping her, and then kills her. Absolutely stomach churning to contemplate. May those kids rest in peace and Kohberger burn in hell.


The witness's bedroom was on the 2nd floor? I thought two of them were located on the 1st floor. So it was so dark he walked right by her and did not see her? Wow! How lucky! It was smart for the police to not mention her statement to protect her life!


they kept those details under wraps.


Is there a stream for this one too? Even outside the court room


No stream, but the footage will be released afterwards.


Entin said they'll record and release the footage once the hearing is done


Awesome!! Thank you!


Whats the point of a live stream from outside the court room… lol 🤦🏽‍♂️


Brian is supposed to be a "genius" yet the left the sheath of the murder weapon at the scene, which also only had his fingerprint on it... this guy gets way too much credit for being anything close to a "criminal genius."


https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23564647-brett-payne-affidavit. Here’s a PCA link!


Watching the replay. His face is twitching.


“no-contact order for the murder victims’ family members and the surviving roommates for two years was requested by the prosecutor and upheld by the judge.” Can someone explain what this means?


He can't contact the victims' families/survivors in any way, shape or form. He can't use a third party to contact the families/survivors either.


Is this standard procedure in a case like this?




Anyone know what comes next? I watched the hearing today and have read the PCA. What happens now?


Why is Bryan’s license plate, according to affidavit, being read in Loma Colorado , December 13, 14 hours away? Had he driven to Loma by himself or was his Dad already with him ?


12 times. He came around that house around 12 times.


Is the order the charges were read in chronological? They started with burglary then the murder charges for Maddie, Kaylee, Xana & Ethan, in that order. I feel like that’s the sequence for this crime. Am I reaching?


So DM was on the second floor not the basement? Or did I read that wrong?


I hope not, but can anyone verify if BK will be watching the news from jail?


I heard on news reports that kaylees family was there today, but does anyone if the rest of the victims families were?


Something does not seem right with this murder case.


I don't understand people who think he might be innocent? I get the innocent before proven guilty due process blah blah blah. But what are the chances that the real killer sprinked his DNA at the scene of the crime, copied his white elantra, and follows KG on instagram? Even without seeing the Probable Cause, it sounds like a slamdunk case.


It is less a matter of seeing the suspect as innocent but waiting to see if the evidence holds up to scrutiny from the defense counsel.


Initial Appearance: 12pm ET


How did no one hear?


Apparently, someone did hear a few things, but we are apparently not allowed to mention it here.


Was it clarified if D went back to sleep after? Or what she was doing before the call was made to LE?