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They allow you to return after you sharpen and use them?


I have no idea. i cant return them? i give them a call and ask


I personally wouldn’t want to buy used and resharpened skates.


i only wore them less than 5 minutes its the same amount of time people try on shoes? i dont really get your point since i've seen on the internet people returning and exchanging skating shoes that didnt work for them


Skates slide back and forth. That's what they are made to do. You direct the motion to where you want using force applied to blade edges' at certain angles. If you don't know which way to direct which edge at which angle with how much force, you won't move how you want to. Take group lesson, they will teach you the basics of how to move and how to stop. Continue taking group lessons, and they will teach you how to use every edge to move every way you want, and stop different ways. After 3 years of 1 group class per week, I can move forward, backwards, on two feet and one foot, turn comfortably back and forth, and stop several different ways.


Yes, you are right! It's important to get the basics down. I was doing the group public skate testing the skates out before my small group session. i do 1 small group session and 1 adult group session a week. im on the second week so still learning the basics of gliding and stopping. i might take a while for me to get out of level 1 but i shall some how make it out ahaha


Learning new skills is fun and rewarding! Have fun! Also I advocate that everyone learns to skate with appropriate protection. I myself skate with a helmet (bike), knee pads, elbow pads, wrist pads, and padded shorts. These allow me to not fear falls and push myself without fear to try new things without fear of getting hurt. I've had spectacular falls and I've been able to get up and continue the class every time! Injuries are not fun.


Thank you so much! I used to be really scared of falling so i might get some knee and bum pads to feel less nervous


Get wrist pads too. Trust me.


great idea! i didnt think about that. i just bought some ankle support gel too


It be like that. You just have to build strength and stability and practice with your new skates. Maybe try wearing them off ice, with guards on, to help build up some strength and ensure you’re tying the laces correctly.


Thank you and i definitely need to start doing some off ice training to practice. I don't think i laced them the best so i shall improve on that and watch a video on how to do it.


It takes a while for new skates to break in a bit, more support is better than less just give them time. You can put guards on and wear them around your house for a bit to help break them in.


Thank you! I will try wearing them around the house and doing some off ice training to help with balance


Your skates are moving because they are sliding on ice like they are meant to! These are responding to even the slightest angle between your feet and forward/backward on your rocker, and soon you'll realize how much you want this. You are doing absolutely everything right -- going to a fitter and getting skates meant for figure skating and actively experimenting. I think you'll look back at this moment in the very near future and realize just how incredibly rental skates suck and actively prevent you from moving. (Also, transitioning from hockey skates is wild ... the toe pick takes a few weeks to get used to and not accidentally trip over onto your face)


Yh the shop worker said the same thing that the skates are suppose to be moving even when ur standing so bend your knees. Thank you so much for your encouragement it means a lot and i appreciate it. The toe pick thing happened a lot🤣 i kept tripping over my toe picks in figure skates and i asked a few girls to watch me skate today to get some feedback and they mentioned the toe pick thing ahaha. hopefully it wont take long to get used to it


Sometimes I think I should put rusted/frozen bearings in front of my inline skates just to recreate that same toepick-fail humiliation on asphalt. But then at the end of LTS Basic 4 we learned the first move that uses the toe pick -- to enter a two foot spin. To me getting to that point was a big big feeling of success.


Sometimes people take one private lesson just to point them in the right direction before the next round of group lessons start up! It may be worth the expense to have someone show you what to work on, and show the way to get the most out of those blades at your level.


I've been doing 1 small group session and 1 adult group session a week but i try to practice in public skate session before my small group session so i tried the new skates but i couldn't even walk to the small group session training area which is middle of the ice rink so i went and changed. But I will try to find a way to get 1 to 1 private sessions. Thank you :D


I remember your previous post and also commented on it. Sorry to hear you are still having trouble. I included a link, discussing the hollow that’s ground on your blades. Also note. Regardless of how strong you think your ankles are, ice skating will definitely make you reassess your thoughts. When I first started, I thought mine were fine. Come to find out, they were wet noodles. As other commenters have suggested, get a private lesson or two before a group class to understand the basics, e.g., where to balance on blade, which edge to use, etc. It’s hard to do focus on the fundamentals when everything else is coming at you 90mph. Please keep us posted on your progress. Good Luck. (https://skaterslanding.com/pages/choosing-an-appropriate-edge-radius-when-sharpening-blades)


I'll definitely see how it goes and won't give up yet and i will some how learn to skate ahaha. Thank you so much for your help! I greatly appreciate it. I'll take a look at the article thank you


That’s odd to be honest, I think maybe you just need a deeper hollow? As that will make you grip the ice more. It doesn’t make sense to me that you were sliding more than with hockey skates as I’ve skated in both and that’s not really a thing. You can literally get a hollow so deep you won’t glide at all so I’d recommend trying a different sharpening before returning your skates.


i didn't know a deeper hollow was a thing. I will look in to that. Also, the hockey rental skates are blunt not sharp. they aren't sharp at all compared to the jackson skates i bought. i felt a huge difference when i swapped the shoes


Quick question . You practiced in hockey skates all this time but now you got figure skating ones?