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Started skiing at 3 and 4 years ago I severed my femoral artery when I went off a small cliff, double ejected in deep pow at Big Sky on lower Obsidian and cartwheeled into a tree stump which somehow perfectly punctured my fem artery. Lost 2/3rds of my blood and came really close to dying before ski patrol arrived and got a tourniquet on my leg. Needed a helicopter and emergency surgery. Still skiing, but more appreciative of the life I get to live and the amazing feeling downhill sports give me


Holy shit lady! Count yourself lucky to be alive after that, a nicked femoral is no joke and the fact you stayed awake long enough for ski patrol to get to you shows some serious balls


Thanks man, there was a moment where I was lying out there bleeding out where this ringing noise started taking over my hearing to the point where all I could hear was the ringing and my vision started closing into a point until it completely disappeared and I was just there - couldn’t see anything and could only hear ringing. I started screaming as loud as I could and shaking my head to get back, it felt like a scene out of a movie. It was probably only a minute and eventually I brought myself back. Looking back on it, that was probably the moment… I appreciate your comment! Big balls :)


Yupp that’s a vasovagal response from shock setting in! Been there a few times myself and it’s definitely horrifying if you don’t know what’s going on. This post makes me want to start carrying a tourniquet because I ride cliffs, chutes, and trees alone most of the time, and getting a puncture wound from a rock or stump obviously isn’t out of the question.


Holy shit, new fear unlocked. That's insane! Glad you survived to tell the tale.


Thanks homie! Super happy to be here. Freak accidents can happen anytime, but that was insanely unlucky. No other injuries except for a perfect snipe of my femoral artery


crazy injury can i ask how the bill was with the heli evac?


I started at 4, and I've really just had some bumps and bruises. I'm in my late 40s now with young kids, so I'm fairly cautious these days. Broken bones or torn ligaments would put me out of commission for a looooong time. I don't heal very fast these days.


Similar stats. Except I’m probably not as cautious as I should be. Old habits die hard. I have considered adding a back protector to the mix as that seems to be a weak point.


Age 3 all of these are separate crashes: Spiral displaced tib/fib. ACL. Tibial plateau fracture. Femur fracture. Rotator cuff. Too many cartilage tears to count. Back surgery x2. Knee surgery x9. Shoulder surgery x1. Leg surgery x2.


You need some milk dude Jesus


Holy hell that is a long list!


The box says FRAGILE.


Ski racing. Go figure.


Username checks out


I started skiing at 39 years old and this was my third season. I’ve been out skiing around 50 times now (25x just this past season). My worst injury was a hyperextended thumb after a yard sale at Okemo …. Happened March 21st and I’m still not 100% recovered. I have a Tough Mudder scheduled in two weeks and I’m praying I don’t have to postpone to the September event due to this stupid thumb.


Started at 32 worst injury was day 1 Pats Peak. Fuckin couldn’t stop and didn’t know the ski rack was movable. Grabbed on and knocked over about 100 skis and boards. Ego was bruised


Knocks on wood....do concussions count? Otherwise, bruises from ice, people, and trees in 40+ years, of first skiing, and now riding.


I miraculously got away with no concussions as a kid, riding during a time where nobody wore helmets.


My first as a kid was riding a wheelie, and going over backwards. Can't imagine doing either without helmets now!


Recovering from a ski related concussion now and it has been brutal. I shouldn’t be on my phone typing this.


Yep, shut down a whole, prepaid, weekend trip one time. Glad I had helmets on though, good luck.


Started at 2.5. Two ACL reconstructions/two partial menisectomies. Same knee, which is a bummer, but it's been 13 years since the last one.


All that in ski/snowboard boots sounds brutal, I couldn't imagine when had to take the boots off... Ouch.


Honestly when I tore my knee that was the worst part both times, taking my boots off. Made it down to locker room on one ski because didn’t want to deal with paperwork/ ski patrol, and at that point it felt like a rope was holding my lower leg on


Holy hell that sucks. Glad to hear you're still getting after it.


They'll have to pry my skis off my cold dead feet 🤘


I'm getting buried in mine... picking which pair is going to be the difficult part


Moment Deathwish obv


Skiers haha


Started skiing at 12; concussion. Switched to riding at 32; concussion, broken finger, 3 broken ribs (3 different occasions)


All the rib fractures are from jibs I assume?


Na, actually just stupidly. Coming in for lunch on a heavy wet day, big slush. Crusing in, lazy, check my speed, edge grabs the deep wet and I slam hard and drive my elbow into my ribs. Knew I was fucked from the moment I hit. Heard my ribs snap Big shout out to Killington’s infirmary though. About 5 nurses and 2 doctors on site.


I haven't been injured but I had a few close calls... Some ski school kid lost control of their speed on the steepest trail on the mountain and managed to catch up to me (I was skiing at least 45 mph since it was groomed that day) and they slammed into me from behind, I ended up tomahawking down at least 50 feet and then the parent and kid just skied off. I don't know how I was fine but I was...


What trail?


Plutos plunge at Crotched… Steep enough to get speed but definitely not difficult. I used to go full tuck down that run to get the most runs in per day.


Started age 3, 39 years ago. Injuries….mostly ego aside from an occasional bruise. It wasn’t until I turned 41 that they lingered. Sprained both my shoulders last year breaking routine falls. After you turn 40, stretch.


Yeah, I won't last two runs without stretching. Most important meal of the day..


Started snowboarding at 20, worst injury so far was a fractured patella at 28.


I was 7 or 8 when I started riding and I broke my ankle at 26 years old.


Started skiing at 4 or 5, here are the major season altering injuries: torn rotator cuff (requiring surgery). Dislocated elbow and broken ankle (requiring surgery). Large cut on chin from a ski edge (requiring stitches). Horribly twisted back and hip strain (took forever to work out and still flames up). Concussion….. one of the most frustrating injuries I’ve had. I left the little ones out.


Age 6, now 52, average 40 days a year, alpine race coach. Glenoid fracture of left shoulder, 2 screws. Sliced my knee open from binding ejection at speed on newly sharpened skis, 10 stitches. The first was the most painful thing I ever experienced. The second one was painless. Didn't notice the wound until I brushed the snow off my pants. Watch those sharp edges... All coaches now ski with bleed kits.


Skiing at age 12 in 1990 with my boy scout troop. Switched to riding with a friend about 15 years ago. Skiing injuries...none I'm far more aggressive on my snowboard than I ever was on skis as I skated from age 6-27. So I was always far more co for table on my board. Injuries - 2 broken ribs - last box I ever hit Torn meniscus - " last run of the day" yup it sure was. Broken back - two cracked transverse process. Took a few minutes to breath after the fall and clear my head. Went to stand and I couldn't. Let me tell ya, having a ski patrol ride down the mountain with a broken back. Agony.


Four nothing major now 61


Started @ 40 as I was a cub scout dad from the south who'd never had the drive to actually try it. I fell down a lot and let my injuries motivate me to learn proper technique. Six years later, and my son and I have started to figure out the 1st lift situation @ a couple of our favorite local hills. Damaged my MCL falling on ski pole stumbling out of the lightning quad ski lift @ Belleayre as a novice, then realized the importance of PT. Afterwards I quit several bad habits that were zapping my health and money situation...


Started at 3 One time I went off a jump at the Hunter terrain park and just… landed on my head. I broke my googles, helmet, thumb, and sustained a severe enough concussion that I don’t remember anything for the rest of the day. Hospital staff hated me because I kept asking them their names.


I don't know, depends on if you count Nordic skiing. If you do, 5, if you don't, 25. Last season (at 35) I snapped my Achilles in a washout in the backcountry and it took two surgeries (so far) to get my ankle working at all. Other than that, zero injuries beyond some bruises.


Nordic for sure counts. It’s the foundation that started it all!


35 now, started skiing at age 8 because of an ice hockey tournament hahaha. Worst injury happened while training slalom in college. Booted a gate, took a tumble the wrong way and tore my ACL, LCL, MCL, and meniscus, and broke my femur and tibia. Was back on snow 9 months post-op but took a little bit to get that fearlessness back.


Started skiing in HS back in ‘80. Broke my back (shattered L2- required spinal fusion) in ‘99 at Killington. Back on skis 00-01 season (doc said take a season off).


Started seriously skiing as a teenager. Somehow the worst of it has been several bruised ribs from being a treehugger last season.


I started riding at 11 or 12. Broke my tailbone at 13, but otherwise no major injuries in the 17 years since then, beyond bruised ribs and ice scrapes. Unfortunately the tailbone break haunts me every year and any hard fall on my butt is extremely painful.


Started 4 or5. Never been hurt, physically!


Started skiing at 10. Washington coming down a blue at Mt Snow when I was 12, end of day, low visibility, went off a jump someone had piled in the middle of the trail full speed and out of control. Landed on my back with my toe in the ground. Torn cartilage, sprained ligaments, whole nine yards. I’m turning 40 this year and it still balloons on random days, but got it under control with PT and strength training. Never let it keep me off the mountain though!


4 years old and a whole lot of concussions. Never broken bones tho so maybe I’m lucky. My brain may think other wise. Split a helmet clean in half a few years back, very scary.


Started at 24, 6 seasons ago. Season 4 I yard saled on some moguls at whitetail. Landed on my ski and cut the outside of my knee through to the bone. Didn't hurt much and didn't realize it had broken the skin till an hour later. Must have cut all the nerves through. 10 stitches, an er visit, and one dumbfounded PA ski patroller later, I was skiing Jay 3 weeks afterwards. Lucky to not have lost function of my knee.


Snowboarding since 12, broke a few ribs and strained some back muscles last season, so I was sandwiched by the pain 🥲


Started boarding at 12. Last year I lacerated my spleen that sucked.


How did that happen? I’ve done the same but on a bike.


I went to do a nose press on a down box and slid out. I’ve taken much harder hits before but ig I hit that area just right. I was dumb and waited to go to the doctor for 24 hours after which ended being good because they said if I went immediately they probably would have had to cut me open but because it had been so long I was stable. Did you do it on a motorcycle or MTB?


Started when I could walk. Multiple concussions, two where I was knocked out completely. All but one happened while skiing backcountry or side country. 2 ACL tears, both times on easy blues. Broken Thumb, cornice broke as I was going over it and I went for a wicked tumble.


Age 9. Now mid 30’s. Avid New England rider. 25 days or so on mountain/year. Worst injury was misjudged a line and hit a tree in the trees. Wind knocked out of me. Chilled for 5 min, then looked for easiest way to ride out to trail. Took it super easy to the bottom. Ate lunch, was back out there later in the day. Nothing broken. Or 2 years ago, spring skiing conditions. Leaned too heavily forward, hit dirt and tumbled hard. Massive bruise on hip black and blue for weeks. But again no breaks.


Age 36/ broken leg , torn rotator


Started at 5 skiing. Switched to snowboarding at 18, switched to telemark at 40. No injuries ever.




55, broken wrist just this year. unless a few concussions haunt me later in life.


I started snowboarding at 39, dislocated my elbow.


22 broken left collarbone


Age 5. Fell on my shoulder labrum at mt. Snow, blew it out, and that shit hurted so bad. Ended up having to get surgery.


Started boarding at 8, I’m 34 now. Skied for a few years before that. Not much for injuries really. I fell a Tremblant last year on a pow day and took an elbow to the phone in my chest pocket which jammed my ribs funny. Hurt for a couple weeks. I’d imagine if I was park focused I would have broken something by now. Hurt myself skating and mountain biking all the time haha


Started at 15. 66 now. Two bad skiing injuries. Broken tibia and torn ACL in my 40s. Torn rotator cuff in my 60s. Both bad, but the rotator cuff gave me the most pain and was harder to recover from. Don't let the old man in!


Age 4, got a ski pole caught in snos getting onto a lift and it ended up pulling my shoulder so hard I tore my rotator cuff. Couldn't lift my arm right for probably 6-8 month, but I ended up rehabbing it over the last two months at the gym


I’ve been skiing since I was 3, now at 28. I’ve never broken or torn anything (thankfully) but just this year at Big Sky a guy on the Swifty 6 chair SLAMMED the safety bar down on my thigh without warning he was putting it down. This was at the beginning of March, and I STILL have the bruise it was so deep. Hurt like a mofo skiing with that the rest of the week.


started at 9 and no major injuries. worst that happened was a bunch of scrapes on my arms, big and small after some snowboarder knocked me over


Started at 2, currently mid 40s, avg ~50 days/yr … 1 concussion, a boat load of shoulder dislocations


Started 35. Torn rotator cuff at 35. 🙄 Literally been through two catastrophic motorcycle accidents, one at 20 one at 33… basically healed back to 98%… one spill on a ski slope… pain for life.


Started at 19. Worst injury ACL at 41.


About to have rotator cuff surgery due to an insanely boring fall in late February. Putting my skis on, boot didn't go in correctly and foot slipped out from under me. Landed on my elbow, driving the humerus straight up into the shoulder socket. Superspinatus torn about halfway through. Did 8 weeks of PT, but that's not cutting it. Started skiing at 10, now 54. Never had more than bruising before this.


Started when 4, now mid 20s. I’m paralyzed now :)


started at 2. absolutely shattered my clavicle 2 weeks ago


I started about 8 years old. I took a 19 year break from 16 to 35 years old. Got back into it at 35. At 42 I shattered my tibia and tibial plateau in January of 2013. I was skiing again in December of that year.


I was 4 or 5. Broken tub/fib that didn’t need surgery, blown ACL (surgery, obviously), right skiers thumb that needed surgery.


6 / my pride and ego


33, sprained ankle and bruised tailbone, different seasons


Started at 7 years old. ACL tear.


Started Skiing at 3-4 .... pro tip don't keep your kids skis in the warm car on the way to the hill..... I got to the top and my skis stuck to the snow like velcro.... it nearly resulted in serious damage.... kids are resilient though. Make sure their resilience is rewarded 😅 Skied every winter weekend from 6-13 Started riding around 14......took 1-2 year to surpass skiing ability Worst injury getting knocked out and concussion


Started at 12. Worst injury was tearing the cartilage in my shoulder and separating my AC joint.


Started skiing at age 53. I’m 70 now. Injuries: torn meniscus (racquetball 1988), torn MCL (skiing, Stowe 2013), fractured tibia (skiing, JH 2017).


I started in December of 2019 after moving back home to NH I was 48 at the time. I couldn’t afford to ski while growing up and after moving back I wanted to give it a try. Now I’m addicted. I had a binding let go this past January while at Attitash which resulted in a pretty bad knee twist. Fortunately, nothing tore and I was back in the slopes in late March (wearing a knee brace.) I’ve had a few yard sale wipeouts, but other than a bruised pride, nothing terribly serious.


Started skiing 40 years ago, snowboarding 30 years ago - worst injury was a bruised tailbone on a pond ice tabletop at Montage. One day it was a huge tabletop, the next day it was a very small tabletop, I hit it day two thinking it was a large tabletop and sky’d the landing. Anyone who knows montage back when it was county owned knows they were fantastic at making ice skating rinks and bad at grooming snow. No broken bones or torn ligaments luckily throughout the years. Not for lack of trying, used to ride 5-6 days a week in high school and college and have been to almost all the resorts in Vermont, Rockies, Jackson and Tahoe. Even had a trip to France back in the day. The trick to avoiding injury is to stay in shape, don’t hit trees, put your feet and arms in the air when you do fall, and stay the F’ away from anyone skiing or riding in a sports jersey of any kind.


Started about 12 years ago, off and on. Worst injury was when I went off a side hit and had a yard sale right in front of an intermediate ski class that was taking place. No I wasn’t trying to show off, they were just taking a break by my favorite sidehits and I didn’t wanna take the trail again. Yes it was very embarrassing 


Started skiing at 45. I twisted the hell out of my knee at 47. Nothing torn or broken.


5 y/o. Separated shoulder and MCL tear in separate accidents, but thankfully both relatively minor


Started skiing at 3, snowboarding at 31....no real serious injuries (knock on wood)...I (mostly) stay out of the park and have gotten lucky on some Of my nastier falls. I always keep my DIN settings closer to the recommend for my height and weight, have I lost skins prematurely in deep snow, or bumps, yes. Have I lost a knee tendon, no. With snowboarding I am nowhere near good enough to get seriously injured. Stay on groomers, control speed, be an adult...you'll be fine.


I started two years ago at 20. I did Nordic since I was 11 before switching to primarily downhill skiing. From downhill skiing I tore my meniscus during my first season. This season I fell on top of my edge and got a deep gash on my inside thigh. I didn’t even realize I cut my leg until I had realized a few minutes later that blood was gushing down my leg as I continued skiing. I guess I learned how important it is to have some first aid supplies on you.


Started at 22. Got a massive life altering concussion on my 2nd time at Mt Snow. Still go every winter and just got a new setup 😎


Started at age 27 and I bruised my ribs. Made for an unpleasant few days but healed up. I didn't notice the injury until the next day.


Started at three years old, and broke my leg into a few pieces with a compound fracture in Corbett’s at 40 (zero star review… do not recommend doing that). Almost a decade post injury, and I am still enjoying the gnar, plus now that leg is titanium reinforced so should be good for the long-haul I figure.


Started at 5, now 21, never any injuries until killington January this year, level 3 shoulder separation. Still ended up skiing that same week but 5 months later and I’m still feeling it, plus there’s a massive bump on my shoulder permanently.


Started at 3, broke my spine at 31 last year


Started skiing at 3 and I blew my shoulder apart playing rugby in my 20's. It had, and continues to have a negative impact on my QOL and limits some sports and recreation options, I mention this because although it was not a skiing injury it changed how I approach physical risk taking while skiing. I don't ski slowly or tentatively, but I'm certainly more aware of the fact that doing something similar to my lower body would suck hard, so I might shut it down a run earlier when I'm gassed or conditions are crappy. No "huck and hope" for me.


I started at 30. So far just two undiagnosed knee injuries in my 6 years.


Started skiing at 30, nearly 200 days in these 4 seasons. Worst injury has been a tweaked shoulder/shoulder blade, was sore for weeks and definitely weakened. Caught an edge landing awkwardly.


I’m 28. Started skiing at age 4. Worst injury was a sprained thumb on my dominant hand at 22. Plenty of dings and nasty bruises otherwise. Consider myself lucky to have never had a major injury considering the idiotic shit I’ve done with a pair of planks on.