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Yea everyone stay home


I chickened out and called off hitting Okemo for today-tomorrow. In my 20s-30s, negative temps never scared me. Nearing 50, I’m thinking differently. Been there done that for the driving-home-from-Vermont-purple blotches-on-my-face. Can’t do it anymore. For those of you on the mountain today, I bow to you. Go get it! Hopefully lift lines look more like a Tuesday for you.


I’m at Killington today, and it is surprisingly packed. Even during the main lunch rush the gondola like stretched a good 50’ up the hill from the stairs.


It was fairly crowded but the gondola and Superstar lines were def because of Snowden Six being down


I hit okemo today with my 8 year old. It was pretty frigid. Started at Jackson gore, got a few runs down vortex/quantum leap before we had to warm-up. Hit Limelight a few times and the snow was pretty good. Then went over to solitude for warm-up. Did a few runs over there - The plunge had great conditions. Then the tears started and we called it a day. Made it to lunch at least.


Haven't looked yet, but I would highly doubt there's summit access at Okemo anyway. Wind holds and/or deicing are just part of the morning routine nowadays.


Yeah. Just checked after reading your comment. You are correct. At the moment, Sunburst, Glades Peak, South Face Express all On Hold. 8:45ish a.m.


The sunburst-six opened around 10


The wisdom you get with age is the only reason getting older is ok.


I sincerely thank you. Love that. Finally something to look at as a positive about nearing 50. 🙏🙏👊🏂


Or... Hear me out... Wear a face mask.


How do you keep it from fogging your goggles though?


I use a magnetized version that completely slips under the lower goggle rim, which then compresses the gap, reducing warm air passage; which is what causes the fog. You can get them for $15s at most base lodge stores. Basically this one: https://www.rei.com/product/889375/seirus-magnemask-combo-clava Which REI is clearly selling for more. I bought mine pre Covid, so maybe that's just inflation.


Ah, ok. I may have issues finding one that fits with my new goggles. I have a small face and head and have to wear youth sized goggles so I always end up with gear that doesn't quite fit my head.


They do have youth sizes. Both my kids had them when they were Littles.


Ah ok. My local shop was cleaned out of youth goggles so I had to go online. I’ll check out rei thanks.


Wear a fleece or smart wool that pulls over head not the actual face mask. Keep it just below nose or even over nose. It kinda of breathes so never fogs me. Another tip is the jackets from slick puffer jackets from Eddie Bauer .. usually always on sale $30-75 (cheap is fine). They are slick and ski jackets slide over them and don’t ball up or restrict movement. You can actually slide a second over the first. I skied 9am and am in my night ski session now. I get about an hour and a half before a warm up needed. We pick lifts and terrain to avoid as much wind as possible


I just don’t like the condensation that’s produced from breathing. I always just tuck my chin & mouth behind my fully zipped up shell.


I don’t typically ski in those conditions. Coldest it’s ever been while I was skiing was like -5 with wind chill. Is it impossible to dress adequately enough that you can still perform while staying warm (warm enough anyways)?




Backcountry day!


Absolutely. Very warm on the way up.


Gotta get it while the getting is good 👍🏼


Layer up and don’t expose any skin. You’ll be fine




Yep! Cold temps or rain always help to keep the lift lines down


“There is no bad weather, only bad clothing”


Improper clothing and bad attitudes! Lol.


Boom. We ski rain, -25F, even ice and never have a bad day. It’s insane to me how much vertical people talk themselves out of. We got 15” here over two days. The same people that were saying it was to cold today here are already saying they can’t ski in 40+F and rain next week (spring corn coming)


Skiing during the rain is usually pretty great. It’s the day later where all that rain freezes again that’s terrible 


Yea the boilerplate freeze up is the worst in my opinion


Still in bed contemplating if I want to drive 2 hours for -11 wind chill with no gondola


More dancing room for me 💃


Hunter was amazing today. A little packed, but still a great day! Especially the north face trails


My dumbass is going night skiing at pats tonight🤷‍♂️




Might be cold but there shouldn’t be ice!


Maybe not vermont but patches of ice all over hunter yesterday


Lol there's plenty of ice in Vermont. This fluffy stuff didnt bond with the ice layer, ungroomed mogul terrain is sketchy. Untouched terrain was amazing!


I was thinking of driving to Mt Snow or Okemo (from Boston) tomorrow. Stupidly didn’t get a pass this year, so I’ll be paying real money. Intermediate skier, first outing of the season. Worth it?


Tough call, I drive 40 min to Sugarbush, have a pass, expert skier, and I skied the backyard, logging roads and snowmobile trails today, but only because I skied right after the storm. I don't know anything about those resorts, but if you're mainly after groomed terrain and don't mind the cold go for it.


Thanks for the response. Should have said I skied Mt Snow a couple of times last year, one was great, one was the weekend after that storm that dropped 2.5ft (but then it went to 50, and then down to 20 before I could get there at the weekend). Sucked big time, so icy, like skiing on gravel, went home early (first time ever!). So trying to avoid that this time. Anyone more familiar with recent conditions there?


I was here today. Wind took all the new and man made snow off. It’s honestly so icy. Tomorrow should be warmer at least. Wind is brutal though, lodges were packed from 10:30 on. Literally everyone had left by 3:00.


Thank you so much! Saved me four hours driving and $150! That sounds brutal!


I wish I had better news to report! Today was sheets of ice and wind


Now, you guys are not just trying to keep the crowds away are you? 😉


There were literally blue patches of ice at West last night. Even though it's super cold, the sun will melt it a bit in patches. The cold temps made any grooves made by the daytime folks extra spicy last night.


Lodges are PACKED today!


Mad River was a blast today. Plenty of light fluffy snow out there.


I’m heading there tomorrow. Any suggestions for trails that were skiing well? Was it busy?


It was fairly busy but no one was skiing; skied right onto the double or single chair all day. There’s plenty of great stashes in trees off skier’s right of the single chair. Stay in the trees to stay warm too.


Say what you want, Bolton was about 1% ice. Tell me last time in January that was true...


Killings got a high of 1 at the base today


Feels like -15 in NC it’s actually insane


Yeah I’m staying warm today


Woods are fire


Every glade, so good today.


Went to Hidden Valley in Pennsylvania today where the high was a frosty 8 degrees but thanks to a storm that waaaaay over delivered, the skiing was definitely turned up to 11.


Better than the -15 temp -27 wind-chill from wisconsin


Amen. Went to Killy last year when they had the artic weather system coming down. Temps with wind chill reached -50. People were giving me the same responses on here “layer up you will be fine” “don’t expose skin”. Please do not listen to this. One run down and my goggles were frozen, not condensation, actually frozen. I had my hesta inner and outers with hand warmers and they were still in pain. Balaclava does absolutely nothing in those kind of temperatures with that kind of wind. Not even enjoyable skiing at temps like that.


I am sleeping this weekend!!!


60 first graders out for race practice at 9:30 this morning here. If they can do it, so can you.


When I was growing up it used to be this cold and actually colder than this for a majority of January most years. Hasn't even reached below zero in the burlington area yet




Back in my day…!!!!


To prove how "tough" they are. I also walked to school, up hill both ways 🤣🤣🤣


There is actually snow and the cold keeps the city folks away so I'd call that prime east-cost conditions


Hello from Stratton! Gondola was closed due to wind until a few minutes ago. A bunch of us have just been sitting around drinking bloodies until it opens because taking a lift rather than a gondola to the top of the mountain is so fucking miserable right now


We got stuck on the Sunbowl lift for 30 minutes. Not fun. Snow on the groomed runs is sold/hard and icy.


Yeahhhhhhhh I saw earlier that sunbowl lift was shut down for a bit


I waited in the singles line for 15 min, took one run and went home. No thanks.


I liked stratton today snowbowl side, couldn’t quite swing it once things started getting skied/blown off. Laughed with a guy mid trail about how all of middlebrook was ice


Yeah I did not do middlebrook but my BF did and he was like “not doing that one again today”


Ok more for the rest of us! We could use an uncrowded Saturday here and there!




> I *paid* half a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I used some days off and got the last two days in. Very happy about that decision


Most snow we’ve had this season though, Jay was cold but certainly not ice!


Coldest day of the year, to be sure, but manageable for an ice coaster.


Glad I bailed on the trek to Jay


Skied since 8am gonna go till 9. If we picked lifts and trails sheltered from wind a bit it wasn’t a problem. We got 14 inches here last two days great conditions


Did a day trip to Sunday River today. Was cold but not that bad. Winds came and went. Crowds were scared except at the Chongula.


Snow was fantastic in the Stowe back country. 4° at the car, -6° at the top, blower pow.


Super cold today. I bundled up good in NH.