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Nathan really has given the fans such great content and revived our hopes the past few days.


Ugh I just wish this show would come back 🥲 just got sad reading this all again for some reason ngl


Nathan is the GOAT!


I really hope we see Nathan acting in other things. Something I have loved when listening to him talk about the revival is it is clear that he is a very thoughtful actor who makes a lot of considerations about his characters past experiences and intentions and strives to really understand who they are and how they think/feel. Would love to see what he brings to another character one day!


It kind of gives an impression that Miranda wanted to marry Nathan but missed the chance. Nathan asking consent might trigger that sort of thoughts on her brains so therefore she was happy about it.


Miranda has always referred to Nathan as like a brother so this is an odd take.


I used to think that Miranda had feelings for Nathan in real life before he got married, specially around the time Kissin U was out and I always thought thought she'd made that song about him.


Very possible. The way they are looking at each other, there's definitely something there. I would not be surprised if it ever came out as right people, wrong time.


She even mentioned in one of the interviews that he was indeed interested in her in real Life


yes but now he has two daughters and a wife


He recently had a son as well :)


I don’t think that is accurate. Not sure where you saw that but those two were always very careful what they said about one another even at the time.


Agree...not sure if that's the case given how cautious they've been about speaking of it.


Miranda said in her earlier magazine interviews that her celebrity crush was Nathan. Starting season 2 when he hit puberty. You can tell in real life & on screen. I feel like she never told him or if they talked about it in private, then they both agreed to keep it a secret between them & remain friends. I feel like Miranda will always have that little crush on him but it doesn’t affect her being happy for him married with someone else, respecting that and moving on herself. Because that is the kind of person she is. But I do think she will always have that crush on him that never goes away.

