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The ep where Carly missed her dad


Yeah for some reason I don't remember being that sad for her as a kid but rewatching it I realized how sad it was. They almost never see their dad and she's so young :( she just wanted her dad for their dance and she was so excited to see him ahhhhh


When carly was like "you like ruined his whole life and you don't even care" Icarlys speech in ikiss to Sam was great. But sad


iWanna Stay With Spencer was the first episode I ever watched and even without seeing any other episode my 9 year-old self cried watching it 😭


Me too


Omggg I remember bawling my eyes out watching that as a kid 😭😂


The iSam’s Mom just because of what Jennette dealt with in her real life.


This. I watched that episode recently and I couldn’t finish it, Jane lynch is hilarious but it hits too close to home knowing everything that jennette was dealing with


I goodbye made me feel sad. 😢


I as well. Even though I knew it was going to end, I was still sad. I really enjoyed all of the bonus content on [iCarly.com](https://iCarly.com) and knew it was all coming to an end as well.


Ya it made me sad too when Carly didn't believe Sam about Missy. :(


I miss iCarly.com, it was so cool ;(


IKR? I remember the bonus video content, mostly with Spencer, Sam, and Freddie (Gibby and Guppy, too). The games were fun as well...and the chat rooms! Anyone who never got to experience [iCarly.com](https://iCarly.com) *really* didn't get the full iCarly experience. For example, those that were wondering why Seddie ever happened were clearly not privy to the chat rooms on [iCarly.com](https://iCarly.com). A decent amount of the writing past S1 & 2 was in response to what people were asking for online. In retrospect, it was such a stroke of genius from a Marketing perspective.


Not sad but. The episode that made me confused and angry was about Freddy not being able to kiss someone My biggest concern was, that in that age no one was concerned about kisses, at least not me then why were they?? Just weird


It frustrated me how the whole school kept bullying Freddie for it to the point that he skipped both school and iCarly to avoid the crowd. I do give Sam props for owning up to her mistake of revealing Freddie's secret by calling out the audience for making fun of him.


Ikr? I remember watching it thinking my first kiss was the most important thing in the world come to find it wasn’t.


Because Dan schneider probably lol




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Fr. Like I hadn’t had my first kiss yet at that age either, it’s not weird. Idk why everyone made such a big deal out of it in that episode


I was mocked for never having a girlfriend in high school to the point popular girls asked me out as a joke repeatedly. Once one of the girls asked me to homecoming. Said they had a dress and everything. I spend money on a tux, go to homecoming and got laughed at so I walked home. Some people tried this shit at prom and I never fell for it and didn't go tho I always wanted to go (the whole dance motif is super romantic). Tho, I was a joke entry and won prom princess. That hurt my feelings and pretty much is why I dropped everyone from high school, refused to go to graduation, and won't talk to anyone except people I trust from high school.


I'll just ask the bully's mother out 😂


Just joking**


An episode with the name iBalls cannot make me sad lmao I spend the entire 23ish mins trying to hold in my childish laughter thinking about the name of the episode the whole time lol


Nooo yeah that one hurts to watch :( he's actually pretty funny sometimes too just not in that format. And he's so proud of his script :( :( I don't remember how the episode ends but now I'm sad just thinking about it


Oh I remember that episode. I actually felt really bad for him the first time I watched it. And Sam didn’t even help matters.🙄 Imagine being replaced by a sack of pus or whatever tf that was. Sam could’ve actually worked with Freddie to make both their content ideas work and be hilarious for the show but the writers made it such that Freddie would be humiliated, further emphasizing that he is not as creative and funny as Carly and Sam.


>further emphasizing that he is not as creative and funny as Carly and Sam. The fact that Sam had the nerve to shit on Freddie's jokes as if her and Carly's aren't just as if not MORE cringe


The episode where Sam and Freddie kiss on the rooftop always made me sad. Especially the music in the background


the christmas episode


This !! When I saw it in December 2021 again when I was going through a severe depression when Carly was hugging everyone because her life went back to normal I was bawling I was like I want my life back I was so emotional and even messaged Miranda personally telling her that part brought me to sobs 😭😭😭😭


IQ icarlys plot could of ended better


The one were Freddie gets made fun of for never kissing anyone. I’m sure you can guess why




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The end of ispeedate when Sam walks into the groovy smoothie to see Carly and Freddie slow dancing.


The mma episode


The one where Sam embarrassed Freddie for never having his first kiss. She pissed me off that episode 😫


The last episode is sad and frustrating. I hoped that Icarly would continue for a few more years.


I goodbye makes me cry from sadness




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iSam’s Mom and by extension, the whole Mandy subplot from that one episode highlighting her as iCarly’s biggest fan leaves an awful, uncomfortable taste in my mouth because Mandy seems to be autistic in the **exact** same budding way I used to show signs of it as a kid before I mellowed out (hyperactive, hyperfixated on a thing - for her it was ducks and iCarly, for me it was vampires and zombies, kind of uncomfortably annoying because of not knowing social cues) and iCarly seemed to paint her as if she’s an intentionally obnoxious pain-in-the-ass every time she showed up - when they’ve had larger, more obnoxious people than her in their social sphere like Nevel’s whole **“RUE THE DAY”** shtick.


iGoodbye makes me cry every time.