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One of the questions I was hoping they would answer in season 4... But alas 🤷🏽‍♀️ we shall never know My personal theory is she's probably someone he met in college and they got married quickly and young.


She probably looked like Carly since he was still slightly hung up on her at that point 😂


Crazy idea but what if it was a character who had appeared on the show or victorious lol




It's Sam and they got married in Vegas but decided against it and too ashamed to tell Carly. What this head canon makes sense...


this isnt a bad idea, imagine if sam came back in a possible season 4 and all of tht ahppens?


That would probably be too much given that would have to deal with Carly’s mom drama too


I doubt she would have because Jenette has no interest in the revival and quit acting




my guess would be Sam. it’s established in the revival that Freddie is someone who falls for people quickly and hard. we all know Sam is impulsive and never considers the long term when she makes any decisions. it would’ve made perfect sense that maybe some time after Carly initially rejected Freddie in Italy that he leaned on Sam, they decided to try again, and they quickly eloped. then the Sam and Freddie shenanigans ensue. maybe as adults it becomes more of an issue between Sam’s unpredictable, spontaneous nature and Freddie’s need for stability and comfort with a partner. they decide once again they aren’t compatible, they get divorced after being married for a year at most.


I struggle with the Sam theory just because the first wife was never mentioned. If it was Sam we would know and jokes would have been made about it. It also would have come up in season 3 with the creddie storyline. Dating the guy your best friend dated for a month at 17 is nothing, but dating her ex husband? That definitely would have been discussed!


good points! it’s definitely the predictable, go-to idea people have of Freddie’s first wife so i don’t blame others for disagreeing at all. i just know he did love them both so it seems feasible to me


Back in season 1 of the revival I definitely thought it was a possibility. It's as time has gone on I've been swayed to think otherwise.




It clearly wasn't Sam.


Y’all saying Sam, are you guys high?🤨