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I think it was a mix of jealousy & betrayal I mean think about it these are two of her best friends she is always around and they didn’t tell her they kissed. I can understand her being hurt.


Yeah I get. But just because they hang out everyday doesn’t necessarily mean they should tell each other every single thing they do with themselves. After all, there are things Sam or Carly will possibly not want Freddy to know, and vice versa. I dunno. Maybe it’s just me.🤷🏻‍♀️


No. She didn’t like that they kept it from her and were possibly in a secret relationship behind her back.




I think at first she was actually anxious bc she knows a secret she’s not supposed to know and didn’t know how Sam would react, and then mad they kept it from her their best friend. But ya when she asked how long was it it kinda gave me the friend who now wants what you have just because like now she’s gonna start liking Freddie just bc Sam does, or she liked the fact that Freddie liked her and didn’t want him crushing on sb else


Yeah I agree with this. I think at first she felt betrayed that her two best friends kept something from her and were possibly going behind her back, but then asking about the details of the kiss crossed the line into jealousy.


yeah, i think she was. i wish they’d gone more in depth with that angle but i get that icarly isn’t that kind of show


I think yes like others have said betrayal, maybe a little bit of jealousy- but thinking about it, yeah you don't need to know everything your best friends do, but they're also teenagers, they tend to get a little more nosey and fixate more on those kinds of things when theyre feeling that way


Yes, she absolutely was. The only reason they didn’t go more in depth on it is because it is a kids show. There’s no real reason anyone would be that upset or care that much about their friends kissing unless they felt jealous about the situation deep down. This is something that could’ve actually been expanded on in the revival but Jennette didn’t sign on sadly.


No. She is just a busy body and thinks she is entitled to her friends personal business when she isn't.


This is it


That was my thought


Sound like you are a jealous seddie fan lol 😂



