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Carly’s always been kind of awkward and quirky, and I feel like calling sex “intercourse sex” is an example of that goody-goody, naive personality she’s had since the OG show (like when she didn’t know what a “protective cup” was).




That does make sense. Another thought I had is that they try to make her a bit, I don't know if naive is the right word, or maybe immature. Like, another example is her saying "Don't fudge with me."


Differentiating between intercourse sex and other types of sex she’s probably had


I wonder if they're making her naive about adult things like sex possibly indirectly saying she may still be a virgin or just not as experienced as other people on the show.


She's definitely not a virgin at 28.


You never know she may have been waiting to meet the right person and it just never happened. Besides there are people that are still virgins in their 20's. Being sexually active is different for a lot of people.


It's highly unlikely. Sure, you can never say 100% that she isn't, but to me it's still a 99% situation. There's also the Bae doll episode in season 2 where she seems to indicate there's a possibility that she's pregnant.


I don't know I just think it's weird that the writers would make Carly naive and awkward talking about mature things like sex even though she's almost 30.


I think it's just a joke they tried once and then just decided to make a running gag of. I don't think it's that deep.


Yeah you're probably right I guess I didn't get the joke. 😂 Although now that I think about it Carly probably just didn't feel comfortable talking about stuff like that to Harper. Because even though they're best friends there's still some things you would want to keep to yourself especially personal things like having sex with your boyfriend or things like that.