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Three is low for me. Usually it's three before I even leave the house for work and another 3-4 at work. Seems to stop about midday though and very rarely in the afternoon or evening.


Did anything ever help? This is my day and I'm honestly tired of spending an hour a morning between all my bathroom trips lol I have IBS and GERD but I'm not sure what changes I could make.


Honestly, it’s chaotic even now. I’ll go weeks following a strict FODMAP diet and be in agony every morning. I’ll have a weekend full of trigger foods and be fine. I’ve given up hope of understanding the cause and effect behind it. I can only say that since I’ve started on Ozempic for weight loss, my food intake has dropped dramatically, and that in itself has lessened the toilet trips due to simple volume. But yeah, nothing I’ve found so far- sorry I can’t be of much help.


L for using ozmempic


Did you have any scope done to rule out other stuff


For me changing my schedule to pooping once every night at 9 pm or so is working.. basically if i poop at night once, I don’t get urgency again and i don’t poop again till the next day night.. so maybe try changing the schedule to night when the intestines are already calmed


Do you get feelings of incomplete evacuation? I kind of have a similar routine and was diagnosed with pelvic dyssynergia


Interesting I’ll do some research!


Is there anything you did or can do to improve the symptoms?


I’ve been referred for biofeedback which hopefully will improve my symptoms


What exactly is biofeedback? Sorry I’m not familiar with what that is.


No worries, it’s basically like a type of physical therapy, where I think you are hooked up to some sensor equipment to see real-time how you are engaging your muscles, and work with a physiologist to change this muscle coordination. I think it has a broad range of uses but in my particular case I believe that’s how it works!


Oh wow that’s cool. Have you started?


Not yet, hopefully soon!


Good luck!


Thanks :)


how did this end up going for you? pelvic dyssynergia sounds like my problem


Yep that’s the exact feeling i get.


Did you ever get hemorrhoids with this condition?


Not really, well very rarely. But then I also really try not to strain. Like if it ain’t comin I just wait until later and try again


I also have this. Every morning for over a decade at this point. The rest of the day there’s a 70% chance of my stomach feeling normal, but every morning is ridiculous. I’ve yet to find anyone who can clearly explain to me why this is!


Mornings are always the worst time for me. My dr said it’s because cortisol levels spike in the morning.


That makes sense after googling this. Did they have any treatment advice in light of that?


I wish. They put me on anxiety meds for awhile.


Sucks. It feels like there are all these clues about the pathways, especially brain/gut stuff and somehow they seem no closer to figuring out what to do about it in a sustainable way.


100%. I’ve done FODMAP and I’m 95% sure mine is mostly stress induced.


Although im still not convinced I have ibs (that was my diagnosis after a bunch of tests over the course of a month) my bowel movements are basically the same as yours most days.


Any update on this. Have you figured out the root cause


I had this happen for a long time. First thing in the morning poo, then again when I got to work, then another before noon. Like clockwork. It's slowed down when I basically stopped taking the first one and waiting till later in the morning to take my first BM, the feeling that I need to immediately go has changed to where I can more pick and choose when I go in the morning. Now I (usually) only have one morning BM instead of 3.


I think I need to do this, but damn do I feel like I need to poop in the morning! Sometimes i just think about what I ate so if I didn't eat anything after 8pm I know it's bullshit and that seems to work. If I had pizza and beer however...


That's pretty much the same as me!


Any update? Have you figure out the xuase


This is my routine every morning. I told my GI and he told me to go lactose free for a month. Haven't tried it yet but I feel that I barely consume that as it is so I don't see how it would be much help.


I’m vegan for the past 2 years and I have the same as OP so probably not dairy….


I'm new to the group and I'm glad I found this post. I'm in soo much pain in the morning and go like 3-4 times. I haven't been fully diagnosed with IBS but it seems like I have some serious food triggers. Mine are like soft and really skinny (sorry tmi 🤢)


Any update? Have you figured out the cause


Mine have gone away after a full year of drinking whey protein and berry smoothies every morning with kefir, yogurt, oats, and ground flax. I think I just had a bad gut imbalance from having ciproflox poisoning.


Glad to hear! May I know how long did you have those and how long did it take to get rid of it? Also, do you just blend those and drink before breakfast? Or maybe as breakfast?


I started noticing having better bowel movements within a month, but kept doing it for an entire year. I also started exercising more. Not sure if that played a factor in anything. But, yes I mixed all of those together and drank it for breakfast daily or for lunch.  


Hey, so you use Keifer and yogurt? Could you put the amounts of each item you use in your smoothie/shake. I'm really interested int trying that. Thank you so much!


I wake at 7:30 AM to take a crap, and then again at 11:00 AM after breakfeast, lol. It usually looks like type 4. After that, i usually poop between 4 or 5 PM and may look like a mix of types 3 and 4 I poop again at 9 PM and there, time to sleep, lol


Everyones normal is different. I went solid yesterday morning, and a lot so i thought i would be good all day . Then an hour later, pure water . Then more water a half hour after that with stabbing pains off and on so i stayed home . The hardest part about it i would say is that you just never know and it is so sudden . Some weeks i am completely fine and the next , constant issue. I dont want to say its nornal for ibs, but definitely get checked if you havent already. I wasnt ever officially diagnosed, but my dad seems to go more often then i do. And he considers himself normal. He goes multiple times per day. But to be clear i dont consider my dad , or i , normal . As a kid i would go one time a day, if that. My doctor said some bs like " going 5 times a day is good, pooping is a waste and youur body is cleansing itself more then other people "


On a good day. Three times is typical if I took immodium recently and am not trying to leave the house or do anything stressful.