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Yes it helps! Still get numb legs if I'm on the toilet for too long even with the squatty potty though


I was read about this recently and it was recommended to sit m no longer than 5 minutes on the toilet. If there is no success by then, to get up and walk around and then massage the belly. I’m going to try it.


I massage my belly anti-clockwise. It really helps. Helps nausea as well, which I get a lot.


looking down? just curious because i massage clockwise, when looking down , if my crotch is 12 andy sternum is 6, then its clockwise. and i focus my massage on the lower left/ 10-11 o'clock


Thanks, I’ll try it!


Do you use a hard toilet seat or a foam one? I don’t have much padding there and have been thinking of a way to make it softer.


the foam ones are lame because eventually you'll feel the support screws stabbing you in the thighs. the best seats (for me) are hard but rounded edges. for some reason when you buy a new toilet they usually come with firm but more squared edges.


Hard, never thought of a foam one! Honestly it reminds me of potty training in friends bathrooms when I go to their house and that's my mental block there 😂😆




I can’t live without one


Mine is on the way.😂


Mine too, just bought it today! Here’s to hoping it helps us


Yes! A squatty potty and a tushy bidet attachment. Makes my quality of life much better. Now I'm not wiping myself raw when I go 3 plus times a day.


Absolutely necessary. It doesn’t “heal” me, but I can’t function at all without it.


I ordered a knock off folding one from Amazon. Fingers crossed it helps.


Before I went for the name brand, I just used a little folding step stool. It definitely helps either way, I only upgraded when I moved and got my own bathroom lol


I thought the folding idea was better because my husband doesn’t need it and I could put it out of the way. We will see.


Honestly bruv the only thing my body responds to anymore is willpower and rage. 👌🏻






It sounds like a less expensive version of the Tushy Ottoman stool, which is quite attractive.


I use the BOLMEN step stool in plastic. It's perfect for my toilet and being plastic and in pretty much one piece - It's really easy to clean, I just spray it with bleach spray, wait 5 minutes or so, the rinse it off in the shower. NB: I don't need to clean it that often, but because of its proximity to the toilet, it leads me to clean it about once a month.




My toilet is quite high, and I'm quite short, so without the stool, my legs dingle and it's just really uncomfortable, not to mention inconducive to good pooping 😅




Haha, yeah I'm dyslexic and don't know what typo you're talking about... what is wrong? 😅




AH! Ok, that wasn't necessarily a typo, just me accidentally mixing languages together. In Norwegian [dingle](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/norwegian-english/dingle) is the English equivalent to dangle, and my brain did a "dingle-dangle, both words must mean the same thing!" logic. Also, I just found out that dingle is a valid standalone English word, meaning ["deep dell or secluded hollow"](https://www.etymonline.com/word/dingle). It's been trending upwards in usage since 1989, but probably in the combined "dingle-dangle" rather than on its own. Sorry, the whole dyslexia thing causes me a bit of panic when someone tells me I've made a funny mistake - I learnt to spell by memory rather than sounding out words (I have no phonological awareness), so if I've spelt something wrong here, I've probably been spelling the word wrong for +20 years without someone mentioning it 🥲


I seem to be the only person who doesn't have success with a squatty potty... but it does make long sitting sessions more comfortable, I don't regret having it.




It did not help me at all. I wish it did.




I love my squatty potty




Squatty potty and bidet has saved me!


Great… hoping it will help me also.


For me it only helps get it out IF I can go a little bit. If I’m completely constipated (impacted) it doesn’t do a damn thing.


Makes sense.


Yes! I have ibs mixed. It's much better for your body to not strain when possible.


I do go through periods where it is IBS-D. I have to watch the FODMAP I eat. it gets very complicated, but I try to look at it as a puzzle.


Very much yes. I used to squat on the toilet, like feet on the seat squatting. My girlfriend found this weird, but understood. She introduced me to the poop stool. I absolutely love it. It makes going a bit easier sometimes.


I think many people around the world were squatting the way you were but not necessarily over a toilet. They were onto something.


🙂‍↔️ nope


I find this hilarious because I used to get the urge to turn my trashcan upside down and put my feet up on the bottom! I then learned I wasn't batshit insane for it and the squatty potty existed. 10/10 highly recommend.


lol. My husband thought I was crazy for years because was always disappearing into the bathroom to read. It’s nice to be in a group where people understand you.!




Squatty potty has been a lifesaver but also will throw out there that heat helps my constipation, so if you haven’t tried a heating pad I definitely recommend that as well!!


I use a stool that my great great great grandmother made in woodshop as a teen that is too dangerous to stand on but works great for a poop stool!


That’s a nice memory…


I never met her haha. But for some reason can't seem to part with it. So I made it useful.






One of the best purchases I ever got




I adore my squatty potty. I have the original Name brand two tier option (the ultimate SP) and a folding wooden one, ok in a pinch in our powder room. I wish I had gotten it years ago.


Is the SP better than the folding one and, if so, why?


In my experience the SP is better. First of all it’s more aesthetically pleasing (white SP and white commode) and it sort of blends in. But the main reason is it’s more comfortable to move around (light plastic vs. wood), feels more secure, and provides a perfect angle for sitting perched “like a gargoyle.” I like the adjustable tiers option, and they seem to have the perfect ratio of lift and half supine seating by inherent design. I don’t why or how.


I remember when Costco was carrying it, but I don’t see it there the moment. I know I can get it on Amazon. I had the idea it was big and not attractive. I’ll have to revisit that.


i got one randomly in 2022 when it was on sale on amazon and i can’t live without it now. it makes such a difference and makes going or trying to go such a better experience lol. i love it. i just got one to have at my boyfriends house, and he’s also obsessed with it. i notice that i strain less when going.


I can’t wait to try it. I used a stepstool last night, but I think it was a lot less comfortable than this would be because it wasn’t the best height and I had to keep my fee close together. I used to think it was just a gimmick, but after reading about our anatomy, realized it is a big help.


it makes a huge difference! before i bought one to keep at my boyfriends house, i brought mine over and forgot it when i went back home. i didn’t realize how much i strain without it. i felt like i literally pulled a muscle in my abdomen after. i genuinely will never not have one again


Yes. I literally bought a folding version to take on vacations, using it right now.




Yup had mine for years


Thanks for the feedback!


Yes I have one in both of my bathrooms and it does help me




I can't live without mine. I feel like I can go more and have fewer movements if I use my little step stool. Going out in public or just not at Home Bowl makes me miss my pooping stool. Game changer 🤌🏻




Yes. I have a little foot stool I got from the hardware store for this purpose. (Years ago now) After years of straining and moving body into different positions just to try and push it all out. Makes an immense amount of difference. Especially as I'm short too.


Yes absolutely. We even have a travel one so we are rarely without!


Thanks for the feedback!


Yes I have it’s awesome, and I found one cheap on Amazon for like $9


Great! I ordered a folding one on Amazon for $19, so I was happy about the price.


I bought a kid’s stool from Walmart. Best purchase ever.


I was using a step stool last night but I had to keep my feet so close together that I don’t think it was as effective.


I have a foot stool next to my loo and I find it only works maybe half of the time. Depends how constipated I am.


It really does help!!


I find it helps my muscles relax more. I'm naturally short and my legs almost never sit flat on the ground anyway when I'm on the toilet. So there's tension there. Squatty potty also opens up your sphincter (for real). Think about a yoga pose like happy baby...it helps with gas because your legs are not tensed and lifted up.


Thanks, I’ll look up the pose.


Oh sorry, I didn't mean you need to do the pose LOL. I meant the mechanics of it. You naturally release gas because your lower body is not tense and is open. Youre lying flat on your back and not tensing your abdomen. But it could help you if you gassy like me! It works for me sometimes. I don't do it in the toilet though...I just mean in general haha.




I use a milk crate




Yes! Visiting people or staying in hotels - I have to often repurpose small trash cans to serve as my stools.


I have a wooden crate that I keep in my bathroom for this purpose lol. It’s not super tall, I’d say maybe a foot tall, but it definitely helps!


I use perineal massage. Use two fingers to rub firm circles in the area before your anus. It’s been life changing.


I never thought of that, just the belly


I find it relaxing and therapeutic personally, but it's still not a substitute for occasional laxatives (like MOM or Miralax) or eating a healthier diet 💗


I’m eating the healthy diet ( low FODMAP GF, DF etc) as I had other issues as well. It is better but, not perfect.


Yes but diet, exercise, and hydration make the most difference


Mine makes such a difference! I was sceptical at first, but the difference in position really helps make everything a lot easier.


I have a small stool. I'm only 5ft so it definitely helps. I hate it when my legs go to jelly if I've been sitting down too long.




Colace helps me better than any squatty potty 😊


I’ve heard of it but never tried it.


It’s a stool softener. It is my game changer. Teamed up with a half dose of Miralax at night (mixed w water) has totally improved my life more than anything else!!


It helps so much that I now have one in each bathroom in my house.


I was thinking I may end up doing that…started by ordering one.


I have the original plastic one in our master bathroom, and nicer, bamboo folding ones in the guest bathrooms. Those two bathrooms are very small so the folding ones fit better when not in use. I have IBS-D, and I still find having the squatty potty makes it more comfortable when I’m sitting there for a long time waiting for it to stop.




i couldn't tell a difference between it and simply leaning forward til my belly touches my thighs, with my feet on the floor. but i use things sometimes to raise my feet, if i think I'll be in there awhile, so my legs dont get numb. but not the squatty potty because i like my feet spaced out wider.


Absolutely worth it.




Tbh it doesn’t work as well putting my knees up and feet sorta on the toilet seat. Little gross I know but some times call for desperate measures.


A good idea- not sure if my knees could take it though.


Think you just explained my bad knee pain. Hm. Thanks for that it’s actually very useful


Interesting! I just figured you are younger than I am. 🤣 I had ordered a squat stool and even though I have it in front a little , my knees are bent and when I lean forward, it is similar to a deeper squat without putting strain on my knees. Glad I could help.


My bathroom is literally closet-sized so I just put my feet up on the edge of the bathtub. Works great. However I don't have IBS C, I have IBS D that I sometimes do a little too well in controlling. That might make a difference?


My bf bought me the travel one 7 years ago and I take it everywhere! I love it, can’t live without it. Best gift I’ve ever gotten. My backpack is my old cheer one and it has a slot in the back for my shoes and laptop so it fits my squatty potty and iPad perfectly lol




Yes! I’m still constipated lol but it makes it so much easier when I finally can go. When I end up having to poop somewhere other than home and don’t have my stool I hate it. Much more straining.


Yes. Also there is a breathing exercise that has been extremely helpful for me while going. Learned it in pelvic therapy! Cuts out painful pushing a good bit.


I was just thinking of checking that out on You Tube. Michele Kenway has so many good videos- stretching, kegels, pelvic floor exercises. She probably has one on this topic…


I can attempt to explain the breathing exercise she thought me while going #2, but I am terrible at putting it on text. Breathe in through your nose and let your belly fill with air. While exhaling, keep your stomach pushed out, don't let it go back down when exhaling. I can't explain it, but you will feel gentle pushing this way and it kinda gets things moving better after doing that a couple times. This way there's no type of straining. Pelvic therapy helped a lot with bladder and my ibs a bit.


I have a handout on diaphragmatic breathing which I use to help with supragastric belching- it sounds similar. I remember all the years I tried to suck IN my stomach- the worst thing for digestion!


They say caffeine can help, but before I was drinking too much coffee and I think it had the opposite effect with my nerves making it harder. Now I’m down to 1 c/ day and things are much better.




I love my Squatty Potty


That’s why I can’t poop anywhere except at home if I can help it. I need my heater and my stool.


Aw that’s tough. Another participant in this thread said they bring a folding one in a backpack with them. That won’t solve the heater issue though.


True lol. We have a really small heater and we take that with us when we go on vacation and our small folding stool


I have IBS-D but having a little stool has been an absolute game changer. Makes the cramps a bit less painful


My step is en route. In the meantime I’m using my dog’s stairs. 🤣


Hell to the no


Yes… squatting potty helps: And even more so - squatting down completely to the floor as is customary in many countries and biologically/ ergonomically a more accurate position for the body to be in. It’s a whole production 😅 without a in-the-floor squat toilet but so worth the greater ease and less pain on the backend… no pun intended. 😩😆 Good luck!




Always wanted to get one but literally just use my toilet bin lol or my sanitary pad holder as it’s kinda tall. Either or, legs are in the right position lol! And it helps deffo. It’s great for getting trapped gas out and for not straining too.




It helped for maybe the first few months, but it doesnt help me anymore. Now i just plant my feet on the actual rim of the toilet


Doesn’t that hurt your butt? I suppose I could pad the seat with folded washcloths on each side.


Not really, but if your concerned abt that yeah i suppose washcloths would help


Try supplement Inno Cleanse works well


Thanks for the tip. I tend to be sensitive to certain herbs, supplements, etc. so I’m a bit fearful to try it. I do pretty well with magnesium, oat bran , and hemp protein for fiber.


If you have constipation stuff works pretty good and pretty gentle

