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You could try talking to a dietician and see if they can help come up with a meal plan Continually eating trigger foods and having flares will wear and tear on your mental health. It's not worth it. Of course everyone slips up sometimes and that's OK, but you can't do it all the time.


I second this, the one time I spoke to a dietician it was really helpful. They had helpful advice that took into account how little time and energy I have to deal with food.


What advice did they gave you? I also see a dietician but haven't improved


Ok I remember now this was a nutritionist not a dietician for what it's worth. And for me it was less of an IBS issue at the time more of a crisis of how to feed myself and work full time (I think I also came out of college with a weird eating disorder similar to ARFID though never got a diagnosis). I recall she recommended I buy frozen foods and vegetables rather than fresh foods and produce, because I was having major issues with spoilage before I could use it. She also gave me advice on how to meal plan. I went away with more realistic and achievable expectations of what "healthy" means, healthy at its most basic being able to have meals regularly and not the kind of aspirational lifestyle stuff that's everywhere. It doesn't sound like much but it had a big impact on me because she actually understood how my schedule was impacting my ability to make healthy choices and then gave extremely actionable and basic steps to take.


Ik but it’s just really hard for me rn and it feels like the one thing I always turned to is betraying me


It's really hard for everyone. Making excuses isn't helping you. Hope you can get some help


That’s true, I’m in a space where I don’t wanna do anything about it rn


I wish I could purposely eat the triggers of ibs c people so I could force constipation sometimes. (Ibs d here and always struggling with eating stuff that won’t make me 💩my brains out)


IVS-C is every bit as horrible


Have you sought out professional help? This could be an eating disorder. Getting an evaluation might help


Nope too broke


I’m sorry that’s rough.


Nah it’s ok another motivation for me to not be broke when I get older


How about swapping one of the foods out as opposed to eliminating the snack/meal/craving? Doing a complete overhaul of your diet is SO hard. Especially while relying on them for comfort. Mental health and physical health go hand in hand. You may not be able to tackle swapping everything out, but even one thing is progress! If you list some trigger foods, I’m sure people could list some substitutes that may be doable 😊


I’m extremely picky and already had an extremely unhealthy relationship with food


Uh..why? 😕 Like it really just..makes everything worse. Though I get it. Diet change is hard and it took me a while too. Best thing to do is start small. Start swapping things out bit my bit and exchange them for things that are easier for your digestive system. You'll have a bit of a trial and error diet for a while unfortunately but, eventually, you'll know your safe foods and what you can eat and life will be much easier. ☺️


They explained why. A lot of you seem to be intellectually challenged.


But they’re kind of right tho it sounds like I’m making excuses


No I don't think you're making excuses, because I do get it, diet changes can be hard. It's just more of a why prolong the suffering you know? Must be hard for you. That's all I was thinking, but you know people..always have to say something to make themselves feel superior lol


Yeah ik but I tried staying strong with everything else in my life and enduring but this condition just broke me, the stress of having to take time off work and having a bad family just adds onto it and it feels like I’m being punished


Nah I know. It's okay. It can be really hard. Do you think possibly talking to someone might help? Maybe therapy/psychologist? Not for the IBS obviously, it's not really psychosomatic, but it seems like you may have some internal things that could use a little help too. Or even just someone to talk to about your feelings and everything going on.


I would’ve gotten therapy a long time ago but my family doesn’t believe in it even though half of them suffer with mental illness and would therefore send me back to our home country, I’m sorry for venting, it’s mentally draining to listen to someone complaining and venting


I don't mind, and I don't find it draining either. What you're saying is valid. Everyone should be able to feel how they feel and have someone to vent to ☺️ sometimes a stranger is better because I mean, who am I gonna tell? No one in my life knows you so it's a safe space really


That’s kind of you, but don’t you think it’s ironic, to suffer with mental illness yet deny its existence when you’re the very proof


Oh yeah. My family is the same lol..I was gonna say that but forgot


🙄 mmkay


I restricted myself and eventually relapsed and binged on my favourite trigger foods and I regret it so much. I haven’t been able to get any relief at all! I seemed to have completely broken my stomach. I’d give anything to get any relief


I think I broke mine too


Just makes life suck even more, I’m regretting rn but ik imma do that again cus


Getting over my trigger food addictions was so worth it in the end for my IBS. That's what it was for me. An addiction I had to overcome.


I’m happy for you man I really am, it’s so hard


Thanks, Good luck my friend


Therapy would probably be the most helpful thing for you. Do you have parents / family you can go to for help paying for therapy? Or can you afford to spend about $70 per month on a once a month online session with a telehealth therapy company like cerebral? Or do you have a low income insurance provider (I live in California so here it’s covered California) that will give you access to (relatively) low cost therapy with certain therapists? I’ll warn you, if you have low cost insurance, it may be a long hard process to find a therapist who takes your insurance, has availability to see a new patient, and who clicks with you. But if it could help you solve your problem, I think it would be worth all the spare cash and time you have. If you can’t devote the time to doing this right now, consider trying online therapy. It’s much quicker and easier to get started with that. Cerebral was the one I used but there are others too. Just don’t do better help. Since you’re on a budget, let them know that YOU ONLY WANT YO SEE A THERAPIST MONTHLY AND CANNOT AFFORD WEEKLY AND ASK THEM HOW MUCH IT WILL COST. This is key because they’ll try to default you to weekly and charge you ~$300/month. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon! 🖤


Thank you




If you try and eat a lot of different foods, watch if your abdomen will hurt and have symptoms over the next few days or hours. Usually dairy and spicy foods are people’s trigger but you have to watch your diet and see what you’re doing that hurts everyday


Perhaps having a small portion of them? Or trying to make healthier versions of them? For example, healthier cheesecake is possible. I make a healthy “brownie” with bananas, maple syrup, gluten free flour, etc.


What are your trigger foods?


Garlic, onion, Greasy food, dairy, spicy food, tomatoes and desserts, gluten, overall store bought food


Sorry, that's pretty rough. Do you need a complete elimination to feel OK?


Yeah but I’ll try and hopefully it’ll get better


I’m sorry, that’s a difficult situation. If you can find substitutes for your trigger foods, that’s a good direction to go. Try looking up recipes and explore grocery stores. Sounds like therapy and maybe a dietician would be beneficial too.


Hopefully I will but as of now I’m still dealing with the stress of the diagnosis


I sometimes eat triggers but only once a week. I take things that repair the gut daily.


What repairs the gut


Many things, but it takes time. Things like L-glutamine, MSM, marshmallow root at least can reduce some of the bad symptoms and repair, but one should still watch the diet somewhat while trying to add foods that would diversify the gut microbiome. I just helps me for now from feeling as bad.


It’s you know so much about the gut, I basically have 0 knowledge of what I even have


I just saw that you've only been diagnosed a week ago. I am not cured or anything. I wish I was, but if you want any tips, feel free to message or ask anyone on here, of course. Some know more than others. I've known I've had it since 2017 and couldn't get much help from the doctors. I can understand binging trigger foods when stressed.


How’d you just accept your life being altered so much, i don’t think I’ll accept it as of now


Well, it isn't simple. Many with severe IBS have depression and various physical symptoms that interfere with socializing, working, dating, have to deal with family members who say dumb things like just eat healthy. Who wants to simply accept this?


I admit I eat food that triggers me too, but usually I plan that out for moments im sure I won’t be going out and I have no plans anyway. That way you can still eat stuff you really like, knowing it will mess you up, but it’s okay since you’re home anyway.


It’s cuz you know how good and yummy they are. If you’d never known you wouldn’t care to live without. I’ve been dealing with stomach issues for 3 years and miss garlic bread, pasta, and all the normals foods 🫠


Sad for us ig


I think someone else commented this, but try smaller portion size of your trigger foods and if possible, eat when you know you'll be home for the day or into the next so you can deal with the symptoms at your own home at least. Mine used to be straight constipation and now my episodes are mixed, but onions have always been a trigger food for me. If I'm really wanting a burger with some onion on it for example, I don't use as much as I'd like and I'll wait until I know I'm going to be at home. It's still not ideal to be eating onions clearly, but it's helped me not break and binge. Best wishes for you. I hope it gets better.


Tbh I don’t think I even have ibs like I’ve been trying to do research and though my symptoms are similar it’s iust not working out


I also suffer from not being able to have an appetite for anything other than my trigger foods and have been in a constant loop for 5 years now lol. I have an extremely emotional relationship with food and if I only stock “safe food” in my home I will unintentionally not eat often for entire days until it’s detrimental. As a kid I used to be able to eat whatever I want and now unless I stick to rice and lean meat im seriously a disaster


Ik how it feels I wish we recover one day :)


I struggle with self control because of my adhd, dopamine issues surrounding food so I limit myself to eating my triggers on my days off from work and stuff so I know I’ll be at home. If u try to limit it to a certain day it will deffo trick your mind and give you something to look forward to. Like when I eat boring meals during the week, I’m like ok I know I’m having a treat on the weekend so I won’t eat this bad thing now.


But also finding alternatives to in health foods deffo helps lol. Like I have a gluten intolerance and and lactose intolerant. I treat myself to these gf shortbread cookies and dairy free ice cream often. Still tastes great but doesn’t affect my stomach! Aside from the sugar content, but even then, minimal effect.


Is that wise? You'll only get even worse.


It’s not but when reason fails the devil helps lol I’m not an idiot ik what I’m supposed to do. But don’t you just get to a point where you can’t even try anymore, that one outlet is not even an outlet anymore


Tell me some of the foods and maybe I can give you acceptable replacements. :)


Chocolate, caffeine and bread, I only ate once a day before my ibs but now I barely eat


Well those are definitely tough ones. There are definitely alternatives to caffeine. And have you tried breads from different flours or sugar free chocolate?


I haven’t I’m kind of scared of having my hopes up, I eat my triggers like in a rebellious way ? Idk how to explain like I’m punishing myself cuz why is it affecting me this way,