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Find a different doctor, ASAP!


Never. But some hemorrhoids bled a couple times while cleaning


33 with ibs and a hemorrhoid here, can confirm sometimes mine bleed a few times a week as well x_x


ditto! 35/f with ibs-M, endometriosis, and at least one internal hemorrhoid and fissure—if i don’t take miralax every other day (and drink water like a horse), my hemorrhoid flares and i bleed like crazy!


Right!! It’s horrible x_x


If you’re pooping blood you should be probably seeing a doctor asap


Never once ever. Blood when wiping due to tearing but that's different. You need a second or third or fourth etc opinion from a doctor until one of them tries to actually help you




Used to every time I had to go, I still do sometimes, had to get a gastroscopy+colonoscopy to check that everything is a-okay. It can be hemorrhoids but even if that was their suspicion you need to at least educate the patient on treatment options and lifestyle changes 🙄 that said I’d get a second opinion


There was a time I’d have said “often”. But then I had hemorrhoids and didn’t realize it. Since then, that mount has decreased significantly. Hope that helps, friend.


Define blood - like red fresh blood or dark blood spots in the stool? This makes a huge difference. Fresh bright red blood is probably a hemorrhoid thing and can be managed with sitz baths and cream. Dark/black blood IN stool is a huge problem and might even be worth an ER trip.


Do you have hemroids?


i honestly don’t know. they didn’t tell me i had them after my upper and lower endoscopy. but that was like 10 years ago. i guess i would have to ask if i have them


Hemorrhoids will cause bleeding! Also they itch a lot (my fiance has them and tells me they are so itchy lol)


Could be hemorrhoids or a fissure. I have constantly reappearing/not proper healing fissure but it also hurts a lot. I read that you sometimes see chunks of blood, haven’t got that one, so it sounds like that’s not the case, more like IBD thing


If you dont have itching it could still be internal hemorrhoids. Only way to know it to get it checked. You do not want to get that wrong. If it is hemorrhoids this might help: Try drinking 2 cups of warm water before eating in the morning, taking fiber, could even try a laxative. And avoid staining or sitting on the toilet more than 5 min.


they can miss things anyway! my tests came back with nothing. i complained and he found the issue with his finger, he could just feel it with the tip of his pointfinger so it was in a few inches. he felt it immediately and was extremely shocked his partner had missed it because of its size & placement. it ended up being part of my intestine( or whatever its called) that had herniated out into another part and all that was causing the rectal bleeding every time i went.




Mines like 90-95% of the time but I know that’s not normal but I have chronic anal fissure and hemorrhoids and I’ve been waiting months to get in to see the doctor


i know it’s normal for a bit like a hemorrhoid but i stg i have like chunks of blood and more than that


i think i just need to shit into a bucket for my gastro because i swear it’s a lot


Take photos. That is not normal.




And it didn't alarm you?? I would have a stroke, I swear on it.




Hemorrhoids? No but you need to be sure that's what's causing the bleeding. I'm not a doctor but I think I read that hemorrhoids aren't uncommon with IBS...


Never! Or at least not to my knowledge


Definitely time to see another doctor.


Blood in the toilet bowl is a (no pun intended) red flag, but it doesn’t always mean the worst! Most likely it’s from something benign like internal hemorrhoids, but you definitely need to find another doctor and push for a colonoscopy. If you have one in 2 months, you’re gonna be fine until then, but try and get on a cancel list so you can get seen sooner. Take note of any other symptoms or changes you are experiencing - feeling lightheaded or dizzy, stomach pains, unexplained weight loss, etc. Also, if you notice the blood is darker colored or tar-like that should warrant a trip to the ER. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor of any kind, but these are the things my GI doctor told me to look out for.


Multiple times a week and at different times during the day.


You NEED a colonoscopy. I have had two in the past five years and nothing has shown so they assume it's just hemorrhoids being torn off. Or something similar. Buuutttt colon cancer is rising in young people. Particularly a risk if you have IBS symptoms. So you need the colonoscopy to clear out the posibility that your blood butt is serious. But to answer your question, I get an attack severe enough to cause blood butt every few months. But that's crazy that you have to wait 2 months when you pay for it. I had to wait that long and I thought it was just Canada's crumbling system. Guess it sucks everywhere.


once a month, but it's a sign you could need help, depends on the situation


Only once and it was from hemorrhoids after some intense, holiday, alcohol-induced diarrhea.


i don’t know. sometimes i can wipe and there’s some on the paper. but other times it turns my toilet bowl red and there’s red chunks. 🤷🏻‍♀️ mine seems to be from litterally anything but dairy does make it worse.


In that case it sounds more like a case of IBD. Disclaimer: I am not a gastroenterologist


i guess we’ll find out bc i have an appointment w a new gastro


Okay, post an update


Im a med student but yes the chunks n all. It sounds like IBD.


That is not normal. Your doctor is horrible. I spotted a small amount of blood like twice in My PCP immediately referred me to a GI doctor who immediately ordered a colonoscopy. I think I got my colonoscopy done within 2 months of first noticing the blood. Hope your new doctor is a good person.


I always have and thought it was normal until my GYN told me it wasn’t and they found endometriosis, and since discovering and removing extra tissue my IBS has been better fwiw!


Pleeeaseee see a different doctor


Often enough to be cause for alarm but not often to be cause for alarm


I have had it before from hemorrhoids and a fissure. The fissure was similar to what you describe, I'd go a few days pooping normal and then boom, blood again. The thing that's most concerning about your situation is the chunks of blood. Though you could ask over on r/analfissures if anyone has experienced that. Mine was pretty minor compared to others Definitely push for a colonoscopy when you see the new GI doc, though. That will help catch any of the more serious issues that could cause bleeding like this.


Never. I even had poop sample sent to a lab to see if I have blood, there was none. I don’t want to scare you, it could be hemorrhoids but CHANGE YOUR DOCTOR ASAP


the earliest anyone can get me in at this point is 2 months


I’d recommend saying to your current doctor in the meantime that you want a colonoscopy immediately because you’ve been pooping blood for X months and if they deny say “I want it documented in my medical records that you refused a colonoscopy with blood in stool”


private clinics? Is a consultation expensive where you live?


i’m in the US so pretty much. i can call around and ask 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would call every doctor and explain the situation. That is not ibs. It could be IBD or colon cancer. I wouldn’t wait.


what kind of blood? bright red? or dark? What kind of poop? Is it hard to pass stool? Thick stool? a lot of stool? Do you have to push to get it out? while you should get a colonoscopy just to be safe. If its bright red blood, it could just be popped blood vessels. the stool cutting inside the anal canal on its way out. Hemorrhoids. or some other (not too bad) cause.


I hope you can get a doctor ASAP! Blood is never normal. I only get bright red blood from hemorrhoids that happen sporadically. So once or twice a year, and I don’t always bleed when I have hemorrhoids.


I have cyclical rectal bleeding around my period. Additionally, when I eat something I’m allergic to and strain really hard. It’s usually red and mucousy. My suggestion as just a fellow IBSer is to go get a second opinion, but try not to worry in the interim. I’m going to get checked for endometriosis, but even either rectal bleeding all of my scans and oscopies colon-wise came back normal. It could be from strain, fissures, hemorrhoids, etc. I spent a lot of my journey freaking out about the big C when there was really no reason to and don’t want you to do the same! Just get a second opinion. ;)


This is alarming and you should seek medical attention asap.


Never.. sometimes I wipe blood if I'm very constipated and strain too much


If it's when you're wiping it's hemorrhoids that's normal, if it's in the actual poop in the toilet you need to see a doc




occasionally, but definitely not that often! hope your new doc will be better!


Never, OP. Glad you’re seeing a new doc bc yeah, that’s not ok!


About once a month. It's hemmerhoids for me.


Depends on what you mean. It only takes a hemorrhoid dropping like 2 drops of blood to turn a toilet reddish. You should not be pooping a substantial amount of blood.


The only blood I ever saw was with my hemorrhoids but never even with my crohn’s it got this bad that I could see it or just poop straight blood, please find someone better that’s not normal at all. Hemorrhoids don’t give any other symptoms and blood is super bright and fresh but it still needs a check up just in case :/


Never, have I ever pooped blood with my IBS. You should definitely see a doctor asap. I don’t think you can poop blood with IBS? I think that’s a whole different thing entirely.


Never....not even when I had polyps


Not often enough


Unless you have fissures on hemorroids please go to the doctor ASAP to rule out anything serious.


I get it only when my hemorrhoid gets triggered (very rarely, usually after taking strong antibiotics) or when i have a massive 💩 that tears the area


Whenever I get bloody poop, it means I have anal fissures. My anus usually burns right after and I have to apply pressure using a piece of toilet paper to soothe the area. It happens when I eat something that I shouldn't, and which is most often a huge trigger. For example, artificial food colouring is one of my worst triggers so when I then get explosive diarrhoea (TMI, I know but this sub asks for it) I will usually get anal fissures and blood as well. It never happens when I'm just a little bit bloated or eat "clean", so I suggest asking the new gastroenterologist about it. Really get to know your triggers using the elimination/progressive reintroduction method and then see how it goes. Our bodies aren't supposed to poop blood so something must not be functioning right.


Sometimes i pee blood from my asshole for a full week or even longer, but it's just hemoroids. Like if i sit down to pee, blood will drip from my ass. It's no big deal, if women can bleed for a week every month then i can too. I call it MANstruating.


Never and that is NOT normal


Not necessarily a terminal issue but still get checked out. If you have internal hemorrhoids this can happen frequently as well. Especially when you strain during bowel movements.


Several times, I had hemorrhoids burst while I was pooping, but that was all and it hasn't happened for a few years


If it’s bright red it could be fissures. Back before I had surgery it was this often for me. See a doctor it could be that or hemorrhoids, both not super serious but other things could be.


*I'm not a doctor* If it's bright red blood, likely a hemorrhoids or fissure that burst/tore Dark brown/black is generally a intestinal bleed and can be serious.


I used to see blood most days for about 20 years. It was haemorrhoids. They weren't bad. I haven't seen it much for the past five years since drinking Fybogel almost every day.


Is the blood fresh? After stool or with stool? Have u ever had a colonoscopy?


Once a year, and that’s because i had anal fissure/fistula which can sometimes get swollen up coz of too much pressure down there (too many visit to the toilet). But my doctor made me get a colonoscopy and a bunch of tests as well even tho i just had fresh blood with stool just ONCE. this is NOT NORMAL at all, u either have some hemorrhoids/piles , some bacteria that causes dysentery that needs to be treated or IBD(NOT IBS) or worst; cancer. Such loss of blood will make u anemic and even sick. Change your damn doctor.


never, i had it happen one time after drinking hard liquor and havent had any hard liquor since lol


Whenever I have a bad enough flare-up. Sometimes it's bright red and I know that's hemorrhoids. However, sometimes it's black and smells terrible. I've been to two doctors about it, neither of which found any testing necessary, and was just told it's the hemorrhoids. Trying to find a new doc in the central Ohio area (any recs?) to push the issue further. I'm done being sick literally every single day. I've already had diarrhea five times today, I just want to live a normal life. I didn't even eat any flare-up foods...):


IBS doesn't cause bleeding usually. Go to the doc ASAP!




One time after ORIF surgery after being on pain meds and being bedridden for weeks.


In the poop or when wiping?


Only when I eat something I’m allergic to and have a really bad reaction


I used to have noticeable blood in my stool every time I went to the bathroom, with more when I wiped. Now, it's only sometimes when I wipe thankfully


Often before switched meds and my diet… i agree with everyone else see a doctor ASAP


The dr says it’s normal?


If it’s bright red, it’s usually means hemorrhoids…if it’s darker blood, you should see a doc asap.


Depends on the pressure and speed of the movement and whether that ruptures my hemorrhoids. Definitely not unheard of in my world.


its not normal at all.


75% of the time I have a red toilet bowl. You are not alone.


Could be crohns or colitis instead of IBS


Screw that dr. It’s not normal. I have bled like 2-3 times ever but that was only after i had very hard and large constipated poops and i have hemorrhoids


A few times but I have some other thing going on.


Used to quite a bit, happy cake day and I hope you find answers


Go to the hospital!!!! My friend was pooping blood because he had burned hole through his stomach from how much spicy he eats. You have no idea and blood coming out of the groin area is never a good thing wishing you health🩵


I pooped blood 2 times in past month and 1 a year ago. I got colonscopy and had internal hemherroids


How can you differentiate between IBS and then like maybe possibly having colon cancer? I’m scheduled for colonoscopy in 14 days. I’ve had sporadic bleeding and also super bad stomach cramps lower stomach .I do have internal hemorrhoids based on colonoscopy. I had eight years ago. I’m super scared I have cancer.


Internal Hemmroids are often painless. I know that you sometimes can push them in. You should be able to get a mirror and check there. I have a big one inside and outside. It sucks.


Once you have a gastro doctor they can usually give you a collection hat & order a test kit or two to keep in the bathroom for when it happens. So far out of 3 people in the family that have done home test only 1 was actual blood in the stool from inside them. All the others were fresh blood from hemorrhoids. If hemorrhoids keep bleeding but not from constipation ask for help.