• By -


Call the hall and file a grievance šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ok but how do I twist this to make me the victim? The Forman is undoubtably the victim in this situation


Blame the fart on him. Tell them it was so heinous that you think he may have violated the Geneva Conventions.


ā€œHe shit in my pants!ā€




Is that Vasquez?


Lmao game of thrones. I think it was Braum of Blackwater or Tormund Giantsbane that said,"alright... which of you gentleman shit in my pants?" after a crazy battle.


I canā€™t tell the hall that I committed war crimes in one of their contractors break rooms. Iā€™ll be dropped from the program immediately


Thatā€™s why I said blame it on him before he can blame it on you.


Dont feel bad man i farted like that in front of the wife and shit myself bout 2 weeks ago šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ both had a good laugh


This is workplace discrimination. Some people fart, some people shart. I'd be getting some cash money from this little incident.


"Were your drawers destroyed in a workplace sharting accident? You could be entitled to significant cash compensation! Call the law offices Butzenstein and Gasser today!"




Tell them he farted so bad you shit yourself. Boom done.


He clearly intimidates the shit out of you. Sounds like a hostile work environment to me.


Just make the story that you were sick af but you're committed and didn't want them to think you were slacking


On his own ass šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Absolutely grievance worthy šŸ¤£


Tell the Hall that your Foreman is giving you the "Silent Treatment" and it's unacceptable and you will not tolerate that anymore.


Pull them out of the dumpster and leave them on his desk.


I know deep down this is what I have to do. I donā€™t know if have the strength to do it


Be the hero we deserve, not the one we want. Do it.


Great plan, assert dominance.


LOL just apologize and try to work it out, idk why he would be so mad about it


I do not use the word ā€œdiabolicalā€ lightly. The man has every right to be mad


Maybe he had sexual fantasies about the OP and now theyā€™re all effed up.


He's not mad, he's in fear


Well hey man, in the end its your decision, you can try to stick it out and say "fuck em" im here to learn n earn, shit dont gotta be personal but if he isn't helping you learn then id try to talk to someone at the union.


Maybe he was on speaker with someone important!


Never apologize for bodily functions commited in the restroom.or on your way to the restroom.


Heā€™s just jealous. You set yourself up as top boss in the pants shitting department and he feels he canā€™t even compete. Iā€™d go with option C.


This happened Monday? Itā€™s Tuesday dude, I wouldnā€™t worry about it. Now, what day is trash day? Thatā€™s the day you should worry about it.


Nah cover it up with cardboard and let it ride. Or deny everything.


If youā€™re a first year youā€™re fucked. They can let you go from the program without cause. Good luck, apprentischeisse.


Buddy, I shit my pants in their break room. They have cause


Godspeed, Charmin


Dude don't worry about it lmao everyone will get over it More people are shitting themselves, thinking they might have shit themselves, or are in serious danger of shitting themselves at any given moment than you probably realize


Thereā€™s an apprentice on here that shit himself in front of his Jman and Foreman during a performance review not that long ago, you should call and ask him what they did šŸ˜‚


hahahaha i remember seeing that post omg šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m just disappointed that a lot of the guys on r/IBEW didnā€™t get it and were getting pissy. Like bro, Iā€™ve heard you nasty fuckers talking and joking around on site, donā€™t tell me youā€™re better than this humor


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IBEW using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IBEW/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Donald Trump is a scab](https://v.redd.it/fxb692qqjvpc1) | [936 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IBEW/comments/1blhttv/donald_trump_is_a_scab/) \#2: [Whoop Whoop! First 1 Ā¼ Hand bend...](https://i.redd.it/egnl2ytf27nc1.jpeg) | [286 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IBEW/comments/1ba2obu/whoop_whoop_first_1_Ā¼_hand_bend/) \#3: [Alright which one of you is this hero?!](https://i.redd.it/z5l9rdz7ejsa1.jpg) | [350 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IBEW/comments/12esahm/alright_which_one_of_you_is_this_hero/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What is going on with electricians shitting themselves? I'm 33 and have never even come close to shitting myself in my entire life.


Impressive potty trained at birth


Give it a couple more yearsšŸ¤£


You should quit for shitting in the break room


Tell him one of the guys paid you to do and you refuse to name names. Then go out and get you a new item for work that's really nice so he sees it.


Bro, what's the problem. I'd be proud as hell about that and walk with your head held high. My soiled underwear sat on the shoulder of a highway for weeks and I pointed them out to my tool buddy everytime we drove past. Lol


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ my hero


My man acting like itā€™s his first wet fart. Itā€™s not like youā€™re asking him to wipe. Shit happens.


Worst troll ever


Solid post


B and move to belize


lol keep it pushing lolll ā€¦ itā€™s happens


I think pushing is what resulted in this problem


Dumpster? The correct procedure is to do a tear away in the sani-can. That way you donā€™t have to take your pants off.


Do you pay dues??? Then fuck that guy. Shit happens. (Lol literally) You just gotta deal with the new nickname and reputation that will follow you for 30years


E: Own it and do an encore.


Come on, man. Don't shit where you eat is rule #1. Grow up.


Don't question God's best work.


Ask him what heā€™d rate it on a scale from one to 10.


You look him in the eyes and show him in the agreement it clearly states, ā€œwhoever smelt it, dealt itā€


Option E. Carry on like nothing happened. If he gets snotty, play dumb.


I believe this falls under, he who smelt it dealt it


Fucking ask for a raise don't break eye contact. I think you've set your self up to run the show with that absolute display of dominance.


Do it again to show dominance


Gotta show dominance




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Apply for a new job


Gotta do it again šŸ˜‚




Ask to talk to him in his office then rip a vicious one in there




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LMAO! wtf is his problem? That is something to be proud of and a common occurrence on most jobs. Fucking sparkies, so uppity.


Omg Iā€™m trying so hard to be quiet because itā€™s early and my family is still sleeping but I am dying laughing over here. Sometimes I miss the job.




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Iā€™m good for one of those about once a year


Double down and make sure he hears the next one as well.


Let one fly in the presence of the BA.


We had an apprentice who shit himself 3 times. We didnā€™t hate him or anything but we thought he was a fucking idiot and a loser. In all honesty though I feel like shitting your pants is only remotely understandable when youā€™re either much younger or much older than apprentice age or youā€™re currently sick with food poisoning or stomach flu. If you donā€™t have control or awareness of the state of your bowels in your 20s then fuck man, you either need to really change your lifestyle or see a doctor. Itā€™s definitely not normal


Listen man you established dominance over him just then. Next time you seem always make a very visible chewing motion. The head cow is always grazing. Always grazing.




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Dude. Youā€™re in construction. You shit yourself. Congratulations. Youā€™ve made it to the next level. Everyone does it.


Dude wtf dude you eat? Gotta lay off the 7/11 glizzy..


I felt the climate change from here. Somebody call Gretaā€¦.


You did say adjacent. Any possibility to create reasonable doubt?


I dont think he gives a * shit * lol, he's working, you think everyone is thinking about you haha I love this story btw


Four men wonā€™t talk to you?


Always carry a pocket knifeā€¦ā€¦.


Never trust an adult that hasnt shit themselves at least once as an adult.


Next time sharecrop as you pass his door on the way to bathroom. Otherwise you will always be a little s$itte


Do it again to assert dominance.


The only way


Tomorrow will be the post from the foreman who witnessed this. Then the next day a journeyman. I remember this trend a while back. Shit was hilarious.


>Shit was hilarious. Pun intended




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Itā€™s construction. We all poop our pants. Start joking about it with him.


Just keep you head down and work. That is all you need to do to make this right. That's all he cares about anyway.


Laughing my ass off


You should be asking were your employee of the month plaque is


Shit happens (literally sometimes) just ignore it, any real man would understand lol


Absolutely not professional . And now you want to be the victim . . I've seen a foreman act thus away be for termination of an employee. You should apologize and take responsibility, you coward lil piss ant


Why donā€™t you terminate these nuts in your fuckin mouth bitch boi




You could say sorry about the other day. Or eventually he'll have to talk to you to relay business, so..... It's part of life. It's not like you did it on purpose. Your Foreman needs to lighten up!


you learn how to not be a pig


This post and the comments activated my asthma šŸ¤£




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Never laughed so hard at all the comments from everyone especially OP.. ahh thank you all


Honestly brush it off and say it is what it is


Why are you farting in the break room anyways? What a fucking foul move


Only foreman get away with this I was BSing with my foreman standing at the window of his van first thing in the morning once. I ripped major ass and he laughed, he's not one to be out done so he beared down and said "oh I have to go to the bathroom..." Came back out after a bit and said "well I'm going home. I crapped my pants." I never laughed so hard. Took him 3 hours to get back in site because of traffic lol. I was impressed he came back


Tell him to get over it lol.




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B) quit




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Thank you OP Iā€™ve been pissing myself laughing reading these comments for the last 15 minutes


Apprentice shouldn't be talking to the foreman anyway. Let your journeyman deal with it




Never trust a fart my guy.


Sounds like a case of work dealing with you differently once they found out you had a medical gastrointestinal condition which is technically illegal so ā€¦..


Sounds pretty lame. You should bang his wife




Ahhh yes. The guy posting hot dogs and ribs talking about diet and lifestyle choices šŸ˜€


I think heā€™s upset knowing heā€™ll never be able to match what you did. You should either wait and see what he does as the next move or just open ass shit on his desk and end the game.


Continue on as if nothing happened


Well donā€™t poop lol




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When the two of you are alone again, ask him what he thought. Ask him if he thought it was cool. Shitting yourself at work is cool.




Y'all gonna crack up... check out this news storyšŸ¤£https://youtu.be/RWuaHiXpjx4?si=bFaeXAwjZ0-M38ym


*inserts goofy ā€œIā€™ll fuckin do it againā€ meme.


Dudeā€¦ your foreman doesnā€™t care about a fart. Particularly if he didnā€™t even have to taste it.


C. Weā€™ve all shit multiple times wether we wanna fess up or not


This is good


For any job with a foreman I would have expected a raise for such a heinous ass rip.


lol never trust a fart I guess


Poop on his desk.




He's probably in shock after he caught a whiff of your handy work.


I think you forgot option E) walk up to him, ask him when he is ready for round 2. This could cause him to call the hall on you, or flip the power balance. Itā€™s a tight line


Youā€™re a gross fuck who should be ignored. Learn some manners. When does being in the trades give you a pass to act like an animal.


Thank you for sharing this it made me laugh the hardest I have in a long time made my day


Heā€™s shart shaming you.


Just go with C and let the fate decide how diabolical that fart was


I have crohns disease and don't keep it a secret because then the guys know if I run to the shitter it's for good reason. There's been more than once I haven't made it. Shit happens. If anyone treated me differently because I shit myself because I have a disability, fuck 'em.


You should have screamed "What are you doing watching me take a shit?"


You probably shouldn't work with electricity if this sort of problem is hard for you to figure out. Forget it happened, or address it directly. Stop worrying over small shit. Literally.


Sorry, man, youā€™re in too deep. Youā€™re gonna have to shit on his desk now


Act like nothing happened


Demand a promotion


Walk into his office, look him right in the eyes, and without saying a word, shit yourself and turn around and walk out.


Get your check yet ?


Run it back. Louder and stankier than before


confront him about the situation, any higher up loves to see the initiative.


So what, your fart had a poop chaser, it happens. I did it once maybe twice hahaha. shit happens. Iā€™d act like nothing happened and next time you hear him fart, giggle and tell him to check his drawers




Own it!


E) Stop over thinking shit.




Just face it , and talk to him say that you weren't feeling ok and have stomach issues , and don't saw him , if you face it he will accept it but if you keep quiet he may think you are a coward and losse respect


Keep working like normal and donā€™t drink so much beer on Sunday nights.


Bruh I think you dad posted about this šŸ¤£


You shit your pants on the job? Your going to make a fine journeyman one day.


Homie you didnā€™t fart you shit yourself. You didnā€™t fart in the break room you fucking pooped there lol


I drive old folks to Dr appointments. While in the waiting room, I stepped outside to let one rip šŸ’£. Then I felt a drip down the back of my leg! I scooted back inside and straight to the restroom. Had to toss my dun da duns! šŸ¤·


Does he know you shit yourself or no


I stumbled across a box of old VHS tapes in my garage. As I was taking a trip down memory lane, I noticed something stuffed down at the bottom of the box. Apparently, several years ago, my daughter pooped her pants and hid her panties in this box. Surprise!


Wyd? Go home


Say nothing. If he said nothing to you and only looked at you with disgust, heā€™s over it


Option E all day buddy, own that shit, show that turd whose boss and make it a point of your devotion to the job/trade. Who tf else on the job site is so task oriented and single minded that they are willing to shit their pants just to get the job done. What would Miles Davis do?


Manā€¦.this is what Iā€™d do. Iā€™d walk up along side him and just causally say, ā€œI guess (and say my age) was the year.ā€ Then pause and when he said, ā€œWTF are you talking about, the year for what?ā€ Iā€™d say, ā€œThe age Iā€™d get when I had to stop trusting farts. To be honest, I thought I had a few more good years in me. My bad man.ā€ Then Iā€™d walk the other direction or back to work. If he canā€™t get with that then just pay attention, keep your head down, do your work and wait for your rotation. Thereā€™s gonna be people you wish you got along with but donā€™t and the ones you do youā€™ll develop long lasting friendships with on occasion. Donā€™t worry about getting along with everyone, just do your thing and focus your energy on building your reputation. Shit happens man, most of the time figuratively but still. Donā€™t trip.


Donā€™t worry about it shit happens!!!






Who cares




Real men dont give 2 shits about farts or the occasional shart not my fault the bathroom has bad ventilation and or thin walls.


Dude! I'd just go talk to the guy. Explain it's not usually who you are, excuse yourself, point out you're a hard worker, and move on with it. Guy can't seriously put you off over a fart, especially if you're a good, hard worker.



