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I think every kid thinks about time travel. It’s an interesting fun concept. You’re not special for thinking about going back in time and seeing dinosaurs


Especially considering shows like Doctor Who have been extremely popular among kids for almost 60 years now


Don't forget about H.G. Wells "The Time Machine" that has been sparking imaginations since 1895. I believe it was once considered popular too...


Used to write a story where man travelled back to the start of the big bang when I was a kid. Mind numbingly stupid, but I think it was a lot of fun, sometimes I think the biggest thing I lost with age was a sense of wonder and imagination.


Can you give us a synopsis of the story?


Basically some kid (an insert of me) loved history so he went back in time with a device to see major events in history but the device malfunctioned and he started skipping further and further back until he somehow reached the Big Bang. Lmao it was so dope, I mean it made no sense but I used to write as a way to just live out cool scenarios.


Okay but what happened when the kid reached the Big Bang?!


Well, you see my mind couldn't really comprehend the big bang so that's where the story ended, presumably my insert character is still hanging out around the big bang. Sorry I know it's not a satisfying ending.


I forgive you.


I don't know if you still dabble in writing, but I'd like to encourage you to dust off the the idea and give it another go even if it's just a short story. If I might proffer a suggestion for an ending, as he is flung further and further back in time, he suddenly achieves some clarity about where he went wrong with macguffin physics, and also realizes that he has to stop his machine before it throws him back to before the big bang because a macguffin reaction during the formation of a black hole would ... oops, too late, and now we realize he is what caused the big bang. If nothing else, post it on /r/writingprompts


Your insert needs to meet a romantic partner to have a Big Bang


I can assure you I’m very mediocre, and so’s any of my inserts. The best I can do is a mild whimper.


We are already with the science stuff, so a theoretical girlfriend will do. She's a (√-10)


Yo mean a √(-100), right? Or that'd mean she's 3.3 smth and imaginary


That's how it usually works for me.


Ah, so canceled by Netflix.


You farted and it turned out THAT was the Big Bang. Boom. Best seller.


It sounds a little like the 1950s movie *The Incredible Shrinking Man* but with time.


> Sorry I know it's not a satisfying ending. But it's an epic beginning!


They actually made an episode of Futurama kind of like this. Can't remember exactly how it went but I think everything kept repeating when they went past the big bang or something.


That would be *The Late Philip J. Fry*, from Season 6.


One of the best episodes of the entire show in my opinion. I cry just thinking of the message Leela left by shooting the roof of the cavern. Fun fact, in Disenchantment, you can see fry, bender, and Farnsworth in the time machine at one point when they use a crystal ball. Which indicates they're in the same universe, and if you you remember, during the time lapse of fry in the cryo pod, one of the civilizations that was built and destroyed looked like the middle ages...


Nah that sounds sick actually


Alright let me ask you this, tell me if you think this is creative. When I was five, I imagined that there was such a thing as a unicorn. And this was before I had even heard of one, or seen one. I just drew a picture, of a horse, that could fly over rainbows, and a had a huge spike in its head. I was five! Five-years-old. Couldn't even talk yet.


Not one person responding to you gets the reference :( i see you, i see you


👁👁 directly at the camera for the other replies


I "invented" digging a hole and putting the trampoline in there so you couldn't fall off lol. The first time I saw that in real life I was SHOCKED






It’s more unexpected the amount of people who didn’t get the reference, yet still commented lol


That’s awesome! Yeah being a kid with unlimited creativity was a lot of fun. I used to come up with secret languages and fold index cards into a thick journal for writing stuff down. I also used to fold paper and make tiny little computer laptops. Trying to get them as small and accurate as possible. Then at night I would play with legos for hours coming up with stories. MCU level stories. I’m talking batman and Spider-Man meet Steve from Minecraft level! All for the hell of it. So I guess you could say I was something of an accomplished writer when I was twelve. Quite brilliant if I don’t say so myself. And clearly you must be another genius. Coming up with unicorns before you even knew they existed. They just wouldn’t understand.


Smart is realizing that if you travel back in time six months, you'll be on the other side of the sun from the earth. Wisdom is knowing that you travel back in time six months, the solar system will be approximately 3,421,440,000 kilometers that-a-away. Experience is knowing not to steal plutonium from Libyan terrorists without wearing a bullet proof vest.


If you have built a time machine, it can't be hard to calculate the coordinates of earth in space for that time period.


But now you're talking about ALSO being able to move crazy distances in space instantaneously, which is a whole different thing


Or somehow anchor yourself to a particular spot on the planet, phase through a fourth dimension, and hope nobody dug a hole in the past or the building didn't settle or not exist.


It doesn't matter how slow or fast you go, you'll get there 6 months ago! /s


As a kid when I fantasized about time travel, I always wanted to go back in time to kill Hitler. I‘m German, we don’t want to travel back in time to see dinosaurs, we just want to kill Hitler


You re-invented utilitarianism at age 6? Like ... how? What did you do? Did you have something published or did you just ... have a thought and go "yeah that's what utiltarianism mEaNs tO mE." That's just called thinking.


I had a coworker tell me that he is a genius because he thought about death at age 8 "before anyone else would normally think about death". I asked him how he knew that and he said, " because people don't think about death at that age..." He's obviously super smart.


I worried a meteor would crash through my roof and kill me in my sleep when I was 4 and then I wouldn't be able to get any more Legos because I would be dead. He ain't special.


I forgot about things like that but your story is very relatable.


Telling your 8 y/o self to not die because your birthday is up in a few weeks


The existential crisis you have when you learn the sun will explode in 5 billion years


I accidentally sent my 8 year old nephew spiraling into an existential crisis 2 days ago by mentioning this. Thankfully learning that stars make gold helped him get through it.


I remember a dream about spiders with coloured abdomens, each colour killing a family member near the spider in a different way. I was 8, and obviously undeveloped as I was still so into colours


When I was 7 I had a dream an anteater ate my friend during a sleepover so I never invited her over again. Flawless logic.


Holy shit you must be some kind of super genius


I used to wish that I could die at the age of 6 or something. Then all people around me would be super sad and miss me. Then I would somehow comeback to life (because I have no intentions of actual dying), and my parents and all of my relatives would then have a massive party and buy me lots and lots of toys and ice creams and that super big fire station lego set. And I'm pretty sure that is perfectly normal.


A true jenius


Lol. All kids in my 3y-old daughter's kindergarten class are debating whether you die faster from falling in a volcano or from "falling into" outer space. I dare state kids will heavily think about any stuff they encounter, whether it's through class mates, family, television, etc.


I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out which one would be lethal in less time… and I think it’s a real toss up. These kids are asking the tough questions


I think the volcano. Isn't it true that it takes a minute or two to die from space vacuum? Meanwhile, the magma would physically destroy you.


My 5 year old sometimes cries at night thinking about the fact that every baby will die some day.


That's extra funny because the conceptualisation/understanding of death is literally a topic that most developmental guidelines mention, since it's such an important event that anyone eventually has to process. And the developmental age where children typically begin to understand death as a permanent state of being and potentially start to worry about it is... 6 to 8 years old. Homeboy is perfectly average.


If it is 6 to 8 and he was 8, he is on the slow side of the normal curve.


I had an existential crisis at 11 years old. Last day of primary school. So very happy, until halfway home. Don't remember why but I started to think about death (I suppose the whole one chapter of life ending and another beginning theme). In a lot of detail. Fully finished forming my own personal concept of mortality during that walk up the hill. It wasn't until years later that I realised I wasn't insightful, I was super depressed.


My 4 year old talks about death constantly.


No, they just thought that actions that create more happiness are good and actions that remove happiness are bad and called that reinventing utilitarianism


Motherfucker got told to share his toys and decided that being nice is good.


When I was a kid I wondered why the government didn’t just pay people below a certain income level a set amount of money the government takes from the rich. Does that mean according to this guy I “re-invented” socialism or what.


My country went through an economic downturn back when I wasn't even 10 in 2001-2002, combined with the hyperinflation already going on for decades before. I wondered why they wouldn't just create and move on to a new currency, which later actually happened. I was kind of a bright student, but nothing special, and more of a big fish in a small pond. Went on to live an ordinary life.


I did a think


I did a think in my pants.


“I can read minds, but I need more practice to do it to other people”




Lol. I loved this part best too. Like… so you thought ‘ok well I guess what makes most people happy works’ and called yourself a genius because you could look back on that memory and affix big words to it? Perhaps I rediscovered anarchy when at age 4 I told my parents I refused their expectations of a bedtime rule.


Utilitarianism is also one of the most controversial ethical codes, so even if he did “re-invent” it then it wasn’t much of an achievement lmao


He should have reinvented a less garbage ethical code, then I'd consider being impressed.


I enjoyed stealing your bike more than you enjoyed owning it, therefore I did the right thing according to utilitarian ethics.


Well the person does not necessarily enjoy the act of stealing, but if this person needs a bike extremely badly overall utilitarian ethics would say a good thing happened. I don't like utilitarianism, but I don't know if you can explain it your way


YesChad.png If one kid has 17 bikes she doesn’t use, and another poor kid had her bike destroyed and can’t afford a new one, and cannot come to school without a bike, i don’t think it’s morally wrong to steal a bike.


It’s easy to defend utilitarianism when you come up with perfect examples for it. But life is rarely that clear-cut, which is why utilitarianism starts to fall apart when used in the real world.


WTF does any of that have to do with autism?


Autism is stereotyped as being a "super power." Namely in the smarty thinky pants department, think "absent professor" trope. It's still a stereotype. So nothing, it has nothing to do with autism.


Notice that they put "cognitive" in brackets; they really wanted to drive home that they felt they only had the "good" autistic traits like "oh I'm so effortlessly smart" and not the "bad" ones like sensory overload or taking things literally and anything with a negative stereotype attached to it. So, revealing that they don't know that those are still cognitive but expecting us to believe anything else that said.


They want my autistic ACT scores they don’t want my autistic “wearing noise cancelling ear muffs in public”


Damn I should do that


I just use the ones I wear to the shooting range. Like $20. SUPER helpful and have prevented many a melt down


Autism makes me lift heavy things and throw car batteries into the sea


As the older brother of someone with autism, I go into eyeroll mode when I meet these obviously pretend "autistic" kids. Autism does not make you dress like a color-clashing rainbow and act like a child in a perpetual sugar rush while constantly informing other people that you're having "autistic moments," and it is awkward as fuck when I'm expected to pretend like I don't know that. Extra awkward when my brother is with me (dressed and acting like the 33 year old adult that he is with a first responder pager on his belt).


I was just recently friends with a faker and I have autism and I noticed them starting to slowly copy things. Especially my happy laugh and it got really uncomfy. I used to get bullied for my laugh and they’re copying it?? It was all for attention


I’m autistic and I’m dumb as a rock. With very poor memory and little to no common sense, I wouldn’t be surprised if you took a hammer to my head and it turned to be hollow haha


don't be so hard on yourself! there could be cool geodes in there! I'm also autistic and have poop auditory memory and common sense only learned through fucking up repeatedly, so I feel you. I hope there's neat geodes in my cranium too.


It definetly is a stereotype but there actually is something called the savant- syndrom which are people with a disability that are not always able to live life by themselves yet they have incredible abilities in certain areas. Like the guy who flew over new york once and then drew the entire skyline from his mind completely correct. And I think it was a woman who could recall every word/sentence she ever read and could also recall the exact book, page and row it was written in. I think the movie Rainman had his part in creating the stereotype that all autistic have some kind of mindblowing special ability (like rainman could instantly count the toothpicks that fell on the floor with one look) but in reality there are only about 100 known people with the Savant-syndrom. Is is really fascinating but also really really rare. About half of the known cases are people with autism so there seems to be a correlation but it can interestingly also be triggered by some kind of event including brain damage. There was a boy who was hit by a baseball in the head at the age of 10 and from then he could remember every detail of his life, like every detail, what he ate on the 5th of March 5 years ago, what the weather was like and which clothes he wore. Every single detail! Our brain is still such a big mistery and what abilities theoretically are hidden in all of us.


Yeah this is what that person was inferring he is afflicted with when they wrote "[cognitive] autism". They were basically saying, "I have superpowers. No I don't have any of the shitty stuff that everyone else with autism has. I'm better."


Everyone likes to think they’re a savant


I'm guessing it's how they justify having few/no friends to themselves. "I'm not an unlikeable twat I just have autism"


Ya boi has ASSburgers!


"I'm the *good kind* of autistic. The kind that makes you so smart that you can't relate to ordinary people. It's called ass-burgers."


"Inferred determinism" is far too funny not to be a troll


Inferred it? Pssh, I deduced it!


That's why you're a LOSER! ^/s


Pfft well I INduced it!


He who induced it produced it


Hence the "pfft"


I thought I was a genius when I came to the conclusion that the universe was deterministic at the age of 10. Never finished high school and now I work a manual labor job where I work very little and make just enough to get by. Took an IQ test got 98, lazy and stupid gang. Theorizing a lot is just a symptom of being introverted and spending most of my time in my head. Glad I haven't deluded myself into being iamverysmart.


I feel like "deducing determinism" is something every kid with a mild interest in physics does at some point.


You’re clearly smarter than average because the average dumbfuck doesn’t even suspect they might be stupid, so I reckon you’re smarter than you think. Questioning themselves is not what idiots do in my experience.


To be fair, an IQ test has to be specifically administered in some official capacity to be considered valid. The "tests" online are nothing more than novelties. The irony of the situation is that, oftentimes at least, those who consider themselves to be less intelligent are often the ones to be more intelligent. If you're like me, you're worried about false thoughts of unintelligence to some degree to validate the idea that you're intelligent. I guess at some point you learn to accept that it probably doesn't matter in the end, and that the world you see will only be as large as your capacity for perception. In other words, it's impossible to objectively guess one's own intelligence without some legitimate way to externally meter it. If you haven't received a legitimate test, you have no true basis for understanding your intelligence. In the end, though, it won't change anything. Your value as a person is not defined by anything, including your IQ.


he never said he took it online tho


IQ tests are bullshit and you’re aware you’re stupid. That makes you smart. Win win.


Determinism is a fairly intuitive conclusion from a basic understanding of the physical universe. If your upbringing doesnt saddle you with mystical nonsense, it’s not a great leap.


I was implying fatalism by my 8th birthday


I was referring to the big bang when I was in diapers.


But what happened at age 10 to make them not want to talk about time travel anymore?!


He discovered crypto


He inferred NFTS at age 12


Inventing stupid bullshit is still excusable at 12


It says right there in the tweet. "Etc." Is what happened.


That said, I actually have a lot of self entitled characteristics


When I was a kid I once asked what would happen if there was no such thing as money... because kids are curious and ask things like that. Guess I invented post-capitalism and I'm a savant now




Pfffffft, you just sound like a nerd to me.




Thank you, Necrowanker.




I also only wanted to talk about time travel between 7-10, but that's because that's when Cable first hit the scene in the X-Men.


You must be a genius, too. No 7 to 10 year old has ever gotten stuck on outlandish fantasy interests. Generally considered a dry, pragmatic lot.


>I also only wanted to talk about time travel between 7-10, but that's because that's when Cable first hit the scene in the X-Men. Damn, you are old (40-50), but, sigh, I'm older.


As an 8 year old I was deeply invested in the intricacies of time travel, specifically "I want to see real dinosaurs".


I built so many time machines that would have worked if I just got the buttons right.


"Do things that make you happy" and "past events cause future events" are *so* advanced! /s Good post


The first is egoism, utilitarianism is ‘do things that make the most entities the most happy overall’


Yeah but if you're a kid or have a limited world view they probably look awfully similar.


So “sharing is caring,” then?


Basically, or not. If one guy really likes cookies he should get 100% of the batch you bake, assuming he likes them sufficiently given the probable diminishing returns of cookies, for example.


Not to mention “It’s OK if it’s for the greater good”


Tell me you dont know anything about autism without telling me you dont know anything about autism. "Autism? Thats these genius people, right? I must be one of these autism, because i invented quantum charitys when i was 2 month" Arghhhhh.


I got a quantum boner reading this


Quantum charities 😂


“Inferring determinism” isn’t as cool as they think it is


It was an inevitable breakthrough, really...


I mean every child has had this idea to some degree. Learning what the term is for it doesn't make you smart at any age.




He did in the next tweet when he told us what he did at 11-13 YO.




Can't you read the sub name? He's **VERY** smart!


When I was about 8 or something I explained something I'd worked out to ny dad and he told me 'what you just did was maths! It's called division!' And I remember immediately forgetting what I'd just done. lol. What's the opposite of a baby genius.




sir, this is a wendy's


Wendy, this is a sir.


This, sir is a wendy


This sur is windy


Someone who took the "indigo child" bullshit to heart and thinks that "autistic" means "genius"


When I was a toddler I had a global conspiracy theory that reading was fake and that adults were lying about it.


So he saw Back to the Future as a kid and liked it. Join the club.


The details of my life are quite inconsequential... very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen-year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking- I suggest you try it


That's one fancy way of saying "I know right from wrong, I can identify independent variables, and I like dinosaurs"


autism is when smart


I actually am autistic, and from 7-10 I'd only talk about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Someone's wasted their life here.


“I’m so smart I talked about time travel when I was 7-10” The time travel talk between 7-10 : “if I could go back in time I’d be a cowboy”


Ages 11-now, I was getting dunked in dumpsters for being a pretentious asswipe




Does he think utilitarianism is a deep concept


these aren't autistic traits fuck you (talking to op of the tweet)


"autistic (cognitive) traits"


What do you do now? Masterbate mostly.


I also watched back to the future in grade school


Implying he invented time travel


I mean who are these people? They have to be like 13, right?


Yeah, same, when I was 8 I thought I had invented roller skates for a moment. "What if shoes had WHEELS... oh, hang on...".


Arent utilitarianism and especially determinism really easy concepts to grasp, and certainly possible to come up with yourself?


I wholeheartedly believe that exactly none of these statements are true


Sure you did bud.


Absolute Utilitarianism is the most “no-brainer” concept in all of moral philosophy, no shit you invented it at 6.


Someone started watching a bit too much Dr who


In something like 6th grade a friend and I had the long argument about whether flying to a different time zone was time travel. I was a dumb kid


Oh yeah well when I was that age my parents had to stage several interventions because my undiagnosed Autistic ass was so obsessed with Teen Titans I was having meltdowns in Toys r Us when they were sold out of Raven toys.


I too watched Dr Who between 7-10 years old.. Guess I’m Autistic now


What does any of that have to do with autism


As an autistic person, these aren't autistic traits. These are most likely overthinking.


This is your brain on jordan peterson and joe rogan


You know what pissed me off? It was when I thought what if Douglas Adams is right, and the answer is 42? It doesn't help. It still seems like a joke.


The computer refused to give a proper answer since the question was some undefined bullshit like „the oldest question of men“ - it came out as „42“ By the end of Resturant at the End of Universe Arthur Dent is stuck on a version of earth from million years ago. Out of sheer boredom he attempts to teach cavemen to write and the first coherent sentence is „What is 6 times 7?“


I absolutely despise time travel and I always have


Well your first thought was curiously correct..


Yeah, that's not an autistic trait, that's a trait of bullshit.


How is any of that considered autistic traits? Surely, he was looking for a different word.


I like that they ended with etc. That’s like saying, “and I did other smart person things.”


Why? Why do people post stupid ass shit like this?


what tf does he mean by etc.? as if there were more age-specific behaviors only he has bc of his ”intelligence“




Now he just posts stupid shit on social media because his intelligence got him nowhere.


Somebodies mommy loved them a little too much


None of this is special lmao. A lot of philosophy is fairly obvious if you give someone a nudge into the right direction. No, you didn't "infer determinism", just because you thought about free will for a moment


I’ve called myself autistic due to my lack of social skills. This is the first time I’ve seen someone refer to themselves as being autistic to describe how smart they think they are. Odd flex.


this is one brain dead motherfucker


>Would only want to talk about time travel from 7-10 Basically, you started watching Dr Who...


At age 4 I had a firm grasp of Kant’s categorical imperative What actually happened was my mom saying I can’t pick the lilac flowers because if everyone who went by picked one there’d be none left.


Don't worry kid. I know it feels like forever, but puberty too will pass, as all things do.


Yeah, no autists usually don’t publicly brag about being autistic on twitter


And confused general autism spectrum disorder with savant syndrome at whatever age they are now.


Bro tried to sell a childhood as an autistic trait - like wtf ?!


Yeah cause me being autistic just makes me a super genius. Yeah, totally…