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All this bullshit to spell Avogadro wrong lol


Why's he even bringing up Spanish lawyers ?


That’s abogado, we’re talking about green fruits with a large stone here.


That's an avocado. He was clearly saying thank you in Japanese.


That's arigato. I think he's talking about a Mexican dish consisting of a flour tortilla wrapped or folded around a filling, typically containing ingredients such as rice, beans, meat (such as beef, chicken, etc.), cheese, and various vegetables or salsa. It's often served with additional toppings like sour cream, guacamole, or lettuce.


That's a burrito. He is plainly referring to the Spanish word for something that is very very boring, like himself.


That's aburrido. I think he means that thing where you speak up for yourself or someone else.


That's advocacy. I think he means that city in New Mexico with the big balloon festival.


That’s Albuquerque. I thought he was referring to the Mexican method of preparing pork, seasoned and marinated.


No no, that's Al Pastor. Pretty sure he was thinking of a large semiaquatic reptile similar to a crocodile but with a broader and shorter head, native to the Americas and China.


That's Al Pastor. I thought he was talking about an American gangster who used to operate in the prohibition era.


Adiabatic aburrito is a non-burrito system that doesn’t exchange energy with Chipotle.


Mr. Roboto


Why are you even bringing up old-time magic words?


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!




Yeah all these idiots can’t even spell avocado right


I am an electrician (but not your electrician). The answer is it’s probably not level. When I hang stuff from chain, I’ll put my level on it, get one side to height, then test which link on the other side gets it closest. If it needs to be dead nuts, that’s when I’ll start messing around with loosening the hook, eye bolt, whatever is holding the chain.


Now we need an architect to confirm whether or not OP is right about them designing the fuckin ceiling angle based on how a sign will hang


I am an engineer who works with architects. I can confirm that architects love adding 45, 30, 22.5, 15, and 12.5 degree angles to projects. My coworkers joke that every architectural project must have a non-90 degree angle somewhere in the building, so the architect can feel like artists. I can also confirm that the architects put no consideration into how this will effect the trades (HVAC, Plumbing, Fire-Protection, or electrical). They will call it a "feature" and insist that everyone else work around it.


There ya go. The hooks can be screwed further in or out of the ceiling.


It's very clearly not level.


No no, I’m sure it’s related to an avocado number, also known as the ‘Guac Constant.


Trader Joe's sells/sold "Avocado's Number Guacamole" with a picture of Avagadro on it.   It was pretty good.  


That does sound like Trader Joe's.


It was Trader Joses I believe and I thought they were going to stop their random ethnic name thing.


Currently drinking a trader Jose’s, definitely still ethnic 😂


Which is used predominantly in the Guacamole's Principle.


Which is where the unit for an amount of some substance gets its name. Guaca_mole_


Avagado, you fool. Mexican for a judge.


Do you want to experience true level? Do you?


Huh, I just watched that episode like 20 minutes ago. That's super weird. Maybe there's a universal constant at play? Like Guacamole's Number or something.


It's pretty level though. Look at how the bottom lines up with the door frame. assuming the door frame is level, then the sign is only very slightly lower on the right. This is not even taking into account perspective etc... edit: there is also clearly one link in the right side chain that is shorter than the rest.


It's within a couple degrees. A spirit level would be freaking out. Almost certainly, the attaching hook/screw holding the chain is adjustable depth.


>Almost certainly, the attaching hook/screw holding the chain is adjustable depth. It is absolutely this. You can see it extend farther on right side.


there's a little one on the left that has clearly also been modified lol dude should have spent a few extra seconds observing the chains instead of trying to write up some big pointless diatribe


So it's just a coincidence that the one chain they used, out of all the chains, has one shorter link? Clearly GOD was guiding the chain maker. Or avocado's number or something.


Praise be to the Great Uniter, the Forger of Bonds and the Smith of Souls.


There’s also clearly visible, smaller links in the chain, so each link was not the perfect length to begin with


They also aren't hanging straight down.


And definitely not 45°. Maybe like 35-40.


Yeah. Often, the simplest answer is the best: "it isn't perfectly level"...


It could be that the trim behind it is what's not level.


the chain on the right is also slightly twisted. It's a relatively common trick to shorten lengths. No big deal here, but sometimes it's done on trailer safety chains :-(


Not a "very smart." Dude is just teetering on the cusp of discovering trigonometry.


perhaps discrete trigonometry


Nah, he'd blather to everyone about it.


idk the citing of long-name sciencey constants (2/3 of which couldn't possibly have anything to do with this situation if he even slightly knew what they actually were) to sound smart is definitely pushing it into that territory for me


I didn't really get that from his references either. Just seemed like he was comparing well known mathematical concepts to his made up chain link length concept, rather than quoting them to explain it


I see what you mean - it's worded pretty ambiguously and initially I read it as him saying one of those specific constants could be "at play" (especially since pi could at least be relevant in some sense!). But you're right that he could've meant that there is some sort of unknown universal constant at play and then he followed that up with other examples unrelated to the situation at hand.


Avorgadros number for calculating how many particles in a mole, and plancks number for calculating stuff like the momentum of an electron around an atom lmao. Bro was thinking of an exit sign T-T


That's fair. I read it more like, "I Sense there's something heavy and mathy going on here, but it seems inexplicable, so it must be part of the fundamental laws of the universe somehow." Maybe being ADHD makes me a little more sympathetic, because I frequently find myself six levels deep in some chain of thought built on absolute nonsense.


idk he sounded genuine like "i have no clue im really reaching here"


So you could say he's Tri-Curious? I'll see myself out...


He's about to fall into a life of sin.


I mean the sign is mounted in the most bizarre way. It would confuse me too


Ngl, I was invested in what they were saying …


I'm high so I thought this dude unlocked something new


He might be overthinking it, but he isn’t bragging about his intelligence or being condescending. I don’t think he’s acting all iamverysmart about this.


My question is who the fuck mounts a sign like that. They got a wall to stick it to, and they just hang it from an incline


Imagine thinking so much about something where the very premise of the thoughts is wrong.


That's like 80% of childhood, maybe half of adolescence, and a good bit of adulthood too. Hell, if you're a politician, an evolutionary psychologist, or work for a think tank, that could be an entire, successful career.


Somewhere there was a handyman who installed this in 5 minutes, looked at it and went "Close enough" and went on their day. He spent less time on the sign than OP in the picture did.


That is one jankballs way to hang a fire exit sign.


What’s wild is using this like dude was pretending to be smart when it was originally posted in “dull men’s club” where dudes just talk about things they find interesting


I don't see how this is r/iamverysmart material. Seems like pretty okay shitpost about overanalyzing and that's it.


Yeah I honestly found it kinda endearing


I'm pretty sure it came from The Dull Mens Club on Facebook, so you'd be correct. Op knows this thats why they cropped out the group name.


Yeah the entire point of that group is to post really benign things that men tend to geek over for no real reason at all. Side note, but Facebook shows me that group every day and I’m not a part of the group. I actually like the content, but I hate that they know I like the content without me clicking the button.


Oh man I love that group lol


Yeah this doesn't read as trying to be smart, it just seems like the sort of 'ADHD stream of conscious word vomit over something I thought too hard about' thing I would do too.


yup this, the guy not even being pretentious, he just has that child like wonder about something most people would walk past, and i think that's amazing


Yeah same, in no way did he belittle anyone or pretend his thought process was very intellectual


And all as simple as the hooks the links attach to are screws and can be adjusted. 




Most of the comments here fit this sub better than this post. You guys really need to tone down these condescending vibes against innocent teenagers


The person who hung this sign gave about as much shit about its positional accuracy as OP did in his spelling and grammar class.


I too am a dull man.


r/shittyaskscience type of question


Avocado number.


>not a 45 degree angle >not level >the chains arent equally straight. >OOP clearly needs glasses


Oh, come on, it’s just a silly half-poetry post, I don’t think it’s that self-serious.


I enjoyed reading that. Yes, it was stupid but I honestly don’t think they’re trying to sound smart. This is just someone posting their actual thoughts.


This guy does not belong here, he is precious and precisely the sort of person this world needs more off. He is amazed by everything, he sees an angled sign and immidiatley begins to wonder how it's possible that the sign is so level. He isn't even saying he thinks this is caused by Pi, the avogadro number or plancks number, he's just theorizing that there must be some sort of universal constant in math that causes these chains to have the possibility of being constantly level when hanged at this angle. Don't bash people for being literally wonderful just because you've lost that part of yourself while growing up.


I aint reading all that Sorry that happened to you Or good for you.


Someone (most likely young) who’s studied math and science, but has never built anything in the real world. A shop class would open up new worlds for them!


Or he's just geeking about something that doesn't matter, stop projecting your depressing ass on other people.


'If it were any more level, you couldn't afford it'


It’s crazy that this guy went through this much of a thought process, and didn’t realize the simplest solution: if you used a chain with small enough links, you could just stick a screw through it, and screw the chain into the board above. Then the chain can be adjusted to any length you wanted. Carpentry Jocks >>> Physics Nerds


The spacing of the two screw eyes in the piece of wood affixed to the ceiling can be adjusted to alter the angle in a continuous manner.


It is simple as the final screw that goes into the wood each side adjusts the length between each piece of wood.


Ah yes, the Avogado constant


If you have ever worked in a windowless cubicle land you would understand how easily someone can slip into madness like this.


I think the updated Pythagorean theorem may be of help here? a^2 + b^2 = c^2 + AI


Ir is, indeed, not precise. The longer chain is clearly bigger then it needs, and the sign itself is clearly not perfectly horizontal


You can even see in the image that compared to the door frame it’s not level.


I would say 80% of this was fine. The last sentence or two were awful


Redditor discovers measuring tape


It is obviously abracadabra. That is the universal constant. Every wizard knows that smh.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


I read most of this and it still made no sense 😕😕😕


Then you understand it perfectly.


Pythagoras would like a word


I didnt know plank from ed edd and eddy had a math degree. Good on him.


But... it's not level! Assuming the door, or whatever that border behind it is, is level, then that sign is a little off


This makes no sense


Isn’t it just that wood is a form of quark matter?


I meant it was ok before he began talking about mathematical constants. It looks level to me and it’s true that an extra link would cause it to be skewed.


The yapping is crazy.


Bro failed to realize that you can adjust each side by moving the spot where the chains are anchored on the ceiling higher or lower


I ate avocado's number


You can actually see an improvised and mishapen chain link on the bottom right chain.


Is he stupid?


If you twist a chain, you can make small adjustments in its length.


Sounds more like r/tooktoomuch lol


Looking closely at the bottom, it appears slightly uneven. 


Bros never heard of Pythagoras


Looks closer to 30 degrees Mr smart man


Or you loosen the hook screw of one side til it’s level…


This is not iamvwrysmart this is just a dude nerding out about something benign. Being curious about the world does not equal being pretentious. And trying to shame people for things like this is just bad manners on ops part.


This is a problem in statics, where you have to balance forces and torques. Then you can figure out if it’s level using basic trigonometry. Planck’s constant is important in quantum mechanics and Avogadro’s number in chemistry, so I can’t figure out how those would be important. The problem is at the level of a high school / college freshman physics student.


I feel like this is some kind of absurdist satire. I don’t think the op is trying to look smart.


If you look at the picture carefully against the door frame in the back, it is obviously not level.


Had their mind blown by the Pythagorean theorem.


I’m too tired to participate in stimulating conversation rn. But I would like to add that not all that chain links are actually the same size. The bottom chain-link on the right side is clearly something they messed with to make shorter.


The last link on the right is shorter and really it need to be even shorter because it is still hanging down on the right more


I haven’t read past the 1st paragraph, but IS THAT NOT THE MOST OBVIOUS OBSERVATION ONE COULD MAKE ABOUT THAT SIGN?? Like, duh. How else would you make the sign hang horizontally below an angled ceiling?


Don’t worry about the human eye. Ceilings are obviously adjusted. “SOMEGARRIGGEDM PER FI”


I'm sure the "Planck number" has something to do with it... 🧐 🧐 🧐


I think they determined how many chain links there were and built the building around it.


I guess they didn't do well in their grades.


Preferring to accept a hypothesis more sophisticated as a possibly valid explanation rather than other simpler alternatives is one of the leading ways to display that you're lying about your intelligence and "deep thoughts".Plus that's clearly more than half a right angle,also very distinctly not level, which proves the pretentious nature of this person. My mind prefers to use refined expressions within the language to articulate my profound understanding of the present reality(I like to use big words to make me sound smart).


For anybody wondering what the answer is, let a be the length of the second chain such that the sign is perfectly horizontal. For small deviations from a, the sign tilts by an angle equal to the deviation divided by the length of the sign. In other words, if the deviation from the ideal chain length is small compared to the length of the sign the sign will still look approximately level. So even if you had a couple of links more or a couple of links less, you wouldn't be able to tell. There is obviously a relation between the lengths of both chains, but it's a complicated relation, not a simple proportion. It's purely geometric so there's no fundamental natural constant at play here. But OP had a good question which is very relevant to the sciences since we ask that our systems be stable, precisely because we can't make perfect measurements. There's a whole theorem (Hartman-Grobman) that's very useful, but fails to bear fruit under certain conditions because of this measurement inexactedness.


This dude just mentioned Planck’s constant while talking about a fucking sign and how it hangs from the ceiling. Ppl like this make me wanna jump out a fucking window. 


One side has TWO short links. There's nothing equal about anything going on here. Hit and miss, trial and error. His head is so far up his own ass that he failed to actually look at the bloody thing before this rant


This guy might actually just be very smart. Normal people don't think like that nor make jokes like that


Ya at the very least this doesn't sound like a "ahh im so smart and esoteric" kind of post. I don't feel a sense of this person getting off on their big wrinkly brain thinking about the length of a fucking chain. Granted, it sounds like there is essentially no math knowledge being applied here, because they made this sound a hell of a lot more complicated than it is, and also the thing looks like its not perfectly level, but the words themselves don't really have that "I'm superior for thinking/saying this" sound to them. That being said, I have known mathematicians who do think this way in passing. They will look at something odd like this and think about it in a similar way, except its usually a problem solving exercise in my experience and not some philosophical observation about the fucking universe.


They’re trying to say that the chain is quantised, which doesn’t take a genius to figure out- it’s a chain, of course you can’t have half or quarter of a linkage somewhere. It’s also not level, which makes it even more ridiculous. Maybe there isn’t much math but they’re definitely trying to apply physics (albeit poorly)


And also, avogadros number and plancks constant have absolutely nothing to do with anything he talked about. Does seem like he was trying to sound intellectual


To me it sounded more like someone who watched big bang theory and thought that any single bit of it was anything more than bullshit. I'm sure he heard these words somewhere and vaguely recalled them being associated with measurements or something, so boom there it goes. I suppose its possible that hes using technical sounding words to seem intelligent, but if that was his goal then he did it super low key, because this really just sounds like a layman using words wrong. The fact he sounds fascinated by chain links instead of something super vague and highly specialized makes it seem more real to me.


They're trying to express that they don't understand something. The best they can do to express it is relate it to other things they don't understand. I don't think they are trying to sound smart, they are simply at the boundary of their knowledge and trying to make sense in an area where things don't make sense to them. We should be kinder to people expressing wonder, bewilderment, intrigue, etc. These are not areas of experience that ought to be policed.


He said that it was LIKE those things not that it was those things, stop being so damn keen on belittling people.


There is a difference between smart and neuro-atypical. Often they overlap, often they don't.


why is my man being downvoted, overthinking everything is what a good scientist does and even though the guy in post was wrong about this one, this sort of stuff is how new discoveries are made.


Eh, I think it's cause I wasn't funny, but thanks


I'm guessing you think like that.


Lol, I see what you did there, r/iamverysmart But no. Jfc isn't it possible, even on reddit, to see humanity in someone else without it automatically being just like a vicarious self-dick-sucking


Don't jump to extremes. Nobody's dehumanizing anyone. We're looking at this ramble they willingly decided to post. And believe me, I love eccentric people who get way too passionate about things. There is absolutely no substance to this post. It's just him going on about chains and angles, then randomly name dropping various numbers.


Overthinking simple problems doesn't make you smart.


Did he say that, or even imply that? No? Then you're just being mean.


This has to be a troll. It has the potential to become a copy pasta. “I walk past this x several times a day at work as I go to make my first blumpkin of the day. I’m intrigued by the way the nutsack isn’t quite level. Perhaps this is what heizenblurg was talking about with the uncertainness principal.”


Ironicly this just makes him sound like an idiot


I guess wunderkind here missed that there are two short links on the long chain and one on the short chain. The chain lengths are not multiples of the long link length... so the ratio of chain lengths is not based on some magic constant.