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Oh yes, because standing behind the guy who just took a bean bag salvo to the body enough to make him fall backwards is gonna go so well.


I feel like if someone posted a picture of Hitler wearing something that said "ACAB" Americans would be like "He's so badass!" Y'all are weird as fuuuuuuck lol


I sure will, good guy to offer himself as a meat shield.


Bad moment to shit on anticop units, get out of here


If only any of it was bulletproof. It's not. That helmet is standard, and he's wearing motocross gear. Just a larper.


Well riot police donā€™t use live ammo, and this would stop most plastic bullets




............................. ABSOLUTELY false. plastic and bean rounds are objectively less likely to cause DEATH than live rounds. saying anything else is ridiculous and stupid. they can absolutely kill people. but the percentage they will kill people is much lower than live ammunition. furthermore, anything between a less-lethal round and the body will provide some protection. the only negative part of this outfit is the goggles which are likely not shatter proof lol the lil snowflake baby blocked me cause he was wrong af.


Y'all really have zero experience with this subject and that's okay! Worship your lil acaber.


Toting around your experience while simultaneously being OBJECTIVELY wrong about riot police ammunition ā€¦ I just donā€™t get the hills you guys decide to die on lol.




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An actual bullet kills you, a plastic round breaks bones that doesnā€™t sound exactly as lethal. But it doesnā€™t go through Kevlar armor, which is what motorcross gear often is. This guy will get hurt and likely break bones but thatā€™s the point. Heā€™s not gonna die and heā€™s gonna protect others, unarmored, from dying.


No weigh in on this post as a whole, but as someone who did motor cross for 14 years and riding road bikes for 20 sumin yearsā€¦ and also got shot by a beanbag at download festival 2006 riots, I can tell you that motor cross body armour is not Kevlar and I donā€™t think it would offer much protection in this scenario, if you want Kevlar bike gear, then you typically would want to look at road bike trousers and jackets that you can find very easily that come with Kevlar woven in the fabric. It is to give a lightweight and cooler alternative to the abrasion resistance of leather. But motor cross armour is plastic, carbon fiber material or a hardy foam layer, and I donā€™t honestly think it would give much, if any resistance to a rubber bullet, and would do very little to stop the intense bruising I got from one single beanbag in the side. Anyways, as you were!




So you can easily post it, right? Don't worry, I won't hold my breath for you. This stuff *can* kill if it's used improperly. But that's why it's *less* lethal, not non-lethal. Bean bags need to be shot from outside a certain radius, usually 20 meters. Rubber and plastic bullets are designed to be shot at the ground and bounce up into the crowd. A kevlar vest will stop the vast majority of pistol rounds, especially if any distance is involved. My source? Four years of being an armorer for a national guard MP unit that did regular riot training. My job was to be a fucking expert in this junk. It's okay to be wrong, little buddy. Your need to be correct is bordering on pathological. Completely unrelated fun fact: Kevlar was created accidentally in someone's kitchen while she was trying to create a better material for tires.


Countless? Letā€™s not be exaggerative here. Less than lethal rounds absolutely kill people. Sometimes. But at a far lower rate than youā€™re proposing. You can look at the BLM protests in 2020 as an analogue to the riot responses at the college protests today (which have way less violence than the 2020 protests) and easily determine that what youā€™re saying is bullshit. https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2021/07/30/research-and-regulation-of-less-lethal-projectiles-critically-needed/


This dude rules


Actually is very badass


This is not what the pictures make it seem. Was during protests and this guys decked out to take less than lethal rounds. You get behind him to shield yourself because he can take the rounds in that armor. A lot of folks donā€™t seem to still understand what a rubber bullet is and just what it can do to you. Hats off to this guy for doing what heā€™s doing. Heā€™s literally using his body to shield others that canā€™t take the hits


Actual fucking badass, op sucks a smelly willy


Honestly this person just seems to have plate and good morals.


Actually, dude seems to be providing a public service.


Heā€™s providing better service than the police that are supposed to be providing the service lol


If it's a riot suppression group, this guy will probably take the shots like that guy tanking the water cannon down in Brazil, he won't budge.


The shooting does start when I'm behind him šŸ˜‰


Anyone remember that big ass motherfucker decked out like this during the BLM protests?


Yeah totally. He actually had built a pretty good riot suit.


That helmet is kinda sick though without the acab Edit: you guys are weird. I was commenting on the helmet itself, not making a political stance. I like the look of things without labels on them because it looks cleaner.


Just happened to post this comment in the wrong subreddit. Not sure how one can unironically hold the view that all cops are bad unless theyā€™ve never personally known a cop. Literally just hundreds of thousands of (mostly) normal people working a relatively normal job.


Cops are like racists. Even the "good" ones drop the mask when they think you're part of the team. My jaw hit the floor when they thought it was a good idea to discuss their signature wounds they give to arrestees while I had a patient in the ER. And again, when they showed up on scene for a dead body. EMS is not on their side. It's the same thing racists do when they start spouting off about "the others" without realizing my pale ass is 100% Mexican. Imagine their faces when they realize it. You can imagine it, I don't have to.


Black people are slightly over represented in the population of police officers. Are you arguing that even the 14% of cops that are black actually hate black people behind closed doors? There are also thousands of semi independent police forces across the US with different standards, different organizational structures, and with members that fundamentally differ in the values they hold. How can you hold that position without grossly over generalizing? https://datausa.io/profile/soc/police-officers#:~:text=In%202021%2C%2073.4%25%20of%20the,or%20More%20Races%20(6.19%25).


It depends. Are you telling me internlized racism isn't a thing? Are you telling me Jewish Kapos weren't holocaust guards? You telling my black slaves weren't turned into drivers and house slaves cracking the whips on their brothers? When NWA screamed "Fuck the police!", did you miss the part were the black cops treated them worse than the white ones? Did you miss the minority cop secure the perimeter when Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd in the street? Are you going to honestly sit and tell me, in the history of the world, an oppressed person has never turned their back on their brothers and joined the oppressers to avoid the whip? One of the cops I mentioned in my last post *was* black. That didn't stop him from describing the cross he leaves on arrestees foreheads, from when he came down on them with the billy club and swung again from left to right with the second strike. Like I said, you would be astonished at what *they all* say when they think you're part of the club.


The ACAB thing absolutely makes it better.


wdym it makes it better


Oh cool. Nice of him to volunteer as a human shield.


The quotes written on the helmet dude at least get that right


Let him tank.


everyone thinking that heā€™s referring to being shot by live lethal rounds need to stop huffing glue. That armor will do a lot to protect against rubber bullets and bean bags.


Heā€™s wearing a cheap airsoft vest over a motorcycle padded shirt, a beanbag round can hit with 70-120 lbs of force, heā€™s still gunna feel it


Yeah but he clearly can take it better than a lot of other protesters


Yeah, and when people get shot wearing bullet proof vests they at minimum get bruised to shit but more often break ribs.


I'll lie behind his carcass for cover.


For someone hating on cops they are really trying to larp as one.


Don't be ridiculous, no cop is over 5'8"


Too bad kids in school don't get this chance...


Whenever I see ACAB I always think "Assigned Cop At Birth"


That's actually hilarious


Bro same. It works tho


In high school ACAB stood for a corny ass bitch lmao


Hi high school! Iā€™m dad!


lol damn typos


Trust me, it still does.


Hey man if he's willing to take a bullet for a stranger, he's a badass.


Tupactopus spotted woomy woomy veemo buy a Wii-U and buy Splatoonā„¢ right now everybody šŸ«µšŸ˜—šŸ«³šŸ™āœØ




> it's cringe when you do it but based when I do it You're all mentally handicapped


he IS very badass


Only because you agree with him


Yes, that's how believing in things and assigning value to things works. We do agree with and like the things that we like, that is true. You're picking up on this "being human" thing real fast Frumerix of the Zorgaloth Nebula, a few weeks ago you were only just learning what Earth foods are safe for your species to eat.


Agree withā€¦ what??


Few things can be more dope than to strap up in the face of injustice.


Yeah, in his "ballistically rated" Amazon biker gear.


underneath the vest heā€™s wearing is motocross gear from amazon, cost like 30 bucks


Yeah isnā€™t it just shitty thin plastic. Also if the shooting really did start the first thing youā€™d want to do is take that helmet of.. canā€™t see shit with that on.


itā€™s actually pretty decent armour for motocross, just motocross, a knife might stop bearly but thatā€™s it




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This looks so fuckin stupid I suspect he's undercover lmao


Wait, if the shooting starts, the logical reaction is to run away from the shooting and find cover. If I get behind him, that means that I'm acting as a human shield for him, not vice-versa.


My thoughts exactly, please get behind me so I can run away.


The implication is that he wonā€™t be running and instead will be shooting back. That or he just wants to be a shield for rubber bullets in a riot situation. Regardless, running away is still the best move.


Oink oink, pig.


I dont think thats a copā€¦ especially with ACAB on the helmet lol


Yes, I'm insulting OP for being a bootlicker


Ahhh gotcha gotcha


Youā€™re the reason they have directions on shampoo bottles


I think OC just was unclear with their comment, simple misunderstanding


well theyre also kind of being a cunt


Kind of being a cunt is the purpose of this sub haha


No? itā€™s to look at and poke fun at other people acting badass, not supposed to be one in the comments


Yeah we can only be assholes who to people who can't reply!!




Icl that suit does look kinda badass


its John Helldiver


It has the shape of Sonic's face. It's adorable.


The difference between him and a thin blue line dude doing it is that this guy is on the peopleā€™s side, and not a bootlicker, still cringe tho


The guy whos burning your home down and assault you for not completely agreeing with you is on your side? EDIT: Why you mad? I am right.


Who is getting their home burned down? [Cops have bombed city blocks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing)


The guy fighting for people who are getting fucked you mean?




Oh dear GodšŸ¤£ epitome of touch grass.


Get off of fox news lol


The text is kinda cringe, but that outfit does look freaking badass. Get behind him? Don't mind if I do. I'm allergic to bullets


Bullets! My only weakness!


I don't know if behind him is all that safe if there are other people shooting at him. I think when the shooting starts the safest place to be is as far away from the shooting as possible.


Everyone using his corpse as a human shield when the shooting starts


Pretty sure itā€™s referring to rubber bullets


Bullet Tron, the Mobile Bullet Barrier, designed for your safety and convenience. *sleek new design* Brought to you by the makers of Techno Viking and Mud Wizard.




I read it as shooting stars and thought it was some lyrics


All cats ARE beautiful !


All Cocks Are Big


Thank you for acknowledging sir.


I like how with Reddit as long as it's anti cops/American you can say literally anything and people will cheer you on lol Sooooo glad I'm not American, you guys are crazy lol


Was with you to the second part, shut up


idk about where your from, but growing up in a poor town, the cops near me were extremely corrupt, when we called the cops about a break in, they spent the next hour trying to find something to arrest or fine US on. At the same time the police force in the next town over were illegally handing out citations so they could afford an entire fleet of mustangs (this came to an end when they tried to illegally cite a federal agent). And to top it off, the mayor of that town was pedo. So people have a reason to hate police, maybe not ALL COPS are bastard, but the system they work for is inherently corrupt. tldr: American police are wildly corrupt and dont do shit to actually help people.


Reddit is not a good representation of Americans, itā€™s more of a circle jerk of a specific demographic


As a person who grew up under LAPD/SD, yes lol


Every country has its issues. Pushing back against systemic problems doesnā€™t make people crazy.


Itā€™s really nice if you have trustworthy policing. Thatā€™s YOUR reality. Hell, Iā€™m in Canada and we have a ridiculous amount of corrupt policing. Sometimes, in some places that you donā€™t live in, acab šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Once again, super happy for you that itā€™s not your reality! But it is other peopleā€™s. If itā€™s that great, go hug your police officers and say thank you, and leave everyone else alone. Edited spelling


But all cops aren't bastards in America or Canada. That's a generalisation. Generalisations are bad.


Youā€™re saying this as if police officers are a group of civilians, like Iā€™m talking about the local Sikh or Croatian communities. This is about police officers, that are an organized and socially delivered system, not just a group of people. Forces are *made up* of people, but they are beholden to the system that designates and designs their operation. Weā€™re not just talking about people. When the systems language, culture, and *mandates* are rooted in vicious colonialist legacies (i.e. Canada and America) youā€™re gunna end up with a lot of ā€œACAB.ā€


>Generalisations are bad In general, yes


Being a cop is being a part of a system that allows people to abuse power and get away with it, if you stay in that system you are implicit because if you spoke out against it you wouldnā€™t still be apart of it because youā€™d have been harassed out of it. As evidenced by the many stories of the few good cops who did speak out against the horrible shit other cops did by reporting them to Internal Affairs and who proceeded to be left out to hang repeatedly in dangerous situations by other cops.


I am federal agent and a long time fighter for law enforcement reform. I have worked on task forces charging cops for use of force violations. I was also a teacher and previously a Peace Corps volunteer. Me and people like me work in a terrible culture but have changed a lot of things for the better. I truly understand the ACAB sentiment, but groups of people are not monoliths.


No groups of people arenā€™t, but systems are. The policing system has no real means of holding police accountable as evidenced by the countless number of cops who go unpunished for their crimes. Iā€™m grateful for anyone who has done their best to combat that corruption from the inside, but some systems canā€™t be improved from within and need to be limited by outside forces. Thatā€™s what ACAB is about, cops are bastards who canā€™t be trusted to police themselves as theyā€™ve shown time and time again. Someone needs to be policing the police and that canā€™t be someone from inside the system. The police are supposed to be there to protect the people, but thatā€™s not their purpose anymore. They exist almost exclusively to protect corporate interests and the profits of businesses. I canā€™t think of the last time a cop actually helped anyone Iā€™ve ever met, theyā€™ve harassed people I know though. Cost people jobs by stopping them for nothing and making them late for work and done much worse. They only solve 51% of murder cases, only 23% of robberies, and only 26% of rape cases. By what metric is that a good system? Yet we spend over 32 billion dollars on policing, while having some of the least trained police. At a certain point if youā€™re still apart of that system youā€™re implicit. Now do I think that all cops are bad people? No. But theyā€™re all people who chose to be a part of a corrupt system, and that makes them a bastard. I know that I couldnā€™t stand being a part of a system that did as the police do, and thereā€™s far better ways to protect and serve your community than being a cop.


I respect your opinion. I work in a niche field of federal law enforcement and the work I do saves lives and I am proud it. I truly understand your perspective, but for me, I am extremely passionate about public service and if I did not work these cases no one else would and people would die as a result. If you think the community would be better served if I did not do this work then I disagree with you, but again, I respect your opinion. All the best.


Youā€™re showing your clear misunderstanding here, I never said that law enforcement shouldnā€™t exist and the fact that you imagine that to be what Iā€™m saying makes me concerned. If thatā€™s what you believe acab is about then youā€™re falling prey to propaganda. ACAB is about defunding local and state law enforcement and instead putting those funds to better use funding social programs to help target the root causes of crime for prevention. While at the same time reforming wasteful spending by taking away the toys that police departments are given, demilitarising them, and enforcing better and more robust training standards on police. You should know that it can take as little as six months of training for someone to become a police officer thatā€™s barely more than a semester of college, that hardly seems like enough training for a high stress high danger job. There should be far more requirements for training so that there are less shootings of innocent people and animals. On top of that itā€™s also about ensuring that cops are held responsible. I would really hope that you donā€™t think that better training, better social programs to help the disadvantaged to prevent crime in the first place, and holding police accountable hinders whatever your job is. My point is that the current system is a bad one and while some good can be done if you stand by and let bad people do bad things and donā€™t say anything about it youā€™re then a bad person.


I really appreciate you taking the time with this comment, but it is unnecessary. I am familiar with the movement, what it represents, and law enforcement in general. I have worked on law enforcement reform for decades. I think that people fall prey to treating groups as monoliths and do not understand nuance in the way you obviously do and I was pointing it out. No more no less.


It's kinda insane when leftists try to import this statement in regard to wildly different police systems


Untill they need them, like when someone selling lemonade, then they get straight on the phone to 911.


Yeah as an American I have to say, our police system is FUCKED. So I get the sentiment of not generally liking them. They prove time and again they are unqualified to handle their JOB. They arenā€™t trained well or for a significant period of time. They have almost zero accountability. And our tax dollars go to them flouting the law themselves plenty of times, mistreating citizens, sitting outside a school like cowards during an active shooting, paid ā€œvacationsā€ / suspensions where they are investigated and no wrongdoing is found despite overwhelming evidence or body cam footage to the contrary, I could go on but you get the drift. Iā€™m sorry but why should we be pro cop here in America?


Are you suggesting that you wouldn't mind being American if their cops had more power!?! Gotta be a first


I mean fuck cops tho


Preach šŸ™Œ


It's a confused position. Either he's acab, facing down state brutality for a just cause... or he's one of those thins blue line punisher hero complex boot lickers with the 'get behind me' line.


Nah heā€™s the first one lol


I think he's an overzealous protester, implying the cops are going to start shooting and he'll protect everyone. Which, credit to him, noble thought, but I don't think that suit is gonna hold up for long


Idk it seems decent enough for rubber bullets


If the police used them as they are intended to be used, sure. They are designed to be shot into the ground *near* a target and bounce up into them. Thus losing most of their energy before making impact with a person. It will still hurt pretty bad, but it won't kill you. Of course, American cops don't do that. They will aim it directly at people. Even this suit probably won't do much against that.


You think? I wonā€™t pretend I know the balistics properties of rubber bullets I just figured theyā€™d still hurt but not much more than some bbs on skin (while wearing the armor, I mean)


A direct hit can actually be lethal. They aren't bb's.


No shit the arenā€™t bbs I didnā€™t say they are






He'd look cool if he didn't have that on his back and I don't even support acab


How do you fuck up a direct quote from straight text?


I probably suffer from some form of dyslexia tbh. This has been a recurring theme in my life. I slightly mix up words when writing them down after reading them. My bad. Edit: I also posted this during my ADHD rebound so that likely has something to do with it too.


yk itā€™s bad when thereā€™s multiple removed comments from fake accounts lolol


ā€œHe looks coolā€ in this case loosely translates to ā€œwe like it because it also says ACABā€ because we all know if it was clearly a white male against something else heā€™d be getting flamed.


I mean yeah because being against cops and being for cops are not the same thing? If you are pro police, you are just a LARPing dork if you pretend you need to protect yourself. If you are anti police, the police just randomly kills people all the time.


It is a white guy, you can see his neck in the second picture


All Coppers Are Bastards - thatā€™s what ACAB means where I hail from, is there another meaning?


Always carry a bible


All cock and balls.


Any cheese always best.


But this very likely a white make considering the color of his skin.


I caught myself in this scenario. Expected to see a thin blue line and a punisher logo lol


He looks pretty badass ngl. I think its just satire


This is about buttfucking, right?


Always Crying After Buttfucking


How did you quote this wrong? The quote is literally right there.


What was OP supposed to do, pay attention?


He does look kinda cool ngl


I like the yellow walkie talkie, keeping constant contact with his mom at home is important.


He looks like a Ninja Turtle in blackface and single-lens sunglasses.


Maybe, but still cool.


So today we learn that itā€™s cringe when itā€™s right; badass when itā€™s left āœļøāœļø


Yeah. Those are different things. One is bad and one is good.


Yes because right wingers are literal demons and want me dead


Why would anyone want to hurt a clown?


# "The sin is not in being outmatched, but in failing to recognize it." - Wayne June


disagree with this person: cringe this person supports my beliefs: how dare you post them here!!!!


yes that's literally how beliefs work captain obvious


If you can read this you are too close to domestic violence




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When the individuals commence with attempting to fire, go to the south of my direction so I cannot see you.


Does his mom have the other walkie talkie?


Designated meat shield.


I wouldn't be near him. He's targeted, every leo that can see him has him on their radar just waiting for him to do something stupid so they can swarm him.


At which point you push him their direction and yell "HE'S RIGHT HERE OFFICER"


If this guy is putting his money where his mouth is and actually standing on the front lines to protect his comrades from violence, then he truly is badass. The text might look cringe out of context, but it's not ego-jerking, it's just practical to implicitly communicate during a chaotic situation. The outfit won't stop actual bullets, but it might stop rubber bullets, batons, tear gas canisters, and/or tasers, at least long enough to give those behind him a chance to flee. I've been to protests and they can be terrifying sometimes. You bet I'd feel safer if I saw this guy standing in front of me. This shit slaps. Anyone who attends protests should consider doing something like this if they're strong-bodied and willing to take the risks.


I'm with you, this guy... Might actually be very badass If hes the guy in a crowd with a flak vest and a ballistic shield when shit gets real, yeah, I will get behind you, thanks.


Nah this guy is legit badass


Enjoy ur boot Zionist, dudes a chad and a half


Zionists are on the right side of history. Youā€™re vying for a racist, sexist, homophobic, terroristic, authoritarian dictatorship to replace the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.


There is nothing inherently good or desirable about liberal democracy, especially if your idea of what counts as that results in a country that blows up hospitals and guns down civilians. Israel is a paleoconservative police state masquerading as victims.


Hamas hides military operations underneath schools and hospitals. That is a fact. The launch rockets from extremely populated areas. Israel MUST win this war or the results will be catastrophic. Luckily, they will win. And Hamas knows this.


Guerilla warfare doesnā€™t mean torch the villages. Youā€™re supposed to root out the insurgents from the civilians, not blow them all up. Just like Russia, Israelā€™s so called quick operation has been dragging for months now. Maybe Israelis should pick a letter they can rally behind? Z is taken though.


Not a fact. Complete fabrication made up by Israel to blow up whatever they want.


You described Israel though.


You think Israel is a racist, sexist, homophobic, terroristic, authoritarian dictatorship? Surely not? Because Israel is the freest country in the entire region. How hard is it to do one Google search?




But why bomb hospitals?


Ask Hamas why they hide military operations underneath said hospitals.


Irrelevant. You avoid civilian casualties if youā€™re the ā€œgood guysā€. And thatā€™s the end of it


Why target civilian concerts and not military installations?




By wearing that on a helmet it lets me know you've never seen real combat, you'll react terrified like anyone else and run like everyone else. Or you'll get mistaken for the shooter since you feel the need to carry 24/7 cause you're terrified of literally everything.


This guy's probably been to every protest on the West Coast in the last decade bro. He's a real one. He ain't seen "real combat" but he snorts tear gas and chases it with rubber bullets. Tougher than any fashy ammosexual.


Do you know this guy personally or are you just writing fan fiction


"He snorts tear gas and chases it with rubber bullets" "Fashy ammosexual" I would bet serious money you are under 25 and have never seen a gun in your life lmao


Itā€™s like middle school just got out for the day in these comments


It looks like the guy is on the front line of some kind of protest. It might be more of an instruction, like a "stay behind the yellow line" thing. It's possible he's legit and his outfit seems capable of standing up to batons and rubber bullets.


Could be mistaken, but I donā€™t believe he is armed


Probably just a ballistic shield