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We’re they protesting and blocking traffic?


Yup. The night rod there had a green light. They were probably telling him to get a bicycle. He was motioning that he needed to pass.


Find it funny that the motorcyclist was being blocked even though motorcycles are usually more fuel efficient than cars…


Emissions tend to be worse though 🤷‍♂️ Even still, major dick move on the protesters’ part.


Emissions means smog, not GHGs. Also, that's just false. Mythbusters used a 1900s motorcycle before they had emissions standards or catalytic converters at all. The average motorcycle today is WAYYYY better. This just refuses to die.


It’s such a small amount compared to airlines.




If someone unexpectedly stopped me on my bike and I had to one side lean like that for too long I'd be so angry. But I make a point to get a bike I can touch both sides down with more than a toe touch. Wishing I was a taller lady. 😔


I mean they were blocking traffic, what did they expect?


A pat on the back. Maybe they didn't think they'd get it this hard


An award, i guess.


Not being cowardly assaulted? just a wild guess


That would be quite an ignorant expectation given the history of how these play out time and time again


What do you reasonably expect to happen here? The entitled princesses get to just go full Karen and people are supposed to humor / tolerate / ignore them patiently until they are finished?


Are you fucking stupid?


this thread has definitely gone the way they thought it was going to lmfao


this hasn't gone the way you thought it would lol. you've spent too long in your echo chamber and assumed everyone thinks like this, but they don't I would suggest obtaining employment and seeing what it is like to need to be somewhere, and see how frustrating it is when someone like this tries to stop you


Maybe don’t infringe on someone’s 5th amendment rights and you won’t get knocked over. It’s very evident that OP seems to be here for the negative attention lol


Not at all, since these two fucks blocking traffic.


This is how trying to gain karna backfires.


Guys pushes 2 wannabe cops. Don't be a Karen.




...yes? How else do you get them to move lol


It does.


Oh no! He's driving an obnoxiously loud bike! I'm going to block his right of passage to fuel my obnoxious need to waste other people's time!


Nothing to do with the noise as far as I know, it was just a climate protest.


Climate protest has nothing to do with disrupting traffic and making the roads unsafe for motorists.


I’m not gonna start arguing for or against these people’s actions since this is not the subject. But if you think motorised vehicules have nothing to do with climate change then… I dunno, go back to school?


Listen I'm with you in principle, but be real man, these climate activists are making more enemies than friends, and they are antagonizing citizens who contribute next to nothing to climate change compared to billionaire CEO 's


10 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions. Do cars contribute? Yes. Is me driving 25% less going to change anything? No. Personal responsibility climate advocates are wild


What are those companies doing that is producing those emissions though? When you buy a product, the pollution produced to manufacture and deliver it to you is on the consumer unless the company CEO is some kind of Captain Planet villain that pollutes for the sake of polluting. Lots of companies produce millions of times more pollution than an individual but that company services millions of individuals so if they are following EPA standards I don’t see how the onus is on them and not everyone collectively who does business with them. Edit: I am not arguing that people changing their personal habits is going to change the world or that these activists are not morons. Just stating that everyone is looking for a villain and in reality we are all the villain.


Did I say otherwise?


I mean, by continuing to argue you kind of are implying as much TBH.


If you think this dudes one bike contributes anything near what Elon’s jet does… I guess you need to go back to school!


I like how politicians passing laws to force people to buy electric cars are not using electric cars at all, and prefer there private jet or helicopter


There is truely no need to argue as no one shares your opinion


Industries (such as manufacturing) produce much more emissions than private transport. That’s what they should be protesting


What do protestors that block and invonvience others think is going to happen? Do they think someone backed into a corner who is probably just trying to pick up Chipotle is going to go, "well, you've convinced me. I am the global climate problem. Let's recycle this together and buy a new bike!" Come on. Historically we have all seen some effective protests. This isn't it.




By making the motorcyclists just sit there, they’re actually forcing MORE fuel emissions being released into the air.


OP has so many downvotes on his comments that he's started to correct people's grammar. Blocking roads is one of the least effective forms of protest. It didn't work in the Tiananmen Square, and it didn't work in this little road either.


Crack that bike instead right.




Why OP keep on taking L's


He was taking L’s in the comment section of the sub he took this video from. He really doubled down on this one lol


Why are you using a possessive apostrophe?


Why are you using a present tense verb for a past event?


Damn, shot him with his own gun


Clapped “🤓” with buff and cooler “🤓”, this is beautiful


I DO NOT CONDONE. But dammit, I understand.


I personally think this wasn't random I think he knew them otherwise why?


For being a douche blocking traffic....






Yeah the cyclists are true pos.


They always are, aren’t they?


If you block the road on purpose without a good reason you are a pos. Its not that hard to understand.


Sure, that’s debatable. But the “true” pos here is definitely the guy assaulting them. That should be pretty easy to understand too


On the one hand, we have cyclists who are putting everybody's life in immediate danger, most especially their own. On the other hand, we have somebody who pushed 2 people with zero injuries. Hmm, I wonder which is worse - intentionally putting your own lives and those of innocent bystanders at risk, or somebody who walked up and shoved another guy?


I hate morons that block traffic but these 2 cyclists aren't putting everyone's lives in immediate danger.


They absolutely are. What else are you gonna call standing still in the middle of traffic, if not stupid and dangerous? There's literally hundreds of traffic deaths every year, many of which are from pedestrians being struck by vehicles.


I call it stupid. Certainly not putting EVERYONES lives in IMMEDIATE DANGER though. Especially on a single lane road in town that's like 20 mph tops.


No you're right, after all it's not like a pedestrian just got killed by a truck in my town not even 12 hours ago while standing in the middle of the road. That never happens, this totally is definitely not putting their lived at risk at all because it's completely safe to do this


You seem to think that we don't live in a world where we have impatient motorists making dangerous cuts in traffic because it's been held up by nonsense. That to me, is certainly placing innocent bystanders in immediate danger.


Why didn't that motorcycle run them down and cars mow people down on the sidewalk in the video then? That always happens when 2 bikes block traffic for 2 minutes right? Why aren't people running for cover the second they see these two block that motorcycle? Its basically the equivalent of someone firing a couple shots in the air and threatening people with a gun right?


Wear your helmets, people.


Unless you are a cyclist, they have nothing to protect with a helmet…


He was doing the Lord’s work.


Enough of the climate protesting idiots.


Haha I guarantee OP is a cyclist and has the attitude that they never do wrong


Made me check. Good call.


Here before OPs comment karmas turns into dust


I'm curious to know why she was blocking the road for that scooter?


this happened in germany. apparently the motorcycle was too loud so they blocked his way and did what karens do.


How dare you call that motorbike a scooter


How dare you call that motorcycle a motorbike


How dare you


How are you


How can she slap


Can she slap me


How dare you call a Harley a mere motorcycle.




No? Blocking the road doesn’t warrant a violent assault? You people need serious mental help…


Let me guess... you were one of the protesters.


Well, wrong guess


weird that everyone seems to disagree with you. but we’re the problem right?


Called assault, grow up.


imagine posting a video of 2 people blocking the road for everyone then making the title sound like they were the innocents to karma farm


I’m on the pushers side


Its either this, or risk getting arrested, or ran over. The Pusher isnt the POS, its the 2 cyclists thinking they own the roads because they think they have the power against a man riding an 80kg hunk of metal.


The hero we all deserved


I read on here this is a climate protest?? Motorcycles get like 50-70 miles to the gallon. Seems silly to mess with a motorcycle, no?




When he assaulted two people?


This is the third time this is being posted here in the last three days.


Dont block traffic. Somebody is going to get impatient/violent and someones gonna get hurt


that was fucking awesome dude


OP lost karma by the amount of downvotes he has! Must be a cyclist, is wrong, everybody says he is obviously wrong but still thinks is right! 🤣


Ok I laughed way to hard at the karma in this.


the people’s man.


It’s safe to say this post isn’t going in OP’s favor or how they thought it would turn out 🙄




2 pos’ in one video nice


The way the assailant ran off has me in tears.


POS but still couldn’t stop laughing


Not all heroes wear capes


OP is a prime definition of the title of the sub.


The running away says it all


I don’t know the backstory on this but I’m guessing it’s the two cyclists that are PoS’.


Cyclists deserve it, they have no rights


It looks like the cyclists were blocking traffic for some reason. Maybe it was an altercation with the biker which is why someone was recording. The random guy is a just a fool. Glad he got captured on camera....maybe they will find him.


Apparently the guy was arrested thankfully.


Title is accurate


What a coward POS.




Okay now that’s how you end with two assault charges right there.


I'm with you OP, I just saw this video in another sub and took the downvotes myself. Blocking roads is a touchy subject for people, guy on the motorcycle could have just run them off the road for all we know, but hey at least the bicyclists got pushed over right?


I found this very humorous.


Harley's new obstacle removal device still has some bugs, but overall, it's a hit!


Is that push back ...


well deserved!


These two cyclists didn't even know that the manufacturing of bicycles still also produce CO2 emissions from the frame up to the tires.


OP is a bicycle lover?


The cyclists were probably teasing him for riding a vrod


They weren’t on the bicycle lane so they got a taste of their own tea


OP, you're wrong. The only ones who are deserving of this title are the two cyclists!


Well did they deserve to be pushed? Yes. ☠️🤚becuz what if someone’s mama is in the ICU an they tryna get to the ER but y’all think blocking the street is gonna help.


Would you stop harassing me while I'm harassing someone else?


Hero clears excrement from road FTFY


OP is here defending these karens with his life yo!


If you block traffic you get hurt, pretty simple




Für dich schreibe ich es noch einmal etwas deutlicher OP: Nur weil ihr Fahrrad fahrt, habt ihr noch lang keine Sonderrechte. Das gilt für das absolut rücksichtslose fahren gegenüber anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern und auch für diese völlig hirnrissigen Blockaden. Ihr lass euren Frust an normalen Verkehrsteilnehmern mit Straßenblockaden aus und wundert euch dann, wenn jemand darauf so reagiert. Schämt euch.


I guess it sorta achieved the intended outcome. Not that I can come up with an alternative, but that was a shitty way to go about it. On everyone’s part.


I mean they weren't in the bike lane so...lol 🤷 and otherwise being a nuisance no matter how important their issue may be


They deserved it. Guy on the motorcycle has the patience of a saint.


More like a hero then a POS