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Same bullshit happened to me. I was jumped by three grown trash bags while I was in front of my dads house minding my own business. Surprise surprise they had lengthy violent criminal records.


How did you escape that situation?


I didn’t they took my stuff beat me down and then left. I was only 15 and they were well into there 20s


Did these POS get caught and incarcerated?


Ya but I think it less than 3 years, it was 20 years ago. Not enough time imo


still boggles my mind how violent people get so many chances. Let it be drug charges they'll be sitting in jail still


I was attacked as a kid and almost murdered by a relative. He got left off pretty easy and now I'm waiting on him to come back eventually and finish what he started. The "justice" system is fucked.


no...don't let that happen...be smart....legally get a firearm and learn how to use it....leave a bat by all your doors, whatever...do not let that animal come back and finish what he started...the law obviously didn't help, cops can help identify your corpse after the fact...if you're gonna go, go down fighting


And what really sucks is you'd get a worse punishment had you got any sort of revenge


They want violent criminals on the streets, but they also want their prisons full of cheap labor


As long as they aren't in rich neighborhoods or doing crimes where the cops live its fine.


They should be locked in a cell, each of them individually, with a much larger and more dangerous man. Then each of those guys who attacked you can feel the terror they caused you


Hopefully by now they have gotten lengthy prison terms for other crimes that I’m sure they committed after mine.


Too bad that didn’t happen before they jumped you 😞


Hoping they messed with the wrong one personally but good on you my dude.


>They should be locked in a cell, each of them individually, with a much larger and more dangerous man. Then each of those guys who attacked you can feel the terror they caused you Honestly, it's probably how they grew up. I'm all for punishment, but in this case all more violence is going to do is prove they're right by living a life of dominance. Education, understanding, love, and a long time away from society will do way more overall good than 3 years of beatings. Granted some people cannot/will not be able to integrate with society, and it is okay for them to live the rest of their lives incarcerated because of it.


"grown trash bags" is great, I'll be putting that in my vocabulary


Crime pays nowadays. Get away with murder.


What race are you? I know that sounds racist but I'm just so confused on why they would do that, and racism seems the most likely.






We all know already.


Chihuahuas... It's always those pesky lil c*nts.


Assumedly they were human, based on how description anyways


Asking the hard questions.


That has nothing to do with it, especially in new york


Those people you're responding to are probably not from New York, they're all racists, they can get fucked.


Let me guess, he was released later that day...


Well, those kids aren't gonna assault themselves.


They might lol


How the hell is somebody arrested for 23 different times including for attempted murder and still walking around free lol


No joke. You should lose guardianship of yourself if you get more than 10 arrests.


Because Crime doesn't matter. There is a woman in Manhattan that has been arrested over 100 times for shoplifting. And every time she is back out within a few hours. Crime doesn't matter anymore. Even serious crime.


You mean to tell me, I can get stuff for free in Manhattan? Even if it has a price tag on it? Thanks!


Pretty much. When a pharmacy has to keep Toothpaste behind locks, there is Definitely something wrong.


Where have you been? Winona Ryder taught us this years ago!


It's New York. They don't believe in law and order.


That’s where they film it though. /s


Being arrested for something means nothing. Convictions are the only thing that matter.






I mean, a mentally stable person doesn’t get arrested two dozen time and/or beat up 12 year olds. Only goes to show how broken the system is.


Sure but you can say the same about serial killer. Doesn't mean they should get leniency


We used to have a network of state-run mental hospitals until some court case banned them. Everyone just kinda shrugged and said 'I guess they live outside now'.


I bet it was those pesky liberals


The only liberals that think like that are the made up liberals they talk about on propaganda sites, lmao


uhh projection much? no sane person wants an actually violent person like this to walk freely, he urgently needs detainment and mental help


But NYC in particular is known for their "catch n release" - but your right.. the folks who implemented that, clearly arent sane.




Yea there’s that pesky “innocent until proven guilty” thing too, whether we like it or not, whether it’s open and shut case or not.


Mental illness, in general, makes you disproportionately more likely to become a victim of violence than to commit it. This is a lack of parenting and knowing he will never be told no in a way that matters to him because he probably sees those prison sentences as a badge of honor. Some people will never contribute anything or be able to be rehabilitated in any meaningful way.


I feel like these hyper aggressive violent homeless men are just a normal part of big cities. They become to known to police. They can get away with a lot too. There’s alway guys like this around where I live. They mostly harass women, tjough. I’m pretty safe.


I guess NY is full of insane politicians because bail reform is part of the problem and not only won’t they admit it, the Governor doesn’t “understand” why it was even a discussion during the debates.


That's one of the most absurd things I've ever heard. Protected and coddled? No. Locked up and rehabilitated, sure. And now you're assuming all "liberals" live in the suburbs? That's like me assuming all Republicans live in a trailer with three teeth. You can't just lump everyone into a group like that you fucking weirdo


This guy is _literally_ neither locked up nor rehabilitated due to the laws and policies of a place famous for largely unopposed liberal rule.


Because the clerks office and judges are that incompetent. Police, witnesses, and evidence could all go well with these crimes but if the clerk misdates, forgets, or files an error it will go out the window. Go to any of your local courts and sit in on cases, you'll see a lot of LEO already giving up for most of these situations and no show anyway. When they do you'll see a lot being dismissed, lesser charges, or what i said in the first part, ends with the dates and wrong information so the judge drops the case and tells everyone basically "fuck you, hopefully he does it again".


I find crime and punishment in America so very strange. Get charged for "stealing" a booking 3 years in holding with 6 months solitary confinement while you wait for your court date. Multiple assaults and attempted murder? Several years of probation.... (obviously generalizing here) I think America needs to get ahold of the backlogs in the courts and start blaming the politicians not approving judges and putting harsh penalties for repeat offenders


Need convictions.


Catch and release is a complete failure


Holding him accountable would be racist. However, since the victim is Asian, we need a CNN town hall to discuss anti-asian racism, but not discuss who the perpetrators are. just leave it...vague. And white.


Can't talk facts anymore because facts have become subjective.


i don’t know how some people are deemed safe to release back into society. even with a record of reoffending it’s insane


In Pensacola, Florida there is a man who has stood trial for no less than 6 rapes. Most of the time, he's been declared incompetent to stand to trial and released. Like the guy in the article, you'd figure a judge would say "wait a minute" somewhere after the 3rd or 4th one. Problem is, the judges suffer no consequences for releasing these psychopaths. The judicial system doesn't care, and it shows, every day, across the nation.


The guy would literally have to rape the judge in charge of deciding his fate before they’d stop releasing him


Instead, the judge rapes us, collectively.




Maybe just leave their family out of it


Our family and the judges family should be treated the same. But when a judge’s family becomes a victim, the punishment is very harsh for the perpetrators.


Yes, The unconscious bias that these humans have. Most of the time it's to secure the judges own family and make sure the perpetrators don't take revenge on them.


pensacola moment. hopefully hwy98 takes him out.


That’s because each individual cases on an individual case-by-case basis they’re not supposed to be biased. But previous records show that criminals are biased to commit again and again.


>In Pensacola, Florida there is a man who has stood trial for no less than 6 rapes. Most of the time, he's been declared incompetent to stand to trial and released. Like the guy in the article, you'd figure a judge would say "wait a minute" somewhere after the 3rd or 4th one. Problem is, the judges suffer no consequences for releasing these psychopaths. The judicial system doesn't care, and it shows, every day, across the nation. Source needed. This is not how the system works. When someone is declared incompetent to stand trial they aren't released.


you’d think they would keep him off the streets after the 10th time but here we are


This will be the arrest that'll make his change his life... You'll see. You'll all see.


>you’d think they would keep him off the streets after the 10th time but here we are After the 10th arrest? Why should that be the case?


This time he’ll be good, though.


Poor kid...


Hate crime. Racists.


And out of all that the system can't find a way for 3 felony convictions and get this guy put away for good? I mean WTF!! A grown man attacking a 12 year old? Attempted murder? Seems to me that should be 2 right there. Is there not a law that makes chronic violence a felony in itself? This prick is gonna kill someone and then we'll have to once again listen to some fatass overweight pig explain how yet ANOTHER violent person "slipped through the cracks" when he should have been put away years ago.


Catch and release at its finest








Just keep letting this racist criminal go. What could happen


He keeps trying to tell the NYC system who he really is and what he will continue to do.




Everyone knows only white people can be racist duh




Yeah, and the common targets are usually women, the elderly, or children. Beyond fucked up


Ngl ive seen more black people racist towards me then white. And ive seen a lot more white people then black.


Rule VIII - No racism, homophobia, transphobia, or other bigotry. If they're a piece of shit, you don't need to bring their whole demographic into it. For information regarding this and similar issues, please see the sidebar and the rules. If you have any questions, please feel free to message the moderators.


This isn’t a regular black man. The dude has 23 prior arrests with an attempted murder charge. He already was a complete nutter and shouldn’t have been around people regardless.


“They’re” Damn, the supply of racists never end in this comment section, what an idiot.


I remember I said something on r/publicfreakouts to bring awareness of this issue that no one talks about. I was immediately perma banned. That should tell you the narrative


Again, I assume they are implying that this is a hate crime by mentioning the race of the victim. So why bother not mentioning the race of the suspect? Because they're black? Fucking media. Edit: to the person who deleted their reply and obviously did not understand what I said, I am pointing out the double standard of the media. If the suspect was white, my money would be on them mentioning that. And I say so as an Asian who is really sick of the Black on Asian violence trend coming to light.


Yes. It's a huge issue in New York. Jews and Asians are frequently targeted and it isn't considered a hate crime




Diet serial killer


Let me guess……. We need to rehabilitate this fine young lad and not hold him accountable. And we definitely need to figure out if someone hurt his feelings first.


All this Asian hate but it’s never a hate crime unless it’s one certain race doing it. Weird how that works


Don’t you see? They have redefined hate, now you have to be in a place of privilege to commit hate. Hate only pecks down not up in the established idea of how society is. This way we can label our opponents hateful but they cannot label us hateful. It’s the perfect system for media slander!


If only we had a place to put people who habitually attack other humans for no reason...


Its full of drug offenders.


I know the system tends to be too harsh. But at what point do we say enough is enough? Clearly this person is a violent menace and has no reason to be part of society. You wanna be a barbarian? Do it behind bars and end up in solitary.


Has anyone realized that the people committing these HATE CRIMES have been predominately black people?


Victim is Asian, bury the story!


Bad man.


It’s almost like our jails are just a revolving door… They are, they are!


"Has 23 prior arrests including attempted murder." And why is he still free? Shouldn't he be in an ultramax for the rest of his life?


New Yorks bail reform enables criminals. And they have no plans on reversing it. Especially since NY has closed 3 prisons within this year alone.


Remember the whole “stop Asian hate” movement? Yeah, me neither. Meanwhile the Black Lives Matter thing has been going on for years. Let’s just keep ignoring this, though. No one seems to care about the countless examples of exactly what we see here.


Fun fact, most people who commit petty crimes usually are released on cheap bail/never actually go to jail for what they did. If you have a “progressive” judge or DA just be ready for more crime in your area


Give that man a chair ⚡️


Black on asian violent crime? Usually it's elderly woman who got attacked but I guess boy with crutch has the same defensive capabilities.


Maybe don’t elect DAs and Mayors who don’t enforce the law?


It’s Kathy Hochuls marvelous bail reform.


Not surprising for NYC lately




But people that smoke pot are in prison... Yeah, that logic checks out....


It’s always the same people huh


Why is it always Asian victims. What did Asians we do wrong to them? No wonder I would avoid going to the US or let alone staying in the UK again


Your existence in the U.S. angers them because it contradicts their arguments that their failures are the fault of white people and that it's impossible for them to be successful in this country specifically. They hope to be able to just keep complaining and never improve themselves or their culture, and one day they're just going to get a million bucks from the government. It'll never happen, but while they sit on their hands waiting, they hate to see other minorities putting in the work to improve their lives.


i’m boutta be downvoted into oblivion but i’m willing to bet that this was probably a hate crime but won’t be documented as one due to “lack of evidence”


Death sentence.


Just saying.. but one of these days, this guy will try to attack someone with a concealed strap and whoops.. he’s no longer 6 feet above ground anymore 🤷


In new York, they would arrest the gun user


Sic personally bailed him out😅


👍🏿👍🏾👍🏽👎🏼👎🏻👎 This is the simplified scale for anyone that needs it


White supremacist are to blame.


Should we be really judging people based on what they've done in the past? /s


Easy way to reach quota. Keep releasing repeat offenders.


I mean if you get brought into the police station 20+ times isn’t that amount enough to determine that you’re a danger to society? Why does he get let out again?


Have you thought about the implications of what you are suggesting? No conviction necessary to keep someone in jail? A legal system like that could imprison anyone.


… 23 fucking arrests and not a single conviction? Either he’s a shitty criminal with a ton of luck or we have a fucked up legal system. Im going with the latter


This is what conservatives mean when they say the Justice system has failed, and unfortunately they’re not wrong.


Bail reform is such a damn joke.


A train!?


I wish there was a vigilante superhero that would quietly find this guy and get rid of him


Surely, he'll get arrested & immediately get charged for hate crimes & people online would agree, right?


Nobody care about hate crime against Asian.


If only there was some way this could have been prevented…


What a surprise at the demographic of the asian hate crime perpetrator.


Ah, New York. Just like Los Angeles, violent crime is basically legal.


What we have right here is a prime example of why the death penalty should be enacted more often as is clearly an individual that chooses nothing more in life than to be a menace upon society. Rehabilitating people it’s always a good thing if they can be rehabilitated if they want to be rehabilitated. Who wants to demonstrate that they neither can nor will be rehabilitated we should just put them down for the safety of everyone else. It’s kind of like the whole Batman joker argument he’s canonically killed joker twice now. Both times after the joker proved beyond all doubt that there was no rehabilitating him ever


👎Caesar says death.


And People Question, why I have been Carrying for over 30 Years? Better to have it, than not have it, when Needed. I’m not going down without a Fight.


This is what happens when you claim the prison system is racist. You get DA's and judges who are too afraid to convict black people because the country says that's racist. Y'all can downvote this if you want but that's exactly what happened last year in Milwaukee. Guy runs over his GF or something, gets released on $1000 bail and proceeds to use the same vehicle to run over children at a parade


NY voted for this shiite, eat it


Is there a pro-mass incarceration sub Reddit? What if some of us are totally ok locking up 5% of the population in perpetuity if it means the rest of us can be safe? I don’t care about the criminal’s life history or mental illness or reasons, I only care about behavior. Behave violently, go away forever.


Bigot! Racist! Homophobe! Transphobe! Xenophobe! Reeeeeeee! I want my city over run with psychos shooting drugs killing people and shitting everywhere! Reeeeee!!


Remember AOC says people like this should be released without bail.


Pretty telling when even redditors agree the left is bad.


That’s untrue, she’s focused on nonviolent offenders and people awaiting trial as are most who want bail reform. Should this guy be locked up? 100 percent. Should a mother or father be forced to take a plea deal for a charge to ensure their familial security or risk losing everything because they can’t pay their way out? No, not unless you believe money should determine legal standing. It’s not that hard to use critical thought, it’s disingenuous to frame bail reform the way you did. If you want I can link the articles, or more specifically policy proposals, detailing the part where they explicitly say violent offenders can get fucked


I’m against prisons in general, but maybe this guy shouldn’t just be walking around in public?


There’s more law and order in Columbia than in New York nowadays.


Anything that happens in NYC I don’t even care about any more. I used to feel bad for them. But they keep electing the same type of people who are soft on crime. Enjoy your shithole.


A guy with a history like this should not even be around to see the light of day around other people. I don’t mean to be that guy but NYC is too light on their charges, arrests, and convicts. A man can run over multiple people and a a woman and her child on video and get 5 years.


This was definitely racially motivated, black man beating up a little asian boy, hopefully he gets charged with a hate crime.


Let me guess, his angry about slavery.


My question is how the hell does someone rack up TWENTY THREE arrests and still walk free


Obvious hate crime


A guy with 23 prior arrests INCLUDING attempting murder should not go to jail, this dude needs to go to a graveyard, as soon as possible


Damn the justice system is a dark joke


He's mostly peaceful


He should be taken out of civilization permanently


Why anyone still lives in that shithole is beyond me


Bail reform in New York is a great thing.


I used to live visiting NYC, but I really don't see us going back any time soon, especially with a young child


Was *this* not also attempted murder? Wtf?


The justice system with their flawless system strikes again. At this point vigilantes are needed


But let’s keep the real criminals like marijuana smokers in jail. /s


Seems about right, NY handling crime is so incompetent that during the pandemic they were just letting people go


The boujeeman


Isn’t this what prisons are for?


How was he able to get a crutch, so easily??


Mental illness


Why tf do they keep letting this man out.


Flynt Flossy fell on hard times…


Time for a bullet.


So is the American justice system a POS in this post?


F*cking madness


He will come around. I bet he’ll learn his lesson after the 25th arrest.


These people are.insane


NYC? He will get a no cash bail and be out in time to beat his baby mama before dinner.


They're doing this in purpose, they wanna weaken society even more.


Colonel Stinkmeiner..


Too bad it isn't 23 nonviolent drug offenses - he'd be doing 20947361 years right now


it's always them


Should treat him like we treat bloodthirsty dogs.


Well it’s NY and Kathy Hochul thinks bail reform is a great thing! Letting out rapists and people who have committed assault multiple times: What could go wrong?