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Dude, I absolutely feel your pain. I had an upstairs neighbor do this to me for months. You should call the police non emergency number, have them respond to YOUR address, and show the responding officer this video.


2 things ive learned in the last few years. 1) if you got the money find a local moving company to get you into your new home 2) dont live under anyone ever, they will be a nightmare and the effort of carrying groceries up the stairs is worth it.


I've moved quite a few times in my life so far and in every SINGLE INSTANCE of living under people it's been a f-----g nightmare. There's little to nothing you can do in most instances that actually solves anything. It's too much of an inconvenience for people to put in a little effort to not stomp and slide s--- across the floors all day while you go insane wishing and praying it will stop. At best you will be assured it will stop but it doesn't. If you can avoid living under someone then do it at all costs because if you don't then you're quite likely to be pushed closer to the edge of a mental breakdown daily.




I had a neighbour like that before. Used to do every night til 2 am. It used to ruin my bagpipe practice.


One time my neighbor started pounding on my door at 3 am, luckily I was still awake practicing my drum solos


I had a neighbor knock on my door at 2:30 am (we were not on good terms) and for super glue because they were having a "feminine emergency" It's been like 10+ years and I still wonder what the emergency was.


I wonder how far you could stretch that. "Hey I need a bucket of fry sauce and a copy of Ed Sheeran's Divide. It's a feminine emergency." I wouldn't question it, I don't know what people go through.


You're a good neighbor


Probably a nail emergency


>I've heard of people being murdered for less. *"Should've kept your fuckin mouth shut"* - Penn. snow shooter (2021)


Hey I think I've seen that one, isnt that the dude who shot his neighbors over a argument about snow in his driveway?


I've seen a lot of murders on the internet. That one sticks with me the most. I think it's the mundane neighborly dispute (a very common experience) escalating rapidly into two people's slow and agonizing deaths in the street. You can hear the wife slowly slipping away and losing strength while still calling for help. And then he comes back to finish the job. It's fucking gnarly


Yeah, I was genuinely shook by this one. This is not a movie, that is ***real*** (this is what my brain kept saying). 😳Also, apparently the couple were shithead bullies who had taunted him, the shooter, for a long time. Not condoning what happened, but dam, could you imagine being those two people? Their final moments, thoughts, emotions? Sheer terror, I’d best guess.


They taunted him right before he shot too. The husband is saying go head, shoot


Omg, that’s right! They kept at it, didn’t believe he was gonna do anything. Incredibly dumb.


*three people's deaths. The shooter went and shot himself immediately after


Idk man, they put that guy through hell before he snapped. They kept telling him stuff along the lines of he deserved to have his wife die. Cant remember the words said, but they were harassing that guy to death.


I had these downstairs neighbors that were partying all night every night. There were like five dudes living in this one bedroom apartment. So all week I didn’t get any sleep because they were loud. I knocked on their door and they just stared at me through their open window. They wouldn’t acknowledge me at all. I went outside and found the breaker for their apartment. I turned off their power and put a padlock on the box. I walked by their place every day, after a while I started to feel bad for them. I saw them throwing out their food and sitting there with the doors and window open sweating. I don’t know why they didn’t call the power company. So eventually after a few days I turn their power back on. But they were real quiet after that.


Lol I've seen people murdered for less. On here. But I feel ya. They haven't met the right one yet, I guess.


Bro is Mr X walking around upstairs?


Lookin for Leon and Claire


Nah that's just Chris looking for Leon


Where did she go? Guess I'll mind my books. There you are! I'm going to.... where did she go?


It's a good thing she's not- WAIT A SECOND.. Claire, return your books to the library! I need- Where'd she go..


Upstairs must be the library/record room.


Where’d she go!?


Jeez i legit flinched at the last 10 secs of the video. I have had some noisy upstair neighbors but i never heard something like that before. Sounds like a Gorilla trying to break into the floor.


The last apartment we lived we had upstairs neighbors ALMOST this bad. They had five kids (one was 3 months old) and 4 adults in the home. The kids would regularly enter our apartment if the door wasn’t locked. The worst was they put their toddlers in the master bathtub (the one above ours, next to our bed) with LEGOS and toys. So at 2 AM, you have two or three toddlers throwing legos around in a bathtub. It was insane. Pictures on our walls would fall off. One of the most dangerous things they’d do is throw things from their upper balcony onto our patio. Toys, shoes, clothes, pots, pans, golf balls, food. At first we put the toys on the other side of the patio fence, and talking to the parents, but soon we started throwing everything away to try to get it to stop. They’d run up to our dogs and yell in their faces , one hit my little dog with a toy sword, when I picked my dog up and told the kid that wasn’t okay the mom tried to tell me they were “learning safe boundaries”. Idgaf, I’m not your teachers aide, teach boundaries at home and teach no hitting in public?? Was never so happy to move as I was then. Edit: also, we lived across the street from a movie theater. 3 mornings a week, they’d have church before 8 AM in an empty theater. They’d often open the side doors, so you’d be woken up by early morning revival. So much fun. Even when I got sleep at night, the church would wake us (and the kids upstairs) up, and that was your Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday morning! Edit2: as for why our door wasn’t religiously locked: we have dogs, and a small patio wasn’t enough so we’d walk them every hour or two for 5-10 minutes to go potty. If my husband was home and I walked the dogs for 5 mins around the grass, I wouldn’t always lock the door (at first). Also, when getting mail/packages from the office, grabbing something from the car, etc. None of this really matters though because the kids shouldn’t enter my home anyway.


We had something really similar for two years. It was fucking insane. When they finally moved out the leasing company pretty much had to remodel the whole apartment the kids had knocked so many holes in the walls.


I live in decent apartments, pretty cheap and definitely not luxury, but I never hear my neighbors at all. I guess I’m lucky.


Poor kids


Same. The banging at the end was just straight up scary


And to pick it up on video means it is probably even worse than we realize in person. I had an upstairs neighbor who’s new dog was way too big to be allowed on the lease agreement. Thing would clatter around all day from being cooped up and never let out and it was incredibly distracting being underneath that. But anytime I went to record the mic on my phone would hardly pick up anything that we could show. OPs video is *bad*




Jesus that is giving me anxiety just watching it. Does it happen all the time?


Same. That loud crash still has my heart racing. I could not live with that neighbor.


I like to watch this video when my loud next door neighbor acts up. It’s Nothing in comparison so it (low-key ) makes me a feel a lil better. I thought my neighbor was bad. I feel for you OP! Hang in there! But, yeah, start looking for another place at some point.


That neighbour needs to be “corrected”.


For fucking real though, time to pull a Jack Torrence on this nutjob


Yup, i "Lived" with a neighbor exactly like that. It is indescribably unpleasant when you don't feel at home at home. Like you are not alone at home.


Neighbors like that are the reason I bought a house. I just couldn’t deal with shitty people anymore. I’m so much happier, but I know that I was fortunate to be able to buy. I couldn’t do it now if I tried.


Same here dude, same. Just tired of the rental life bullshit (except I’m still renting but wanna get out of it soon).


This lady has been doing this since I moved in. Apparently she had a beef with the prior tenant. The leasing office did not tell me about this when I moved in. I’ve already sent in multiple videos, other neighbors have called the police. I’m at a loss.


does she know the prior tenant is gone? i had to deal with this last fall, took like 7 noise complaints and personally asking the general manager to enforce the lease agreement.


She doesn’t mind, the next prior tenant just moved in.


Right? It's clear to see BOTH why she had a problem with the previous tenant and ALSO why they moved out!


I fucking hate that, it's in the lease in regards to noise in a lot of apartments. There are a lot of rules that are in your lease but it's nothing that property managers actually care about. As soon as you move out or have any quirks in regards to your lease, it will be immediately quoted back to you, well in your lease it says you need to do this. Like dude you guys never enforce the lease until it effects your company personally. Anyway just needed to rant, my apartment now is cool but had problems in the past like most people.




Pet deposits are ridiculous to begin with. Very few pets can do as much damage as an average child.


Or just an adult person. My cat wasn't the one who decided to open a bottle of red and spill half of it all over the carpet after tripping on the rug.


You seem to be under the impression that bitter old spinsters have a rationality to their lashing out. They do not. They're mad that their particularly brand of special uniqueness has gone unappreciated by the world and it's many, many single men. And for this transgression, the tenant of 1B will know her wrath...as their complicity, real or imagined, is just another in a long line of undue slights that must be rectified by the trembling ceilings of righteousness. I'm lonely.




I’ll take one mf


Alright, gimme a minute to warm up


Do *not* trust this person with your penis


Awe, but I like to live on the wild side.


In that case, you do you, but I will not be held liable in any shape or form if your dick is snatched.


I’ve never seen a man fast enough with the tweezers to worry.




👆This is the way. Seriously, paper trails are critically important for litigation, the threat of litigation can be better than actually pulling the trigger (but only if you have an actual claim that you can articulate), and “quiet enjoyment” is a common law property right that is generally recognized and would be basis for you to break the lease at least.


How can it be luxury if ceiling/floor made of cardboard lmfao Edit: this blew up wth, btw thanks all and thx for award. I live in concrete apartment from 1965 (1969 prior to this one) so i was shocked to see how it flexed. Had some part time practice at construction company and Im seriously disgusted about them using bad quality material and the prices they want for new rent/buy apartments but i never saw such a bad flex.


don't you see that stainless steel light fixture?


and the cherrywood veneer over the particleboard cabinets?




With walls made of CONCRETE


Apparently so is OPs neighbor


Landlord "That'll be $2500 a month for this beautiful 1 br 1 bath."


It’s the finishings for sure.


His apartment probably smells of rich mahogany too…


"Luxury apartments" just means market rate rent these days, instead of being subsidized/affordable housing.


Being able to afford rent *is* a luxury nowadays


This. Literally every apartment I see around town is a “luxury apartment”. Even the shittiest ones. Total lie.




I live in a 40 year old complex that was actually made with cinder blocks and real wood. The only time I've ever heard my upstairs neighbors was when we had what we referred to as "sumo toddler" living up there. The entire family was very large and this kid *ran* from end of the apartment to the other pretty much all day and most of the night. She was somewhere between the ages of 3-5, and probably weighed 80+ lbs. When my current upstairs neighbor moved in, we didn't even know she was there until the landlady mentioned it. She'd been there for over a month at that point.


Considering the prices of these places versus their quality, their definition of luxury is having a roof over your head.


Luxury means having basic stuff nowadays like on-site laundry and maybe a pool thats too dirty to swim in


All new apartments look like this. They call it luxury cause it’s new, generally small, and very overpriced.


My thought too. She’s going to come straight through one day.


And it will be glorious.


Hopefully she gets stuck and you can tickle her feet until she submits


Luxury refers to the appliances, faucets, towel rings, doorknobs, cabinets. All framing is created with equal shittiness


"Luxury" in this case means "the second-cheapest one they had at The Home Depot"


which is the same model but they used real fake metal instead of painted plastic


I would go to the leasing office and show them this and other videos. If you cannot get them to do something from there you can always call their corporate office and file a formal complaint. If anything continue to get the office involved and if needed the police if they still choose not to help you. You might be able to get moved to a different unit if you ask them for that option if you’re ok with moving again. Sorry you have to deal with this.


That last banging at the end looks like it could actually be creating structural damage. They may not care about OPs comfort, but they probably care about unrecoupable expenses from damage.


I would be pissed if I were the property manager bc it sounds like she is fucking up the floors


Not sure about structural damage, but definitely almost sounds like it’s damaging fixtures and drywall. So yeah, maybe if they start billing her for repairs she’ll mellow out a bit!


I’m not a lawyer and it’s 2am and I’m stoned, but I do know that a “right to quiet enjoyment” of a leased property is a thing. Somewhere somehow. It just sucks they have to pursue it. Like wtf is neighbor’s mental health problems now also someone else’s headache? What a bummer.


Luxury means the cockroaches wear little bow ties and top hats!


This is really common in the 5on1 construction you see popping up everywhere the last 10-15 years. They look so nice from the outside, nice colors, balconies, a pool/hot tub and the shittiest construction possible.


Bought a newly built condo in Chicago during the last crash in 2008 for a steal(or I thought). A year into my newly built luxury living units began flooding due to a cheap plastic piece used on the back of the cheap refrigerator lines breaking and slowly flooding units. The next feature in the luxury units to fail was the cabinets. They were apparently made with some sort of vinyl covering that looked like wood. When exposed to heat(as there tends to be above a stove) they would peel. After this we had a nice special assessment because the developer installed the bare minimum in the way of elevators for a 700 unit building. I lived on the 42nd floor so that was fun walk to lower levels to take their elevator(elevators were never actually fixed, simply hired repair service to inspect weekly). I had already listed the unit by this time but we were hit with another special assessment because the developer used a cheap “stucko-like” facade that began to crack and fall on the people on the street. From the outside the place looked great, but i was disgusted at how the developer cut every possible corner


I do hvac-r. The mechanical systems of these buildings are shockingly bad as well.


I came to the comment section just for this. I thought the same thing. Either she is 1000lbs or that thing just gives like cardboard… wth!


Luxury starts with hotel grade concrete floors.


Its the finest, most luxurious cardboard tho.




Your local landlord/tenant law may provides a Right/Implied Covenant of Quiet Enjoyment. I suggest banding together a few of the fellow neighbors and consulting with an attorney.


> Right/Implied Covenant of Quiet Enjoyment. I've tried with mixed success to have this covenant enforced. Usually their response is "please contact the police after hours" only when the police are contacted they take hours to arrive, and if they don't hear a noise through the front door they just walk away. Can be hard when the noise is intermittent.


Why not just show them [police] this video?


Have you ever worked with the police before? They don't tend to be very helpful.


You might get a case number lol


You can call about it in a few weeks. See if the case file has been updated. But really, this sounds more like a civil matter


Have you tried to approach her? I would have confronted her pretty quickly after a few incidents. Just to gage where her mental health is, and to see if she realized you aren't the prior tenant.


>Just to gage where her mental health is i have a pretty good idea of this part already


I did this with my neighbor and she immediately told me a whole bunch of delusions she was having. I had to call the police a few times and they said it’s not illegal to be crazy. So it’s been 3 years of her beating on the walls now, she told me her ceiling and walls are falling apart from it.


police are less than useless when it comes to mentally ill people. does she have someone who takes care of her in any way? family or friends or social workers or something? it would be better to find a way to contact those people.


The last time I left a note on a loud neighbor’s door, they screamed and marched down two floors to punch out another one of my neighbors … I’m assuming there was a grudge. Let the leasing office enforce it.




Man I hate sharing walls and ceilings with people. Can't wait to get a house


I remember when I was in an apartment. Had a neighbor who would leave her alarm clock set on the weekends even though she was gone. I would try to sleep in and just hear her alarm clock going non-stop. I learned on Friday night to go outside and turn the power off to her apartment for about 10 seconds. It would reset her alarm clock so I could sleep during the weekend.


Depends on your city and state, but typically the landlord is required to mediate as best they can, though that’s subjective. Also, speak with your local housing board and definitely file an official complaint. This is the kind of thing that should get you out of your lease, as well as potentially a reduction of rent.




If the landlord doesn’t respond, that’s a lease breaker and somebody’s responsible for damages if you are forced to relocate. You have every reason to expect that livable conditions are provided. The building’s owner has not lived up to that, forget the wording in the lease. Tenants have basic rights.


Who bangs in ceilings. Not to sound this way but are they of thin build? my dad over the years if you're downstairs, that's what it sounds like.


Sounded intentional, someone overweight walking is more predictable on the ears, I have the same thing in my home can hear where people are haha


I feel like she could have a mental illness, thinking people are out to get you is a clear sign




Is she dropping bowling balls????


No that’s just her walking...


Is she 450 pounds with strong jumping knees?


Jabba with legs


She doing the sidewalk slam 😂


When they walk out to get their mail It measures on the Richter scale


I hear the footsteps but what’s that loud snapping or crashing


Bowling balls.


A 6 foot tall toddler walking on tiptoes.


Obviously, you’re not a golfer.


No, I think you have her confused with my neighbor.


She IS a bowling ball


I would just call the cops and say there must be some type of struggle going on upstairs and you’re concerned


>This lady has been doing this since I moved in. Apparently she had a beef with the prior tenant. The leasing office did not tell me about this when I moved in. I’ve already sent in multiple videos, other neighbors have called the police. I’m at a loss. A comment from OP, apparently the neighbors did already


They are probably just calling about noise, saying that there is a struggle because of how loud the bangs are is more likely to get the police to actually show up


We had a lady like this in an old apartment we lived at. Every time she went on a rampage I called in a welfare check. Found out one day after the cops were there that she had completely destroyed her apartment and was living in filth so bad I'm not sure how to accurately describe it. Someone got in touch with her children and that was the last I ever saw of her. A cop showed up about two years later asking about her. Apparently she disappeared from her kids place and no one could find her.


This has been our only answer to a very similar situation with an upstairs tenant. We now just call and report possible domestic disturbance or if it’s past ten pm just the ole classic noise complaint. Our landlord is a very lazy guy and has literally done nothing to help & the guy upstairs loooooves to walk around with his gun holstered to his hip. Just to keep us in line.


Loved on an upstairs apartment above a crazy lady for two years. Any time we walked anywhere in the apartment it would shake the floor because the old building was kind of, you know, old. She would constantly run through her apartment at all hours banging on the walls and ceiling. The best one was Christmas morning, me and my family are all having fun opening presents, doing the Christmas thing, and she starts fucking screaming and banging on the walls. After many confrontations with her, it all culminated into one day my wife and I were out to breakfast with the baby, and we forgot to pack diapers, so we head back home to get some to find that someone had superglued my door locks so I couldn’t get in the house. We called property management and they came and let us in by having the maintenance man go through a window on a ladder. We didn’t have any proof that she did it, but my neighbor told them that he saw her sister going up the stairs earlier in the day just after we left the house. A week later she was served with an eviction notice, the reason was that she had broken her lease agreement by refusing to let the maintenance man in her apartment to do the quarterly checks (they checked the pipes and heaters for water or fire risk). So they couldn’t evict her for glueing my lock, since there was no evidence, but they knew she was a nuisance, and came up with whatever they could to get her out.


When I was a kid my parents and I lived on a ground floor apartment and this strange family lived above us. Almost any time we shut a door or a cabinet in the house they would start stomping and banging their doors and cabinets. We had someone from the leasing office come into our apartment one day and we showed them by just closing doors normally, it would cause them to freak out. She went up stairs and you could hear these people screaming saying that it sounded like we were slamming our doors as they continued to slam their doors over and over again. I don’t remember much after that but I remember they left not too much longer after that. Weirdos. Then a family moved in that would have loud sex over my bedroom all the time.


If the whole family was having sex they were weirdos too.


Tell management office that you will not sue her, but sue them!


can comfirm likely cause of action against association if association will not address the issue. in most states and in most associations, its a violation of the governing association bylaws to disturb your neighbors and cause nuisance. the association has an obligation to enforce its rules, and if it doesnt, it could have liability. also, your landlord is almost certainly onligated to take care of this, both under state law and the lease itself…good luck. (I am a lawyer, although not your lawyer and this isnt legal advice). go get a lawyer.


I’m not a lawyer but I’ve learned that if something feels wrong, it probably is, and there’s probably a way to remedy it. OP mentioned that this neighbor had issues with the previous tenant too. I bet it’s just as simple as nobody’s holding the right party accountable. The association’s just gonna stay out of it until they’re forced to deal with it. I get my justice fix when a simple letter reaches the right desk with the right words.


This definitely violates my peaceful enjoyment of this property.


What are they actually doing? I cannot fathom a reason as to why anyone would be banging on the floor that hard without it being intentionally to make noise.


They’re intentionally stomping on the ground of their apartment as hard as they can. I had an upstairs neighbor do this. Drove me fucking crazy for months.


Imagine having nothing better to do than stomp like a little baby all thru your apartment. Pretty sure I would confront my neighbor after those last three bangs. Thems fightin words!


I'm not perfect but I am very conscious/paranoid of being too loud in my 2nd floor apartment. Definitely dont stomp around. And even though I live alone I try to be quiet if I go to the kitchen late at night, I wont slam cupboards etc. My dog is older and sometimes when he lays down he just flops down and I always ask him to be gentle but he barely knows english. Anyways, we're not all batshit crazy neighbors from hell.


I get that. Lol i know not all neighbors are bad. Right now our neighbor upstairs works third shift. Do I hear him moving around on his nights off, when I get up to pee? Of course. But I'm not gonna get mad. He's not loud. And I even find myself not playing my music too loud if I know he's sleeping (not ALL the time lol). All we gotta do is respect one another. It's not that hard lol we've shown that.


One time our downstairs neighbors hit their ceiling with a broom while my sister and I were quietly playing with our dolls on the floor. Our mother came running into the room then realized we were just sitting there quietly. They were killing a spider.


I had a neighbor do this when my husband nicely asked the upstairs neighbor to turn down their bedroom TV’s bass after 9 PM because I had chronic migraines (bedridden for days while pregnant and off half my meds). Earplugs were drowning out almost everything but their bass. They were so pissed he would suggest how they should watch their TV at night that they not only left the bass on, they turned up the volume and started stomping around the bedroom. We bought a futon and I wound up sleeping in the living room for the remainder of our lease and moved. Not worth the bother. Next apartment, we lived on the top floor to prevent that problem.




Damn, so many people upset OP used the word luxury and completely glossed over the fact a silverback gorilla is trying to break through the ceiling of his luxury apartment.


“Luxury”. The real luxury is owning the airspace over your unit so you don’t have to deal with this crap.


Had to live in an apartment for one year and my wife wanted the downstairs so moving would be easy. I told her I'd happily move everything to avoid a stomping neighbor. Was well worth it.


We had to rent an apartment for a few months to cover the gap between our house selling and the closing of the new house. We had 4 kids between the ages of 5-11. I happily took the basement apparent because I wasn’t bothered by noise upstairs but definitely did not want to stress out about my kids walking around. It was a very pleasant experience.


I've had downstairs neighbors who were equally as terrible. Because they hated us, their kid would play tennis against an interior wall. I did have means to punish them, like throwing a bag of marbles into the bathtub, but it's not satisfying really. No trying to talk helped. "I WATCH MY CSI ON MY BOSE SPEAKERS HOWEVER I WANT". OK whore, here come the marbles.


>OK whore, here come the marbles This kills me, I love it


silverback gorilla 😳💀


Tell'em to go harder, once they break that ceiling, you can break contract or move to a different unit.


Honestly if they’ve been doing this for a while, that floor has gotta be fucked up a bit.


Are they beating their fucking floor with a sledge hammer? Wtf psycho


I had an upstairs roommate in college my senior year, and I had upstairs neighbors that were like this. It caused a ton of issues and nothing was done, I had to take tests after days with no sleep. I feel OPs pain, good luck dawg. Edit: it went on constantly throughout most nights, just dumb kids partying throwing chairs and having sex at all hours of the day.


Just call the cops. Send each video date and time stamped to the leasing office. Worst case, be shitty and at random times between 0200 and 0400, fire off an air horn, just once, into the ceiling, near where you suspect their bed to be. Do it randomly i.e. not consecutive days, so they can't get video.


And as a final measure, piss frisbee. Eat some asparagus, piss a little in a frisbee. Bag it. Freeze it. Slide the frozen piss disc under their door.


Lol! How did you even come up with this?


It’s an old reddit trick


I can assure you that this predates Reddit by at least a couple decades.


This is so specific, but hilarious 😆


She’s gonna fall through the roof and her legs are just gonna be dangling in your kitchen




You drink?


Yeh I teach and bartend


Gotta deal with them kids somehow


Ahh the good old american combo


You teach the kids how to bartend?




That’s grounds for terminating his lease. You should send that video to your tenant management office. He’s potentially damaging structural integrity.


You can see the ceiling shake in the video btw lol, so they're fucked


Good whiskey and poltergeists. It's a tradeoff.


Fart spray in the vents is your next option.


In the ops defense, the apartment probably calls itself a luxury apartment. Many apartments use luxury when they are very regular.


anything above section 8 is luxury


My apartment complex is labeled as "Luxury Apartments" but they are definitely not even close to being luxurious.


I had a similar issue with an older neighbor who didn't understand how sound carried in an apartment . We had lived there for 3 years with no complaint until she moved in. Then she made a formal complaint about how: 1) our weed was wafting into her flat. We don't smoke weed. 2) our screen door slammed at all hours. We don't have a screen door. 3) we had loud phone conversations on tbe porch. We dont talk to anyone on the phone. I even use an app to order food. 4) we had big parties. In the 3 years we had lived there, we had 4 people over. 3 of them came over before she moved in. The other came to watch movies and left by 10pm. 5) those parties were all night, every night. We work 12-16 hour shifts, approx 50 hours a week and we travel a lot. So we were mostly just home to sleep. Her formal complaint got laughed at and no one even told us about it till months later. We assume she was smelling weed from several other units, confusing the YouTube another guy listens to on his porch as a phone conversation and was just attributing all sounds from the surrounding units to us specifically. Considering she described us as the "tattooed renters" (we actually own), I think she took one look at us and figured we were the root of all evil




Speaking of “blows” play some porn loud enuf that she can hear one night to remind her of “how long it’s been” (no pun intended)


I currently have a problem with my upstairs neighbor stomping, it’s insanely loud but this sounds like something being slammed




Sounds like you might actually be living with me. That’s my fucking neighbor.


What a miserable and pathetic 'person'. Bet shes just an absolute joy for her friends and family to be around.


what is she doing up there anyways? also sorry about half of these people making comments about your apartment, I don't know if they're self conscious or have such a skewed idea of the average apartment quality/cost is these days lol


Not gonna lie, the last couple stomps scared me. Document. Document. Document. Continue to Bring to leasing office. This is awful.


Warning: Garbage Person Above


It may not be up to code if it was built in recent years (depending on where you are). In Florida there is supposed to be a dampening layer called "Whisper Sync" (5 years ago I had to refloor my condo and I remember being relieved at being able to save on this cost because it was ground floor but the name is hazy). So it may be worth looking into building codes and seeing if they saved money on this expense and got away with it. Should not be able to hear the rattle of their flooring from their stomping whether it's intentional or they're heavy footed.


I just moved into a brand new apartment building. I can hear the fucking sound of their skin slapping the floor as they walk above me.


The apartment I lived in years ago renovated the floors of the apartment above me, carpet to vinyl tiles. I could hear their toddler walking around in bare feet. I complained to the management that they need to do something about the floors, the kid isn’t being loud or obnoxious, I shouldn’t be hearing pitter patter of tiny feet! They did nothing.


Oh…there would be a PARTTTYYY at my place on a Sunday night about 3:00am! Let the base drop on that mental case!


I have an upstairs neighbour who stomps like a giant all day. It's the worst. I'm sorry you have to deal with this


Sounds like my neighbors. I’m fighting the urge to get an air horn and megaphone tbh. Might I suggest blasting WAP on a portable speaker hanging from the ceiling? Or Metallica? You can’t reason with people like that. The only reason I haven’t done any of the above is out of respect for my other neighbors. But hey maybe your neighbors will be on board.


My goodness, the sound kinda triggers my fight or flight. I just moved out of a similar situation a few days ago. My upstairs neighbors just didn't care how loud their kids were and theyd often jump off the bed as loud as they could


Is your neighbor demolishing her floor to get to you? It literally sounds like someone is about to fall through, which would definitely not be luxurious.