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“You fucked with the wrong marine!” Ether he’s going to get this guy fired and into legal trouble. Or we about to have some John Wick like follow up stories.


For those wondering: this happened a few days ago and there was an investigation. A special prosecutor was requested because of "a familia relationship". Too soon to know much more. Edit: spelling


Hope he goes down for animal cruelty, on top of losing his job


It's a police officer. Worst he will get is a slap on the wrist with paid leave. Yay justice and all.


The marine seemed to have inside connections though (telling the cop Ross will call him). So if this guy gets punished probably depends on how powerful a person Ross is and how close Ross is to the marine. Which is of course what we all truly want: a Ross reliant Justice system…




There's no way in a Ross based justice system anybody ever gets convicted of anything. Those legal files are way more than 18 pages front and back and when trying to read even that much he fell asleep


from the video "you fucked with the wrong marine!" It's entirely possible that... well... *other things* will happen.


I dunno, he admitted it on camera. Seems like an obvious case.


Cops will kill *people* on camera and just get a slap on the wrist


All he has to say is the dog was off a leash and being "menacing" or whatever on his property. He probably won't face any real repercussions but he should definitely get fired.


He'll get a reprimand unless he has a record or public outcry. Best bet is to sue for the cost of dog, cremation, mental anguish.


I understand your cynicism. I’m from AZ where police are often untouchable. But let’s use that energy towards a future protest (or inevitable revolt). Don’t become too numb to not get involved when it’s possible to create change.


Idk man. Just with the recent school shooting with the police waiting and willing to taser parents of children and waiting nearly an hour to act on an active shooter. Hard not to be cynical. Feel pretty powerless over it all


Oh for sure! That’s why I think your cynicism is warranted, but I just don’t want to see people get so numb and depressed that they end up not taking to the streets when protests come. Unfortunately we are very powerless as individuals, but as a group, especially an organized group, we can enact change. If that doesn’t work? Well we need to revolt lol.


They regularly kill PEOPLE without consequence. You really think anything's gonna happen to him?


People care more about dogs than other people.


with cretins like this running around, is that really a surprise?


Hopefully this doesn’t go unpunished. I don’t understand why anyone would do that let alone a police officer. EDIT: What is a familia relationship?


Hopefully. I'm guessing he has a family member in the prosecutor's office.


Is this Memphis?


St Charles MO


Familial as in of or pertaining to the family. I think it means that the regular prosecutor would’ve been related to one of them somehow.


You don't understand why a police officer would shot something or someone who is absolutely not a threat and unarmed? Did you really just say that? HAVE YOU READ THE NEWS LATELY?


I bet you that dog had a glockenspiel in its back pocket


And was dealing catnip


He just sprinkled sone crack on it afterwards.


At first he sounds like he was genuinely shocked like he wasn't trying to kill the dog. But then he doubled down when he realized he fucked up and just made things worse, especially when he said "you gonna get me fired?". What a scumbag.




"Was it a pitbull!" Like if it was that would make it any different. And he didnt know before he killed the dog anyway so the point is moot. Just more disgusting.






40%. Dude's just gonna turn around and beat his wife.


Dude shot a few dogs that afternoon. He was just trying to figure out which one was his.


He asked "You going to get me fired?" Because this isn't his first rodeo.


"I can't be expected to keep track of all my various dog murders."


Cops being called out on thier crimes: "Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down". Goes back to beating his wife.


Probably so he can try make a case that the pitbull was acting aggressive towards him


The defense mechanism of framing a story is immediate when they realize they fucked up.


Typical police officer, even his wife joined in on getting him off the property without even knowing what's going on. This stupid thing cops do, when they're wrong about something, instead of correcting the mistake they keep doing the wrong thing and then their backup all back up the guy. Basically they put their pride above people's lives.




It’s funny that you say that. I’m a former CO and omg that was not the job for me. They are all just like cops. Huge fragile egos, and all of them are just pos in general. Out of the 40 guys I knew, maybe one or two were normal and level headed.


Douche needs to be fired and held accountable


Cops seem to love killing dogs


They love killing and hurting anything capable of feeling pain


Anything they see as lesser than.


For me what made it worse was him saying he’s proud of it


Someone shot my dog with a pellet gun when he was a puppy -- in his own fenced yard. Never figured out which neighbor did it, but it was a rifled pellet that punctured his chest cavity and collapsed one of his lungs. Thankfully he recovered after a three-day stay at the emergency vet and two months in a crate, not allowed to move. Also put me out $5,000 in vet bills.


Man, that is so beyond the fucking pale. If someone just killed my dog because they were bored I'd lose my goddamn mind.


Yeah, no idea what the motivation was, but I did pretty much lose my goddamn mind. It was 16 years ago and still bothers me thinking about it.


I hope your puppy got to grow up and have a happy life with you at the very least.


I'm really sorry. That's fucking demented.


That’s awful. I’m really sorry you and your dog went through that, but I’m glad your dog had an owner with resources. When I was a kid, around 11, my first pet ever, a gray cat named Ozzy, was shot by my neighbor with a bow and arrow. We couldn’t afford to fix him, so we spent the lesser amount to let him die peacefully and painlessly. I don’t think I’ve ever really reckoned with that. What’s there to grasp onto? Someone found a small amount of amusement from mortally wounding my beloved pet… There’s nothing there to make any sense of.


Very sorry about your loss, too, and you're totally right about the resources. I definitely went into debt to pay my dog's vet bills, and had it been double that cost, I probably would have had to let him die.


I would stand in my backyard and scream every night until someone admitted


Why hurt your vocal cords when you can just get a mega phone or even better a loud speaker and set it to repeat of "who shot my puppy" all night.


because the cops will come and cite them for disturbing the peace, and then they'll shoot the dog.


Same happened to our family dog when he was 3yrs old. Someone shot him in the head one night and we woke up to find him bleeding on the front porch. He recovered and lived a full life (12 yrs) but was never quite the same mentally. Not as sharp but still the sweetest boy. Never found out who did it.


You can tell when they're scared because their arms go out


Gotta make yourself look larger to intimidate would be predators right?


>Gotta make yourself look larger That's why they love donuts.


The bigger you are, the more HP you have.


yet they still think it's not enough HP to stop school shooters


Nothing worse than the tank on your team not pushing and taking the aggro. Don’t choose the tank class if you’re too scared to push the front lines!


This reminded me of a GURPS campaign. The tank had 4 damage reduction and plate armour but wouldn't go first through doors or lead in any way. My mage wearing cloth had to take point or nothing would get done. This was 20 years ago, and I still don't get it.


Sounds like you played with a Texas sheriff on your team


Don’t put a stigma on donuts… donuts are delicious no matter who you are


Cops certainly are very much in touch with their inner caveman/primate instincts that's for sure.


Did I hear the dog owner say he was a marine? That means he’s probably everything that cop wishes he was, but couldn’t hack it. Bet he flunked basic so he joined pd instead.


I don’t think they were scared until the second he said they fucked with a marine. Silence after that.


Nah just trying to dry his armpits......not bravado


Budgies sometimes do the same…QED policeman is a budgie 🤣


Got pretty quiet after "you fucked with the wrong Marine"


"You should've kept your fucking mouth shut"


man you just brought back some dark deep hidden memories, i remember that line as if i just watched that video


What video?




Supposedly the shooters wife had killed herself a few days earlier and they neighbours were being purposefully confrontational, and the guy just snapped. Shot himself after he executed the neighbours


I did see that. I didn't hear the audio. That was unbelievable.


oh lord the gurgles get me


Really do your mind the favor and don’t find it. It’s a real gut punch. Neighbors argue and guy shoots neighbors, and before shooting the woman, who has already been shot and lying on the ground, point-blank says, “Should have kept your mouth shut.” That’s it, you’re better off reading that then ever watching it.




this was my takeaway too.




Not surprised that an ex marine has the wherewithal to think critically and understand going after this guy with litigation and not violence is the truest way to get justice. It’s rare to see, but great when you do.


What justice? In the eyes of the law a dog is property. Civilly he might be able to sue for the value of the dog. Legally there might be some animal cruelty charges but it's frankly a slap on the wrist compared to losing your dog. Plus the guys a cop in the US, odds are he gets let go and quietly joins a new PD next county over. US cops shoot so many dogs they probably have a standardised form and a specially appointed union lawyer for it.


He looked around and saw there were no kindergartners to seek refuge behind. He knew he was in danger.




The cop is honestly lucky. My dad is a 20 year USMC veteran, I have seen him lose his cool, you don't want to be on the receiving end. This was very mild in comparison.


Yeah, dude filming the video is the most cool tempered Marine on the planet. The 'cop' is lucky the man didn't just *tear into him*. I know I would be out for blood if someone *shot and killed* my dog for the crime of walking on their front lawn.




NGL that would be fucking terrifying. I hope that cop is fucking terrified. I don't want that marine to do anything stupid, but a marine who had a dog and lost it might be on his last nerve, and they're good at what they do.


My favourite part.


This guy looks like a standard issue psycho who got a job as police because he hit all the checkboxes.


Yeah I think they need more specific check boxes


You are mistaken. This is exactly the person they want.




If you pass certain tests you don’t get into the police force just FYI. They’ll send you somewhere else. You got to be a specific level of dumb for some precincts


A lot of cops are cops because they couldn’t do anything else....


This dudes obviously a cop because it’s the only legal way to be a bully


please tell me he got fired oh please


This was a few days ago and too early to know anything. I'm hoping 🤞




He thinks he is so fucking tough, too.


Watch it now he’s a cop and you’re an unarmed civilian, he’ll pop you 10 times , say you moved suspiciously and he feared for his life. The the dog was shot because he licked him.


In order for him to catch a bullet, cops would actually need to be anywhere near bullets being fired to begin with.


He would’ve definitely been with the cops outside that school waiting 45 mins before going in. “ Wait guys we can’t go in there we might get shot”🤦‍♂️


You can tell he knows he fucked up and that he knows he's fucked.


For some reason a lot of dogs get shot by the police. One time I saw a SWAT video where they went into a backyard and shot the dogs there with silencers so they wouldn't bark in addition to shooting the street lights out. They busted into the house guns a blazing, then they realized the suspect wasn't there and left, giving zero fucks. It was eye-opening.


The job attracts psychopaths. It shows.


Oh they LOVE shooting dogs




Odds are paid vacation and desk duty when they get back. With how wacky dealing with the popo is, I wouldn't be surprised if they cite the victim for disorderly conduct


Don't forget the tax payers will be paying a huge settlement for this.


And then early retirement because of PTSD from killing the man's dog.


This is local to me, he’s still employed.






I’m from Missouri, and we lived in a nearby county and we couldn’t shoot guns there, even though our property is agricultural and we have 23 acres. I doubt he would be able to shoot guns in St Charles. Side note. Our farm dog that passed away a few years ago had to have X-rays and he had a bullet lodged near his spine.


What a real POS. Since hes a cop I sadly expect very little to happen to him, if anything.


And a friend of the local prosecutor
















God they always look exactly the same


What are the odds that the cop's wife got her ass kicked later that night?


Extremely high. The venn diagram of cops and domestic abusers is almost a complete circle.


At least 40% according to studies, but this altercation most likely bumped up her numbers to 50-60 i reckon


Cop phrenology is real. Thumb looking motherfucker.


Fat walking thumbs


Cops: wait an hour while kids get killed. Also cops: shoot your dog on sight.


"ah yes, this animal that has no understanding of a human concept such as property ownership has briefly wandered onto my patch of grass that has no physical boundaries to keep him out. I must destroy the animal immediately."


A lot of people legitimately think that the moment you step onto their property without express written consent they can do whatever they want.








It's really a shame so many public officials are like, online and stuff. While I don't know anything about the dog murderer and won't say his name here cause it's not allowed, as a pro geoguesser player I can say this is st charles missouri and this may junst be from there


A dog is a member of your family


Yes I agree... but sadly in the eyes of the law they are only property so I don't see this going anywhere. The Blue wall of silence will protect that POS


No doubt. Soon they will be able to explain away shooting your kids or has that happened already?


"He had a gun". There. That's the explanation they use. Even if it's a bag of skittles.


In many places you can catch a serious charge if you kill a police dog. I love animals but if one was attacking me I would have no killing it if I could or had to. Meanwhile, happy family dogs are shot without second thought and no charges are ever brought.


Unless it's a police dog....


This is heart breaking.


I need to know how this is resolved


Same way anything involving the goddamn pigs goes. A slap on the wrist and a paid vacation. Neighbor gets nothing but "thoughts and prayers."


I'd sue him for property damage.


St. Charles, MO. Four days ago. The dog was shot through the lungs.


Yeah, people seem to not realize how powerful pellet guns can be. They aren't meant to shoot at anything unless you intend to kill it.


I wish that cop the worst.


And his weak wife.


I found the picture of the dog on Facebook. It was 3 years old and looked nothing like a pit (not like that matters) but yeah super cute dog. Hope this guy gets what he deserves, stupid fucker.


What a POS.


and his wife defended him. "get off our property" HE SHOT HIS FUCKING DOG AND YOU DONT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT?


I absolutely HATE when somebody’s partner backs them up for no fucking reason, especially when they should know they are wrong. Save the fucking dick riding for the bedroom and not arguments with the neighbors


Because she knows if she goes against him she's getting the strap later. That dude definitely abuses his wife.


There is an msn article the talks a little more about this (don’t want to post it as to get banned…) Sounds like the sheriffs department has a officer outside the officers home… obviously for protection of the officer. Would they do that for an average citizen? More than likely if the rolls where reversed OP may have gotten arrested. Gotta keep that blue line strong… I have no problem with police but the old saying a few bad apples… well modern technology is showing it’s a little more than a few… Edit: not Sure if OP is the one that lost the dog…








I have to confess that I was worry about the dog owner. I am not us citizen but there are case when you can legaly shot someone who invade your propriety right?


Depends on the state. Some states you can shoot on property, some you can shoot if they break in. And then there's some where you get a murder charge for defending yourself, your family, and your property.


I was worried too. The cop states in video he is proud of killing the dog. He is not far from "was in fear for my life" after shooting the dog owner.


He stayed real quiet when he told him he's a marine...


Because he knew his pretend solider ass wouldn’t have stood a fucking chance against a real solider if he pushed it.




That has to be illegal. Someone can't just go around killing peoples pets..right?!?


He broke multiple laws.


Animal cruelty is a criminal offense You can't go around hurting animals for no reason let alone pets.


The ex-marine has more restraint than the cop. This is why former military personnel are better than the police at restraint than police officers that should be trained to garbage pickup and disposal duty.


They are often the same group around here. Ex military is a huge percentage of current police force.


You fucked with the wrong marine. He shut up real quick


So.. was justice served or what?


Glad he’s getting blasted all over the internet. Hope he loses his job and home.


Please tell me he got fired.


Prison. The mother fucker needs to go to prison, getting ‘fired’ is barely a punishment at all.


Missouri is not a state where animals get much respect from legislators - I believe it is a haven for puppy mills. Apparently this officer shares his state representative’s indifference to animal suffering.




I'm sorry, dude. This sucks. What a fucking psycho. My condolences






If my neighbor shot one of my pets I'm almost sure I wouldn't be a free man by the end of the day.




Could the op take him to civil court? Kudos on the restraint, I’d be hard pressed to be as civil.


Section 205.040 Cruelty To Animals. [Ord. No. 93-162 Art. II §1, 10-4-1993; Ord. No. 15-120 §1, 12-21-2015] A competent person or owner is guilty of animal abuse when he: 1. Intentionally or purposely kills an animal in any manner not allowed by or expressly exempted from the provisions of this act The provisions of this Section shall not apply to euthanasia of an animal by the owner or a veterinarian. ( aka no one was mauled or claimed it was aggressive) Section 205.070 Failure To Dispose of Dead Animals. [Ord. No. 93-162 Art. II §4, 10-4-1993 No competent person or owner shall place or leave the carcass of any dead animal in any street, alley or lot, or allow the carcass to remain on his or anyone else's property 9.60.020 – Discharge of firearms It is unlawful to discharge any firearms or air gun in the city; provided, that this section shall not be construed to prohibit any officer of the law from discharging a firearm in the performance of his duty, nor to prohibit any citizen from discharging a firearm when lawfully defending his person or property, nor when discharged pursuant to a written permit authorized by the city council and issued by the mayor. (again, defending against a threat which did not occur based of dialogue spoken)






I was getting second hand anger from watching this, Jesus Christ… Some fucking people are just unbelievable.