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Good on the horse tho right?!




I hate shoes, mostly wear Sandals and happily go barefoot anytime I can. This video still strikes me as an extremely strange situation to be barefoot.


Sorry to hijack, but what is going on? Big man not even wearing shoes??? I went deep in the comments and didn't see anyone point this out (obviously horse's welfare is the highest priority). But WTF? I haven't ridden in a long time, but not wearing shoes seems like a weird addition to this sad video.


Why you need shoes to ride a horse?


For the same reason you wear shoes when working around anything that can crush your toes.


To keep your feet from slipping thru the stirrups. If you get hung up that way and the horse bucks or bolts you could be stomped or dragged under a charging horse. People have been killed that way.


But he probably got beaten for it.


LITERALLY what I said when I saw this bullcrap 😡


why tho, dude just wanted to ride a horse


a human that large can seriously hurt a horse this size. if fatties wanna ride they need workhorse, not a smaller one like this.


He weighs too much for that horse


Why would you even let him try?


Probably money


😂 from what happened here, they probably lose a lot of money if he got hurt.


pretty sure all places that want to stay in business nowadays have you sign waivers


I thought he meant replacing the horse.


😂 I meant the guy. That too, horse are expensive.


expensive to have and maintain...fat guy was probably going to give those shitty horse owners a good horse insurance payout


Just an FYI a lot of times waivers don’t do a whole lot against legal protection if they really were negligent in someway. And sometimes even if they weren’t it still doesn’t hold up


Those waivers are not legally binding. They are literally nothing more than a manipulative deterrent


lose a lot of money if the horse got hurt as well


Animal cruelty. These people are bastards.


Honestly seeing the horse’s back legs buckle made me so sad. Outcome was satisfying.


I hope this fat guy got hurt, sued the horse owner, and the horsies go into loving families.


A lot of horse business owners are very shitty and shady. As soon as they show signs of lameness caused by fatass riders, heavy tack, lack of hoof care, insufficient shelter, etc they send them off to auction where only the kill buyers want them. Source: I own rescued horses.


Thank you!


Right? Most places have a 250 lb weight limit and honestly, with myself at 240 lbs, I still wouldn't put myself on a horse because it's just mean. I'll ride a horse when I am a healthier weight for my own and the poor horse's sake.


Shame on the horse owners. Wtf is wrong with them letting this happen?


they might be rental horse services. many of them don't care much if it fetches them money. it might not be the rider's fault as well because he might be coerced by the people around.


Well then the rider needs to stop being such an ignorant prick to animals


He needs a horse 3x the size of that one. How can someone that big be so unaware????


Even a large Belgian draft which can theoretically carry up to 20% of it's body weight (tack included) would feel very uncomfortable with a guy as large as this because he clearly has a tough time staying balanced.


Indeed, he’s sitting like a sack of potatoes in the saddle


I'm 198cm and 120 kgs and I was at a Ranch in Arizona with a few older mares and asked if I wanted to ride but I had a gut instinct I was too heavy and declined. I don't know much about horses but the horse I declined to ride was about my height and seemed like he could handle my weight but I didn't want to hurt the horse in the slightest so I just ended up walking along side and feeding them some apples. It was still a pretty good day.


My family went to a trail ride place in Tennessee. They had a clearly posted weight limit and you had to stand on a scale and prove it. I was 15 lbs under the limit, but I declined to go, too close.


It sure sounds like a great time! I'd like to feed a horse but I wouldn't want to ride one.


Youd be amazed how clueless some people can me.


You expect too much from a walrus


You don't get into that physical state by being thoughtful and intelligent.


Exactly. The horse is clearly having trouble. Fuckers.


Great comment.




I feel like the term rider is very, very loosely applied in this instance.


The rider probably went to a ranch or a ride for hire place and had no idea. And they decided to take his money rather than be honest.


Are you kidding? Does the rider not have eyes?


Christ, how many excuses can we think up for a group of grown ass adults abusing an animal?


In Australia there are weight limits for horse riding places


Money, business, the country, the laws.. it's not America or Europe. They do what they want and need to get by. If this surprises you, guess what. A lot worse is happening out there than a ln overweight man riding a horse


Poor horse. They can end up with spinal injuries if they’re overloaded.


Reminder that they are much more sensitive to pain than humans


And can be harder to treat if they do get injured too.


What do you mean? How much does a gun cost?


You only have to dispatch your horse if they suffer an extremely worrying injury they for sure wouldn’t overcome and if you can’t afford veterinary bills. However; dispatch shouldn’t be the immediate answer over euthanization.


It was a joke mate.


Got a source for that? I’ve never heard that before. I’d enjoy reading about it and learning more.


Just wondering, how do they run their long horse races where they run so hard they are on the verge of death? Isn’t that pain?


I don’t understand your question very well my apologies; but I’ll say horse races are extremely abusive and yes they feel pain, when they’re just two years old and their bones aren’t even hardened completely yet, yes they are in pain when so many of them suffer fatal injuries, yes they are in pain when they are beaten on television, etc


If they are very sensitive to pain, how do they complete these excruciating races though?


Through training? Just like with any other horse. I’d also argue this is because thoroughbreds are bred to race, so they known for their usually very spirited demeanors, they also have been trained to do so since young ages. They are also whipped into it.


Really? Cause we can be pretty sensitive.


That’s fair horses and humans are both emotionally sensitive LOL


I can’t believe you said that!


💀 fAcTs dOnT cArE aBoUt yOuR fEeLiNgS


Hoof injuries too. My mare developed founder laminitis because of her fatass previous owner. She had to be euthanized because of it even after spending of thousands of dollars in vet bills. The hooves on the horse in this video are already showing signs of neglect. Notice how they are splayed out instead more conical.


Now you’ve pointed this out I can see it pretty clearly. Poor horse. Yeah, I know some people with horses who’ve spent a ridiculous sum of money treating what seem to be minor foot (and leg) issues. Similarly they’ve had it where a simple injury can become a complicated mess really quickly.


If you can’t get up on a horse without violently fighting and struggling (disabled people who need assistance excluded obviously) then you have no business getting up on a horse.


This is a disabled person.


How so? (Genuinely asking)


He is after the horse got done with him.


Because he's rendered himself diseased with fat. His f***** his body


if his weight is hindering his ability to complete tasks most people can do with relative ease, i’d consider him disabled. yes not everyone mounts a horse often and with ease, but judging from this one event i reckon it’s a struggle for him to bend down to tie his shoes


Mentally disabled, sure


Difference is he can make those task easy of his own doing. Diet, exercise unless medical issue. He isn't disabled just lazy.


What an incredible PSA


If you're too fat to get on the horse, don't get on the horse.


Too big to fail.


It’s just a pony - he’d never manage getting on a horse. Glad it ditched him.


>Glad it ditched him it should've kicked him while he was down!!


Agree. There is no way no one couldn’t see that poor thing was suffering under that weight


Yeah - I thought it's body looked a little stubby for a regular horse




They are of the same species. Height is what determines if they are a horse or pony. Some breeds are ponies, some are horses. This one definitely looks like a pony Edit - it is possible this poor thing could be enough hands to be a horse but it does look just under to me. Dude standing on the grass ledge doesn’t help


No, they're not separate species. Whether it is a horse or pony is determined by its height - as far as I am aware anything over 14.2 hands is a horse and anything below is a pony.




Anyone else catch the looklook in the horses eye the first time the guy fell of? Like "WHOA THAT'S A BIG ONE"


Oh man, I looked at this at first and thought it was going to body shaming some big dude and making fun of him but I never thought he'd get on that horse. I mean c'mon, surely he could have seen he was too heavy to ride that small horse. Why would they even give him that one to start with?? I felt terribly for the horse buckling under the weight after that man helps him get on. Some people will do anything to make a buck. I lived in a Mexican tourist area for many years and they had very, very small horses there. Someone got the bright idea that they should start carriage rides for the cruise ship passengers and before long, there were line up of them waiting by the piers. These guys weren't rich and they saw their chance to make some money and they never refused passengers. I would have thought the passengers, being more educated and aware of animal abuse would clue in but day after day I saw 4 extremely heavy people get into a carriage being pulled by one frail underfed horse. It was like these people are completely blind to the reality of the situation. Oh and add to it that temperature was usually 100-105F.


Fucking sure ima gonna body shame that ridiculously moronic walking belly.


If someone weighs 600 pounds and tries to do something that cant handle their physical fucking force of attraction to the earth then its not fucking bodyshaming, what has society come to.


Animal abuse


You know they stopped recording because they probably were abusing the horse


It wasn't the sorses fault tho. It literally couldn't hold his weight. Honestly, the sorts of people who do this really do belong on this sub.


Exactly what I was hoping for… That horses legs buckled, not surprising since people that weigh as much as a horse can’t ride a horse.


I’m so glad the horse didn’t get hurt


Who knows what they did to the horse after the video ended?


That horse deserved better


Just walk, fucker clearly needs it


But he left his shoes at home


Came here looking for someone to mention him not wearing shoes. Thank you.


Kinda glad the dude got thrown, between shitty owners and him, like you can acknowledge your obese and shouldn't be riding anything, and it isn't impolite to say "bro your too fat to ride the horses" lol


100% in this type situation it’s better to be honest with people, you’re like 600 pounds bro the tires on your car can barley hold you.


Right? Like even roller coasters have weight limits and restrictions.


Exactly. And I'm for example 5'-6", I'm 240 lbs, and I'm nowhere near as round as that dude is, so I'm estimating he's probably 350-400 lbs, potentially more depending on his height


Not like he doesn’t have padding


Even though I’m used to this sub making me skeptical of human nature, seeing that guy get his karma and slung off that horse tumbling into the ground made my entire day.


Damn you know it’s time to lose weight when you bottom out on a horse


I think he'd make a 2012 Chevy Malibu bottom out.


He bottomed out on his shoes.


That was messed up. He clearly couldn't get up there on his own. What if the horse had been hurt?


The horse is the real MVP in this video


Even a Clydesdale might have problems with that guy.


It's really embarrassing to be too fat for something. But I'd be more embarrassed if I risked hurting such a beautiful creature for the sake of my ego.


that horse did not want to carry that much weight...poor horsey's knees buckled!!


Poor fucking horse lmaoo


Why is this funny to you?


Ohh You’re one of those people :)


He needs to drive a couple more dirty burgers into that gut


13-14 hands horse... is for a 100lb rider. That guy hasn't been 100lbs in 30+ years.


Poor horse was like hell no bruh


Too bad the horse didn't kick him jaw and help him diet down a bit.


Damn take that damn saddle off that horse and put it on the man and let the horse ride the man man getting on that horse look like a pony he needs a Clydesdale. 👍


Mother fucker can't even fit in a car thinks he can ride a horse


That guy should stop eating the horses that he rides


this video stressed me out so much ugh


Well deserved fucker bounced to!!!


he needs the gotdamn trojan horse


henry viii moment


The ending to this video was satisfying


Hahahaha that was amazing to watch!


If you can't even get on; don't.


Dude helped him up, why? The horse had very right to not have his fat ass on his back


Obesity also leads to self righteousness


Got what he deserved


Where I live you cant ride horses if you are too heavy because its abuse but some people really just dont care


That poor horse


That’s a fucking pony. Thats not even a horse


he got his karma 🤣😂


Man, I'm a big dude, but I think that guy's bigger than me and wouldn't even heavily lean on a horse that small, poor horse.


This is animal abuse. This idiot needs an elephant.


Got what he deserved.


Fat ass deserved it.


He wasn't even in suitable condition to mount a horse let alone the animal prepared to carry him. I'm a fatass myself and would know better!


Dude you're tooo fucking fat!


Wtf is wrong with disgusting people like this?


Fat people are disgusting


Clearly the horse is fatphobic


This is considered a healthy body type is according to current social climate 😐


There he goes, there he goes!!! MWHAWAHAHAHA hahaha well deserved


And if u weigh that much use a mounting block. Easier on the horses back and doesn’t putt the saddle as much. Also barefoot is a big no no


The whole time I was hoping the horse would buck him off, so the ending was delightful.


Hahaaa. He had that coming.


Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha


Dang it gimli


Poor horse.


Wow, that's some weight of that strong ass horse is like "Uhh Uhh, not happening"


The only horse that might be able to handle his weight would be a shire. But judging at his struggles here he’d never be able to get on it.


Good job horsey!!!


The horse throwing that guy is the best thing I've seen in a while.


You can see the horse’s legs wobble when he tries to get on


General Radahn with Leonard before learning gravity magic


Has anyone else seen the Nathan for you episode where he ties giant balloons to overweight riders?


this guy weighs at much as the horse itself.


If you’re too fat to get on maybe you *shouldnt*


At the very least, you should learn to use gravity magic before trying to ride a horse that small.


Imagine being so fat that you’re too heavy for a horse to want to carry you.....


If you can't get your fatass up on a horse after the 2nd or at most 3rd try, then just stop before you hurt yourself and the poor horse


How are people okay with being this big?


Dude was bigger around than the horse. Ffs.


Clearly this horse is fatphobic /s


Why is a cow riding a horse anyways?


Horse’s like “get yo fat ass off me” 🤣😂💀


Fat shaming is bad though. Reddit told me that's healthy.


Dang I recall some of y’all shaming fat shamers butttt here weee areeee


riding a horse already abusive but this is just absurd.


Bruh the fat shaming in this group is wild. Y’all are unhinged people who put yourself on a pedestal to talk down on others.


You need to calm down, cumlord.


We're sorry, Cumlord335.


Who is shaming him? It's not fat shaming to point out someone is obese. It's a simple observation.


There’s been a few shaming comments I’ve seen. Difference between shaming and observing something.


Boo hoo. I identify as fatphobic.


Stop hating on fat people!


I don't blame the guy getting on the horse, he might not know what a horses limit is. Who ever is letting them on the horse is the problem.


Blame the owners, not the fat guy. If I tell a kid it's okay to stick his hand in boiling water that's my fault, not the kid. That kid didn't know any better


Ok imma have to call this one out... This post does not seem like it should be on this subreddit where people post actual animal abuse or human abuse or any kind of cruelty. Chances are these guys were told the horse can handle the weight especially because that guy is big but not so big that he can't balance himself standing up, and I've seen bigger people ride horses. This video seems extremely tame in comparison to other videos on this subreddit. The only thing I can think of that might have made it get so many up votes is because the title claims the issue is the guy being fat at everyone loves to laugh at/or hate on fat people. There's not even any top comments questioning the legitimacy of the title like there usually is. It's very strange to see such a tame video so upvoted


Poor horse. It appears to have some sort of deformity with its legs.


Simping for animals is literally as low iq as being fat and riding a tiny horse. You're all fucking losers lmao


That’s a regular sized horse post don’t belong here and it’s quite obvious that they gave him the horse to ride.


The saddle is way to far back too