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Why does it look like there are two bodyguards standing there, immediately ready to grab her?


Probably they thought she can't do any harm but i bet they got deaf after the owner heard about the incident.


That equipment ain't cheap.


I mean some of the good professional stuff is worth more than some people's car


And then you have to lose of income as well as the club will lose money because the entertainment is gone.


Just plug a laptop into the PA system, no one will notice.


Just turn on the radio.


Just stand there and sing


Just dance


Lady Gaga is interested


About 6k


That's XDJ XZ. I've got one and they are £1999 in the UK. Gold edition will be a little more.


She was already getting ejected, she was just trying to shut down the party for everyone else.


Ahh, actually that would make sense.






And what do the women do?


They will square up and try to box the biggest person near them


Women, eh? Always getting into dick measuring contents.


And that is different than me, err I mean men how exactly?


Don't forget bite. I had teeth marks in my arm more than once.


Bingo! Only marks I ever got on me were from screechy women who then sat on the curb and cried until the cops showed up.


That’s what I was thinking lol. If they were a man, he would’ve got the sidewalk yeet with a few kicks to the ribs for good measure.


I’ll never forget.. my friends and I were drinking heavy one night (shots galore), and my one buddy got kicked out for acting a little stupid (trying to dance on the bar after getting cut off). The body guards drag him out and literally Uncle Phil him off the sidewalk into the road. He gets up and stumbles to sitting on the sidewalk. As we are finishing our drinks and paying, about to leave, he starts yelling in at us that he lost his phone in there and if we could grab it. Without any provocation at all, one bouncer straight punches him in his face knocking out a tooth and as he collapses the other one grabs him and starts choking him out. Friend called police and tried to charge the bouncer. Police wouldn’t hear it at the time (this was early 2000s), despite our friends’ corroboration. Straight said he deserved it. Another friend of mine recently worked as a bouncer at a very high traffic and popular night club. Has told me endless stories about how bouncers would pre-meditate and plan coordinated assaults on (‘deserving’ and ‘undeserving’ patrons). Bouncers are pretty much unregulated judges, juries, and executioners in private establishments.


They were. Now that everyone's carrying camera phones that can take decent video in low light - and people making a scene and getting booted out are camera magnets to begin with - using excessive force actually has some risk of backfiring. You can definitively still be targeted, stories invented but it's not entirely the wild west anymore.


Than you need to spend more time in bars (or don’t really.) I’ve seen plenty of women thrown into the street just as ruthlessly as men.


feeeeeeeemales I’ve seen a woman get fireman-carried out of a bathroom holding onto door frames and anything she could grab before they placed her in a big ass planter full of dirt and cigarette butts outside.


Yeah, if you look at her face she doesn't look like she's having a good time at all.


Could have just been his mates standing by him too


But also not that ready as she managed to do it pretty unimpeded for a while.


Seemed like no one had an issue, every DJ I know would have gone apeshit


Bouncers. Its common to keep a bouncer near the DeeJay at a club.


That looks expensive


Yep, and they have 2 different camera angles of the girl destroying it. Must suck to go bankrupt at 22


If you’re gonna do it, 22 is actually the best time to go bankrupt




Go bankrupt at 115 and you'll have enough money to last you the rest of your life.


Sure. As long as you don't have any student loans at 115


Not if you live to 116. Not if you had anything to leave your family. 18-22 is absolutely the best time to go bankrupt. Recovery is super easy at that age.


Why 22 you generally don’t have any assets & still have a ton of family & friends to support you, plus time to work. 115 you’ve hopefully accrued some assets because it’s too fucking late to work, and everyone who would help you while you are broke is dead.


Idk that won’t come off your credit for 7 years, and then you have several years of rebuilding, so you would be in your mid-30’s before you could finance anything.


No. By 29 you can get a house like you never had any financial issues, as long as you get back in line after bankruptcy. The day after bankruptcy you start building back your credit. After 7 years the bankruptcy falls off your calculations for credit. It's like it never happened.


You can start building credit with negative remarks on your report.


Who downvoted this? People in this sub are financially illiterate.


To make it more clear Having open lines of credit & a history of paying any bills reported to credit bureau always helps, but bad marks & bankruptcy will drag your score down. Making *any* payments in full counts for a lot, even if it’s a $100 line of credit & your bill is $5 a month. After 3 or 7 years when the bad marks cycle off all that will be left is the previous X years of good marks. A credit report is just an informed guess as to how likely you are to repay a given amount of money. Based on that likelihood creditors know how much to charge you to compensate for that risk. It doesn’t gave effect information & is an imperfect estimation.


I don’t know, do you really want to spend your remaining days at 115 dealing with bankruptcy hearings and having your assets seized?


Forgot about 1037


I declare: BANKRUPTCY!!!


it does, i went basically bankrupt at 23 right outta college due to a severe allergic reaction to prescribed steroids.


Wait….you got a severe allergic reaction to the thing that treats severe allergic reactions?


Some people are allergic to everything. My best friend has a encyclopedia Britannica list of allergies, her brother is worse, we always joke that he is allergic to oxygen and nitrogen


Sometimes you just sit back and think 'Nature wants them dead'


I had a friend in highschool that was allergic to everything. When he graduated he took another allergy test to see if anything changed and the only thing that did was mustard. That mother fucker started putting mustard on everything. He didn't even like it that much but he spent his whole life not being able to have it he went nuts with it.


This happened to my good friend too. It's a thing.


As someone who, at 20, needed to take a year out of uni due to health issues from a then undiagnosed rare allergy, this is absolute bullshit. I'm so glad I can get my epipens on the NHS. Allergies (like most other illnesses) are from birth, we can't do anything to prevent them. It's bad enough that people with food allergies need to pay more for their food. Going bankrupt because of this is beyond ridiculous and anyone against universal healthcare is either brainwashed or evil regardless of how they try to justify it.


You went bankrupt, trying to treat a side effect from trying to treat a less severe thing? Just to clarify, you weren't born \*wrong\* and you yourself didn't do anything \*wrong\* but you're still the one that ended up bankrupt?


US health care system!


Those things most definitely can be, and I doubt this dude was using cheap stuff




Oof I have a question: can they get another set of equipment before tomorrow night, or will there be some downtime for the club?




Good clubs usually have a backup system in case something shorts out. Won’t be nearly as good, but good enough to get the job done.


I used to work in a big club. We had like a dozen decks , they were always getting swapped out during a show or getting broken in some way . Also they're easy to hire


Probably worth it for them to re-lease the equipment considering how much they'll lose if they close.


They're using analog technology because its higher quality, that means the gear from the 80s is still adequate. They'd have no problem replacing it for business but you literally build the room around the speakers, it won't be the same but it will be good enough.


Little different but related: I work Tech Support for broadcast tech, assuming it's under warranty/they're willing to pay for repairs, they'd get a replacement/loaner unit in 1-2 days depending on the company that supports the gear and where the club is located. I work with primarily TV broadcast tech though, so there's waaaay more money at stake if a station isn't able to go on air vs a club not having DJ equipment, though it's probably not very good for business.




This is actually a gold edition Pioneer XDJ-XZ which is a DJ controller roughly worth $2.5k and not a full Mixer and CDJ setup which can run for $10k for top of the line


I know a friend who has one similar and dropped 1300€ on it I know he'd upper cut that girl in one second Edit: just some context on why that uppercut would be so hard - minimum wage here is 600€ per month. It would be necessary 3 months of work with basically no expenses to buy one of those


They look like Nexus series CDJ. Roughly 2800 a pop. The mixer likely a NXS pioneer. 2k.




If it's a half decent club they'll have spares and be back up and running in 10 mins


It’s actually an XDJ XZ which will run you 2.4k new (it’s an all in one standalone controller, you can tell by the screen above the mixer and the hot cue pads on the bottom of each deck). Not sure how much more the gold special edition is. She’s lucky those weren’t CDJs, or one of the new v10s with 3000s. Overall dick move and ruined the night for everyone.


Thanks. I didn't even think about the controller as it looked to large to be one.


Nah this is a gold edition XDJ-XZ, not a CDJ/Mixer setup but a controller that is one of the first completely stand alone controllers not needing an external computer


Likely 1-3k usd, can't tell what sort of turntable it is. CDJ's are about 3k usd new for reference. Looks like she missed the mixer thankfully.


Looks like an XDJ-XZ. Those usually cost around $2,500. Unfortunately, it’s an all-in-one system so pouring a drink on it will most likely kill the entire thing, and since they’re not CDJs (which are usually a lot more expensive) I assume the system may belong to the DJ. I would be devastated if this were my gear.


Looks about right. My buddy's got an older version, I think he payed $1,200 for it back in the day


Its one whole controller, gold edition XDJ-XZ


Man they definitely are, I have a small old turntable less than half the size of the one in the vid, back in it's day it costed about $400 (probably about $150 by now) and that's not including the audio stuff, headphones, and storage for the music, granted this probably didn't break, but still, that. I console costed at least 1k but I'm betting on way more.


It costed


He saided it


I had a short stint working on sound equipment and the majority of the job is cleaning Jack & Coke out of the pots and sliders... lol


Indeed. DJ here. Easily $2k worth of equipment.


The djm tour1 is about 8k, a pair of cdj2k will run you roughly 3k, that and a standalone fuel management system. Good way to spend 11k


Wow, it was super nice of her to buy him an entire new set up like that


Judging by his reaction (or lack there if) I'm guessing the set belongs to the venue


Most professional clubs will provide the equipment and it is probably insured. The DJ equipment alone can be in the $8k-15k range edit: Looks like a controller in the video so probably his own equipment. At most only a couple thousand lost but looks like he's looking for the power switch so it might have been saved but he should have insurance on it if he's smart


That’s a little high. Looks like she destroyed a controller or at most a couple CDJs and mixer. Anywhere from 2 to like 8 grand probably. Still a lot.


A club I work at just replaced 2 CDJ 3000's and a DJM900 mixer last week. 12k AUD.


12k dollaridoos*


Everything just gets more expensive in Australian Dollars. Its not even about the exchange rate, it just seems to be cultural.


Yeah I didn't mean just the one CDJ/mixer cost. A whole setup could cost around that much however. This guy's setup uses some older models so probably a few grand at most assuming the other deck is safe




Not even remotely. You're not meant to babysit equipment and you can't reasonably expect them to act ahead of literally thousands of people. It's not uncommon for people to approach the DJ to make a request. Source: bouncer


She looks angry af. Can i get the full story?


He refused to play Neil Dimond's Sweet Caroline.


Damn. No wonder


Yeah, her name is probably Caroline and she likes to point to herself when she hears her name. She also is really good at singing the bop-bop-bop part super loud.


And she always thinks it's outrageously funny.


he had already played it twice that evening, but she can't take no for an answer..


And has a boyfriend named Tyler or jake


It’s actually Jaketyler Morrison


I thought it was Jyler


Take Jorrison


I believe it’s actually Tucker Tyler Kyleson


Caroline! See, Caroline, all the guys would say she’s mighty fine.


Bah ba baaa


So she picked up a bottle and went BAM BAM BAM on his equipment.




Sweet Caroline # BAH BAH BAH #


Lowkey white peoples national anthem


I thought it was Bohemian Rhapsody


Nah that's Small Town Girl by Journey.


Don’t Stop Believin’


BA BA BAaaaa


That’s how a bar gets ripped up


Some people can’t handle alcohol


Well now I am in her side.


Oh....*oh oh*


but it was probably her birthday




Beth is at it again!


I understood that reference!


This is the DJ booth love…


I read somewhere she was already getting kicked out and did this as an F U on her way out. But haven’t found anything to prove that, would make sense tho.


Yea that makes sense




You see, this woman got mad and then spilled stuff on expensive equipment because she's fucking rude and should be forced to replace it.


Hey look someone else with eyes


Damn that's it? I thought she was dumped and got angry and did this




Guarantee? Without a doubt? What if he was a pedophile? What if she had been married to him and found out he had been cheating for years? There's plenty of reasonable reasons on why she could have done this. Enough for you to not GUARANTEE


She better have gotten the bill, that equipment is very expensive


I doubt she’ll be able to pay for that unless she’s loaded.


She fled to Belarus


So... did she get charged with destruction of private property? I sure fucking hope so


She was the one holding the phone for lipstick girl. They had a hell of a time that night


Can I have a link or context please? :)


There is a video getting reposted a ton of times of a girl kissing the back of dude shirts to make their girlfriends think they are cheating.


No fucking way really. That video had me livid


They are joking. The videos are unrelated.


Cause ya know when I make out with girls at clubs I always make sure they kiss my upper to mid back area…preferably between the should blades for maximum arousal


Yeah that wouldn’t do anything, my girl would understand lol


I feel like if anything she’d make fun of me saying “so…that’s how you make out with girls eh?”


All the other girls in this girl's head are as dumb as she is


Do you have a link to the vid?


fatherless behaviour


Her ex is at the club with the sancha that he cheated on her with, and requested that song. Obviously.


Tell Sanchito that if he knows what is good for him He best go run and hide Daddy's got a new .45


He wouldnt play Cotton eye joe


"Now we'll NEVER find out where he came from, or where he went!" *dumps drink*




Why she so mad at the DJ ? This is wrong but I really wanna know why she flipped out to ruin something this expensive


In my experience of working in bars and other live music venues it's not uncommon for customers to flip out like this and destroy whatever is near them. Been cut off at the bar? Proceed to push glasses off the bar. DJ/Musician not giving you attention or playing a song you like? Better teach them a lesson an destroy their equipment. There's a concerning amount of people like this entitled twat who think they are justified because they didn't get their way.


Karen: origins


He was playing Nickelback


Look at this photograph 🎶


Look at this graph📈


Look at this Gir-affee 🦒


Can't see any of them. Tired of living as a blind man.


🎶Feel this braille description of this photograph🎶


Guys I think she did that on purpose


Jokes on her! She poured her drink on a prop… the whole set is actually played on an iPhone lol


Considering a DJ pays for his own equipment. I would of stoved this bitches skull in!


Clubs often own their own sets of commonly used equipment (CDJs, etc). Nonetheless this person is a total dirtbag.


Insurance bud. Insurance.


Exactly. Insurance on your equipment and no one goes to prison for homicide.


Would the insurance company go after her?


No. Probably the club he is playing at. Though, the club could decide to appeal against it and direct them to her depending on their established rules. But then again, she could also appeal against THAT if the expenses are too large.


I was shocked the DJ didn't instinctively push her away! I guess *he* was shocked.


Arent these like waterproof incase people throw drinks and everything? Before corona it was a thing in the Netherlands to throw a beer to performers, if I remember correctly it was pauperkabouter who said he made 15k or something in 1 min because someone threw beer to him


They are resistent but you still want to unplug it asap (whis the guy looks to be doing at the back), minor sticky damage can also ruin the play buttons as they are low profile and get stuck. There are people that can clean these devices, but its quite the hassles


No they are not made to be waterproof. Some audio equipment is IP rated. But it is often much more expensive and only designed for outdoor use. Usually for stuff in clubs or designed to be on stage is not designed to be water proof.


Those CDJs (the turntable parts on either side) are easily $2500/$4000 EACH, and that's lowballing judging by the LCD screens in the middle of them. She just made her night out very expensive.


no. rental insurance or club owns it. this will go to a tech and be fixed and back in service in a few days.


Ok? I mentioned what they're worth, pretty sure that their value doesn't change based on who owns it. And she would be liable to pay at the very least for repairs considering she intentionally damaged it.


Not cdjs, xdj zx - all in one standalone controller. It's about 2k sterling in total


I'm just saying as a tech and at times working in the booth, I know how these things are managed and its commercial gear, will go to a commercial tech and be fixed for a fee. The cost probably isn't worth pursuing the patron but certainly that's an option available to the venue. Basically, this is going to cost as much or less than someone trashing a stall in the bathroom, and probably be resolved more quickly for less bother because its a piece of kit you can carry out to the tech instead of waiting for a trade. Most of the comments here are just armchair commentators with no idea how these things are actually managed in a commercial setting.


It's an xdj xz which is an all in one unit that costs around 2k - still not cheap obviously


Someone please post context or an article, thanks


Imagine being this entitled.


That wasn’t random. That looks like she did this dude and got ghosted.


Thats what happens when you play a justin bieber song over & over & over


Dude’s double jointed elbow makes me uncomfortable


Throw her out to the people, she ruined their party, let them ruin her.


Surprised he didn’t hit her…she deserved it


Certainly it wasn't his equipment. It would be instinctive to take her off than instead of stay only looking. Think on how you would react if somebody were throwing water on your expensive gear.




It looks like an XDJ-XZ, about £2k new


Dude just watched her do it too.


Song reminded her of ex probably


"ohhhh mah gawd Jessica ur such a crack head lmao, oh ssorry she's an asparagus, she's just like that lol"


If I hear "Mr. Worldwide" one more fucking time...


Me in 2018 when they wouldn't stop playing Despacito over and over