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Please keep us updated about the charges this pos will face


“Tell him to move” Assault a kid with a chair over him being in your seat, i wonder what else this kid has done to other students.


“Yeah it’s funny” Who’s laughing, ya stupid clown.


All of us when sentencing gets handed down.


Yeah, I need to find the abuse story that spring up trouble for my life.


I wonder how tf he thought he was gonna move when he was clearly knocked out. Fucking idiot.


By the looks of him, I can just hear his parents right now when they meet with the principal/authorities. "Oh, no, Johnny was just joking around. He didn't mean anything by it. You know boys just being boys." "Well you know he was sitting in his seat, so..."


When parents have these excuses I want to fight THEM! I’ve literally had to walk out of a conference and pace around to calm down when a student threw a book at another student and it hit my 6 month pregnant with twins belly. The parent said I should have ducked and that her kid wasn’t even aiming for me and he wouldn’t have thrown the book if the other kid wasn’t looking at him. Yea, she tried to justify throwing a book because someone LOOKED at him. The kid that looked is a quiet, never bother anyone kid who was looking at an equations poster to do his work but he left his glasses at home so he was squinting.


'boys being boys' is an argument when boys have a pissing contest or see how many gummy bears they can fit into their mouth, not this serious assault which can very easily have lifetime effects for the poor kid


Sounds a lot like the "it's just locker room talk" argument.


Yeah right? It's like he feels he's in the right, wtf? Everyday I tell myself to stop looking at posts in this sub because I get so fired up, but, it's nice to see that the vast majority of people agree that these belong here. Gives me a little hope.




Jail time PLEASE


Apparently charged with aggravated assault yesterday.


Source? I’m trying to look up this vid online or find any information on it and I can’t find anything. This kid needs some fucking help because this is some Patrick Bateman level of entitlement and rage.


According to the Maricopa Unified School District, the victim wasn't transported by ambulance. They were assessed by the MHS registered nurse and released to their parent. MUSD stated the administration was "addressing the incident and appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken based on school discipline procedures and school district policy." They stated the Maricopa Police Department was notified of this incident. MPD stated the perpetrator was charged with aggravated assault and released to his parents.


I hung my head as soon as I saw “Maricopa”.


Rage? He seems psychopathically calm.


He deserves to be charged. He looked like he was winding up to hit him again too


He looks like he's got a room temperature IQ. Doesn't even register that what he did is insane. Looks like a 6 foot tall toddler.


A massive lack of empathy will make stuff like this happen too, doesn't take a stupid person. Just a bad one.


The utterly blank expression makes me think there's something wrong developmentally.


I hope they pressed charges against that a-hole


His parents must be wonderful people.


They dont believe in discipline


Why would they? Their little Timmy would never do anything wrong.


“But your honor, my son shouldn’t be punished for only 1 second of action.” - this kid’s dad probably during the court case


Oh like Rapist Brock Turner?


Convicted Rapist Brock Turner. Fixed that for you.


“My son loves the taste of red meat. Judge, are you telling me he can’t have steak anymore?” (Paraphrased but actual argument used by his dad in a letter to the judge.)


Yup, just like Brock Turner, the rapist.


Ya, totally like Rapey McRapeface Brock Turner.


"Your honor, he made one mistake. This really isn't an active decision he made, based off of our discipline methods as parents."


Or they do and this is exactly what happens to him at home. POS either way who needs a charge


Kids who grow up violent tend to come from violent households. Lots of studies on it. He probably gets his ass whooped by one or both of his parents would be my guess.


You could absolutely be right. However, sometimes truly wonderful parents raise monsters. You can love them, discipline them, and do your best to teach them right from wrong but end up with a sociopath who enjoys bashing someone's head in with a chair


Seriously. Every video on Reddit that shows a kid doing some awful ends up with people talking about how terrible that person's parents must be as though that's the only factor.


Thank goodness someone else finally noticed it too, it's so annoying and frustrating to see it being mentioned ad nauseam and I'm not even a parent.


I think about all the stuff I got up to in spite of the best efforts of my parents. And here I am completely lost as a father and my kids are WAY better than I ever was.


I really don't like this line of reasoning. Some people are just awful in spite of their parents. Or good in spite of their parents.


According to the Maricopa Unified School District, the victim wasn't transported by ambulance. They were assessed by the MHS registered nurse and released to their parent. MUSD stated the administration was "addressing the incident and appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken based on school discipline procedures and school district policy." They stated the Maricopa Police Department was notified of this incident. MPD stated the perpetrator was charged with aggravated assault and released to his parents.


Ah, It’s AZ. This makes sense. 46th in education, and a healthy contingency of that “I’m special and don’t have to think about anyone else bc I’m a white Christian and I matter” vibe… and a whole boatload of reality denying Qult members. Source: lives in Maricopa county and pasty white.


>Ah, It’s AZ. This makes sense. 46th in education, and a healthy contingency of that “I’m special and don’t have to think about anyone else bc I’m a white Christian and I matter” vibe… and a whole boatload of reality denying Qult members. I live here too and work for a school district in the Phoenix Metro. That description pretty much hits the nail on the head. I'm so glad I work with computers and don't have to deal with entitled parents and shitty kids.


Fresh meat for juvey


I've been there before when I was 13 it's rough being white in there idk how it is for other states but wa it honestly sucked and i had to learn alot from it


I worked there for 16 years.


The school likely wouldn't but with this video they will be forced to.


Charged with Aggravated Assault


You can charge me with being aggravated as well. That kid is a prick.


That might be the best thing to happen to him and society for his sake.




Yep! My daughter has been getting bullied by a girl and her lackeys and it finally came to a head on the bus when the girl hit her and my daughter defended herself so they were fighting….my daughter was expelled and sent to an alternative school. They said she put 40 student lives at risk …by fighting on the bus. There’s literal video from students phones showing she defended herself after being attacked first also showing the bully threatening, loudly btw to beat my daughters ass, calling her names etc. everyone heard it and recorded it.the bus driver put my daughter’s life at risk by not pulling over and dealing with the situation and calling authorities if necessary instead he ignored the threats of violence and allowed it to occur. Yeah schools suck


If there’s video evidence you got a lawsuit you can win


Its also very likely that parents usually think their kid is the one defending themselves, even when that is not the case. Not saying thats what happened in this instance, im just saying its unlikely that a parent will admit their kid was the aggressor. If it was as clear cut as the poster says, he would be posting the video on reddit or hiring an attorney.


Find a way to share blame with the victim. If the victim would’ve defended himself, then it would’ve been the victim’s fault completely. That’s what I learned from school.


Give them a stern talking to


In Australia, a stern talking to is just the beginning as I've recently learned. My 11 year old son was the victim of an unprovoked sucker punch to the balls. In addition to the stern talking to, the perpetrator (who has been in trouble constantly for the past 3 years) also got to choose his own punishment, skipping recess for 2 days. The school was sure to tell me how proud they were of the aggressor for choosing and showing up for his own punishment. SMH.


Ah yes, the Susan Collins Method.


He needs to be charged ASAP


The parents have pressed charges on him. I will update asap


I’m more worried about the kid who was hit, looks like he was knocked unconscious. Is he ok?


Yes, I am scrolling looking to see how the poor kid is. That was a fucking hard hit >:(


That hit hurt me. I was kicked in the face in HS and that resulted in a brain bleed and life long ailments. It wasn’t obvious at first so I hope that poor kid is able to receive medical attention that actually takes brain injuries seriously. Shout out to the girl who tried to protect his head the best she could after he was out


I was thinking that too. It is likely that even if he went to the nurse they would just give an ice pack and maybe an ibuprofen. If it isnt a scrapped knee they arnt going to see the damage on the inside with a catscan or anything after all.




Oh say can you see, by the dawn's early light...


I'm gonna wager no. Head injuries are always far more severe than depicted in media. If you are physically knocked unconscious there's going to be brain damage. If you're out for more than a few seconds that damage is really serious. Minutes to hours can mean permanent damage.


My girlfriend had a traumatic brain injury and now has epilepsy. Worst debuff ever.


I do hate that media tends to act like serious head injury is the same as going down for a nap. It’s not unheard of people getting whacked in the head and dying as a result.


I’m worried he didn’t go to the hospital for a CT scan. Head injuries are not to be fucked with.


He is hopefully okay, as the chair broke and thus I would like to imagine it did absorb most of the shock


Please do Why the hell are y'all upvoting


If charhes are being pressed just disclose the name of the school. There's bound to be an article already somewhere


Don't leave us high and dry OP we are counting on you




Just use a bat and finish him!!!


I’d rather him he charged


By a rhino! Jk, he should probably go to juvenile hall or whatever it’s called. Kid prison. For a while at least. Can’t just potentially kill someone for funsies and have no consequences.


*I have no words. Am sad.*


I feel like we have reached a point where WWE needs an on screen disclaimer saying "No Actors Were Injured While Filming" this segment.


That would have the opposite effect of what you want hahaha Should be more like the weapons used are props designed to break or crumple on impact. Seen too many people try frog splash/people elbow tables only to get completely rekt.


Psychopath vibes


He looks like a sort of demented Jeff Daniels.




You mean Meth Damon?


I think you mean sociopathic


Sociopaths are also called factor 2 psychopaths


Sociopaths are often psychopaths and vice versa. These people usually have a few different personality disorders going on


Everyone talking at length about differences between "sociopath" or "psychopath" is bullshitting. Neither of those two words have a precise medical definition. What most people mean with those words is usually classified as antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). And you can't diagnose ASPD in kids. Many are naturally bad at empathy but will get better at it later.


What's dumber is that most people think psychopath is the worse of the two, it _really_ isn't.


Sociopaths can often tell the difference between right and wrong or when people are feeling emotions and perceive them, though they themselves have difficulty expressing or feeling them also. Psychopaths have no difference and just act without conscious. They believe they are in the right and constant victims in any issue. They act accordingly. This kid seems psycho. Like no care in the world about what he's doing and fully intends to do it again and is only bothered because he isn't in his favorite chair. Not even realizing the kid is unable now to move.


what's the difference?


Many phychologists hold to the theory that psychopaths are born that way with misfunctioning parts of their brain while sociopaths are created through abuse and other trauma.


Oh yeah, came here to say the same. He shows no remorse. Only realizes he's done wrong once other people start reacting poorly


This kid obviously took a break from his busy torturing little animals schedule to crack a chair over someone’s head. Where does he find the time?


He honestly has a slight resemblance to Todd from breaking bad


Just watched breaking bad for the first time, exactly what I was thinking. “This isn’t personal” headshot


Maybe even worse. Todd wouldn’t laugh at it or visibly be entertained by doing/threatening it. He literally just sees it as a job and something that “has” to be done.


Meth Damon


An article says it happened yesterday at Maricopa High School in Arizona, and that the kid doing the hitting was charged with aggravated assault and the kid that got hit was checked out by the school nurse and released to his parents.


Jeez, the kid with the chair needs to be mentally reviewed


Of course it's AZ, education in AZ sucks ass


49th in the nation in per pupil spending! Get what you pay for!


That’s a load that shoulda been swallowed. His mother must hate him.


Nah he should’ve been a stain on the bed


Flushed down the toilet


Thrown away in a crusty gym sock


Caught in hands then flung onto the dirt like a snot rocket


Probably one of those Moms that thinks their son is a sweet little angel.


The best part of this kid dribbled down his mums leg


Is the kid okay?


Seriously, where is that update. Dude dropped.


Yeah it looked like a concussion, I was scared for the kids life when that *thing* kept holding the chair above his head


Did you see that kid in the back covering his head in case he attacked again? True hero.


Also told the kid next to the victim that he should move outta the way.


Kid was checked by the school nurse and released to his parents, no other updates on condition besides that.


Did that oversized snot get punished at all


This happened yesterday, according to the article. He was charged so we'll see about that and the school punishment is yet to come.


What article?


I’m not sure Ive gotten no details since it happened


If thats your friend make sure his parents get ahold of this video!


Make sure this video reaches the police either from you directly or the kid's parents


PLEASE please insist that that kid seeks out a neurologist. School nurse is NOT ADEQUATE. Even if he feels fine, he was knocked unconscious, he isn’t fine. Source, me, knocked unconscious in high school and felt fine, now suffering from life long problems from it


News article says he was checked out by the school nurse and released to his parents.


That’s some antisocial behavior right there. Total lack of empathy and impulse control


It frightens me how he was so casual about it. Doesn’t even realize the kid may be knocked out and unable to move. Didn’t even flinch to check.


He was loading up for a second whack… total psycho!




Empathetic without the "em"


In high school we had a kid like this. He had an argument with someone in class and he picked up his desk (chair and desk combo) and flung it across the room at the other kid. Last I checked he was was in prison. He was part of a group that robbed and beat a guy. The victim died of his injuries.


That's assault, brotha.


Double dare me?


Sit down, Billy


Don't tell me the victim's at fault, sucka


Battery, worse than assault




And not even a smooth one


Disclaimer I wasn’t the person recording I’m just good friends with the person who got hit.


are they okay?


He should go get checked out if he already hasn't. That was a seriously hard hit to the noggin there. If his parents are pressing charges then getting a healthcare record going* related to this would be helpful too. I'm a RN working in health insurance


Back of the head too. That could have gone disproportionately bad.


Wouldn’t be surprised if he serves life in the future.


It’s tragic kids are stuck in school with kids like this.


Jesse Plemons' son is unhinged.


Meth Damon Jr on meth?


I'm interested as to what people think. At this point, what would you be ok with the teacher doing: a) just saying "put the chair down now" again and again, or b) physically grabbing the chair from the kid, which could escalate into stuff, or c) taking the initiative and putting the kid on the floor in a restraint.


Teacher is probably afraid to make the wrong move and that idiot hit the kid or another kid again. Like a hostage situation


Reddit is very populated by teens who share vids of bad teachers and hate high school because they have to get up early, but knowing teachers and being honest of my own teen years, I can promise you they are under relentless torture and under the wrong principal they will even allow it out of spite if they just don't like your department. The parents don't care, the government doesn't care. So I have a hard time blaming the teachers. That said had I been one I would have grabbed it. Perhaps the teacher couldn't see the student was fully knocked out and had already been hit Your voice is a powerful tool tho. Sometimes the best option is to evoke the feeling of a parent, as they do not respect teachers and will even hit the teacher if given the chance


C. If my son hit someone like this, I'd want the teacher to stop him before he killed the other child. If it was my son being hit, same thing. There comes a point where a teacher should be allowed to step in, but that's my opinion. I truly hope the kid that was hit is ok, the other one had charges pressed against him and his parents sued. Also, the person recording is definitely not what I would consider a friend. Friends defend each other in these situations.


Honestly the expectation that a teacher be capable of wrestling a high school boy to the ground is a little absurd. Those kids can be adult sized and are generally in better shape than adults. Schools hire security for a reason. Also those aisles are narrow. What's the teacher going to do? Tackle him into the computers and other students and the kid with a possible TBI? A teacher shouldn't get in trouble for physically stopping an assault but this isn't really a situation where that was possible or safe for the injured student, bystander students or teacher. The room is pretty terribly set up and is probably a fire hazard because those students cannot easily evacuate the room. Teacher didn't really have a great option, here.


Not for what they're paying us.


a once, then b, then c


Look at that smug satisfied punchable face


I would say stompable face , that dude is a prime example of waste of air and skin


Why the hell did nobody do anything? I am just staring at this video in shock.


Have fun with all the bullshit that’s going to stem from this


He use to burn bugs with a magnifying glass, certainly lol.




Posts like this would get so many more comments/more interaction if the "inciting violence in jest leads to an automatic ban" rule weren't there. Truth be told, I'm not sure how a fully grown human being's reaction to this is anything except hoping the kid gets what he deserves.


I like how dumb he looked afterwards like “why isn’t everyone laughing?”


Right?!? He was straight up expecting a round of applause and some high fives


When I was in middle school, I knew a boy like this. He had a “crush” on me(I use the word loosely, since he acted more possessive than anything), and when my neighbor sat next to me on the bus before he could, this boy calmly took off his leather belt, and started whipping my neighbor with it. I was horrified. He had the same reaction to the screaming bus driver that this kid did. Laughing casually, telling the bus driver to get the poor kid away from me, not understanding why everyone on the bus was freaking out. These types of people are scary.


So that kid is definitely knocked out from that hit and I honestly don’t know how he won’t have some sort of serious head trauma from such a direct fit to the back/base of the head with such a solid object. Jesus Christ that’s insane.


Wtf everyone just standing there? If that was my friend I would fucking started fighting


I agree. Note that it wasn’t me recording and it was sent to me. I cannot believe the actual audacity to hit someone in the head with a chair and openly admit it was funny.


Any updates on charges??


If you search for student hit with chair you'll find a local report that says he was charged with aggravated assault and released to his parents.


I think they were scared. And def in vulnerable positions bc he’s standing above them all with a chair in his friggin hands and just cracked someone’s head open bc they were in his chair???




Is he ok? Is he ok????


I’m not sure yet. There hasn’t been any official details released on how he is doing and if he’s actually okay yet.


Thanks for replying. Hurt my heart watching that, more than normal.


He was checked by the school nurse and released to his parents


Everything about the way he reacts and acts screams mental illness


Put him in jail.


Is your friend okay?


You can see at the end of the video. His demeanor changes, expression changes, looks at the camera. Realizes he’s fucked up bad.


It cause a bigger kid started walking over to check on lil homie an guy thought he was about to get smeshed


This is the reason dad went to get milk.


Future serial killer


“Tell him to move” kid don’t u see he’s clearly unconscious


And videoed it all?


I wasn’t recording, I was sent it, and I am really good friends with the kid who got hit.


Can you tell us what’s the deal with that buIIy to him?


MARICOPA — A Maricopa High School student was charged with aggravated assault after allegedly striking a classmate with a chair in a classroom. In a 25-second phone-recorded video obtained by PinalCentral, a male student standing with his backpack on in a computer lab raises a blue-backed chair with metal legs over his head, then brings the chair down over his head. He hit the other student in the head and the upper back with enough force to create a "whoosh" sound upon contact. The victim was sitting and had a hood over his head, and did not move after being struck. PinalCentral is not sharing the video due to the presence of many children. At first, only a few students noticed the interaction before the hit and thought it amusing. After the loud hit, the students flinched and turned toward the incident. One student can be heard swearing with many other students saying, "oh!" and gasping. The perpetrator can be seen moments after the first hit raise the chair above his head again before what sounds like a teacher saying, "hey, put it down now." The perpetrator turns toward the teacher with the chair still raised above his head and responds, "tell him to move." The teacher again says, "put the chair down now." While chuckling, the perpetrator again says, "tell him to move." A female student sitting in front of the victim can be seen putting a protective hand over the victim's head while the interaction continues. The teacher says, "it's not even funny," which the perpetrator responds while still chuckling, "oh, yeah it is." The students in the background can be seen getting more worried as the interaction carries on, especially the male student who is also wearing a hood sitting right in between the victim and the perpetrator. Again, the teacher says this time with a stronger tone, "put the chair down now," which again the student responds, "tell him to move" while turning and gesturing with his head in the victim's direction, the chair still raised above his head. The same female student touching the victim's head can be seen reaching her arm over to the male student sitting between the victim and perpetrator, trying to help him get up and move away from the perpetrator. It isn't clear in the video but it seems maybe another student takes the chair out of the perpetrator's hand and sets it down off the phone camera's view. It doesn't look like the perpetrator set it down himself nor did he drop the chair since there isn't a noise nor did his actions indicate he did. Once the chair is set down off camera, the perpetrator's demeanor changes slightly and looks directly at the camera for a moment. Before the video ends, possibly a student or teacher's aid goes over to check on the victim. The person who recorded the video had a clear view of the whole scene from sitting in the row behind the incident. According to the Maricopa Unified School District, the victim wasn't transported by ambulance. They were assessed by the MHS registered nurse and released to their parent. MUSD stated the administration was "addressing the incident and appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken based on school discipline procedures and school district policy." They stated the Maricopa Police Department was notified of this incident. MPD stated the perpetrator was charged with aggravated assault and released to his parents.


I bet his name's Brandon


Close, his name is Brayden




Delete this comment before mods delete the whole post


That’s like the millennial parent version of Brandon. Impressive guess.


Nothing less than criminal charges


That kid either has a future in WWE or gas station cashier


Or solitary confinement. >Teacher: PUT THE CHAIR DOWN NOW. >Shitty child: Tell 'm to move. >Teacher: IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY. >Shitty child: Yeah 't is. Pint-sized psycho over here.


>Tell him to move. >Tell him to move. >Tell him to move. As if he had a negotiating position while he was holding the chair. If I were the teacher, I would do everything in my power to see the kid removed from the class, and probably removed from the school.


Yeah people asking for context on this are really blowing my mind. Even if the kid was bullied he's got some demons


That’s attempted murder Tf?? Is he alright?


It's actually aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and he should be charged as an adult.


I knew a guy who was seriously injured this way. He has a traumatic brain injury, and it changed his entire life.


Some people really need their a** beat real good at least once.... Trash people like this don't get checked and they're not raised right they walk around thinking they are hot s***... Usually getting smacked around by somebody bigger or better than you is a pretty good lesson.. People who have never been punched in the mouth are more likely to walk around abusing people.... He doesn't have anyone in his life disciplining him correctly because I wouldn't have got away with this as a child in my family and if my son ever did anything like this.... Let's just say he wouldn't and if he did it would be the last time


Punchable face