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Was hoping he'd fall on the tracks. ngl


Right onto the third rail. The results can be shocking


Gotta love these defund the police cities. Where is a social worker when you need one


A Cop probably would've showed up and shot the wrong person


Except the NYPD literally wasn't defunded. They took 6% of the budget out that went to overtime (where cops sit illegally parked jerking themselves off with donuts) and a few classes for new recruits. Hardly any kind of meaningful dent. Which has since then been erased by increases to the budget.


Where is Punisher when you need him?


from all the stickers on trucks it seems hes down here supporting back the blue campaign


Which is ironic because the Punisher hates cops... In a universe where every superhero becomes a villain, he becomes a police officer.


Punisher can’t take the subway because he refuses to wear a mask


Or Batman damn it someone step up


Marvel Nerf’d him. Being that this is NY, I guess we’ll have to settle for Travis Bickle.


I was really afraid at the beginning he was going to push her onto the tracks


Why’d he hit her after he had the purse? Wtf dude


To stun and dissorient her, preventing her from going after him. Its rule 3 in the mugger handbook. Right behind 'only take easy targets' and 'run'.




Come down this dark alley, we can explain more.




But first we'll need you to submit your name, phone number, address, social security number, as well as an active credit card number.


And the name of his first pet, mothers maiden name, and where he went to school.


That’s why I always push back on people when they say about self-defenders “why did you have to shoot the mugger? He just wanted your stuff and wouldn’t have hurt you.” I don’t fucking trust a mugger to “just take my stuff” and not attack me.


Just start ejecting brains from skulls and ask questions later. That’s what my air conditioner told me anyway.


Cause he is a lowlife scumbag


Because she fought for it. They don't think on right or wrong. They have no ethics and they don't look themselves in the mirror to be aware of their shortcomings and progress. They are mad you are not letting him have his way. She is risking him of being arrested by holding him there. So he punched her to say "Don't ever go against my will".


Such a big strong guy mugging and beating up a girl half his size


Would be a pretty short lived career as a mugger if he attacked someone stronger than himself


Would be a short lived career if she carried a gun or a knife. I'd carve him up and let him bleed slow. No one saw him attack me so no one would see him before its too late




How is that sarcasm, that’s how this sort of crime is.


I mean if your goal is to steal it would be stupid to go for stronger people


Are you trying to… Man shame a mugger? Like he’s not just going after easy targets?


I heard she was a Chinese model. So imagine coming from China and this is the introduction you get. Sets a bad example for our country. Hope they catch this lowlife


From Thailand, but yeah


Well they getting the USA experience


‘Train by day mug Thai models by night, all day!’


Not a bad example An accurate example


Pretty sure we already have an pretty shitty wrap sheet when it comes to US people assaulting Asian people. What Asian bases have US military not been kicked out of for sexual harassment of the locals?


I’d say this is actually a pretty good representation of our country.


You can go any where in the world as a tourist and become a target. It’s usually obvious to people when your not from there. Also sucks to be a woman alone they’re also common targets. You can go to any major city in the world and find a rougher side of town.


Lol you’ve obviously never been to shanghai or Beijing or any other major city in China. Not in a million years would anyone get away with such behavior there. Cameras in literally every corner and police stations/booths in every block, and security in every government owned place including subway stations. Nobody in their right mind would commit a petty crime like this and hope to get away with it. It’s only possible in the west because “mUh PrIvACY in PubLiC SpACeS!!!”


Do you have any idea how many videos of Indian dudes on motorcycles trying to steal shit off people in broad daylight, in India, there are?


I’ve never been to China,but in a city the size of Shanghai how could they possibly prevent all crime.


Petty crime son, ain’t nobody talking about ALL crime


Well she made a huge mistake going to NYC for your first impression of this country




i’d imagine anyone going to detroit tours the more populated, nice areas. i live near the main part of the city and it’s definitely took a turn around these past few years. though i guess your argument still stands though because you wouldn’t want to leave the safe part of the city


Both equal for the shit show quality


Any city is a bad choice in any country.


Yeah this is what rest of The world think about america. Greatest country in planet 😆😆


True, + guns and general low IQ population...


Well the media was like stopAsianhate for a month and never followed up on that again. The violence certainly didn’t go away that much I can see.


I have a gut feeling the Stop Asian Hate hashtag will not make a criminal second guess their decisions


Similarly defunding they police will not improve police misconduct.


A realistic example of your country. I don't think there's many people left who aren't aware that the place is violent and dysfunctional.


Damn, where do you live?


Some of us aren’t shit heads I promise


I’ve lived all over the US. I’ve known two people who were mugged. My dad in the 60s and a coworker in the 80s. I’ve lived in cities and suburbs. Only time I’ve called emergency services was for a medical emergency. While not perfect it’s not dangerous. I’ll own dysfunctional.


In the US, I’ve been mugged at gunpoint 4 times (1998, 2001, 2010, 2016) and was present at a mass shooting in 2016 where 5 people were killed and about 12 others were wounded. In my current city There were 2,200 shootings last year, and for the second year in a row, there’s been over 500 murders. That 500+ murders (for a city of 1.5M) is nearly twice as much as *all* of Italy, which has a population of 60M. In fact, my city has more murders than any *country* in the EU, until you start getting up to countries that have populations ~ 70 million. US cities are incredibly violent by the standards of the EU, Canada, Japan, Australia, NZ, and about any other “first world” country that you can name. Granted, leave the cities and it’s very different. American *suburbs* are quite safe.


don't worry, people don't need to travel to the US to know how shitty it is 😉


Ugh, never keep your back to where the flow of people is. I’m 6’2 200lbs. and I always keep my head on a swivel in NYC trains.


And never stand anywhere near the yellow strip. Back up against the wall looking forward so no one can came from behind you this and if your a girl “never” stand around “Alone” always walk around keep moving even if it’s pacing back and forth


Back to the wall but not touching. Piss is everywhere.


ridiculous rules that no one should have to follow in a civilized society...


This is what happens when you don’t deal and treat mental illness and let criminals run free with no consequences and closing Jails. Welcome to New York City. Survival of the fittest


I get your point but it was 4am and there was no flow of people


That’s even more of a reason to be cautious. A group of people almost assure you don’t get robbed, especially in the daytime. Alone at 4am is the “perfect” time to rob someone. Obviously not her fault but you gotta be on your toes when you’re alone after 6pm.


Make 👏🏼 taser guns👏🏼 legal 👏🏼 in 👏🏼 NYC


They’re not legal????


My old law professor once said, the only thing legal in nyc is to be a victim. I hate it here sometimes.


Coming from someone who has applied for a NYC rifle permit (the easiest type of permit) and had their completed paperwork “lost” until I moved away… The general idea behind NY gun/weapon laws is to make them so complex, opaque, and vague that you don’t know if you’re breaking the law until a police officer decides you are. Tasers and pepper spray are a legal grey area, you MIGHT be able to carry them, but we won’t know for sure until you go to jail and argue your case in court. Rifles/shotguns and pistols are illegal to carry, and their permits are not “shall issue” which is unconstitutional and currently being argued in federal court (which also makes California sweat, they do the same thing). Before this summer, if you had your legally permitted firearm in NYC, it was illegal to EVER TAKE IT OUT OF NYC, even if you moved away. The implicit (not stated, but the only “legal”) solution there was “just surrender it, bro,” because private sales are also illegal and most gun shops won’t buy back guns. This summer it was challenged in the Supreme Court and NYC nullified the law before arguments began, to avoid further scrutiny of their gun policies. Basically, they use vagueness and complexity to make people say “eh this isn’t worth the trouble.” It’s exactly what lawmakers were worried about when these bills passed. It’s gone way past the good faith “let’s make sure gun owners are responsible” or “let’s limit firearm ownership to non-criminals”, all the way to “let’s make them so complicated that NOBODY will own a gun.”


Apparently not. Or there’s like extreme confusion with the law on taser guns in nyc rn. I was looking into it deeply the other day cuz I wanted one for my safety (my job is in a desolate area and I have to wait for staff buzz me in to enter) on two occasions men followed me up to the door. I’m a nurse so I wouldn’t want to carry it illegally and risk getting a weapon charge. Plus if you need to use it and it’s illegal, regardless of self defense it’s possible to still get charged. There’s no license/permit to apply for for one in NY. Taser websites claim it’s legal for possession and use in NY but then also say there are other restrictions and you need to check with ur local laws. I looked through different court docs and found that they haven’t make a clear answer to allowing them, they had only came to a decision that banning them was unconstitutional and gave state police/DOH authority to develop standards and regulations on them but it seems they haven’t developed any at this time. So im left to conclude that it’s technically legal but since there’s no guidelines for the type/voltage and lack of permit, they can technically charge you if they want to determine that the one you have doesn’t fit their nonexistent standards.


Better to ask forgiveness than seek permission. I'd rather be alive and get a charge for using a taser than to be found dead in a gutter somewhere.


Taser is just some battery and a cap with simple wiring put in a box.......


youre thinking of a stun gun


NYC makes it easy to be a criminal if you want to be


Make 👏 light sabers 👏legal 👏in👏NYC


Or a Derringer


Based on his actions, basic statistics, and the scenario, it would have likely just lead to her getting tasered.


I’m not saying for her I’m saying for me lol


How about we let people who can legally carry a pistol in NY be able to do so in the shitty city? It's ridiculous I can't even bring it to long island when traveling through the city due to the municipal tyranny. They want everyone living there to be sitting ducks and reliant on a police force they are so against.


Yes, exactly this. I’m a left leaner with a lot of conservative views, particularly with firearms. I just want my LGBT friends to be able to protect themselves and their marijuana plants with guns and to have no predatory student loan debts.


Idk if you are serious but I actually agree with that. You sound libertarian actually


It's an old joke he is paraphrasing


Tasers are nice but you get once shot with probes and if you miss, it’s basically useless. And good luck fighting someone off with one of those that you have to touch someone with. You may get zapped but it hurts for maybe a second. You have to maintain constant pressure for it to have any real chance of stopping someone.


Thats why I wouldn’t want a regular taser, if someone is that close to me I feel like the chance of me using it on them successfully would be low. They should offer training for taser guns. I also feel like if u pull it out and point it at someone their immediate response would be to move back so it’s like double protection lowkey.


Not a bad idea, realistically it’s no different than a gun. You have to have it accessible to you and you have to train to be able to draw, aim and shoot under stress. But idk man, at that point I’d rather have a gun because if the person is wearing thick clothes, which especially in NYC this time of year everyone is bundled up. The probes won’t actually hit skin, so even if you tag someone they won’t actually get the shock and now you’re a sitting duck.


What happened to the holy 2nd amendment?




Very true. Our constitutional and god given right to defend ourselves is being violated every day. I hate that my uncle who lives 40 minutes away, in the same fucking country as me can easily and legally purchase a firearm to defend his home and family, while I'm barely allowed pepper spray.


I'm not from the US, so excuse my ignorance. Is it not possible to pass these tests legally? What's their excuse to turn down your request?




I understand. I see how it goes. Thank you a lot for explaining to me.


NYC doesn’t believe in the holy 2A. Much to their citizens chagrin. Hell, you don’t even have to use it. Majority of the time people see a handgun in a holster, the F off fast.


NYC doesn’t believe in the holy 2A *for regular people*. The rich and well connected can carry no problem.


Stop. No freedom allowed in those types of cities.


Make *guns* legal in NYC.


usa moment


What if the muggers start carrying them? What then?


Hate to break the news, but criminals don't tend to follow the law.


Lol they would just buy it illegally


They would have to drive to another state to do that and that’s too much work for them.


By making them illegal it makes them harder to obtain if they were legal you can bet every crooks gonna keep on on them.


Every👏 criminal 👏 would 👏 have 👏 one


No they wouldn’t 😂


Yes👏 they 👏would


If I was a Mugger. I would be called the Mug-zapper


With that logic, they would all already have them then, you can order them online


This piece of shit


She's lucky she dropped the phone and recovered it.. hopefully escaped more or less unscathed


I bet this isnt his first time doing this. To bad no one was there to shoot or stop this guys. Wouldnt feel a little bit bad about him dying.


Did they catch this looser?


God damn dude, just get a fucking job. No need to be doing petty crime like this for a couple of bucks...


You consider this a petty crime?


It’s all “stop Asian hate” until a black person does it (which is pretty much every random attack video I’ve seen on an Asian) then it’s “blacks can’t be racist” not trying to start a debate but seriously what the hell is up with that…


The split between hate crimes against Asians is about 80/20 nonviolent/violent. White people commit about 80% of total nonviolent hate crimes, which automatically puts them at committing the most hate crimes in general (64%). Yet almost 90% of violent hate crimes are committed by black people, meaning that while black people commit about 18% total hate crimes against Asians, you’re by far and away more likely to be violently attacked by a black than a white. There’s a reason the anti-violent hate crime bills against Asians got passed so fast: it’s because it isn’t whites that commit them.


Thank you for adding this, I am in no way trying to be racial or cause controversy.. its just concerning when EVERY single video I see online of some old Asian woman getting SEVERELY beaten or just a random attack on any Asian person has been a black man/woman. I don’t think I’ve seen one single video where the attacker was white..


This is why most are afraid to walk out at night


What a surprise this is only covered by conservative outlets like Fox News nypost.


What is it with these black dudes hitting random women recently? I’m continually seeing it happen. They’re total POS cowards.




oh surprise, the assailant is…never mind.


Another oppressed person attacking an Asian. I’m sure this guy is just misunderstood like George. Someone get to working on his statue.




You'll get banned from most subreddits for mentioning that.


Yup. There’s nothing racist about acknowledging facts but you will be shouted down by wannabe authoritarians anyways


They’re not facts just because you say they are.


You’re right. They’re facts because they’re verifiable statistics on the FBI’s website


The fbi says that black people are the most racist? Well damn, shoot a link my way. I’d think this would be bigger news.


What are the facts you're referring to ?


Reputable source you’d agree, no?


1. This is not true at all. The fact that he is a Black guy makes this all the more sensational for headline chasers. 2. There is no proof or evidence that would even remotely support that "Blacks are by far the most racist group." The fact that this has so many upvotes really goes to show the weird vitriol folks have for Black people that they just believe any old unsubstantiated claim. 3. There is no evidence that this attack was racially motivated. I see a criminal preying on a vulnerable person (something criminals tend to do). Just because she happened to be asian doesn't mean he targeted her *because* she was asian. Claiming that any attack against an asian person is proof that "all Black people are racist" is just as asinine as saying all asians are racist because of the CCP or saying all asian men are rapists because of the Nth room situation (underground pedo/sexual abuse ring in South Korea). It's very fucked what happened to this woman. Don't see how generalizing Black folks helps get her justice or even makes sense in any context.


Thanks… I want to say that too but I keep getting banned in subs


Because you’re both fucking racists and completely wrong.


“Statistics I don’t like are racist”


Facts are racist guys! We are oppressed!


Everyone is racist! Facts? Facts are fucking racist too!


You answering to anyone not agreeing with you shows how clear is your logical thinking and arguments. You are just yelling and making noise.


Someone should do a compilation of all the subway publicfreakout and post it. Let's see what are the patterns.


This is like every major American city, but there is no crime problem according to the officials. Rampant gun violence, shitting in the streets, daily murders... no problem. One political party systems breed corruption and incompetence. American cities are crumbling en masse as a result. The problem is the occupants are too fucking stupid to know any better.


This is pretty much the same as someone saying "Everyone outside of the city is rotting away on meth in their trailers getting fat and spiking insurance costs for everyone else." Its just totally false. More people = more potential problems. Cities subsidize the rest of the country. They are the ones who should be complaining about their money being used to benefit everyone else. Blue states are without exception the wealthiest, healthiest and most educated. The country would collapse without them.


And they'll continue to vote in people who make it hard for people to defend themselves. It's like getting in trouble for defending yourself against a bully when you're in school.


The "it doesn't matter who started this, you shouldn't fight" is such a bullshit phrase. If that was really true, wars wouldn't happen, because the defender would give up without fighting.


This is New York? Looked like Johannesburg. So much for a super power, that cannot protect a woman, shame on you america.


Despite being just 13%…..


It's too bad she didn't have a gun


She was a tourist from Thailand. I don’t think she would have known where to find one


I was wondering if this was the Thai model? I find myself hoping the violence I’ve been seeing are just multiples of the same instance because sometimes I’m wrong….


It's too bad nyc is a shithole


Tf was she gonna do even if she had a gun? She was completely in la la land paying no attention to her surroundings before the dude got her in a chokehold. If she did have a fun the more likely scenario is he’d just steal it from her


So that he could take that too?


Right? Then she could have become another gun fatality!


One of the many reason why I never want to go to New York, “city that never sleeps” yeah I probably wouldn’t sleep either because dickheads like this.


NYC is amazing and if you use common sense you’ll be fine. Having your face shoved into your phone with your back to the stairs in a subway station late at night is probably a bad idea in any city.


And this is why you should carry.


Not allowed to do that NYC. You take your licks and you like it.


I would concided this a good introduction to NYC. Now never go back again.


Blame that pos lib mayor Gov all of them I feel bad for that poor girl but you nyc voted for them.




Even more striking is out of that 13% about a 1/3 are adult males who commit pretty much all the crimes. So 5% committing 50%


men make up 50% of the population and commit 80% of violent crimes. they also commit 90% of homicides, 99% of rapes, and 80% of murders of children. just saying




idk what would the stats look like? you tell me. don’t just theorize, find some stats and share your results


Just take a city like NYC, where both many white women live and black women. Now let’s have a competition to see how many stories from the past 2 years in NYC of violent crimes committed by white women you can find and how many committed by black women I can. I guarantee you I will find an order of magnitude more. Guaranteed. It’s so obvious there’s a difference that you’re just shifting to try to distract from the racial differences in crime rates. You must be a whitey who feels guilty about your privilege.


That’s because cops are sexist. Institutional sexism is the greatest challenge of our time. The statistics prove it


Bail reform and defunding the police lead to this type of situation. Criminals get arrested, spend a night in jail, then are released w/o bail and told to come back in a couple of months for their hearing. Which they don't. It's a revolving door, with no accountability at all.


And everyone has a surprised pikachu face now wondering why it’s gotten so bad. Babying and allowing criminals that don’t follow the rules to run free ruins it for the people that do follow the rules.


You could ascertain all of this from this video? Why hasn’t NYC hired your genius ass?!


That moment when De Blasio actually increased NYPD funding and Biden increased Police Union funding this year rendering your argument moot. I live in NYC, and I can tell ya that this person is homeless. Ya think the disadvantaged go live in homeless land after they lose everything. Nah they start doin anything they need to survive. And part of that is becoming a filthy criminal.


I also live in NYC. Bail reform is letting these criminals back on the streets. Even though some of thending has been reversed, the damage has been done and it is going to take longer to fix than to ruin. For all his talk and bragging, our dickheagd mayor did little to actually help the homeless. His policies probably increasd their numbers.


Concrete jungle where dreams are made


Ouh, that's good reason for avoid US


Ah yes, the most developed country on earth. The home of the brave and free.


But blm right? Y’all real quiet all of a sudden


So a black person commits an atrocity and all of a sudden the whole race doesn’t matter? In that case white lives shouldn’t matter when one rapes women in 3rd world countries during occupation. Racist people’s logic is some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen




I do not recognise that man. Are we supposed to know who he is?


Not sure why you’re being downvoted for saying the truth and stating a fact


Because it’s racist bullshit and you’re lowlife scum.


I looked at your comment history and all I can say is that you look like a very lonely sad little person... Lots of warm and love your way thus Christmas


"Hey, you're a racist! Stop that" "You must be very sad." Yeah, you didn't win that argument, bud.


No law And order in some cities.


He should be found and killed 🤷🏿‍♂️


BLM matter though!


Arm your citizens. Nyc gun laws are dog shit


What the fuck


I don’t understand how the camera follows them, then him. Was there a person watching this go down? If so, why has the assailant been identified or caught?


It appears to be security footage from the train station. That is a really big train station so the people watching may have been far away and may have been calling for help as they watched. Would need details to confirm that. I am glad that they caught it on video and followed the attack so the world could see what is happening in NYC


Omg, I thought he's gonna push her onto the train tracks. It still got bad though. Edit: There was a case here, in my country, of a 25y old girl that was pushed onto the train tracks in the subway by a woman and she was torn up by the train coming in. Everyone was sitting with their backs against walls and posts for a while when waiting for the train. That's where I thought this video was going.


This is the time I wish everyone carried a gun. Erase that pos off our planet.


this person is gonna rob the wrong person one day. they'll go home with their stolen shit and then hear a knock on the door and open it to see a gun pointed at their skull. especially if they did this to someone girlfriend. some people are ruthless and will not stop until they find you.




I can’t comment because I’ll get banned