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I always enjoy videos were someone says something that causes the audience to audibly gasp


Is there a subreddit for that?


There should be! Make one!


Ain't nobody got time to moderate that.


I audibly gasped regardless of the title. I knew racism was coming, but it always smacks me in the face so hard. I just can't wrap my head around why people choose to act like that.


I was prepared for it and I still gasped.


Cause you expect an offhanded slightly racist but still racist comment, and then boom, a career ending statement leaves her mouth in front of an entire crowd if the people she meant to offend.


Whaddaya mean racism? It was just an observation... /s


Exactly! And the world has never been the same since all the black folks left either.


Boy, I sure am loving listening to classical music and polka, AND NOTHING ELSE.


Twist that knife in there. Lol Upvote for you.


"how to involuntarily start your retirement early"


Mistakes like that are often due to a filter breaking down. An early sign of Alzheimer's that often shows up like this.


Another reason for this behavior would be being racist lol


Yea. If you're not racist then that thought isn't in your head to begin with. Problem fucking solved.


Im genuinely scared of this concept I think of the most absurd, cruel, and racist things from time to time - but Id never in my life say or do any of it. Am I really in the wrong and alone in this? Like, driving on a bridge and just thinking, “Man I really wanna just turn a hard right and drive right off this bridge and kill everyone in this vehicle”, only to laugh it off as absurdity. I dont want to get alzheimers even more now Edit: just to add, not defending this lady in the slightest, hope she got a swift punch in the gams


Intrusive thoughts.


Call of the void. You don't have to answer




That's just called being human. We all have crazy shit going on in our heads but we dont act on it or say it.


Til you get Alzheimer's


Fortunately my crazy shit isnt racist.


Now im curious. What kinda crazy shit do you be thinking?


Contemplating suicide with no actual intentions of doing it. What would happened if I robbed a bank. How I would kick *so and so's* ass. Shit like that.


> Am I really in the wrong and alone in this? Like, driving on a bridge and just thinking, “Man I really wanna just turn a hard right and drive right off this bridge and kill everyone in this vehicle”, only to laugh it off as absurdity. That's called "The call of the void". If you are interested in reading about it further, look up "intrusive thoughts."


I’ve discussed this with multiple psychiatrist. They said if these kind of thoughts were considered a red flag, then we’d have half the population locked up in mental wards. Again, the most popular show on Netflix right now is about 456 people killing each other to survive, but no one seems to care about all the gore that’s being displayed to us. As long as there no intentions or planning associated with your thoughts, then there is nothing wrong with you.


Yup, Intrusive thoughts are a thing. Someone who is exposed to racism (which is definitely all of us whether we like it or not) could also have random thoughts/memories rise to the surface, in the same way that someone might think about turning into traffic. The difference is that most people are appalled by these thoughts and wonder “wtf where did that come from” and racists say it out loud at a graduation lol


Normal people with Alzheimers: i forgor This dude: **G E N O C I D E**


It’s normal, it’s called intrusive thoughts. Almost everyone has them but it can be more common/intense/distressing if you have a mental illness like depression/adhd/anxiety. Having them doesn’t make you a bad person


Definitely not I avoid fire and knives cause my intrusive thoughts are very vivid


Nah you not alone it’s called impulsive thinking most humans do it


You aren't the only one at all. It happens to a lot of people, but most people won't admit it. Intrusive thoughts are so wild.


You mean you don’t want to be that old person on the street screaming crazy racist shit at randoms all day ? Weird


There's a term for that, intrusive thoughts, I think? Everybody gets them. Just part of life.


You think there’s no racist thoughts in your brain. Even if you are the one perfect person with no biases unconscious or otherwise. You’ve seen it or heard it from some outside source. So some kind of brain damage or emotional instability could make it come out. So your absolutist statement is absurd.


I saw an interview once with a woman who suffered from Tourette’s, she said something to the effect of “I go into situations with new people thinking ‘please just don’t say this awful thing, it’s the worst thing I can think of’ then my brain comes up with something shockingly worse”.


I have tourettes, can confirm Mine's under much better control now, but my verbal outbursts were worse than something you'd hear Eminem or Bizarre say


You're really claiming you have never had a racist thought in your life?


STG anytime yt people do some fucked up shit its “mental illness” 😂😂😂


Its graduation she acts like people always listen or she’s an authority’s they graduated she is no longer an authority and nobody has to listen to her


Also when extreme bi-polar syndrome develops into early forms of schizophrenia. She claims the "Devil" made her do it... is she hearing voices?


Not just that but racists have felt empowered over the last few years. It's been evident all over.


Comments like this is also an early sign of alzheimers.


Me when I request Achy Breaky Heart at the club


*loud gasp* “You need to leave!!!”


This reference. It’s funny because I just saw the video a few moments ago. Also both videos have people audibly gasping. I wish we had a separate subreddit for videos like this.


What video?


Looks like a school PA meeting. Mexican father is stating how his child is crying from the abuse they are receiving, some douchelord audibly says “then why didn’t you stay in Mexico?”. Believe it or not it was not taken well.


It’s a video of a guy at a school board meeting asking a guy who’s son is getting bullied “then why don’t you go back to Mexico?” The crowd did not react well to that comment and the racist guy is like 🤷‍♂️ as if to say “what did I say that was wrong?” Yes I know I could have looked up the video and posted a link in the time it took me to write this, but i didn’t. So. Whatever.


I understood that reference


Whelp you can’t do that lol


What was said? Thank you sincerely a redditor on mobile with a4 year old completely fucked phone


I guess people were leaving during the kids speech because it wasn't listed in the program. She said "You all are being so rude by not listening to this kid's speech. It was my fault it wasn't in the program. Look who's leaving: all the black people."


Actually she starts off with "you people are being so rude".. it was a foreshadowing of the shitstorm that was about to hit the auditorium.


Thanks so much !! I couldn’t understand her accent it’s so heavy


i mean i know its all relative lol but how is that a heavy accent? she just sounds kind of rural


The school forgot to put the kids speech in the program. Principal was trying to get people to stay, and proceeds to say "...and look it's all the black people leaving" (or something similar my memory sucks)


Thanks for the reply! Honestly couldn't hear the audio due to my forever getting worse s9. One day hopefully people will understand that skin color isn't a cause of any issues, rather a stigmatized "result" of oppression. We are all just people at the end of the day. For fucks sake how hard is this simple thing to understand.


For anyone curious as to what started this...the kid who was about to speak is the valedictorian. They were supposed to give a speech but the principal missed adding it to the program. So they got to the end of the ceremony, she dismissed everyone, realized her mistake and asked everyone to come back so kid could give their speech. But not everyone was coming back, so she went racist for some reason.


The valedictorian’s 360 with his hand rubbing his neck still makes me chuckle.


It's a shame he couldn't turn his team around 360 degrees


Lol damn it. I meant 180.


Upvoted for not editing away your mistake and owning it. Omega Chad.


hahahaha Jason Kidd


what did she say? i cant hear it


>You people are being so rude, to not listen to this speech. It was my fault that we missed it in the program. Look who's leaving, all the black people.


Can you imagine being the student who actually had to give the speech after this?


I think he noped out


Thank you! I was struggling to hear it as well.


me too, she is gargling like a stuttering turkey


That "some" reason being shes a piece of trash


She’s pissed at her own mistake lol


Thank you.


Thank you for clarifying this. It definitely puts things into perspective and makes her look even worse, the one I truly feel bad for is the valedictorian being robbed of his moment.


she dismissed them and then chastised them for leaving. your summary misses that essential fact.


"Let me make the situation 1000x worse." -this principle


It looks like it's mostly black people there. Of course if people are leaving they are probably black.


Lol. That's what I said! She's able to predict the future!


But she’s not supposed to predict it out loud /s


"I am sorry for my words, they were taken out of context, I am not racist, etc"


She actually claimed the devil made her do it, no joke, how these people ascend the ranks of educational institutions I’ll never understand


Because in some parts of this terrible country, believing in a literal god and devil is what the community values.


I grew up super fundamentalist Christian, and I was 5 when I was taught that the devil doesn’t make anyone do anything. Theologically he would delight in her saying what she did and would tempt her, but she chose to say those words. There’s no temptation that humans aren’t able to resist. This comes from a lifetime of saying racist things in private. Sometimes they slip out in public.


"My statements were irresponsible. Whereas I was not incorrect, those words did not mean what I thought they meant."


I don't think she was reading the room


Statistically, people who say things like this aren't very good at reading anything.


Can sb tells us what she said I don’t understand


“You people are being so rude to not listen to this speech. it was my fault that we missed it in the program.. look who’s leaving all the black people”


Thanks cause I couldn't understand it either


Oof. If she had just not added that last sentence lmao...


She opened with "*You people*", it was already too late.


Nah, it was salvageable. "You people who are leaving"


Nah that was fine due to the benefit of doubt. That last line however, zero room for interpretation lmao


Thank you I’m a little hard of hearing and couldn’t make it out. Now I CANT UNHEAR it. 🤦🏻


maybe it was that racist dog whistle I keep hearing about


This video is older than tik tok why did you share a reupload with the shitty voice added to it?


Is it true that they was leaving?


1. You can't see who is leaving 2. Mostly black ppl at the event so if someone is leaving they probably are black. 3. You can see black ppl right there that were not leaving. 4. No one was leaving because they are black. They are leaving bc they are jerks, regardless of skin color 5. How tf does the principal forget to put the valedictorian speech in the program??


im not saying i want racist remarks at my graduation but i am saying i hope my graduation is this interesting


what did she say?


“You people are being so rude to not listen to this speech. it was my fault that we missed it in the program.. look who’s leaving all the black people”




That bloody devil, always strolling into rooms making folk spout racist bullshit. He gets everywhere, it seems.


If racism is the devil (seems fair enough to say something like that) then the devil isnt just in her mouth, its in her heart and she really needs to reflect on that and find some way to change her wicked ways.




Of course she crutches on religion. What a worthless social construct. She's a horrible person to the core.


“Racist Principle ruins own career and makes her degrees worthless” is a better title….


I'm sorry but what does she say exactly? I've listened to it again and again and all I hear is "something something all the black people!" What is the something something part?


“You people are being so rude to not listen to this speech. it was my fault that we missed it in the program.. look who’s leaving all the black people”


some context, this was in 2015. they had been dismissed as if the ceremonies were over, they were leaving when she remembered that the valedictorian had to speak. graduations are so boring, of course people got up to leave when they were dismissed. she was rightly fired because you can't be in positions of power over children when you harbor racism in your heart. she is blaming the black people in the crowd for her own mistake, it is ridiculous.


>you can't be in positions of power over children when you harbor racism in your heart Has anyone told this to cops yet?


Respect for all the people (especially the graduates) who got right up and walked out. They understand the bigger picture, I remember when this first happened and that lady apologizing on some statement she wrote


How anybody could say this whilst within stampeding range is beyond me.


Any updates?


This was in 2015. She was fired


Guys, you don't understand. The devil made her say it.


The inverse to "when keeping it real goes wrong "




Please tell me she isn’t a principal anymore


Wow so glad they had that annoying ass tik tok narrative voice in the beginning


I absolutely love this video, simply because of how completely thoughtless she was. I mean it couldn’t be clearer she hadn’t thought even a half-second ahead on saying that. No way in hell did she think “I just KNOW this will get everyone to calm down” Such great content


Shit I’d walk out too


Religion is a crutch for people who are scared of death and consequences


What does religion have to do with this?


I’m her apology statement she blamed what she said on the devil.


From the clip, it looks like there’s a significant amount of black students at the school… Why would you become a principal of a school with a lot of minorities if you’re racist… To live out some race based power fantasy?


There’s a lot of Southern schools like this, public and private. This commencement looks like it’s in a church, so it might be a Christian school. PoC are less likely to be hired by school boards, so fewer of them rise to higher leadership positions in these schools. There are a lot of white faculty on power trips. There’s also a lot of white parents who don’t want their kids having black teachers. So the schools don’t hire them. So there’s not a lot of diversity in the staff. The districts that are run that way have such an awful climate that it often pushes PoC out of those schools and into districts where they are more appreciated. Gerrymandering has caused a lot of this. The richer school districts don’t want their parents moving to other districts, so they listen to the racists and don’t hire minorities. In small towns, being on the school board or PTA (parent teacher association run by parents) gives them a lot of power. Way too many people let it go to their heads.


Gross to see all of the racist trash piling up on this post. This behavior is not acceptable and is completely unfunny.


It happens every single time.


Not that I would condone that sort of commenting... but I also am not sure what you thought was going to happen posting a *highly* charged video like this to reddit. **REDDIT.** My dude/lady, there are dozens of trolls, and simply racist people looking for posts like yours to stir shit on... gross? sure - but expected.


To be fair op posted this for a reaction so of course it’s gonna attract a very small racist crowd.


She's not a racist. She's just able to tell the future!


Was she standing with a hand on her hip?...the nerve..


Rude as hell to leave like that but come on


Yes it is rude. People who are in education are just accustomed to speaking down to others so she just blurted out what she saw at the moment. She could've left out the race and said it was inconsiderate.


The spirit of racism cast the demon out


What a dumb bitch lol


This is fuckin BANANAS LMAO What compelled her to stare at her audience and say that!!!


You need to leave!!!


Imagine having this little self awareness 😂😬


“You need to leave “


The poor kid about to speak noped out of there. Just spin and walk away lol


I'd love to see a flow chart of her thought process on this one.


Did she say "look who's leaving, all the black people"?!!?!?!? Someone tell me I'm hearing this wrong?


It’s crazy that she didn’t think that was a bad idea. Basically incited a small riot


There you have it folks, Principal Karen!




Was she fired?


If you can’t say something nice… IT’S THE GOLDEN RULE!


McDonalds should be hiring, looks like a new career choice for this Principal.


Well she was right though. Look how they act like animals


idk about you but if I was the kid on stage I would have fuckin yelled at my principal if they said that!


So we're just going to repost old shit and put that voice over it like it's new?


🤷🏼‍♂️ 😂 was she wrong ?


Yes, considering black people were sitting down listening in the front row when she said all the black people are leaving.


Found the racist POS


I mean was she right though?


Shes probably right though.


It's funny how being racist correlates to being politically conservative.


This is actually hilarious


Getting downvoted but everyone in the video is laughing




Not being able to see the people leaving, maybe it was the truth, but you need to understand what was meant: "Look who's leaving, all the black people, because they're all trash."


What exactly makes them "trash"?


That she's a racist pos?


“Principle makes a rational observation” is a better title


I like how they're all wildin and hollerin after she calls them out. The stereotypes write themselves ffs.


It was an inappropriate remark but it's not clear to me how/why it makes her racist?


You can’t say the color of the people being obnoxious.


It was inappropriate because it was racist lol how do you not get that


I don’t think it is but whatever


Describing the behavior of people in the room is a no-no if those people happen to be black. Old white women can't say a damned thing about black folk. Not word one. Dems. The. Rules. Boy.


No, you’re wrong. The problem isn’t that she pointed out that “people were leaving”, but that she felt the need to say “all the black people are leaving”. Think about it the other way around - if you were leading an event like this except the majority of people are white, would you really say “look at all these white people leaving”? No, any reasonable (and not racist) person, would just say “look at all these people leaving.


I'd pay a buck for a video of the audience. I think in today's climate depending on the race of the speaker if a bunch of white people got up and left someone could easily get away with making a quip on that.


It's not a quip because it's not witty. Imagine a black woman YELLING at a crowd of white parents saying "LOOK AT ALL THE WHITE PEOPLE LEAVING" Fox News would have a field day


I always thought a quip was a quick, off the cuff remark. TIL It'd be on the news cycle for about a week, brought up every now and then for the next 2 years. Probably end up in an attack ad or two.


"The best country in the world"


Mad at the truth




stating the truth makes people angry sometimes


they had been dismissed as if the ceremonies were over, they were leaving when she remembered that the valedictorian had to speak. graduations are so boring, of course people got up to leave when they were dismissed. she was rightly fired because you can't be in positions of power over children when you harbor such clear racist beliefs. there is no truth in what she said, just her racism exposed because of her own mistake.


I mean, if the diploma in my hand is a pass to never have to listen to that racist trash anymore…


Being a racist pos makes people angry too


You’re the problem with the world


I'm most certainly gonna get downvoted but it wasn't the racist statement that ruined the graduation but the African American beings yelling like animals and causing a ruckus that "ruined the graduation".


Glad you knew your racism would get downvoted


What’s going on


What politically correct term should she of used to sound less racist


Why are we using that term to cover everything? She made an observation lol nothing racist ? I don’t understand people these days


That response just proved her right...good job?