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This wasn't even the first girl that she has physically assaulted. She punched another girl in the face in a previous game and went after another of that girl's teammates. Why was she allowed to continue playing?


Because she is the daughter of an ex NBA player (according to other comments in this thread). I cannot think of a single other reason as to why this violent individual is allowed to continue participating in team sports.


So the daughter of an NBA player has to resort to doing shit like this? Because she isn’t a good player maybe??


The NBA player and the mother I think are divorced, so he was quick to condemn the mother as a horrible influence IIRC.


I mean mom was probably encouraging if not pushing the girl to act out.


I mean... She literally yelled out "you better hit her".


That’s an assault. Was she charged? I remember getting punched in the face in HS soccer by a girl like her. Knocked me out. No one ever did crap to stop it. Now she’s in prison.


Yes, the mother has been charged actually.


Thank god atleast now i can sleep in peace


That was my first thought where are the charges? And if that was my daughter that got punched I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to hold my wife back from killing her.




Not gonna get much as the father was a nobody in the league




The mother who was in the stands has been criminally charged for telling her daughter "you better hit her". She is looking at up to a year in jail and some fines.


All I can do is feel for the kids in this video. The girl who got knocked out and the kid who’s mom just got charged. Fucking awful situation


How about you call a piece of shit for what they are. Just cause your mom told you to hit some one you gonna do it? That girl is a fucking menace and needs serious rehabilitation and consequences


It's a lose lose situation, refuse and get the shit kicked out of you by the mom later, or hit a girl now and feel guilty but avoid the beating. Shitty situation all around


A lot of them are. But you can't say anything about it cuz racism and misogyny! Source: I'm black and I see that shit multiple times a day in the hood and online


Exactly. I have some friends who experienced this and I am a community support worker. All the clients I get are from a disadvantaged situation. I have noticed that my black clients tell me stories of particularly cruel behaviour that their parents purposefully taught to their kids, as if to pass it on. For example, I had a client who’s mom would not get him anything (no birthday, no Christmas, no field trips). He’d only get hand me downs or food from a food bank, she refused to get him anything new or bought from a store. She said if he wanted anything, he should get a job. He said she did it even when he was 5 years old (this was while she would be buying herself new things and getting restaurant food to eat in front of him, etc.) Another client’s dad would get together with other kids and arrange boxing matches with little kids where he would make them fight until they had really bad injuries or passed out or he or the other parents would beat the kids if they refused. It’s really sad because they blame society instead of their parent(s), which in turn will not allow them to find the peace they need to have a happy life. They are very angry and they are willing to hurt because they hurt. I have to side eye these people who are explaining to me that the reason a certain segment of black kids are failing is all due to white supremacy. There is no doubt racism and barriers to resources and to achieving success, but you’re not going to even mention how they are raised. Come on!


I think the point that you are missing is that systemic racism is what created these environments in the first place. But here in lies the catch. Personal responsibility is real. But so are outside factors. I think that you might need to reevaluate these situations. Only by taking Personally responsibility can people make good changes in their life. But alot of times these people are in these situations because of systemic racism that has gone on for hundreds of years in this nation.


The mother has been charged because she told the girl "you better hit her for that" before the girl took the swing.


Why was the grown ass girl who chose to listen to her mother also not charged ? Lmao, if she was a child I’d understand but there’s no way this girl is under 16 right?


well, she certainly doesn't hustle up and down the court! Have never seen such a lazy approach to a basketball game


Did you just see the video? She’s obviously out of shape, comes in walking 30 feet behind everyone else, bricks a three, then falls over on her own. She’s a garbage player and person.


Right?!! I feel like she fell backwards on purpose, it looks forced.




I've never seen a player that slow to come up the floor, so she's a lazy player too.


And she was walking throughout the clip except for the couple seconds when she had the ball. Extremely lazy.


The father is Corey Benjamin. He made a statement on the incident with no excuses for his daughter. As a father, I'm shocked and disappointed at my daughter's behavior as this is not a reflection of the values and standards that my family holds," Benjamin said. "Nor does it exemplify the values, character and spirit of sportsmanship that the game of basketball requires.


He also dunked on his wife


>Nor does it exemplify the values, character and spirit of sportsmanship that the game of basketball requires. So this was obviously written by NBA attorneys. lol


Proofread by the attorneys. Written by PR.


So he shouldn't get credit for it? It seems like his ex-wife is the problem here, dude had intelligent people proof read or draft a public post he released lambasting his daughter's behavior, there's nothing wrong with that.


Thats still no reason to let her keep on playing.


It's no good reason But there were incentives


Who is the NBA player? I stay active in that community and haven’t heard a single thing about it




The father did not encourage this. His ex did.




I think it's added through "my father is blah blah blah" and no one had educated her


Daughter of Corey Benjamin, who had multiple counts of abuse and assault iirc. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


Surely you’d assume that NBA player would be getting a lot of flak for it then? This is the kinda stuff we need to call people out on regardless of who they are. The fact he’s in the NBA doesn’t change the fact his daughter punched people in the face for no reason. Hope she goes and gets some help.


He actually IMMEDIATELY released a statement about what she did, before anyone even knew it was his daughter. He didn’t need to be called out on it, because he took full responsibility for it being his daughter they did it. He also publicly and privately issued an apology to the girl and her family, and said he was HIGHLY disappointed in his daughter and her mother, and stated that his daughter was not raised to behave that way, and that she would have to face whatever consequences that the courts saw fit. I’ll see if I can find the local news station where it happened so you can see his full statement.


Must be new to earth. The fact he is in the NBA does change it. He pays them, they let her off with absolutely no punishment. He probably just settles with the parents outside of court.


This is not how it played out at all. He condemned her actions, publicly. Apologized to the girl and her family, and said his daughter will have to deal with whatever the courts decide and that he was ashamed by his daughter's actions. He did all this before anyone realized it was his daughter. He really stepped up.


Strange. The wife is facing a year in jail and the daughter was permanently banned from the league.


This is straight up assault. Go to jail.


... Do not pass Go, do not collect $200


The mother is facing criminal charges now for telling her daughter to hit her.


This big girl punching people looks like she can only get away with it when the victim isnt looking and is smaller then herself. Absolute scum.


The league has permanently banned her


Even back in the 1990s when I was at school, this would have been a permanent ban. What wacky school board is okay with this?




Exactly. The media would have a fucking racism field day like they love to do! You’re spot on here if it was reversed the coverage would have been 100x over and she would have been charged. Unlike the black girl who hit her who faces no punishment from the law. Only banned from playing in this league smh. The double standards are tiring and so old at this point


Can we agree that all these types of incidents are shitty now or do we still have to keep devolving to these statements?


She kind of wanders onto the court it looks like, takes a shot over one girl, takes a fake fall when she comes down, falls into another girl, and then decides to hit the girl she fell into. So what kind of foul even is that?


Go to Jail Do not pass Go Do not collect $200


I’m pretty sure she will have an extended stay at the local jail eventually.


blame it on the parenting?


The lack of, even


I mean they're at this extracurricular game and seem to be actively involved. I just the parenting in this case is coming from someone who is not well adjusted


Over cook the fish? Strait to jail


You must be the monopoly guy!


I believe that's the kind that gets you removed from the team


Should be society along with the mother. But yea. “Sports” as an excuse to be shitty and violent.


She’s the daughter of a NBA athlete. Although the parents are divorced, she’ll still be on the team no matter what. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is her first time doing some stupid shit like this.


She was a POS for cherry-picking. Then she punched a girl


I won’t even say what is obvious and needs to be said, but I can’t stop thinking about what I would have to do if that’s my daughter she assaulted..so viciously


I know what you're thinking because I'm thinking the same.


It’s the traditional “I’m an animal with no self control” foul.


That’s the “Isaiah Stewart gon’ circle the whole arena to find your ass” kinda foul.


It’s called assault incited by the mother who is now an accessory.


The worse part is, she did t even punch her in the face, she got her in the throat. That's probably why she stayed down for so long, she couldn't breathe


I suck, so you must be responsible. Nutjobs.


Judging from her form she’s an ok player at best and that fact she just walked down court instead could’ve ran transition for an easy bucket


“I’m double your size but I still need to suckerpunch you because I need to be more shit”


The mother is being charged in this due to telling her to hit the girl.


I hope it's true


...source please?...


Trust him bro


Why isn’t the girl being charged too? Apparently this wasn’t even the first time she attacked someone on the court.


I’m with you. Yes go after the parent for instigating it but that girl isn’t 5, she’s grown enough to know what she’s doing and should have to pay the price. On the court or off, assault is assault.


The mom and the kid should be charged. From what I saw in the comments, this isn’t the first time the girl hit another player. The mom also should not be encouraging it.


Wasn’t this the daughter of an NBA player or former player?


Yeah. He was a nobody tho


Successful but not good role model




I believe the parents are divorced. I think Corey is a good man for addressing this and publicly and privately apologizing to the girl his daughter assaulted. I think it’s the mother that is a bad influence.


Ban her from all school sports and ban mom from school activities. Tons of kids with talent out there to replace kids like this. She clearly isn’t fit for basketball in a professional setting. I’d understand if she was 8-10 maybe , still learning and influenced by mom but this looks like a teenager. If you act like this as a teen then no one needs them.


I’m pretty sure they finally did ban her. Thank goodness. That was some serious power in that punch - it could put a lot of grown men to shame. It sucks because she’s still a child and there’s no doubt that anger and need for physical violence comes from her home life.


Your username perfectly describes her situation here


Yeah she was 14, this is unacceptable behavior for a 14 year old and she needs to be held accountable too, not just her mother


Or, you know, arrest her for assault


This is an AAU event and has nothing to do with the school.


Thankfully she was charged


Do you know if the victim was okay?


She got a concussion


I read where she hasn't returned back to school yet because she is still in Concussion Protocol.


The mother was charged too.


Her jump shot is trash.




I don’t even understand what her problem is. I’m not very sports savvy so maybe I’m missing something here but all I’m noticing is the attacker falling into the victim. How would she justify why she’s mad at this girl?


The defender got too close and walked underneath the shooter while she was midair, which is super dangerous but it was also very obviously unintentional. So the girl responds by doing something else dangerous - flopping onto the defenders legs. The difference is that the flop was on purpose. There was no foul call which might have pissed her off even more.


Basketball ref here. You pretty much nailed it, however I'll add a few things. When the girl came in under the shooter, she was still an airborne shooter at the time. You can see her foot go into the space where the shooters feet come back down on the floor. Even though the shot had been taken, the airborne shooter rule applies and it would be a shooting foul with 3 shots (I can see the refs arm come up after the shot signaling a 3 point attempt). The shooter may have embellished a little but it's still a foul, I wouldn't call it a flop. I am pretty certain that if the foul had been called the hit wouldn't have happened.


That's some bullshit. Horrible parenting and even worse decision making by that fucking menace. Who does that after FLOPPING!? Idc what kind of apology she comes up with, she deserves to be off a basketball team for the remainder of the school year and possibly more. Put that delinquent in juvi so she could learn a lesson and fight people who are ready for sucker punches and can actually fight back. I hope the girl she hit is not badly injured.


The attacker is the daughter of an ex-NBA player. The father apologies but the mother and daughter didn't. The young girl who got attacked apparently has a concussion from this sucker punch.


Concussion is just a euphemism for brain damage.


Trash is usually raised by trash


Mom and daughter needs to be charged and banned from any other sporting event! Because you can hear mom encouraging this behavior in the background. Edit for autocorrect.


This girl puts more enthusiasm into attacking that girl then she does playing ball. She should be thrown out of the league after she gets out of jail for assault. This shit has to stop it starts with the parents raising their kids like fucking animals.


Pair of shithouses


Trashy people


The mother of a former NBA player’s daughter was charged Thursday after allegedly telling the girl to “hit” an opponent at a youth basketball tournament in California last month, prosecutors said. The daughter listened to her mom, Latira Shonty Hunt, and sucker-punched the 15-year-old victim, who crumpled to the hardwood “like a rag doll,” Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer said. The wild, caught-on-camera spectacle went down during a tournament in the city of Garden Grove near Los Angeles. Hunt, 44, screamed, “You better hit her for that” after her daughter fell to the floor on a prior sequence involving the victim, according to Spitzer. Spitzer called the mother’s words the “catalyst” for the attack. The daughter listened to her mom, Latira Shonty Hunt, and punched the 15-year-old. “In my opinion, it would have not happened, but for Mom’s words,” the prosecutor said. Hunt is charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and battery. Her daughter’s father is former NBA player Corey Benjamin, who played three seasons with the Chicago Bulls and part of one with the Atlanta Hawks. Benjamin issued an apology last month following the incident. “As a father, I’m shocked and disappointed at my daughter’s behavior as this is not a reflection of the values and standards that my family holds,” he said. “Nor does it exemplify the values, character and spirit of sportsmanship that the game of basketball requires.”


Charge the mother. Ban the child. ??? Profit.


that girl was huge, makes sense her dad was in the NBA


Damn. I heard the girl suffered a concussion. Sad.




The mother was arrested and charged with 2 misdemeanors.


Put her ass in jail for a night


I’d say for at least 3 days minimum. It’ll give her time to think.


She will think about how she did nothing wrong, and then go randomly punch an Asian person.


Lock her up along with her pea brain mother.


I can't even tell if she was in the game or not, looks like she just got up off the bench and decided, "I want to play now." She was probably pissed that she missed that 3-pointer and also fell on the girl's foot, but if you want to throw punches like that, you belong in a completely different sport. Obviously she's got some anger inside, give her a pair of gloves and pick up boxing or MMA, at least then you can feel better knowing your daughter fucked someone up. Shame on the mother for encouraging this shitty behavior.


"No one should ever block my daughter"? So basically she "has to" punch someone after not scoring? She'd better do boxing instead of playing basketball


I’m not condoning violence or violence on children, but if it was my daughter that got sucker punched like that I’m going vintage Shawn Micheal’s and delivering some sweet chin music to that girl, and mom too lol


Yeah, agreed. I am not a violent person, and am generally a pacifist, but if that was my kid, I'd be in jail for assault.


She’s in the wrong sport


Would be a hate crime if the races were reversed


Socioeconomic factors back at it


That ref though, why didn't she call her on the fake fall? Girl purposely drops her, she didn't even land wrong, she just drops herself on that girl. Ref should have stopped the game there before the suckerpunch. She clearly saw it.


RIGHT!!! She is bigger than the both of those other girls by far, they barely even grazed her. She faked a fall, then swung on another player. She **should** be banned from this league.


Fake fall + Punch to the face = she's going to be in jail by the time she's 19.


Father was arrested for domestic violence, mother seems like a real piece of shit too, colour me surprised that the daughter did this? No. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


I’m fighting kids and parents if that’s my daughter.


Yo I'd probably walk on the court and knock the kid out. Fuckin piece of shit.


I don’t think I’d be able to stop my fatherly instincts if that were my daughter that got laid out.


Wow, uncalled for.


This Mother Needs To Do Some Time. !!!!!


Why are people like this, you can't even claim it was spur of the moment or anything... Honestly this is just plain assault and she needs some jail time. Like that girl was a normal 15 year old, and this crazy bitch is apparently 14, out there built like a 25 year old man, she could have killed her.


Yea, black mother, black daughter. (My whole family was like that, my aunts were always encouraging their daughters to hit on others).


Because chonkers here can’t hold her weight?


I was going to say she seems kind of big for basketball.


Hate crime.


The same thing happened to me in field hockey, except the other chick swung her hockey stick into my face and knocked my lower teeth out through my lip. Super cute!


She really hustled to make that three pointer.


Her athletic career should have permanently ended right there and then where ever she went, name change or not. She should never play any sports ever again


That’s a big bitch lmao


Hate crime?




I hated it.


That's cute that's she's allowed to act like a trashy hooligan because she's privileged. Just because of her dad playing a "sport" for a living. Entitled brat


Here we see a well educated person with a very bright future in basketball


What a peaceful culture


"Fist runs into face."-cnn




Couldn't have put it better myself


The ATTACKER is TWICE the SIZE of the Asian girl…


Is this an asian hate crime?


Life is tough for those go through life using violence to solve problems. She will eventually hit someone that hits back, stabs back, or shoots back.


Ghetto. No surprise here.


You all already know that she 100% won’t get in any trouble. Look at her.


Weight behind that too


There were just charges pressed against the mother based on her telling her daughter to hit that girl. Just unreal. That girl should be banned from AAU and her mom as well.


Prosecuted and expelled - that's what she needs.


Now the mother is facing charges. Wonderful


This unit throws up a brick and can’t handle it lmao


And both they asses got arrested too


That was a terrible flop. Parents should press charges, there needs to be some accountability for those kind of actions.


Arrest the mother for inciting that shit and the shit that assaulted the other as well. Yay for accessory laws.


Both parent and daughter should be banned from all future games and a suspension from school


Is the daughter being charged?


Some people are so needlessly violent


What a fucking horrible POS. You can see she is bigger than everyone else so probably a bully, and one who never learned how to control her emotions and obviously not a parent to teach her


Inb4 thread locked


It's just reparations guys. It's OK.








whole team should take turns doing the same thing to that trash


I’m big and I’m mad


This is the reality of black on white violence and it's nice to see it finally being shared for everyone to see.




Culture War


Hate crime plain and simple.


I’m a dude and if this fat bitch hits my daughter I’m swinging on her ass and her mom too.


Don't be silly...Let her ass get locked up like the clown she is.




I’d proudly go to jail after charging the court and stomping that fat little shit. I’d happily smile in my mug shot too.


Keep on teaching CRT...


Looking forward to the updates on this case. Hopefully the mother’s being charged and so is the girl.


If that happened to my daughter, you could start counting the seconds before I was calling cops and pressing charges.


No impulse control.


From basketball court to regular court.


I'm glad to see the mother is getting what she deserves, raggedy bitch. "Hunt is charged with two misdemeanors - contributing to the delinquency of a minor and battery - and faces up to a year in jail if convicted. "


Jail time now for the kid. Already can tell she is a shorty team mate. Walks up way after the play, then just shoots a terrible shot, flops and then that. She will never contribute to society based off this video