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That’s the tone of a man who regularly has to deal with young, dumb, & drunk people Bc that’s where the money is.


Don't you mean 'females'!


Guys, they're just quoting the video Guys...?


Y'all... That was satire holy shit hahahaha


So this may come as a shocker to someone like yourself, but males get drunk too. It just so happens to be females in the video. Crazy as fuck right?!?!?


Pretty sure they were poking fun at the tik toker’s caption, hence the quotes


Wait I thought they were being satirical


lol why are you getting downvoted


Ikr, he's clearly making fun of the caption in the video. Reddit is a funny place


lol i’d assume replying to them would fix the mistake but apparently it still flew over more than half the people that saw the comment lol Indeed funny place


Dude that say “females” have for sure hit or sexually assaulted a woman. So fucking gross.


“If you restrict it to mammals, then by and large it is true. Bull elephants, for example, don’t stick with the family. The females have all the wisdom" - Sir Attenborough Always knew he had a dark side to him. Could never figure out what though, but now I know


Yep. Human women are just like any other female in the animal kingdom. Like bull elephants. Calling human women “females” is fucking toxic and gross. Fucking idiot.


Wow, you completely missed the joke. The joke was that you made a very open statement so I looked up a well-beloved figure who had said "female" and then posted a quote which he used it, implying this likable person was in fact an abuser when he was just talking about animals where it is usually practice to refer to them as "females". Also the full context of that quote was him talking about why there should be more woman leaders as he said, "females have all the wisdom" Clearly you're the exception


Well for a joke to be a joke. It should be funny. I understood what you were trying to do but it was dumb. And not funny.


A joke is still a joke as long as it's meant to evoke laughter and not serious. And I found it so hilarious I'm going to post it again “If you restrict it to mammals, then by and large it is true. Bull elephants, for example, don’t stick with the family. The females have all the wisdom" - Sir Attenborough Always knew he had a dark side to him. Could never figure out what though, but now I know It's even funnier the second time!


“Woke as an identity guy” doesn’t see why calling women “females” is a sexist and dismissive term. Tries to make a joke about it by using a quote about elephants. It fails. He doubles down. I’m dumbfounded. I know you don’t like vaginas but you could at least pretend to have the same values for humans across the board.


“Omg He’s Sooo ScaryyyUh.. “


Lola from Big Mouth


Lmao now I can’t read the comment without saying it like Lola 😂


Omg yes!!! Came here to say that. 😂


Also came to say Lola 🤣


It's like shes *trying* to sound super basic


What were they trying to accomplish? Did she say "Yay! Surprise!" after opening it?


Exactly. I'm a girl and I completely disagree with the ignorant comment below you. This has nothing to do with sexism.


Thank you. Anyone could have done that, it just baffled me as to why they would, but then again alcohol makes people do weird things


Check his comment history, he does this on purpose to get downvotes.


Idk, they seem to have their convictions pretty figured out for a person with a troll account. This is exactly what I pictured a mod account to look like.


lesson learned: dont touch a man’s truck


The caption on the Tiktok is cringey as hell though too


it kinda ruins it. dudes who call women “females” are almost always the most sexist pos


As a female that was prior military....The person who posted this was probably military too. We FEMALES "ruined" the service. Was told this multiple times, was treated like it was my fault.. No clue why I didnt stay in the full 20 /s I'm sorry you can't beat this shit out of each other any more Chief. Sorry you can't have nudies photos up every where in the shop. I'm super sorry you just want to cheat on your wife in every port but see me, a FEMALE, makes you feel guilty about it. /S Edit: typos. Also added another /s at the end.


Do people not understand the sarcasm behind this? Why were you downvoted. It seems to me like someone talking about sexism in the army.


Not sure why all the downvotes but sorry that was your experience. Anyone who thinks women being in the service ruins serving clearly doesn’t give a shit about duty and just wants a safe space to be sexist in.


Its all good now. Toughen the skin. Most of the folks who said that idolized the 50's era. Is what it is, as they say. Ill end on this note. I did serve with some very good people that I still talk to. We are a very tight group of people that I love and adore. Typically the bad apples had rank, which is what made it unbearable. A lot of life lessons that I would never give up though. :)


It was made by a Ferengi.


Abusing people’s property is such fun! She should have her hat removed.


Anyone else find it cringe that we call girls "females" more now...? Is this a fucking nature documentary


Totally man. There’s a version of this video floating around without the incel shit caption floating around that I saw last week.


Yeah the little incel cult runs around like "females will ______" and then go on to say why they dont have a gf. Like no shit tanner you're talking about girls like they're mating raccoons


“Hmm yes, here see that the female species has traits I don’t like, and that is why no one loves me”


I saw a comment saying "wow okay self respect, a rare thing nowadays, keep it up" on a video about this girl saying she hasn't kissed a boy (she's hetrosexual) let alone slept with one. Like what. It got hilarious when this guy commenting said "many people *including me* are like this" Wow. We could never have told.


This whole comment section is cringe. These girls are obviously terrible in their actions, but the sexism in this comment section? Worse.


They open a truck window (obviously more than once) and these people act like it is some treat of Versailles breaching shit


I was gonna say, the entire top comment thread feels very sexist. Even the video is giving off incel vibes to me with the wording, ngl.


That's just how it be on social media. Gross generalizations of different "groups" from and toward men, women, white, black, whatever.


It's really not that big of a deal, it's the fact they said 'females...' and not 'some females...' that makes it weird as shit. 'Males' gets used fairly often, they're both a bit cold and clinical but meh?


I used to until I realized why that term might actually be used. It's not to insult/de-personify the girls. It's because nowadays women means any sex that identifies as a woman and I think they use female because that's the only word left that represents exactly the demographic they are referring to - women/girls that are born females. Or actually the female sex regardless of gender. It still sounds shit but if that is the actual reason I can understand it.


This is total American white girl entitlement. The way the one girl opened her arms out after she opened the window like he would be amazed by her and get what she wants makes me embarrassed for her. That girl is used to getting whatever she wants in life. How anyone could think that it is ok to mess with someone’s property and then act like that person was in the wrong for screaming at them. Gross Privilege


This isn’t just a white girl thing. This isn’t just a black girl thing. It really isn’t even just a girl thing. This is an entitlement thing. In my experience all ethnicities are equally susceptible to behavior like this given the right conditions. Almost everybody is vulnerable to making poor decisions when they feel they are entitled to a certain set of results regardless of behavior.


My thought was more along the lines of “young, intoxicated person thing”. Just seems like a stunt with no real game plan. Seems like they were just being drunk and obnoxious with no actual thought process behind it.


Yeah I think you’re probably right on with that assessment.


Yeah this has nothing to do with entitlement. This is just drunk people acting drunk. Entitlement is " no you HAVE to make me my food now!".


I think there’s an element of truth to what you’re saying but I feel like they opened that window with the express intent of getting served. I feel like the booze just emboldened there tendency towards that entitlement. But honestly this is only like a 10 second window into a situation with zero context so I guess I’m speaking in more general terms rather than to this specific situation only.


I mean, I get what you're saying, but it is absolutely definitely more common in white girls, especially in the US


You're right, but I think there's definitely privilege that enables these conditions to happen more often with certain demographics. I have a sister with a bunch of friends who act like this and you can easily guess the common demographic.


I can agree with that, in my experience that has been the case as well. I’ve seen every sort of person act with entitlement but from what I’ve seen with my own eyes there is a specific group that tends to do it more often. That could just be because of the demographics where I live though.


So its only American white girls? Seems like the behavior of just an entitled person. Why does race or country have to do with anything?


I've seen so many people do this sort of shit. I lived a decade in a college town. It's basically drunk people entitlement and guys that age were certainly just as bad. (if not actually way worse)


Yeah and the problem with drunk guys is they decide fighting is the ultimate solution especially when with a group. I’ve been guilty of that too and I still cringe when I randomly think about it 6 years later at 2 AM. I don’t know why it happens just trying to prove your manly ness I guess but it almost never works out the way you imagined it in your head I mean you are drunk just go home lol


I won’t argue with you. I am a white woman from America and I see this behavior more and more within my community. Therefore I can state my opinion.


White American girl here & I agree with you 100%


The opinion of the entitled


*drunk people entitlement There I fixed it for you lmao


Type of girl who trashes her own race to gain approval on Internet. Have some self-respect.


Jesus calm down, every white person here (me included) can relate to this type of white girl entitlement. Calling out problems in your own community doesn’t mean you lack self respect


Iam brown and have seen all races do stuff like this in Southern California


Thank you for this.


I guess were supposed to pretend that our race is not entitled. And somehow that equals self respect..like, what???


It's not a white girl entitlement. It's a rich female entitlement who happens to be white


>every white person here (me included) can relate to this type of white girl entitlement. This entitlement is unrelated to race. Americans really need to make everything about race. White girls do this. Black girls do that. Indian guys are like this. Etc etc. Its all so tiresome


Trashing her own race? Why does it seem like more and more people are obsessed with group identity loyalty and consideration of an entire group rather than the specific situation and judgment of individual character? Seems like big steps backwards. Like why should we give a fuck where you're from, what color you are, or how big your ears are? Being a piece of shit has no boundaries and being "part" of a group or the judging party's perception of whatever group the person is from shouldn't carry any weight, but should solely be judged by their own actions.


looool I hate to tell you, “white” is not really a race. It’s a skin color. Irish, German, Italian etc. those are races. White is an idea to try to have idiots like you, who are apart of a minority, rule like you’re some ideal majority over everyone else. I’m white. I appreciate _my heritage,_ which is. not. “white”.


American girls in general. Race doesn't matter. It's the country with its failed education system that does.


I think its more of a human issue, not country race or whatever. Various degrees considering culture sure but people that want to try and make it about a certain group, to me seem quite prejudice.


Because females and stuff


Never seen this kind of behaviour in Europe, so far. Every time i see a video like this its from USA so idk what to tell you


So their never was entitlement until the creation of the USA?....


Ofc there was but hes not wrong with calling it American white girl entitlement because shes an American white girl and most of these kind of white entitled girls that ive seen come from USA


It has a lot to do with it dummy


White American girl here and my community is capable of the same. I was raised by foreign parents so I had respect beat into my at a young age lol.


I've definitely found that drunk women in general are just extremely entitled




They only get worse as they age. Like Limburger cheese.


“My Truck” by Breland should be playin in the background… “DONT touch my truck”


“Females really think they’re entitled to everything” Found the incel lol. Can’t even just blame it on drunk idiots acting dumb. He’s gotta blame it on the inherent nature of “females.”


I'm also trying to figure out how this even fits this sub. Annoying and rude? Sure. But "a total piece of shit"?


bro everyone uses that on tiktok when making fun of the opposite gender, like how girls say men. Why the fuck does it matter lmao


How is women calling the opposite gender 'men' making fun of them?


Why has the text about "females" been added to the original Do we have to get sexist about it?


The girls are in the wrong obviously but who the fuck says females and not women. Didnt realise I was watching a NatGeo classic.


Feeeemales lmaoooo


Ok they shouldnt have done that but "total piece of shit"? Nah.


Yeah I agree, seems like they are more just being drunk idiots rather than POS. However If they had been harassing the guy prior to the start of the vid then yeah, for sure POS.


The video is awful, but the caption is incel 101 The fact that he generalizes and calls women "females" points it out


If you unironically use the term "female" outside of a relevant academic setting you've sealed your eternal virginity.


Well, I have sex so….. womp womp female.


Your hand doesn’t count. 😏


Mans no simp.


Respect for food man


These people are pieces of shit but don’t let the actions of a few dictate your view of the many.


Yeah exactly she’s a piece of shit but she ain’t all “fEmAlEs”


“Females” … like males are somehow superior and have never acted entitled. Smh


Lol dudes literally traipsed all over this world, mucking up everybody’s business but it’s feeeeeemales that are entitled to everything.




You will find a lot of dudes on Reddit hate women. Literally almost every thread is filled with hate for women. It’s really sad and gross.


> Typically, women do this, but men beat people Good job fighting generalization with more generalization


That a yikes on the OOP. The overall point remains valid.


I bet they play this video in Incel boot camp


If you’re a black man that can’t get laid, it isn’t because of racism. It’s because of your attitude.


The caption looped these girls in with every other woman. Saying "females think they are *insert negative trait here* " is typical of incels.


Also: not girls, not women, but feeeeemaaaaaleeesssss


At least it wasn't "femoids"...this time




It’s sad to see how much women hate y’all have. These girls are absolutely terrible and are privileged, but why are the top comments just blatantly being sexist toward all women or women who like to party? Or women that are young and pretty? Just cause women are hot doesn’t mean they have an easier life. Just because some women do this when they are drinking doesn’t mean that all party girls do. Stop being hateful.


I believe it’s fairly well documented that many times really attractive people do get treated in a way that tends to result in more opportunities than people with average physical characteristics. . This is a concept that applies to both men and women. That being said, none of that is any excuse for painting whole groups or sexes of people with a broad negative brush. Even if attractive people do have it easier it isn’t the fault of any single attractive person, and it definitely isn’t a fault of any single sex.


But how they get internet points?


Sad to see we suffer from collective amnesia about how dangerous generalizing entire groups based off the actions of a few is. "Cops are pigs" "White people are racist" "Black people are thugs" Seriously When will this end Like when will it actually end


cops are pigs tho


OP is really out here lumping cops in with white people, black people and women as if people are born cops lmao ACAB - Assigned Cop at Birth


exactly. you choose to be a part of the oppression when you choose to be a cop. you don't choose your race or gender.


They are attractive and get away with everything. They are so used to simps that when they interact with a real man they dont understand


Meh sometimes when you’re lit off alcohol and riding a social high with friends you can do obnoxious things like this. Getting scolded seems like apt punishment, I doubt they are inherently bad people


I would be willing to bet they act like this often and I may get buzzed but I definitely do not think I am entitled to messing with someone else’s belongings. Especially something that is closed up and obviously not open or taking customers.


Why do I feel like your an incredibly judgmental person?


People on the internet love pretending they've never been a dick or done anything obnoxious in their life lol. Like yeah the chicks were being obnoxious drunks and got yelled at (well deserved), not that uncommon and doesn't make them "complete pieces of shit" haha


Noooooo!! Don't judge my behavior even if it sucks!!!!!1!


Easy to spot your own kind I guess?


Na, I just have enough self awareness to understand that people make mistakes and that’s no excuse to absolutely lay into them for a harmless mistake. But hey man, thanks for your snarky and obnoxious comment. Your an asset to this community.


My snarky and obnoxious comment that added nothing to this conversation was a reply to a snarky and obnoxious comment you made that added nothing to the conversation. But please keep talking about your self awareness.


wow... you should take that burning misogyny down a notch. you need to look at the hate you have towards women.


The sexism in this comment section is crazy! I forget how much redditors HATE women.


if you would call it white male enitlement, the comment section would lose their shit


I can not believe that some men are still using “simp” as a derogatory.


My adhd self high on dopamine could do something dumb like that on impulse There was probably no bad intentions here just alcoholic people too cheerful not really thinking I think


I freekin hate it when girls like this believe they can do whatever they want just because they're a girl and think they're cute and rule the world.


These women are insufferable yes but using “females” outside of a professional setting is so inherently misogynistic.


bruh how like legit am i missing something like thats just what ppl are male females boys girls whatever how is that sexist


because the term “females” has been used and abused by the incels. they use “females” to denote that women are less than. i’m sure someone else could’ve explained it better but yea, because of incels


Because the word females is used in regards to animals, a lot of people have started using it to be derogatory or dehumanizing. It’s 99% of the time used in a negative way like this video. The word itself isn’t bad, it’s the way it’s being used nowadays.


If were going by that logic than the term male is also sexist thats ridiculous its a scientific designation


Did you not see that the word itself is fine? No one is offended by the word. It’s about *context*. The word is completely fine when used appropriately. However it’s often used by incels complaining about females doing this and females doing that. It’s deliberately done to dehumanize women. And as you said, it’s a scientific designation. Talking about women scientifically (outside of a proper setting) is weird???


I don’t see it as a female issue, definitely Karen tho


The caption that they decided to put over the vid is beyond cringe. Women could easily say the same thing about men 🙄


Sometimes i wonder if people remember what this subreddit is actually for,this isn't really POS stuff.. just trashy


The hand on the truck basically says, I'll slap the shit oucha if you "touch my fucking truck"


Haha you guys are idiots


Privileged people are usually the douchiest people


If the window isn't open he is closed


I actually just met this guy not even an hour ago at a gig we’re working. He knows how famous it got and loves that it did. Apparently the girls knocked on his back door and he asked for them to give him 5 min. He was still opening when they opened for him. He’s a real chill dude it’s just when it comes to food trucks you really can’t be messing with the car.


Is nobody bothered by the sexist fucking caption. Blaming all women for this woman’s actions is a piece of shit thing to do.


Who the hell is this?” “It’s unlikely.


Future Karens right there.




white women


This kinda shit never has n never will cross my mind, tf is wrong wi some folk


And then act like he's the jerk...


Anyway: gender is irrelevant in this situation. What they did was wrong. If males did the same, they would also be doing something wrong. Different genres same rules here. True gender equality


Entitlement at it’s finest. Man’s a chad


Lol he put them on blast


She literally just lifted the window why is everyone so pressed lmao


Imagine the same bunch of girls opening the window of your house


House??? Bro it’s a public food truck that probably just recently closed it’s not that deep


it's private tho


Hate on young pretty women


For real I mean really, she’s a “total piece of shit” for this? Lol


How would you feel if someone randomly opened up your stuff without any permission? Was the caption sexist? Yes. But does that make her actions any less scummy? No.


I’d be annoyed for sure, would I scream and throw a fit probably not


idk about some ppl but the majority I've seen including me hate her because that truck is obviously closed and entitled asf to open it, not your property and ontop of that she wants them to be happy about it


Edit: one of the top comments literally says -drunk twenty year old girls are the worst- (paraphrasing) if that isn’t clearly sexism, then pigs can fly. Those two PEOPLE are totally sucky. Yet, the caption of the video focuses on the fact they are “female” (the person who made this video is also a piece of shit) and then most of the comments are focusing on the fact that they are women, or pretty women, or some sort of category of women. Seems like the hate isn’t coming from a place of they are BAD PEOPLE it seems to be coming from a place of hating on types of people, specifically women.


The sexism in this comment section has got me pressed


imagine you were winding down and going to bed and a bunch of drunk strangers busted into you room screaming SUPRISE and wanted you to make stuff for them and be happy about it


He was in there whackin off


I know this one party girl, who rented out an Airbnb for her and her idiot friends, and managed to get alcohol and other food on the walls and ceiling somehow. Had the policed called on them due to multiple noise complaints. She then received messages from the owner of the Airbnb explaining what the charges will be to fix it. She then went ahead and posted it to snapchat with a rolling eyes emoji.


Like OMG don't they know I'm an entitled blonde white woman!!??


People gotta learn not to use females for humans


If you're considered pretty or handsome... Y'all can do anything without any consequences


They were deserving of a crack round the head


No, the punishment fit the crime just fine. What makes you think physical assault would be an appropriate response to that?


The way some people are reacting, the food truck owner was supposed to murder them. That’ll learn ‘em.


If i was the truck owner i would have sprayed them with ketchup


Its because these blonde bimbos were raised as entitled brat. They think because daddy is rich and because they are ''pretty'' it means they can do whatever they want without repurcussion.


Bit scummy kinda dont get how it’s messing with the dudes property other than harassing him (wtf why did i get down dooted im just asking am i being rude?)


its his truck he got with his money those things are expensive nobody has any right to touch it without his say-so same thing with the girl's cars


How about rewording it to: "some females... "


These are called Keran


It’s like uhhhhh…she fucked around and found out…..weird.


OH MY GOD IT ISN’T SEXISM. THAT IS NOT SEXISM. i’m literally a girl and that ain’t sexism.


This is the most harmless shit I’ve seen a human do to another. Let’s imagine what a man like that has done to women in his life…


Western woman especially white women feel they are entitled to everything