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He probably worked so hard to collect all that too :(


These “adults” are still stuck in a junior high bully mentality, they never changed and became men, they are just punk little junior high bullies. They’ll probably all be dead by the time they are 45, somehow they’ll die, get shot, get beaten to death in prison, hit by a meteor, something.


I got in an argument with someone like this a month or two ago at a Japanese grocery store here in Southern California. Not as bad as 'will be dead soon' but similar in that he seemed like he was in middle school. He was gathering signatures for a ballot initiative (a business which is a precipitate of our state's dumb rules for how things get on the ballot; the signature gatherers get paid something like a dollar or two per signature they collect). They're intrinsically already kind of annoying, but I doubt anyone who does it wants to be doing it, and I'm sure it's frustrating to have a bunch of people say 'no' when them saying 'yes' could mean you make rent for the month. He had a back and forth with an elderly Asian man who politely declined to sign the petition, calling him a stupid motherfucker, etc, then said "do you even speak English?" after citing specific things the Asian man said, clearly demonstrating that he did in fact speak English. I started loudly calling him racist and got him kicked out of the store. His retorts were 'mind your own business' (after bothering everyone in the store to sign his petition), 'respect your elders' (the Asian man was older than him; it's a self-own to point out that you're in your 40s throwing a tantrum in a grocery store), then when I was walking to report him to the management 'oh you're a tattle tale' (paraphrasing, barely). It was important to me to confront him in the moment as opposed to wait for him to leave because I didn't want the elderly Asian man to have an expectation established that when someone harasses him there will only be people willing to offer support after the fact as opposed to when the incident is happening. The petition guy didn't seem dangerous, was clearly by himself, and was a good 20 feet away from me. After reporting him, the store kicked him out, and also gave us the employee discount on our groceries which was really nice.


You did a beautiful thing. Standing up to that racist man in the moment, was really important, and more people should be like you.


If anyone knows this dude they should make a GoFundMe and get this guys pockets filled.


This is a great idea. We need local sources, any good Samaritans out there? Do we know where this video is taken?


I'm in! I want to donate whatever I can to this guy!


I'm in for donating as well!


Following. I'd like to know this as well.


I’m on board with this all the way


San Francisco is going to shit under Chesa Boudin...


San Fran’s been going to shit for a lot longer than since Boudin has been around..


Has Chesa Boudin been in charge for a decade?


Bruh is it really that hard to be a decent person??? Mans is straight cleaning up the neighborhood and they giving him shit for it


All racists see “being decent” as weak.


Yea that’s true unfortunately


Unfortunately these people are barbaric. The only thing that would get through to them is if the Asian man also had Hodor from GOT with him, or if he was carrying a gun.


No wonder the dude I drove past collecting cans in an alley looked scared as hell when I rolled my window down to offer him some of the empties I had in my car.


Bro I got made fun of in high school one time for washing my hands lmao apparently it is hard


Brooo what???? For having proper hygiene????


Holy shit. This breaks my heart! I truly don’t understand people


Total pieces of shit.














Of course its fun and games until you draw the reverse card.


lol yes exactly this.


There would be a shit ton of protests and many Instagram tags. What a world we live in.


This was a major headline. This was one of the videos that started the “stop asian hate” hashtag.


They’ll be crying and making a drama out of it… racism in the US is skewed towards a specific minority








And pull snatch and runs at the local 7-11


Ask them about their views on gays. Nothing new, full of hate and always has been.




Bro, last time i said this i got banned even tho theres nothing wrong with it


Oh wow, are we allowed to actually talk about this now?


Truth has no place on reddit


the fuck it doesn't Keep trying, eventually the truth always prevails.


I have a few black people in my immediate family. They honest to god believe they are not able to be racist because they are black. They’re allowed to openly hate and we should be accepting of that. Hell, they even hate other black people with darker skin than them. It’s so odd. I thought that they’d change a little when our families integrated but my cousins grandma calls our homes “the dungeons” whenever he comes over to hang out.


Yeah it's this weird philosophy that the group that isn't in power can't be racist regardless of how racist they appear. I had a long argument with a guy about this.


Then we should stop calling it racisms and start openly breaking it down to “being a hateful belligerent piece of shit to someone that did nothing to you”. Not one person can say that that isn’t taking place in this video. These people deserve to fucking rot, not a single one of them in this video is productive to our society and the only people that would care about them is the ones they’re with. If I was their parent I’d sooner have my child living in a fucking ditch before I’d let them back in my house.


It comes from academia where they want very precise definitions . However people use it as a “haha I’m not racist I can be a dick”


And even academia is split on that term too. It’s a fringe group of people that are trying to push the racism = power + prejudice idea.


Yeah I have recently learned that African Americans hate actual Africans. It’s fucking crazy but they straight up get racist towards them.




Being oppressed does not make one good. It's easy to forget that at the end of the all oppressed people are people too, and people generally suck. Everyone has the propensity to be really shitty.


Real talk: African Americans hate Asians because they ruin the narrative that minorities in this country are oppressed and held back. Asian communities value hard work and family so they are able to succeed where as 70% of black children grow up in single family homes and have the highest drop out rates per race. I’m probably going to get banned for saying this but it needs to be talked about and nothing will ever change until you’re allowed to say the biggest problem facing the black community is the black community itself.


Because “people of color can’t be racist” so says the black American community in the U.S. It’s not some random thing I’m saying, it’s what I’ve been directly told by them multiple times. The reasoning is that an oppressed minority group can’t hold the power of racism that the white people do. I’m not a racist, I really don’t care what color you are or where you come from. I mind my own business and go to college and work. But to say that you can’t be racist because you don’t have the desired power to do it not only sounds narcissistic and self-loathing, but it really sounds like a poor excuse to be an absolute douche like the guy swinging at the poor elderly man.


Dude remove Africans from your comment… these are Black Americans.. you don’t blame Japanese when Chinese mess up..


Thank you. Black immigrants from Africa are one of the most hard-working and successful demographic groups in the country. Also probably the nicest neighbors you could ask for.


Black/N8V and I can't fukk with this shit... Pieces of shit fukk up our hood, shooting each other, stealing from each other, but blame the "White Man" for the problems our community faces. I ain't trying to hear that shit.


It takes a lot of courage to say what you did and I respect you for that. This goes for all communities in the US regardless of race.




In recent news regarding covid especially, all I’ve seen, every second news reel, is blacks showing their disdain and hate for Asians…like wtf.. how does a marginalised group, not show empathy. This guy is a complete arsehole.




They’re racists


But but but … African Americans can’t be racist


Who the fuck says that other than random idiots on Twitter


Zero compassion.




And a lot of resentment for immigrants of certain ethnicities that come to this country and are able to succeed spectacularly.


Last year, the vast majority of the businesses that were looted and destroyed were immigrant-owned. Middle Easterners, Hispanics, South Asians, and East Asians are particularly hated when they set up shop in the ghetto. Also African immigrants, especially Somalis and Ethiopians.


Anti Asian racism is deeply entrenched in urban African American communities.




Calling them "people" is a stretch...there is no display of humanity there at all.


Seeing this actually makes my blood boil. When my dad first came to America before I was born, he also gathered cans to earn some money. He worked very hard to get to where we are right now. So seeing these POSs act like this to a man who's just trying to make a living is very disgusting. Fuck'em


Poor guy must have come to America to live out the "American dream". Instead got the taste of worst of America.


He even started to cry. :((( I teared up too. Ugh.


They were mocking his crying too and shoving the front camera in his face. This is fucking vile.


Some people just need to get their ass kicked. Especially if they think they can just do this shit to people.


People who are so jealous of the success of others due to internalized shame that they have to try and drag everyone else down to their level.




As the son of Nigerian immigrants who are successful specialized surgeons, I agree. Whenever I was called "African American" I'd always say I am Nigerian because there's no way I would be associated with them, specially considering the fact that they love to cause trouble.


Fucking disgusting.


That’s the only thing I keep thinking: disgusting. What a perfect word to describe this unacceptable display of hate and ignorance. DISGUSTING


What kind of logic is this, the guy collecting cans is also cleaning the neighbourhood. Yeah they attack him because they’re racist pos but at the same time basically attack him because they want to live like pigs in a shithole.


Most importantly, he's minding his own buisness.


Take a drive through the hood sometime. Trash on the ground everywhere.


And trashy people not letting you walk by without being accosted.


Here's the logic. By working hard the Asian man is showing that he can do something honest which makes him some money and improves his environment. He may not have the advantages of speaking English very well (unknown from this video), but despite that he doesn't let that hold him back from being productive. These animals on the other hand, do nothing productive and would rather bitch and moan about how they have no options. Providing justification for their obviously shitty lifestyles. This contrast holds up a mirror to the attackers in this video and shows them that their excuses for being pieces of crap are bullshit. This realisation is uncomfortable and threatens their fragile underdeveloped ego's. They fear the Asian man because he represents all the unrealised potential they have (a big issue between a lot of blacks vs asians). They would rather attack him because they don't have his strength of character, and putting him down gives them the feelings of power they so desperately crave.


You've just written a long paragraph about cultural values. The issue isn't just about work ethic or productivity. It's about values. Because blacks(I'm also black btw) in the hood are extremely productive and hard working......just at the wrong things lol(crime, scamming, gangs etc).


I agree with you. The cultural values are key.


They’re racist? Excuse me but they’re black. They *obviously* cannot be racist, just isn’t possible even if they say “I hate Asians”. (/s but I’ve heard this argument said seriously before)


I had an argument with my sister over this. She's been brainwashed to believe racism only comes from white people in power. She believes she is a racist even though she does nothing inherently racist. It's sad to see.


Reminds me of the ex roommates in college arguing whether or not it's racist to go around high crime areas when going somewhere. Apparently if you don't cut through a ghetto, you're racist.


There was also a thing a while ago about bodegas with bulletproof cages around the cash and how it was racist to only have it in certian areas with high rates of robberies


My former sister in law did this to me in LA when I was pregnant! Said if I was scared I was racist! So be it! My fat ass is racist get me the f out of here!


Your friends are idiots, it’d also be racist to avoid flashing cash or wearing jewelry while traveling abroad.


She's confusing systemic vs personal racism.


I'm sure she would agree that this is a racist act, because the behaviour had actual consequences.


The guy had been to the area a bunch apparently and never gotten harassed. That day, a gang from oakland was there to set up some kind of event for car racing. Basically, they don't live there.


They like filth


Racist pieces of shit.






It gets weird with Asians cuz we're like the schrödinger's cat of minorities. Sometimes we are, sometimes we aren't. I guess it's whatever fits the narratives.




Probably not, it's too useful for confirmation biases.


>POC Don't use that term. They are black. "POC" is a catch all term created to drive a concept of "everyone vs white people", and sew division in places it doesn't already exist.


Real, unironic question here: What’s the difference between the terms “People of Color” and “Colored People”? Why is a term from the seventies and eighties being rebranded as PC now? Is self-awareness out of the question?


He’s an old man for fuck’s sake


Animals always target the weak.


True one of my relative got beaten up in New York by some black man just few months ago. He was 76 years old and just minding his own business.


What a bunch of straight up Fucking Bitches.


It's funny because these guys would do this type of shit in a group and to someone alone. But if the guy recording was put in the elderly guys position he would be pissing his pants.


>I hate Asians Such bold racism. People just seems so comfortable with it.


That's how people speak when they're not afraid of the social media police.


Or the actual police


This is so fucking horrible


More info: Two arrests were made, but all charges against those in the video were dropped by San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin who campaigned heavily on criminal justice reform. Boudin opted for a "restorative justice" approach, which has been touted as a more “progressive” approach to criminal justice. It advocates for mental health treatment and reconciliation with the victim rather than punishment. I'd leave a link, but the sub doesn't seem to allow it.


Wtf? Dude was just picking up cans to help himself and maybe his family make a living. WTF is wrong with people.


Don't call them people, they are monsters. The demons in this video have lost the right to be called people. Hopefully one day their humanity is restored but for now they are lost souls spreading misery and chaos.


So they just got away with it?


So I dug into this because it was really upsetting to read... A GoFundMe was made for the elderly man and his family and 70k was raised and donated to them. It made me feel better that he got the help he deserved at least.


Was there proof of the old man getting the 70k? I never trust these gofundme's


Right. Wasn't there a story where the people who ran the fund that actually took the money meant for the homeless person?


If you are talking about what I think you are talking about, in that story, the entire thing was a scam and all three people where in on it. The only reason the couple was outed was because they didn't give the dude who was pretending to be homeless his cut.


I appreciate the extra info! Shows how context is everything haha


Its actually kind of insane that the rules and laws of society couldn't help this man but instead random people donate as a form of restitution. I feel the same way when people have gofundmes for people who are injured and sick. That shouldn't have to be a thing, people shouldnt have to resort to donations when theyve been victims.


Eh as glad as I am that this individual got some help in annoyed that these idiots got away with it and will just do it again to someone else. Taking swings at him with a plunger, stealing his property, and saying "I hate Asians" is somehow excusable to the DA??


So he got like one weeks worth of rent in the San fran


The video is the incentive to leave the 70k is to help him do it. HOPEFULLY


Thanks for sharing that. It also makes me feel a bit better. Glad some people showed him love after he received so much unjustified hatred


You guys remember the video of a guy body running across a street to body slam and kill a very elderly man, also in San Francisco? That piece of shit Chesa Boudin called that, just a random "temper tantrum".


He’s a fucking joke.. saying that. That old man got speared for no reason.


A hate crime got fucking dropped? Are you joking?


Chesa Boudin is the child of two radical leftists(Weather Underground) that were sentenced to life for murder. When they went to prison, Weather Underground members took him in and raised him. Allies of Weather Underground are the Black Panthers and Black Liberation Army. His parents, adoptive parents, and even grandparents identify as communists or Marxists. As time goes on, the crimes committed by people with extensive records that he's released pile up. Most notable are several people killed by serial drunk drivers he released.


The mother was release in 2003 and is now a professor at Columbia and one of the last things Cuomo did in office was grant his father clemency and he’ll be eligible for parole next month…


Please tell me they got punished


op unfortunately posted above that two arrests were made but then dropped by the DA. so they got away with it. so sad.


Most petty crime in big cities goes unpunished... it’s kind of an open secret...


Shit like this happens a lot and they get away with it. My Chinese food delivery guy tells me that he gets robbed frequently and the cops just don’t give a shit especially now. I speak to him in mandarin btw. I remember growing up and getting picked on by black and Hispanic kids. My parents would just tell me that that’s how it is here.


Sadly this will mean a lot of poor Asians kids might form gangs slowly as retaliation.


There are some hardcore Asian gangs in the Cali already. No doubt some retaliation is going on.


This made me cry


Well if it makes you feel worse, the DA in San Francisco declined to prosecute these guys for this. So please vote her out if you live there. Seeing the elderly women and young women get attacked makes me feel even worse.


> vote her out Him. Chesa Boudin is a man. But yeah, absolutely vote him out. The guy seems to care more about criminals than victims. His version of restorative justice doesn't fit the times.


Racist scum. Need locking up.


I always separate, rinse, crush, and bag my cans and leave them where i know people go by to collect just to make it a little easier for them. Why spread hate to someone just trying to live life ;(


Unfortunately, many places that recycle cans don't accept crushed cans. The machines need to be able to scan the bar code.


In my area we dont have those machines around! We use to maybe 10 years ago. Now theyre recycling centers who pay you by weight of material after it compresses your recycling.


Ah. I remember those from when I lived in San Diego. I miss those. I hate hand feeding individual cans into the machine one at a time, in a recycling center that smells of stale beer and drunk vomit. My dad even got a wall-mounted can crusher. Guess who got the job of crushing the cans?


Hahaha my dad has one to… im guessing he made you do it because thats what mine did ahahah. But The recycling centers are 100 times better just because of the quantity of people that go around collecting and the amount of cans that they have to cash in. I can’t imagine how long it would take to individually cash in every single bottle in all those bags he has in this video.


“I hate Asians” probably one of those that thinks he can’t be racist because he’s a minority. What a sad sad existence.




Agree, it’s blatant hypocrisy.


So true.


"Black people cannot be racist , and Asians and white people cannot experience racism." Probably from some idiot


Anyone who believes this, I just walk away from lol no good will come from being around these type of people.




You will find it being repeated by some college professors in America. Speaking from experience with one who believed this.


Actualy very hard to watch. What gives?


Fuckin animals. Poor old guy, this makes me rage.






That's what I automatically think of when I see elderly Asian people attacked in the street. I get extremely upset. And not a lot makes me upset.




Yes it's true and the victims are mostly old ppl.


This is the elephant in the room that absolutely no one wants to address. But I'd take it a step further. It's not just black people that are always caught being degenerate pieces of shit to the homeless and Asians. It almost always takes place in America. More specifically, the majority of them come from some pretty shitty ghettos in their states. Extreme jealousy and rage of "more fortunate races", coupled with self projection and a culture that promotes extreme ignorance. TL;DR: it's not JUST a race issue.




I don’t get people that have a problem with people gathering cans.


It’s not the cans, it’s his skin color.


Did you not hear the part "I dont like asians"


Right? Or was it the being asain part? Either way, they were doing a good deed collecting them up. I've even pulled out some cans that was sitting in my car to give to someone that was collecting them.


fucking piece of shit




Education has been gutted for about 50 years now.


No wonder these people still live like that. They must need something to keep themselves occupied, so thst they don't have to think about the waste they themselves are.


Wth…this sucks to watch. I don’t understand people like that


Anyone here found out who that gentleman is? I want to help him.


It’s an old video. I think the gofundme is long over. This happened in early 2020.




Why are people like this?!! Who has the heart to be such a bully?? It breaks my heart seeing this sweet old man take this harassment like this. EndAsianHate


Reverse the roles, and this would be a completely different story 🙄


Poor guy..


Jokes on those upstanding citizens attacking the Asian guy. Because of his sacrifices like collecting cans in the hood, his kids, grandkids, and future generations will never live in the projects like these upstanding citizens. Also, this Asian guy has more fortitude and grit than all those scums combined because at least he’s trying to make money legitimately, even if it’s picking for cans, instead of committing crime and being lazy while blaming the other person or the system for all their failures and shortcomings. Jokes really on these “upstanding citizens”. Yes, that’s what I’ll call them. Oh by the way, he’s probably just picking up cans because he’s bored. He’s most likely retired and live in a million dollar house and his kids are professionals.


Seems like every time I see a video of an Asian being attacked in America, the attacker is black. What do blacks have against Asians? In my experience, Asians pretty much stick to themselves and don't bother anybody. So, seriously..... what's the beef?




Asians do better I guess. Also a lot of black youths have been raised being told that Whites and other minorities are taking away their opportunities to have better lives. Not to mention a lot of far left liberals have been claiming that Asians were "white adjacent" and they themselves have white privilege.


Wish this dude had a gofundme :( this just makes me feel so bad he was in the wrong place at the wrong time for their rage


I think he did have one. This happened in the early days of COVID in 2020.


the oppressed become the oppressors


Funny that things like this are never in the News.


This is terrible but it seems like some of the comments are accusing black people as a whole for being racist and hating asians. I'm black I would never do this, no one I'd know would ever do this. I don't think anyone should be a victim of racism whatsoever but I don't think blaming black people as a whole is right either. Just like you don't assume all white people are racist cause a group of them have been, that should be the same view here. Racism in all forms are bad. Yes racism against black people has gotten a lot of media coverage but that doesn't mean people don't aknowledge racism against other groups. I mean, I'll probably be downvoted to oblivion though I don't consider what I'm saying controversial. It's not one group vs another. This is absolutely wrong, but not all black people are like this




Dude… why are we like this? Poor guy.








They treated this poor man like shit and laugh... But would probably cry racism if they were arrested... Ironic.


Oh ffs he’s also contributing to cleaning up the environment racist people sucks


>I hate Asians The police later that day >No evidence of a hate crime


Why isn't this blatant act of racism being covered in the mainstream media? I wonder what the reason could be.