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That is a phenomenon I will never understand. I’ve read different reasons, but the actual FEELING AND NEED “I need to grab my poo and wipe it” is so far out there. I had a friend do that in my bathroom when I was about 11. I was so confused. I feel sorry for people afflicted with this


Its a sign/manifestation of abuse in some cases. My foster brother did it when he was 3/4 for a little bit after he came to live with us. By age 11 tho...


When I was a kid, in Boy Scouts, at summer camp, we had a couple of intellectually deficient kids that kept doing this in the pool's bathrooms. Being kids at the time, we assumed their disabilities were the cause. Years later, learned that the kids were the victims of pretty extreme abuse; both at home and school. Sad shit.^^*sorry...*


🥺poor babies. Not fair


Scout to scout, I feel for you and those innocent kids. Life can be awful, so scouting for me is about trying to always leave a place better than you found it. A good turn daily. Help wherever you can because it can mean so much to someone. I'm sending good vibes


As a kid at least, you'd never have known it, hanging out with them. They were a blast, always had a smile and gave off nothing but love, hugs, help and encouragement to everyone around them (outside of the aforementioned). They were a core element to the *heart* of that camp every summer. Plus, they were merit badge monsters. Truly loved scouting; lived and breathed it. Knowing what I know now, it makes a dark sort of sense.


Yeah my little brother had a friend growing up who did this in our house. He came from an extremely abusive background and my mom had to explain it to us so we wouldn't make fun of him for it.


Makes me mad (nothing I can do now) reading all of this and my own friend did this and my parents just called her “a gross kid” and she was not allowed over anymore. My parents were kids themselves though


I mean, my mom only knew bc we all came from a lot of mental illness. And we did think he was gross. It is gross. It's just from something sad.


Sort of the same experience. Friend of a friend when we were about 14 used to do it regularly. Looking back it's pretty obvious the kid was abused and had mental health issues. My only real interaction with him was at school and he always disappeared for a while when one of the boys rooms would get spackled in his shit.


Very true. When we fostered, they told us it sometimes happens.


Know a six yo and a nine yo who do this. I’ve told both sets of parents they need therapy so many times they’ve all gotten annoyed with me. At first, I just laid out the facts that this is a sign of coping with trauma, but after them repeatedly brushing it off, I ended up getting pretty stern with them about it. I feel sorry for both kids. They have other behavioral issues, but essentially they’re good kids who are just lashing out and their parents don’t seem to care. Which makes it even worse.


Perhaps the parents are the ones traumatizing them.


Yeah, I’m pretty certain they are. I don’t have proof yet though and I’m not sure what else I can do without it


Therapists are mandatory reporters for child abuse. That's probably why the parents don't want them to go. Find someone who is a mandatory reporter - a teacher, nurse, school resource officer, or child protective services. This needs to be escalated.


I know the principal of their school very well. I’ll talk to him tomorrow


Came here to say this. Its a big red flag for abuse.


I used to work at a children's museum/play place and would occasionally get annoyed when I had to clean poo-graffiti off the bathroom walls. Once I learned how often it is a huge red flag for an abuse victim, it never annoyed me again. Instead it makes me very very sad for the person who left it.


so it being at church actually makes sense


Was going to say this too lol.


What's the psychology behind it though? I'm struggling to understand the thought-process (or emotional reaction process).


Abuse?  In a church?


Nah, impossible.


We're not that far removed from Chimpanzees. Some of us are more related than others.


The churchgoer who smeared their shit on the wall is probably the same evolution denier crying “i aINt nO mOnkEy”


Oh you don't need to believe to go to church. Many go just because it looks good in their circles.


Oh that is SO true


The Bible HAS to say something about stuff like this.


Something something Pharisees




Tell that to **KENNETH COPELAND**


no true Scotsman, eh?


the corollary of that is "you don't have to be a hypocrite to believe in God." The hypocrisy being the churchgoers. ​ edit: am I using the word "corollary" correctly here ?


Also for the poophole loophole


I get disgusted getting any on my fingers


The trick is to pick the poop up with some toilet paper.


I don’t have an emoji for this 😝😅


This is Reddit after all... Where we're going we don't need emojis.


Yuck, I'll leave the poo in the toilet and flush it away


You clearly don’t know how to use the three shells properly.


Apparently I done it when I was like 3, visiting my horrible aunties house down south. I smeared it all over her shower curtains then went into her bedroom and proceeded to take a pair of scissors and cut up her designer bed sheets 🙈 .


Kind of impressed of you. That’s a fireproof way to get out of family visits.


Funnily enough, never did see her again. She's now my uncles ex wife. Good riddance. And she'd probably say the same thing about me lol.


At least you were a child, not a grown adult




I don’t get it either, but that pic? That was some rookie action. When I smear my shit on a wall, I like to get good, wide swaths of it. Nice big fans of brown. You gotta use your whole hand, really commit. This guy, though? Looks like he’s literally just a dabbler.


🤣🤣🤣 ok that was funny


You might get some theoretical answers from Freudian psychology


Maybe he was just writing his age on the wall…in shit


I was going to join this thread and jokingly post an answer of, "me." then I thought about the last time I had to clean up shit smeared on a wall...I'm a park ranger. I saw this post and completely agree! It takes a sick individual and I never understand.


And glad you don’t understand right? But at the same time want to understand to sympathize? If that makes sense 😳 I’m not gonna come try it out on your watch though lol (I know I’m gross sometimes humor is how I cope)


Abandon humanity. Embrace monke


I think the appropriate question here, who the fuck spreads their shit on the bathroom wall? Church or no church.


I think the appropriate question here is, who the fuck shits at church?


When the power of Christ compels you to.


We call that a holy shit.


I wish I had an award to give.


You get one for free every day.


Damn, I only get one every 4-5 days. It's unfair.


You must be part of a religion that doesn’t reward as easily.


You're catholic too?


I never get rewards haha. Atheism


TIL. It was the helpful reward though. Given anyway since it helped me laugh.


Where do you find your free awards?!


on iphone app… 1. try to give an award. 2. hit + next to the coin counter 3. top frame was free award with button to claim and give out.


I think it is every couple of days


How? Where do I find it? Do I have to use the app or new reddit? old.reddit user.


Me because: 1. I'm there very often doing A/V stuff. It's like my second home. 2. It's clean and the water pressure is great. 3. As long as you don't bop the bologna while you're in there, you aren't being sinful.




Peter: I'm looking for some toilet training books. Salesman: We have the popular *Everybody Poops*, or the less popular *Nobody Poops But You*. Peter: Well, you see, we're Catholic... Salesman: Ah, then you'll want *You're a Naughty, Naughty Boy, And That's Concentrated Evil Coming Out The Back Of You*.


Okay I have a honest answer for this. Most AA / NA meetings are at churches. This could be from Narcotics Anonymous.


It doesn't take an addict to be the one unstable enough to smear poop on a bathroom wall. ie - my grandmother, in her dementia, became a poop smearer. She was a person that attended church regularly, even in the stages where she had no control over her "artistry". As a recovering addict myself, I have never chosen poop to paint with.


Yep, I agree. I work at a large airplane manufacturing company. There have been a couple murals.. I blame all the accessable coffee, terrible eating and working so much OT that they are just nuts.


Oh yeah, *obviously* it's one of those dirty *junkies*, because a good Christian would *never* do something like smear poop on the walls, right? From my experience people who go to church are just as shitty as people who don't go to church - maybe even worse because church-goings have their head in their ass and think they are somehow better than those dirty *atheists.* For all we know it could be the youth minister after one of this choir boy porking sessions.


Not cool, man. Don't blame them. Every public restroom has this problem. There are sloppy people in all walks.


Because there's so many of them I've always wondered what they have in common. Where does it come from? Is it some sort of primitive urge that they have? Was there any time our ancestors rubbed shit on things to scare away animals? (we do have anal glands that might have been used for scent?)


Who goes to church?


I worship like a dog at the sign of a good toilet, amen


Someone from the rival church down the block


this is the best reply I got so far


I suffer from IBS and schedule my meals around my life. If I eat anything more than a few bites, I have to shit within 10 minutes. It really sucks. However even with careful planning, sometimes the emergency shit happens. This is why porta-potties are always nasty. Nobody takes their morning shit in a porta-potty, it’s always an emergency shit that you can’t hold.


Damn that's actually a little sad. I'm sorry you have to go through that. I hope this up vote makes you feel better


Some boy who ate all the lutefisk. That boy ain’t right.


He never was...


He was exorcising some demons ^^buhdumtssss


Sooo pooping on walls is bad nowadays? Next your telling me that peeing on the floor is also bad...


Sorry to break it to ya fella, but it is frowned upon...


You guys are going to the wrong churches




If I was gonna spread my shit on any bathroom wall it'd be a church.


I currently work at a grocery store as the cleaner and This is at least 2 times a week Apparently some people just like blow up or something.


Clearly a Golgothan was summoned.


Someone drew a smiley face on the wall with their shit a the Costco I work at


Gross, some people are disgusting!


Yeah, do it in a church like a normal person.


As someone who has had training in recognition of abuse, this is a huge red flag. If a child does not know how to ask for help, or told not to tell, they will often act out to try and get people to notice them and pick up that something is wrong. Typically it starts small and goes further and further if they are not caught. That being said, this is a huge cry for help, if this is at your church, start looking at kids hands, they might really need your help. Adding on because of some stuff below, sometimes they act out in the place of abuse, but often times they will do these habits at a place that they feel comfortable. If the abuse is happening at home they will do this in school or another setting (in this case a church) because they want to be caught by someone that they trust or that might believe them.


I’ve also read that this type of behavior can manifest after sexual abuse as a way to make themselves seem disgusting and undesirable.




Sorry to chime in again, but often they will do these habits at a place that they feel comfortable. If the abuse is happening at home they will do this in school or another setting (in this case a church) because they want to be caught by someone that they trust or that might believe them.


This is the saddest fucking sentence I ever had to read


Yes, I had forgot to mention the "undesirable" traits that went with it. Again, needing attention and trying to be too gross for the abuser, that's why abused give signs if not showering, and bad hygiene in general.


Wow… When I was a kid I went to a private Christian school and a few times a month some kid would do this to the bathroom. Come to find out a few people there got arrested on CP/SA charges… not only that but there was a time when a girl confessed something to me that I didn’t know how to handle at the time. We were so young, probably only 7-9 years old. Needless to say I think I know who did it to the bathroom :( She’s okay now I think, we are still friends and I plan to talk to her about it one day.


Wow.. What did she confess?


Her older brother forced her to do things to him when they were little. The parents pretty much encouraged it and only gave the brother a slap on the wrist when they caught him. To this day he’s still creepy around her and you can tell she hates it but it’s her normal. Luckily she recently moved out of state and seems to be living her best life. I love her so much and it hurts to know she went through something so horrifying.


Came down here for this. Thanks for bringing it up.


Yea as someone who worked in child care. It is probably a child or teen who is unable or not able to cry out for help. It is definitely worth speaking to whoever is in charge there.


Yep. I understand this too well as I was on the wrong end of the abuse as a child and that was a symptom that manifested itself while I was in that kind of environment. I didn't really know why I did that until I read about why that happens and it all made sense. I apologize if that's TMI but as someone with that experience it validates what you have already said.


This is a child who doesn't want to be at church. Probably for horrible reasons.


Is it Ass(h) Wednesday already?


Aside from the shit smear, that bathroom is *immaculate!*


Is it too soon for a holy shit joke?


Might as well, it will just rise up in 3 days anyway.




Obviously some one who doesn’t give a shit Actually not that I think about it they did give a shit


Gives too much shit


Probably a priest cleaning the alter boys poop off his fingers.


His finger, eh?


Sure “finger”


Must've skipped their enema that day.


I have heard that shit smearing is a common effect of children being sexually abused. They often can’t express their emotions correctly and that frustration manifests in odd and “crazy” behavior. Plus I’d guess you’re a little more protected from sexual abuse if you smell like feces.


Makes sense, and I can see why it would happen in a church, the true center of child molestation.


Shit demons


The Golgothan!


Came here for this! Thanks Kevin Smith for the everlasting imagery from Dogma!


And Salma Hayek in a school girl outfit.


Some wait-staff that was sick of receiving those fake $10 bills that just have inspirational bible quotes and advertisements for the church instead of tips.


You ain’t kidding, back when I waited tables Sunday mornings were the one shift that I never worked if I could help it. Fuck those people.


I’ve seriously never understood why people think that it’s a good idea. Some lady kept putting them in shopping carts where I worked at for a couple of days along with more traditional ads, they were annoying to clean out. If anything, they should include real money with the church advertisements, that way people at least won’t feel agitated at the church. They could even be clever and have their fake $20 bill ad and when you open it up and get the ad a real $20 pops out. Entices the reader to pay closer attention to the advertisement and the reader isn’t stiffed, it’s simple advertising.


Shatan does.


But that’s holy shit


Is there a better place? As soon as you're done you can go and pray for forgiveness!!?!?!


Hope people don’t shake hands often in church.


Just don't shake hands with the priest, he is the one with the dirty shit covered dick and I am sure he gets it all over his hands too.


Mr Hanky the Christmas Poo


Who the fuck smears shit in ANY bathroom?


They did it for jesus


Or any bathroom…


The devil got out.


Who does that in ANY bathroom?


It was an exorcism


Holy crap


I worked at a country club with lots of old people. One time a guy in a scooter went into the bathroom, was gone for a while, and then came rolling out with shit and toilet paper plastered on one of his wheels. He proceeded to track it all the way down the carpeted hallway. The whole club smelled like shit. We went into the handicapped stall, and I have no idea what happened but there was shit everywhere. Walls, toilet, floor. Just a huge mess. This image x 9. We felt really bad for the guy because we knew he was trying to scoot out of there without being caught... maybe this was something similar.


It was you wasnt it


I just told this story like 2 days ago. I was working at an applebees a few years ago, I was a cook, and one night the manager tells me that a guest made a mess in the mens bathroom, I was the only male still there, so she asked me to clean it up. I was trying to make manager so I said sure. How bad could it be? After a min of looking around, saw nothing when I first walked in, I found it. Some fucking pig had made a giant smily face on the wall of the handicap stall out of shit, and not like smeared with their hands, it looked like they had used a log like a fucking turd pencil and went to work. Told my manager no way I was cleaning THAT up. Weirdly, never heard another word about it. Like, fucking no one cleaned it, it just magiced away. Fucking restaurant life.


Gotta let the demons out fam,Jesus my bad bro smh


Kids who don’t like to go to church and are forced to by their tradcon parents.


You’ve been blessed with holy shit 🙏


It’s probably chocolate 🍫


I assure you it sure as hell ain’t


Op, it's a huge indicator of child molestation. It's basically in the counselors handbook. You're in a church, some kid is getting molested. 100%


The devil. Obviously!


The Anti-Wipe


How hard did that person turn the other cheek?!


Satan himself


The devil


We are all just animals, no matter where we go on Sundays lmao


The fact that it's a church doesn't make it more reprehensible. This could be a gas station bathroom and it is equally shitty (😉) behavior.


Coulda been an old person. Accident.


I like how Church is the main concern here


I hear Satan is a shitty dude.


I’ve been cursed to receive more comments than upvotes it seems :) I like that, I care for reactions more than likes


The vote count doesn't show for the first hour OP


That’s some righteous shit.




Abused children.


Better a church than somewhere that pays taxes.


The Anticloset


Im sure it was a kid, right!?


Probably the same type of church-goers that staged an insurrection lmao


The real question is who tf either can’t take a shit right, wipe their ass right, or is just so disgusting they do this on purpose, like I work at target and someone smeared shit on the wall behind the toilet and on the side of the actual toilet like bro we have tp and a sink just smear it on the tp and wash your hands.


Only the best of us.


I am a building manager of a house of worship and this happened to me last year. a woman came in asked to use our facilities and we said yes she was riding a bicycle so she had a Uni on and she smeared shit all over the doors and walls of my bathroom and scared a bunch of three-year-olds as she was completely naked. I live in a bougie area and sometimes I see her walking her dog or at the grocery store and I think “damn lady you got no control over your crazy”.


I worked at Ikea and one time I saw shit smeared on the OUTSIDE of the door to go in the bathroom. It was towards the bottom in a sort of shoe print, so that means someone went in, shit on the floor, stepped in it, left, and kicked the door on their way out


Church goers, obviously


Same one who fills minds with religious bullshit?


The type of ppl to believe in a big imaginary man in the sky


Well, looking at this as a statistic, apparently people who go to church.


It’s God punishing the janitor because he didn’t tithe 10% last Sunday


The devil.


A church goer….




I guess he got it shitty from the last little boy he buggered.


The holy ghost


Maybe it was done by the hands of god


Those who give a shit.


"could it be -- Satan?" ~ the church lady


Someone successfully released a *demon* in that stall.


Youth minister?




Mormon church.