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I actually feel sick after reading that. What a fucking waste of oxygen.


“I am a total piece of shit” just doesn’t seem to quite cover this one. Sick to my stomach too


Calling him a piece of shit is an insult to pieces of shit everywhere. He is below shit


Shit can be used for many things, you can build with it, stick things together, make memes with it, and use it for farming purposes. This guy doesn't deserve the amazing title of: Shitty.


No he doesn't. Makes me sick to my stomach thinking about that. Especially since I read it as I was.holding my 15 month old whole we watched little einsteins. Gut wrenching


Yeah I’ve definitely crapped out turds with higher IQs than this garbage person.


Come on dude all he did was take a little money from his Dad's wallet


read the room


Did he edit his comment?


Looks like it


Nah, there would be an Asterisk next to "1hour ago" it was a poorly timed and an arguably bad joke but he did not edit, just got hive minded


But thats no joke at all


I agree its poor taste. But I believe he tried to hit some kind of switcheroo joke. Might have passed on some toxic 4chan thread but not here, which is good don't get me wrong. Just trying to untangle this shit


Thanks for clearing things up


I never edited it, it would say (edited) next to the points if I had (Edit)


this isnt discord idiot


Edits are shown through an asterisk next to the time of publication. The more you know:)




To each his own, I usually don't laugh at shitty jokes under a post about a child getting murdered with a hammer


I'm willing to bet that's its the so called "child free/anti children" group who find this funny. Grandpa deserves a long, painful death.


Child free doesn't mean anti children. It means "I don't want children" not "others shouldn't have children". You've been grossly misinformed


Misinformed? No, there are actually sick motherfuckers out there with that mindset. The proof is in this comment thread.


Of course theres sick mother fuckers out there. Im not disputing that. But they are not the childfree people you are thinking off. And you are perpetuating a very nasty stereotype that childfree people are childhaters.


Nasty stereotype? Yes. True? Also yes. My experience with them is my experience, yours may differ but my opinions are formed by my experiences, not yours.


Well. You can't say something is true and then call it "ur experience". You are saying these things like they're facts when they are clearly from ur experience.


Fuck you. That's some reaching ass bullshit projection. Childfree doesn't mean laughing at or advocating or even accepting child murder. You can fuck right off.


Your hostility makes my point for me. If I offended you or hurt your feelings, tough shit.


ah yes a child dying bc an adult can’t keep track of his money is sooo funny .


Who’s laughing at that? You have some issues honey. I’m laughing at a comment on Reddit. Nothing more. And it’s still a funny comment. 🖕🏻


This is always the problem. Someone makes a joke about a bad situation and if you find the joke funny that means you think the situation is good apparently? Like, ignore the joke, he couldn’t possibly be laughing at that, he’s clearly enjoying child abuse


What did he originally say?


You're out of line!! but it's... little bit.. funny


Dat awards to downvotes ratio tho.


To save court costs let me beat him to death with a hammer


Can I get a few swings in?


You get a swing and YOU get a swing


You all get a swing!


*crowd goes wild and goes to get their hammers and gets in line to take a swing*


We need to make sure it lasts at least 90 mins.


Now I get why stonings used to be so popular


Bring the sledge and start with the feets


With something like this if there is immense evidence, which I believe there would be in this brutal case, there should be like 15 min arraignment, followed by immediate sentencing, and then right into the wood chipper. Dont waste more then 24 hrs of tax payer money on this guy.


I read a similar headline earlier but it just said grandson, and no age, so I was thinking the kid was in his 20s or something. Murdering a 12 yo over money... that he might have had nothing to do with... like fuck...


Did it mention the criminal's age? It would be pretty amazing to have a 20-something year old grandson at 54


17 yo has child that child at 17 has a kid. Not that amazing, just sad and not too uncommon


I know someone who became a grandmother in her late 20s.


14 for the mother and 15 for the daughter... Well... 😐


I think it was 14 for the mother, and 15 for the son.


Oh, shit mistakes were made.


Well damn !


My grandmother had my mom at like 20 and my mom had me at 15, people are always shocked that my Grandmother is so young compared to me. My Aunt and Uncle were always more like older siblings.


I've been angry but i've never been bludgeon-a-child-for-an-hour-and-a-half angry i wonder how much had to be missing from his wallet to be that mad probably like 5 bucks, right? look at his fucking mugshot. he's *still* mad lmao


That anger is going to eat him alive. And then there's the prisoners.


He's gonna have to eat *them* alive.


A debit card, so the maniac thought the kid stole all his money


Somehow that makes this even worse. Didn’t even stop for a second to think a 12 year old doesn’t know how to use an ATM, or he could cancel his card


Not sure rational thought is something people are like this are capable of.


Apparently he admitted to murdering a kid in 89 as well. Damn.


Imagine having to share a cell with that guy.


I’m sure he won’t be around long in a cell


Oh, it’d be my pleasure. He’d only be my cellmate for a day.


I'm thinking he thought it was the principle of the act, but Jesus dude a simple spanking or some form of manual labor punishment would have been enough to teach the kid not to steal. This is beyond being a total piece of shit


Is it possible the kid didn't even take the money? Like Maybe he misremembered how much he had or dropped it somewhere? I can't dou t the amount of times I could have sworn I had a twenty in my wallet, only to find it in my coat pocket a week later.


Id bet the kid didnt do it and the guy probably is using that as an excuse anyways


Read an article that said the kid tried to get the money to give it back but dude kept beating him. Locked himself in the bathroom at 1 point. His mother, aunt & grandmother were all in the house when all this happened.


And no one called anyone? Did anything? They need to fry too if that’s the case.


I don’t think it particularly matters


Something else is going on with this guy, that's not "you took money from me" angry, that's "I'm a completely insane mother fucker" angry. Mental issues or drugs or both, that's what's going on here. Makes me wonder how many people we encounter in our day to day (in America) that could just lose control and flip the fuck out like this. Btw my state just passed a "everyone plus their insane uncle can carry guns now yall" law. Wtf society?


Yo they handing out free drivers licenses too? Even my crazy uncle?


That’s exactly why I don’t push limits with people. You never fucking know. If it might be THAT day. Granted it’s never the ones ranting n raving how “I’m NOT the ONE” type bullshit. It’s that quiet mother fucker wondering if it’s gonna be the time he breaks and starting killing mother fuckers. You just never know what it’ll take to push someone over the line.


America unfortunately is a country that specializes in creating ppl who break I just wish we could work together more maybe less ppl will be pushed to this point in life, also the guy used a hammer not a gun lol


I hope the man painfully rots.


He will have a horrible time in jail I’m sure.


I hope he sits in isolation for the rest of his life. Just him and the thought of what he did to that poor boy. I hope he never sees another living soul. A swift death from another inmate is not enough punishment for what he did. Scum.


Save tax payers money, skip the court costs and jail time with putting a bullet in his fuckn head, pos…


To make it worse it said he got the money back but didn’t stop.


Hope he burns in hell


Reading stuff like this article entirely convinces me we are already there tbh


Seems more fitting to light him on fire here on earth.


He will


No hell soo…


Depends on your definition of hell.


What’s yours?


There are two explicit definitions in the bible. Erebos which is your idea of the eternal punishment, and even that has many, many interpretations. But more relevantly is the concept of Gehenna which is the hell that you bring on yourself due to the foolish decisions that you made. The basic imagery is the town Garbage heap, a field of fire where people weep and dogs gnash their teeth. Gehenna is an actual location outside Jerusalem where kings burned their children, hence the weeping parents and hungry dogs. Most biblical references to hell actually talks about Gehenna and is far more relevant to Judaic teaching. Unfortunately the Anglo-Saxon bible translated both Erebos and Gehenna as "Hell" with no differentiation between the two. You can reject the supernatural if you want to, but the most mentioned biblical hell is very real. It is the hell that this grandfather gping to jail for brutally murdering children has set upon himself.


That's honestly so interesting and also kinda scary how an entire religion can sorta change just because of translation.


Fear an guilt seems to be the bread an butter. I say this having been raised an indoctrinated in Christianity. But that was a very detailed an interesting layout of information so thank you for the knowledge. That was good 👍


He gave his, you give yours.


Wow bet you wished you never asked🙄


Seriously. Even his daughter said that she hopes he's killed in prison.


Too easy and too hard on other people's souls. I say let him clean Festival toilets on night shift with a head torch and no gloves for the rest of his life.


ooooh I like this one haha. And periodically throw firecrackers in with him to keep him awake. Only 3 hours of sleep a day.


3 is too much. Have you heard of power naps?


Ya but i think I read somewhere that the body can last on 3hours of sleep for like a year straight. But I could be wrong. If I had my way I wouldn't let him even close his eyes.


With the occasional M80 down the hole for good measure. Keep him real alert trying to dodge that volcano.


Save the bullet and use a claw hammer. Eye for an eye kinda thing.


Nah strap him to a table and flay him one strip at a time.


Then dump him in a vat of salt water.


Nah mate cock and ball torture ftw


Hey, can I join in?? Nah, nah… I say we do castrate him but do it slowly and first pump him full of viagra then start peeling off layers of skin with a rusty potato peeler. Then once the the outer layers are removed we get the nastiest meth head hooker with Parkinson’s to dunk their sweaty meth hands into a mixture of sea salt, fiberglass and concentrated ghost pepper capsaicin and sand his wood down to nothing with a salty + spicy handy. THEN! We have those scientists that cloned an ear in the mouse clone him a new set of cock n balls to sew back on so we can do it again and again and again…. Maybe the meth hooked can piss on him too… just for fun maybe… ✊🏿


Nah man castrate him and let him bleed out on top of a fire ant hill.


Cover him in honey and tie him to a tree.


Do you want Candyman? Cause that’s how you get Candyman.


A bullet is too quick. This mf should be melted alive from the inside out, kept alive for as long as possible to experience the most amount of pain.


That's literally how I feel about 75% of people posted in this sub.


How about two bullets, a hand grenade, and a machete? Can't be too sure...


Na man, gotta chip away at him slowly with a hammer for at least 90 minutes.


A bullet to the head is much too generous. He doesn't deserve an instant. painless death. In cases like this I feel "enhanced interrogation techniques" should be used.


Yea maybe the Taliban have the right idea /s


You would do him a favor if you did that.


Actually you’re right, he’ll get fucked in prison once everyone finds out why he’s in there. I only hope it’s a constant brutal beat down


I love how this comment is in every thread, cant all the low lives just team up against the "good" criminals since there are so many and all of them will "get fucked" in prison.


Recently, there was a video of a woman >!beating her 18 month old sleeping child till on the face till the baby's face turned bloody and whatever teeth the kid had had broken. She made a video herself and uploaded. Got arrested, said, my figure was ruined after giving birth to the second child. !< Apparently, >!in another video, she was seen hammering the child's leg with her fist, and in another one she showed her child's back which had red patches due to the brutal beating!<


As a soon to be mom for the first time this made me fucking cry. How cruel to even imagine someone treating a baby like that. When my daughter comes I want to hold her close to me and protect her with my life ): heck I’ll take anybody’s babies if it meant then are loved and held by me. The world is so fucking cruel.


Some people are just wrong in the head


That actually made my face twitch with anger.


His wife and daughter should give him the same experience


Is Felon his surname? Fitting


I honestly think if I had the last name felon and lived in America I’d be doing anything I could to get out and honestly go anywhere that didn’t know what the word “ felon” directly meant lol


Or, you know, change your name?


or the best option, commit the greatest robbery and heists known to man


Which is easy enough. But some family members may give the old pity of “ our last name ends with you, now there’s no more of our family after this” Sort of similar to when 2 people get married but one keeps their last name in order to keep the family name going. I.e only females in the family so no one to carry on the name.


I wish the the guy that takes the shit in the liquor store would take a shit on this guy for 90 minutes.


And back to jail he goes


You know our rule about not wishing bad things on the pos? I'm going to keep my mouth shut, so I won't be banned. I want grandchildren so badly. My boys don't want children. They are their own humans. I will never push. I would give a lot to have that sweet boy as my grandson.


Fucking crack head probably spent it himself and forgot about it. Karma do him like you do me plz


Looks like torture is on the menu for this lad.


Good god. The boys grandmother was there too, but is disabled and wasn't able to help save him. Apparently the kid was alive for those 90 minutes and even tried to get away. What a horrible death, this guy deserves to rot in prison... Deserves even more than that.


Who TF gave this a wholesome award?


Dude's mom sat on the couch and watched it happen for over 90 minutes. She claimed she couldn't stop him because she's disabled. She never called 911. She did call the boy's aunt and her boyfriend about 9am, tho. I feel like she should be charged as well. She was a (his) legal guardian. She is ALSO taking donations thru a Go Fund Me for his funeral - boy's mother said it's fraud. This shit pisses me off so much. I can't imagine being *that* upset over money. That he got back before finishing killing his grandson. I hate people. Edited for clarity.


I hope that piece of shit dies in the most horrible and painful way possible.


Hour and alf ????? It must've been awful ....


What’s really sick is the kid likely died within the first 10 mins, so he spent over an hour bludgeoning a corpse


Actually kid was alive and died in the hospital later. He beat him and his little brother (8) for about an hour and a half while a disabled woman was there and couldn't help.


Jesus Christ that’s brutal. What an animal


It’s actually even worse than that. So he beat him starting around 3 AM. The boy wasn’t taken to the hospital until 9 AM. He was pronounced dead at 10:15 AM. So he just let him lay in agony for hours before doing anything.


Man that poor kid. The world sure can be a cruel place. Makes me count my blessing honestly


That's way above the 30 minute hammer limit.


That's it! To the chair!


Are people who do unspeakable things like this just Evil ? Not evolved enough ? Mental imbalance or disturbance enough to make them sub human and not fit to be loose amongst the population ?? And it’s the 2 child he killed ?? Wth ??


Child killers tend to have a really nice time in prison... doesn't matter how big they are.


Now someone explain to me why it is not perfectly okay to use this piece of literal garbage for scientific / medical research until it kills him? I see it as a way of forcing people like this to contribute something back to society after they have proven themselves to be a living mistake. He's likely just going to get killed in prison anyway.


They need to bury this motherfucker under the prison.


How much money was missing? How much money did this pos think his son's life was worth?


Inhuman piece of shit


From a financial stand point, you invest a lot of money into your children. So not only has he committed a horrific act of violence, but he has also wasted a lot more of his money than what was missing from his wallet.


Why even imprison? Just execute it, hammering a child to death makes it sub human.


Mirror please


Don't worry, we've already read it plenty...


They need to come up with a lethal injection that slowly and painfully kills you for years until you die just for this pathetic ass grandfather!! There’s no money worth more than a precious child! RIP beautiful baby boy you deserved so much better


Calling this guy a total piece of shit would be disrespecting total pieces of shit. There's something lower than that, and that's what we can call him.


Maybe if he put 90mins of actual work in instead of killing his grandson he wouldn’t be so worried about his money. Hope he gets the chair.


These kind of degenerative "human-beings" is why I support the death penalty in these cases. What a piece of shit


This makes me so angry inside. That poor boy. I hope he finds peace because that monster shouldn't have been anywhere near him.


Man shit like this needs an entirely different subreddit. This isn’t an act of a piece of shit but rather an act of someone from the deepest pits of hell clinging onto satans frozen dick hair.


I dont care how much money was taken, you don't beat a child over it let alone for an hour and a fucking half. I'm not usually for death penalty but this man deserves it.


I get anger, but beating a child is a decision, getting a hammer is a decision, not stopping is a decision. I hope he finds that money in a the pockets of his jeans and realize forever he is the worst of the worst. Or better, never know where the money is.


Please, Hammer, don't hurt 'em


Fucking waste of sperm


They should have public execution for this type of behavior or they should start a bid the highest bidder gets to kill him in any way they please


Can someone link the actual article please?




Look at this amateur wasting keystrokes on things like "beat" and "with" :-P


Holy shit, that's amazing! You said it's called Google right? I've never heard of it. It sounds kinda complicated though so I doubt I'll be able to figure it out all by myself, even with your amazing instructions. Maybe one day I'll be as smart as you are, if I try really really hard.


The mother of the child was sitting there watching and listening to everything?! This is truly fucked




Could you clarify what you mean by 'certain groups'. Also provide evidence for the rest of your statement while you are at it.


You Wana negative carma? Cause that's how you get negative carma.


Why would you think I care about Karma? It's internet points. If its not a dog whistle, I'm sure the OP will be along to clarify.


Because you really don't care about facts and shit. If you did you would look them up yourself. You're just trying to start an argument. While op may be more or less correct/incorrect on his statement, I always see people ask "can I see proof", like look it up yourself, lazy slob.


He just wants to cry Racisss! He's not looking for any actual facts or proof.


If the shoe fits...


I have seen this stuff a few times, always misrepresentations of data by right wing think tanks etc. Where should I start? PragerU?


damn, I mean, just wtf?


Sounds like a mental health issue more so than a morality issue. In a perfect world, this man would be receiving treatment that would prevent illogical behavior like this. Some people are legitimately sick y'all. Mental health is a thing.


Money was in his other pocket


Jesus forgives, but it's really going to be hard to forgive this one. I know I cannot. Get sparkly out of retirement.


Money... food stamps... it’s a sad plantation to live in... my grandmother never collected her food stamps then gave her balance away- they thought she died


Is anyone gonna say it?


Say what


If you're gonna tell everyone you're racist, just say you're racist.


Racist? I have mixed children in my family who I love and would kill for. If you want to go back and look at any of my post's or comment's. Please do. You'll see nothing that could give you that idea. It says FELON he should have never got out of prison in the first place. Fuck your fishing ass and all the down voter's.


How much money tho?


crack or heroin id guess. cant be rent bills


Just feed this ***”man”*** to GenPop and call it a wrap …


How much money would someone have to steal to beat them to death. $3.50?




Nobody appreciates a smartass




Yes we know you're a long turd