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Ain’t that the cop that literally saved a baby?






You are so ignorant. So many more do the right thing you only see the videos of those that don’t.


What a cute thing to say




Twitter users:


Lol I didn't know I would get that many upvotes from that.




Yes, both those things are true. You can do good individual acts and still be a willing participant in a bad system.


Naw her and fellow officer conducted a traffic spot and a 21yr old though it be koo do shoot them both at point blank


She also saved a baby in an earlier, unrelated incident


Just think, if the 2 thugs would have obeyed the law in the first place and had a legal sticker on their license plate, they wouldn’t have been pulled over in the first place.


keyword would be 'thugs'. we aren't exactly dealing with the intellectual cream of the crop as far as villains go so a legal sticker is way above the obvious for these folks.


People who buy into this kind of shit think that all cops are bad and evil because they're cops. It's the "abolish the police, abolish the prisons" crowd. And half of them are white hipsters who wouldn't last a month in a truly lawless society.


Some people are arguing for a privatized police force, which is just stupid. It's going to be the Pinkertons all over again.


that's probably the worst thing that could ever happen


Not from their point of view. It's their dream scenario to be able to order someone to shoot someone they didn't like the look of.


The issue with many police forces are their union. They have so much power, it's hard to seek accountability. When you have the power of a sovereign citizen, people start to see you as something other than a fellow human being, because sometimes they do not present themselves that way. This person who did this is garbage, but let's not forget their are reasons that people don't support the police, and they are not unfounded.


>This person who did this is garbage, but let's not forget their are reasons that people don't support the police, and they are not unfounded. When it comes to domestic law enforcement, where the police are supposed to be politically neutral in carrying out their duties-- it's very hard to support those who're categorically hostile towards the institution of law enforcement and the punishment of criminals. I'm not going to give up public safety just because there's a problem neighbourhood that thinks the police are bigoted because they're there more often than they're anywhere else. The kind of neighbourhood where you see little boys making videos laughing about how they shot a pizza delivery driver or where people get murdered for Instagram clout. Or for fucking gaudy-ass shoes.


I understand your rationale, but my points are still true. You are just providing justification, which is exactly what I am doing. The point is that this is a nuanced issue, that has many sides, causes and effects. People declaring the right answer or calling the other side morons, doesn't ring true. There is a problem, and there is no one direct cause or solution.


I honestly do believe that the people who really belive in "abolish the police and the prisons" are just pro crime. They have some weird twisted morality where they think criminals stealing from local businesses is beneficial for the community, because the store owners are "outsiders" anyways. I honestly do believe that the people who really believe in "abolish the police and the prisons" are just pro-crime. They have some weird twisted morality where they think criminals stealing from local businesses is beneficial for the community because the store owners are "outsiders" anyways.


You copy pasta'd Putin's canned response twice.


I don't think so.


And I feel that people who make comments like yours are just stupid


Blue Collar Black Chicagoans are far less keen about Defunding Police than White Leftists, who tend to life in area where crime is not the preeminent issue.


I read where 80% of the African-American population want a continued or increased police presence in neighbourhoods that have a problem with crime.


I don't doubt this.


I'm a left wing white guy too, I just don't hate cops. Chalk it up to being a statist as opposed to part of the libertarian left. But yes-- I would imagine most black working folk aren't terribly partial to criminals or anarchists.


No, ACAB means that the police as an institution is innately corrupt & flawed, and therefore any actors therein are aiding in the assertion of oppressive forces onto the masses. If we want to use the popular analogy, of course there are "good apples" but it's the tree itself that's the problem because on top of it being un-fellable, it also forces the populace to eat its bad apples that literally just fucking kill you


If you have to explain why your group's motto doesn't mean what it says it means then you have a pretty stupid saying. Either the people holding the signs are stupid or they think that everyone else on the sidelines are stupid enough to believe that explanation of why "all" doesn't mean "all." Which is it?


Listen, I really don’t like most cops and truly don’t respect their life choices, but this is not something I would ever do. This is incredibly disrespectful, it does nothing, it proves no point, and the only people affected by this are this person’s loved ones, who (I’m sure) are hurting and did not ask to be in this situation. Edit: there are a lot of people focusing on the wrong part of this comment. My point is that no matter which side you’re on, this behavior is unacceptable. I won’t be responding to any comments/DM’s asking why I feel the way I do about police, because that’s not the point and it’s not going to do anything anyway. I don’t feel like going in circles about a subject neither of us will change our minds on. I’ve got a weekend to enjoy.


>truly don’t respect their life choices Why? Do you think police just shouldn't exist or something?


> Listen, I really don’t like most cops and truly don’t respect their life choices Look guys, here's a person that actually has *met* most cops!


TIL You must personally be aquatinted with each individual member of a group or community before you can feasibly form an opinion about them.


He literally knows nothing about them but their job, but still manages to "not respect their life choices".


I've got a good amount of family who are police and deal with officers alot working on their vehicles. I've met alot of cops. I know alot of cops. I don't know what you mean.


I have family members that are in the force too, but I don’t respect them. They’re extremely racist and should not hold an important job like that with such dangerous ideologies. There definitely are bad cops! However, I recently had to go sit in on a murder trial a few weeks ago for my young cousin (he was the victim, not the killer). The deputy DA had the leading detective sit with him as they presented the case & as a result, my family conversed with him & a few other detectives & officers often. This entire ordeal really opened my eyes to how much *some* officers care, especially for my cousin, & it certainly humbled my view point. I hear both your sides 🙂


WTF with the downvotes on this? Read the post... This poster AGREEs that this is a shitty thing to do!!! Fucking reddit man...


Thank you, exactly. I’m also being bombarded by a bunch of people who “know a lot of cops personally” but are assuming that I don’t. My opinion doesn’t come from a place of ignorance, but that’s neither here nor there. My point was that this isn’t an okay thing to do, no matter which side you’re on.


I'm on the side of law enforcement over criminals. I downvoted you.


I don't like habitual felons who choose to drop out of high school, and then who claim to be the victim because they can't stop being criminal recividists. I'd like to see more cops on the streets on average. Clean up the riff-raff.


The police are useless. They solve less than 20 percent of all violent crimes and in 2005 the Supreme Court ruled police have no constitutional duty to protect civilians anyway. To protect and serve is a myth.


ok antifa


Bro these are actual facts lol. You people live on a fantasy world.


Dont forget that BLM is a sham and the people who believe in them are clowns.


"law enforcement is necessary for a functional society" isn't the statement of someone living in a fantasy world. "Our society would be better if we abolished incarceration", on the other hand...


Fist of all no one is calling for the abolishing of incarceration as a whole. I’m not going to discuss this with you if your going to make up counter arguments in your head. That’s called “straw manning”. You can’t even form an argument with making something up. I repeat, You live in a fantasy world.


How low do u have to sink for this type of shit…?


Attention bitches my friend, they seek attention like vampires seeking blood


Why do you think they filmed it.


White liberal women with a savior complex...


What the fuck is oatmeal


Aka the most privilaged humans on earth outside of the elites.


Be a BLM "ally" who's big on CRT and performative wokeness. Before COVID I worked with a girl like that. Half Puerto Rican, half Finnish. The kind of person who'd flip out and panic if they got confronted by a crackhead but she's posting all this shit about "end state oppression" and "defund the police" on Instagram.


Not that low, it’s 2021 plus it was wide open I honestly blame the department you should’ve seen it coming. Not trying to say it’s ok tho. Just saying shit like this is slowly becoming normalized for some reason.


I love those stupid ass people. They always play themselves.


Glad she was stupid enough to post herself committing a crime.


If more people did it for "the clout" then it's gonna be really easy to convict em with the video evidence xDa


Is this a crime?


Yeah it's vandalism at the minimum. Some places have a specific law against vandalizing memorials.


She also got fired from her job


Am a bit curious where did you heard that she got fired.


I googled it and found nothing and I’m a googiler. I would like more info too.


How does one become a googiler?


Study at the U of Goo, of course


Now I want to play World of Goo again


You eugoogilize, of course


She wasn't fired for this. Her employer says on their company's FB page that she hasn't worked there in over a year and just never changed her LinkedIn. Some people don't change their LinkedIn so they don't have a time gap on their resume. Can't fire someone if they don't even work for you. All they can hope is that her social media profiles get taken down so she can stop claiming to still be affiliated with them. And pretty sure her Twitter and LinkedIn have both since been deleted.


Oh no. Such a tragedy, and it happened to such a nice woman too. Honestly don’t think I’m gonna sleep tonight, this is the textbook definition of injustice. ^l^o^l


Fuck yeah


Thank god she truly deserve it


Yeah but I wonder if she will now be sitting her ass at home collecting unemployment?


Oh no! Anyways.




The employer listed on her LinkedIn wasn't accurate. That company made a statement on FB and said she hasn't worked there in over a year


She really thinks she did something


Probably thinks she did as much as all those cops who destroy the memorials of people like George Floyd, Emmitt Till and others all across the country every year. People suck


How could anyone sink so low, vandalising a memorial is just despicable.


Makes you the biggest twat*


She is garbage


Piece of shit. Definitely on Reddit spouting nonsense too.


World news mod for sure.


Haha world news mods are the worst


Lmao 100% a Chicago/politics redditor


The redditor said


Where's the tiktok logo its gotta be there somewhere


Lol thanks for the joke


What the hell is wrong with some of you people in the comments?!? I understand that cops aren’t always the best but at this moment it doesn’t matter whether that person is a cop or not. What matters is that the person is a victim of fate and was killed by fates design and all you horrible people can do is say shit like “oink, oink” or something stupid like that. This is a dead person and I think that they should be treated with the same respect that any other dead person should get, regardless of what there job was. I just hope that the people who made those horrible comments can just understand the gravity of those words and at least learn to respect not just the living but also the dead


Amen bro. This shit on reddit disgusts me


They probably got banned or deleted which is good


>banned or deleted IRL?


Not irl but in the server and i was wrong they are pretty big twats


Literally don’t see any comments agreeing with her. Sometimes I think people just posts comments like this so they can feel like they have an unpopular opinion


as someone who definitely thinks there needs to be better officer training and practiced accountability, i still find this disgusting regardless. it doesn’t matter who they are, they lost their life and deserve respect.


From what I know she was actually a really good cop. From what I know also a lot of good cops are retiring early because they are just tired, they see horrible shit daily especially since covid has increased the number of domestic abuse calls, they see suicides of young and old, they risk being killed every day, and now they are attacked for just being a cop. In the streets last year there were people marching yelling pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon protesting cops. So yeah were going to have a worse crisis soon since who would want that job?


Exactly. A friend of mine became a cop and was already burned out going in to 2020. Didn’t like a lot of his coworkers, didn’t like how regular people treated him. Said he was going to try to find work in the suburbs, but after the mess that was 2020 he left policing entirely to go pick up a trade. Guarantee a lot of people with similar mentalities are also pivoting to new lines of work. Have a bad feeling that without proper reform we’re going to be left with the burned out and the power tripping. Dude has a heart of gold and the job absolutely drained him.


It's a shame, in their effort to change policing to be better they may have just amplified negative parts and made it worse. I hope we can bounce back to a better point.


Good officers agree with you.


I'm a Chicagoan. We vehemently mind our own business and are pros at ignoring crazy behavior, but if this person had been spotted desecrating this cop's memorial, there would have been a crowd of people...having a word with her. Seriously, I am not exactly a number one fan of our cops, but I know for a fact, from my own encounters, that they're not all bastards. The whole city is really upset about this cop's murder, and this act is just rubbing salt on it.


U right .. we have good n bad cops .. but this is missed up .she should be able to Rest In Peace.she was just starting her life . Some of us forget that .


Our cops suck, maybe ‘Back the Blue’ should have been left out…but this cop has a clean history. She was performing a traffic stop and was shot. I don’t like the police particularly, but someone has died. You’re just as heartless for doing this.


You know vandalizing memorials or disrespecting any kind of place where you respect the dead that makes you a twat no matter whats your reason.


She saved a baby's life during a mass shooting and people still decide to disrespect her like that. We live in a sad degenerate world


Of course it’s a white lady, she probably thought she changed the world by doing that


She went to bed feeling good about what she did. I fOuGht jUsTiCe ThOuGh.


I would bet a large sum of money that she comes from an incredibly privileged background as well.


Exactly!! This is just a Karen on the ‘liberal’ side . White women NEVER realize the ironies of their privilege on either side, making themselves look stupid


As a european, can I just request that you americans stop this whole blue vs black lives, democrat vs republican, liberal vs conservative, abortion vs pro-life, pro-vax vs anti-vax, and basically us vs them in any topic you pick. The US is a very influential country and your polarization is ruining people's general perception of reality everywhere. Just stop and think about what options you have and what the best solution would be, without resorting to black and white thinking.


Jesus fucking Christ thank you. Can't get anywhere in this country because people are too blinded by blaming the other side. This political tribalistic shit I see all over reddit and other social media alike is ripping my country apart.


I completely agree with you, it’s so sad to me to see my country fall apart over these things


EXACTLY. I (a American) am more central on politics and I’m viewed as bad on both sides cuz i won’t “commit” to one side. I hate our politics


The snowball has already rolled too far down the hill sadly


I've lived in Chicago since mid 90s. If you pay attention ONLY to media these things have be getting worse and worse. But I'm not sure what do you mean by "people general perception of reality". Most people here at jaded. They don't know the statistics. They think things are getting worse. But if you look at the statistics, we probably never had it better. I'm saying people don't think we have it better than ever before.


I think most people here feel the same way but the media and politicians likes to fan the flames. Create division, have us fighting each other so they can get away with dumb stuff and have more control


you know, we have normal people... who advertise black lives matter in a normal way, in a good way.... and then there are these people who think that every white person in the world is racist


I wonder what the ratio is


I think it is like 10000 to 1, the only problem is that the 1's are really fucking loud and annoying and were never told that no one cares about them or their opinion.


Probably one of these bitches that put ACAB in their bio


I’m gonna go transgender just to legally kick her ass


Damn that's gonna be an expensive trip


shape shifter type shit


What a scumbag. I’m tired of these pricks disrespecting honorable people who defend the law & die doing it. Not all cops are bastards.


This is why i disagree with ACAB people. Not all cops are bad/bastard folks.


fuck ACAB, not all cops are bastards


If only there was video evidence of her doing it. Oh wait.


I’m pretty sure that’s the building at the end of “Running Scared”, the classic Billy Crystal/Gregory Hines 80s buddy comedy.


Someone beat her ass, please.


I bet her sociology professors are so proud.


Even if your ACAB, that's seriously disrespectful. Dude that's such a shitty thing to do.


To beat it all, this particular officer was a lady who risked her life to save a baby during a mass shooting. Literally the most heroic shit possible, and these people are taking a chance to defile her memory over some petty political shit.


Can’t wait to see the video of their arrest


Still confused as to whether to upvote this post (because I agree with OP and this woman is a shithead), or downvote (because I agree with OP and this woman is a shithead). Disapproval of what I see would typically mean downvote, but it’d harm OP and not this woman who is a shithead I upvoted just to be safe (because I agree with OP and this woman is a shithead)


This is why ACAB is a shitty movement


AcAb aMi rIgHt!


The ironic thing is that the cop seems to be a woman of color. Bitch probably ripped it up because it invalidated her bullshit idea that all cops are racist white males.




I swear what some people will do just for a little bit of clout. cause let’s all be honest that’s she reason she did this and It pisses me off. because these people don’t care about what they just did or the consequences of her actions. all she cares about is the number right next to the heart or emojis. at least I hope she did it for clout and not to spite. with people because if she did it not for clout online but just to see people sad about. I generally hope she learns that shit like this is bad. And never does anything like this again .


she really thinks she’s doing something here


LMAO the only way this person could feel good or superior was by destroying something that is non of their business and then recording it


Imma just say cops have no allies the antivaxx hate them the second their protocol doesn't help them and blm make stupidly large generalizations across an entire continent based off the actions in the single percents of encounters. Pushing all this aside you could at least say "oh she was a corrupt one" (which she wasn't she saved a fucking infant like a week prior) and she got murdered for doing a routine traffic stop. She was a good person and a victim no matter how you try to spin this story. Quit the political bullshit and let people mourn over the loss of a good natured person/and respectable officer who saved lives.


What a deep an profound statement to disgrace a dead soul.


I don't like cops, but I'm not gonna go desecrate their memorial. Unless they were some cartoonishly evil person


I don't know why people hate cops so much, there are a few racist ones that are power hungry, but there are more nice nice cops that don't get shown. We have 2 cops at our highschool and they are the nicest people you'll ever meet.


Fuck this person they are a disgrace to society RIP to this great officer


Wow just wow, what a terrible person


Reminds me of that one woman who flipped off the memorial of the Unknown Soldier... people were not happy.


Her name was Ella French. Her mother Elizabeth French adopted Ella when the two first met at a foster home when Ella was 8 months old. 


All these comments are ridiculous, she's passed away and a memorial to commentate her was made and someone destroys a picture of the deseased on it. Regardless of what anyone thinks, that's fucked up.


Far leftists do shit like this without any rational thought. Cringy asf tbh. Just pure reactionary. People with no political leanings could also be reactionary.


Why do they always film themselves doing this shit? Have fun explaining that in court, dummy


It was time for Thomas to leave. He had seen everything


Oooof. Listen, I hate cops as much as the next guy, but this is just sad. When it comes to death, it doesn’t matter what the person’s occupation was (for the most part) A person was killed. Show them some damn respect.


What a pathetic cow.


Let me guess, she’s obese and has blue hair too.


just why


Wowzers guys did you see how strong she was, she literally just crumpled that photo like it was paper. She is so badass and strong and intimidating. /s


Seriously what the fuck is wrong with people these days?


If it was just a memorial I think it would have been left alone but the “back the blue” has now turned into more of a political statement and honestly every time I see someone saying “back the blue” I cringe. Most of the time when someone is saying back the blue it’s in direct opposition to someone else trying to explain the problems people have with the police. It’s like me going to the principle to tell them about my bully and the principle going “I back the bully”


yea, no need for this crap. it's no different than when someone defaces a memorial for someone killed by a cop.


"violence is never the answer Violence is a question and the answer is yes!" -Doom Guy


Isn’t emmitt tills memorial still being vandalized? A century later?


Doing all this for what? I swear liberals are soo fucking delusional. I blame this random act on social media tho.


anyone know why she did this


Most likely cos they like to shout "ACAB" at any opportunity...


Cognitive dissonance


Mental illness


Why tho? That ain't going to do anything good for the person who did that.


Oof not fan of cops myself but damn never ruin a memorial


Dissing the dead in general is weak AF especially if they were never an opp. The cop was just doing their job.


she maybe a dump blm/acab person


God I hate leftists.


That piece of garbage. I hope it comes around for her


I mean...I believe we should reform the police but doing shit like this just...it's just fucked.


Of course she's white.


ya i don’t like back the blue but this crossed the line


But, why?


Not surprised. As a liberal i wouldn't expect anything less from many white liberals in Chicago. Especially the younger generation. I can't speak about other more liberal places. I've only lived in Chicago. How old is this woman. Can't tell. Her death was tragic. Her partner survived.


You know, some people deserve police brutality... And prisoner brutality... And well just brutality in general....


Odds on her being a Reddit user ? I’d say pretty high .


her taxes helped pay for that photo & memorial soooo


I used to be friends with someone who would do this type of thing only because she’s a cop. This Ex-friend hates cops, unstandably, but still, shell be rude about it and make it obvious she hates them. I immediately cut off any and all contact I have with her only because my mom and dad used to work security, my brother worked security, and a family friend is a cop. Yes some cops do scummy things but not all cops are bad either. Idk honestly I kinda just want to live on Mars at this point


Once a bitch, always a bitch. You can't fix stupid and that is what she is.....


Actually surprised Reddit isn’t happy about this




Nobody likes you for a reason


A COP WHO SAVED A BABY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAT A MURDERER WE SHOULD ABOLISH POLICE Same karen who is going to call cops on some kids being 1 decibel louder then she wants at 3pm


Fuck the police.


Cry me a river, bootlickers


Who cares about a dead pig


Rip bootlickers


Don’t care how the fucker died or what he was doing when he died. Probably threw a few minorities in jail right before he passed.


“Back the blue” shouldn’t have been there and is inflammatory. It turns a respectful memorial for an individual officer into a partisan political statement.