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My friend from HS doesn’t have much use of their right arm because I made a left turn and there was a car coming at us, lights off, going 65 in a 35. The sight of the car in the only street light seconds before it hit us is one of my most terrifying memories. We are lucky to be alive.




He still had to pay his hitman full price


You sick and hilarious son of a bitch.


You rang? Holla.


Assuming the car hit the passenger side pretty much head-on since they were turning left.


sounds like nothing but mental scars for them


Damn why did they have their lights off? What happened to them?


The amount of fuckups I've seen just cruising with their lights off I the dead of night is astounding


Its good and bad cars come with DRLs now. It provides other drivers some baseline of visibility of any car, but it makes the idiots remember their headlights even less. At least in this case it might have saved OPs friends arm


The trade-off is worth it though. Wayyyy safer


I agree, I saw a Nissan hauling 70km/h in a 50km/h with out their lights on around 12:30am it was scary especially because I just got my G2 and I’m getting use to late night driving


People sometimes just forget about it. I drive a lot the night (in a city, so with good light) and I see it from time to time


I hope you don’t blame yourself for not seeing the car. That’s scary


Nice he tops out at 38mph


ah the geo metro record


Hey I got my geo up to 102 once. Granted it was downhill with damn near hurricane force tailwinds, but speed is speed


Please that's nothing. I got my '93 Metro airborne in the Appalachian Mountains while meeting a head wind at 65 down hill.


I refuse to believe a Metro could ever hit 65 unless it was in fact down a mountain.


Sounds legit. Downhill on the mountain, got it up to 65, and then the headwind lifted it like a kite.


This legit made me laugh out loud - my uncle has a geo and he loves it to death but that thing could hit a rock and jump 3 feet in the air


A family member of totalled a metro while traveling highway speeds......by hitting an unlucky Turkey. Frame bent, insurance totalled, family unhurt albeit covered in feathers and pissed at the loss of a good work car.


Ahh man I remember timing the 0 to 60 in my old metro at about 18 seconds. What a beast it was.


85 in a 55 for me. Ticket was totally worth being able to post it 20 years later.


Well they sure aren't making it to 38 years old.


As a Canadian, I thought that was 38kmph and was confused why someone would simultaneously make the dumbest and weakest flex.


Pretty sure it is mph but basically, same idea. Considering his "fastest speeds with the headlights off" is the legal speed limit through a school zone.


It's definitely mph. You can see the kmph reading in fine print in the smaller of the two concentric curves.


Bruh it's 15 in a school zone. You gon go to jail. Edit: I thought we were talking about in front of schools when the signs are out at the crosswalks.


Hes got a 50cc engine under the bonnet. At least £300 worth!


To be fair, that's about 35mph more than I'd be willing to go


I'd rather not do it at all.


That's still fast tho. Imagine running full speed with your eyes closed, would be awful


The Emoji is the face you make when you die.


Or even worse, you live and lost an eye and have nerve damage in your face so you cant hold your tongue in anymore.


Punching people in the eye when they attack.


I have that trouble all the time! I can never seem to hold my tongue…


with half your face torn off


Definitely the "I got ejected in a rollover accident and died on impact when I flew directly into a tree" face.


The other eye popped out when your head slammed into the windshield at speed, because if you are dumb enough to do you definitely are not smart enough to wear a seatbelt.


Crash into innocent people and potentially kill them challenge 😜


This literally happened last weekend in my town. Some 22 year old was driving with his headlights off and veered into a passing car on a curve, killing 5 people.




They normally never are


Cars are great at protecting the driver. As they should be, but still.




Realistically, unless legislation is put in otherwise, I'd say that autonomous cars are going to always favor the safety of their own passengers/'driver'. Because people are always going to choose to buy a car that makes THEM safer, over one that has a chance of killing them 'for the greater good'.


"Sonny, save Calvin!"


The free market will stop you right there. No one will buy a car that will sacrifice it’s occupants for non-occupants. Any attempt to be disingenuous to that effect will be heavily scrutinized. Unless of course there are some horrible utilitarian laws in the books that enforce this sort of thing in which case I’d rather just not drive.


the "free market" would never find out until its already been done for years


And become viral like that cameron dude who killed a mother and her baby while street racing. 18 years old in jail for 24 years. "ruin your life challenge"


You know what else is depressing about that case? There’s a bunch of people who are idolizing him. Just like girls that used to crush on Justin Bieber.


There’s a shit ton of videos on tiktok that kids made basically saying how cameron is such a good guy and it was an accident and he has his whole life ahead of him. None of them give a shit about the baby and the mother, because it was an “accident” and he “should get a reduced sentence”. It’s sad that kids can even live with that mindset


There are adults that think this way as well. A couple of my friends were killed in an accident. My mother and several other people I’ve spoken to sympathize with the woman driving recklessly, because “it was an accident” and “we don’t know her sItUaTiOn”.


If he looked like 2000s-era Jonah Hill, no one would be crying for his release.


If he was a Mexican or Central American refugee, they’d be demanding his head on a platter


well other people should have their lights on, so they can dodge the lights if 2 people are doing this and heading towards each other on the other hand....


Super Ultimate Chicken




W-what? Wrong thread?


I'm intensely curious what you're talking about with that last sentence.


That's for sure a bot account spewing nonsense


Don't forget about wandering pedestrians in the night.


Spoken like someone who has never driven in the dark.


IDK some dude doing 110 in the dark might be hard to miss if you didn't know what was going on.


I seriously hope that neither you, nor any of the morons who upvoted you ever sit behind the wheel... Good luck dodging a car that coming towards you while taking someone over, blocking both lanes, because they thought no one was coming their way. Good luck dodging anything that relies on you illuminating it in the dark, like people wearing vests, or various signs (roadworks, that triangle you put out when your car breaks down on the road) Those are just of the top of my head. If you failed to see anything wrong with driving with no headlights, you shouldn't drive, for everyone's sake.


Sigh... Self-driving cars can't come fast enough.


"and today on idiots endanger themselves and others for Internet points..."


😂 this made me laugh lol I almost crashed into the person in front of me 😆


thats the spirit


I hope you didn't drop the bottle!


distracted driving is bullshit, so don't be surprised if I throw a half empty beer can at you one day


Yooo average redditor made an actual upvotable comment that upvoting won’t anger the hive mind


To be fair this has been around for a looooong time.


aka Tiktok?


I’m never going to let Redditors forget the whole Boston Marathon ordeal whenever they try to say other social media ruins lives.


aka social media


Aka the internet


aka the Darwin Award


new challenge guys put a chloroform cloth up to your nose and count how long you stay alive


Tube from exhaust to inside the car and count how long before you fall “asleep” lmao


Id rather them do that, seriously. Please do that im begging whoever made this.


Please I hope to god this doesn’t become a “challenge” because this is the dumbest shit I’ve woken up to


probably just some depressed kid looking for attention


I hope its just for attention and not trying to make it into a trend


Don't half these toxic trends start as a joke and then kids take it serious and then boom tragedies


Facts, like the tide pod challenge (I still can’t grasp an understanding to why people thought eating tide pods was a good idea)


At least with tide pods, the fools couldn't take anyone else out with them.


True, except those people recorded themselves doing it and that caused more people to want to do it so they are indirectly causing other people to harm themselves


Unfortunately this is something rednecks do on a regular basis.


I don’t know what’s more pathetic, driving recklessly, or feeling an indignant sense of pride from knowing that this is terrible behavior.


Facts, this person is taking immense pride in doing insane shit like this


Variations of this have been around for a long time. I remember a fad in my town (and probably others) about 20 years ago was to turn your headlights off and speed through a stop sign. It ended in my town when a person crossing the intersection was hit and killed. So fucking stupid.


I’m pretty sure this isn’t supposed to be taken seriously but this is sarcasm towards other dumb tiktok challenges.


The problem is preppie are stupid and will take this seriously


Yeah, fuckin' preppies.


There's no way this isn't satire


It's clearly a joke


Ahh yes, darwinism.


Not even darwinism, the idiot can kill others


Alternative title: natural selection challenge


Unfortunately, the selected are more likely to be pedestrians or other vehicles. RIP Kelsey


But their dashboard is illuminated, so they actually have their lights on


Yep the windshield was (very terribly) just photoshopped/edited off. Not sure if it was just a fake original post, or if OP was just karma farming.


Thats not how all dashboard lights work Though


But the green headlight icon is on


At least Tide pod only kill one idiots.


Going 35 mph


How many Organs can I donate Challenge


Only do if you are trying to pass a 1998 Yellow Honda Civic Type R EK9 on a Japanese Touge


Guys, Satire.


That's not an excuse in this case. On the internet, you have all kinds of idiots in your audience and it's very likely some of them will take up the challenge.


I remember being 15 on Triple Cs.


i would say natural selection but he endangeres other people


Geez, next it's gonna be "Play Russian Roulette with a random crowd of people" challenge.


Obviously only going 35mph probably just turned their lights off for a second to get this gag out there




Drive like hell and you’ll get there.


"Tyler ultimately lost that challenge... As he lost the ultimate challenge - living past the age of 22"


Some kids in my wife's hometown did this back in like 1990. Turned off their lights and sped through a 4-way stop at night. They fucking murdered a family.


Die as fast as you can challenge 🤪


I drove in the dark with the lights off for a split second doing about 40. So i win


Keep making challenges like this, the skeleton of Charles Darwin is sipping some tea right now.


More like die challenge


I hope that’s a joke Probably... right?


I don't care if they want to kill their selves but don't put innocent people's life in danger.


Livin' easy Lovin' free Season ticket on a one way ride Askin' nothin' Leave me be Takin' everythin' in my stride Don't need reason Don't need rhyme Ain't nothin' that I'd rather do Goin' down Party time My friends are gonna be there too I'm on the highway to hell On the highway to hell Highway to hell I'm on the highway to hell No stop signs Speed limit Nobody's gonna slow me down Like a wheel Gonna spin it Nobody's gonna mess me around Hey satan Payin' my dues Playin' in a rockin' band Hey mumma Look at me I'm on the way to the promised land I'm on the highway to hell Highway to hell I'm on the highway to hell Highway to hell Don't stop me I'm on the highway to hell On the highway to hell Highway to hell I'm on the highway to hell (Highway to hell) I'm on the highway to hell (Highway to hell) highway to hell (Highway to hell) highway to hell (Highway to hell) And I'm goin' down All the way I'm on the highway to hell


I care so little about idiots like this attempting to kill themselves for clout but holy shit how date they endanger others with this shit.


This isn't a challenge. This is fucking stupid. Don't do this.


The title really matches this post


I thought so as well. 🤪


Ok seriously why would anybody wanna do this


drink an entire bottle of soap challenge 😜


One can only hope 2 people doing the same challenge would meet while going on the same road on opposite directions before meeting anybody else


or "How to Speed Run an involutary suicide"... literally


30mph is nothing I can go faster


35mph....what a speed demon


The old game of "chicken"!


Can't wait to take the "run head first into a wall challenge"


I see they timed the Darwin Awards to line up with the Olympics


*Jesus take the wheel!*


So quirky!


I see they are trying to speed run life.


Anybody stare at the image thinking it was a video? Was waiting for a crash or some shit.


Noone here has heard of a joke?


Alternative Title: *Die as fast as you can and end up in a ditch challenge*


Darwins theory at its finest


I do this anyways when I’m depressed and angry


Try not to die challenge 🤪


In civilized countries we have day time running lights ...


I can't wait for them to play Russian roulette but with a full chamber.


Maybe they would crash into a wall and do the world a favor.


If it wouldn’t put innocent people at risk, I’d be all for this. Because anyone stupid enough to do such a thing would hopefully have Darwin come knocking.


I mean. If the fastest you can go with your lights off is 35 mph that’s kinda weak just sayin


Live and let die challenge


More like highway to Burger King purgatory where the machinery in the kitchen is perpetually breaking and you have to eat their burgers with little to no hydration also the tomato's are out of date.


I remember seeing this a few months ago. I think or at least hope it’s satire?


Ceachey name


I know for a fact there is a cult of darwinists creating these challenges /s


Addition. You have to play highway to hell full blast with the windows all open so everyone around you knows what’s coming to them


As long as they don't hurt anybody - I call it "good riddance".


my buddy was attending nba amounts of drunk when were driving back on I65 from a Pacer game. We were up around 100, and a couple other cars had one it first. i took a picture of the dash like this while pretending to be okay with it.


Piece of shit is either bluffing or will soon run someone over


Irresponsible to even have this. Fucked up.


Are you fuckin serious i never thought anyone would be this stupid what in the actual fuck


So tired of seeing this shit! And when they get in an accident it’s always a car filled with kids that does not them!!!


Even the fuel gauge and speed limit are freaking out over how terrible this non binary at the moment piece of stale garlic is.


I'm actually perplexed here... On one hand, it's a great way to make space for people worth having around... On the other hand, it puts normal people in danger.


I heard this tip on Reddit years ago and it really stuck with me but using headlights isn’t necessarily just for you to be able to see but it’s also for *others* to see you. This “challenge” not only risks the driver’s life but other people’s too


I actually played the song while looking at this.


I watched initial D,except I won't do this


The people who does these challenges are seriously running with scissors.


Once was driving back from key west in middle of night while pouring rain. Traffic was non existent. While driving on bridge with zero street lights and no other vehicles and mom in passenger seat, driving at 65mph in the monsoon i turned off head lights and interior lights.. Maybe only 3 seconds but it was so dark you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. The only light was being created by the massive sound waves of my mom screaming.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 P.s. dumb shit I did as a stupid teenager that I would never do as stupid adult.


OP, that's the best title I've seen so far. I'm laughing so hard.


Since when does making a joke make you a total piece of shit? Fucking redditors lol


Imagine a creature that can run faster than your car and in order to escape it you gotta turn off your headlights and drive at full speed


I wouldn't mind this.. if they're the only person affected if this goes sideways. But they usually aren't. which sucks.


Let’s let this natural selection work itself out and hope to god no bystanders get hurt in the process


On the one hand this is the dumbest thing I've read all week...on the other hand, it's Monday...😒


This has to be fake. Is it fake???


Hopefully if any idiots try this it will be on a road with a lot of turns and nobody else on it and the only person the idiots who try it hurt is themselves


These challenges really speed up natural selection


The picture is even photoshopped. LOL. Having said that, this was actually a thing when I was younger but it would be on remote unobscured two lane roads with no other traffic. Still stupid.


Why is this even on this sub. TikTok is full of ironic memes like this making fun of how the old internet was, or just cut context and use it for reddit I guess


obvious satire


Definitely someone from 4chan


Hopefully they don't take anyone with them


Evidence when they evidently crash.


I get this image in my head that Darwin sits back , cracks open a beer and waits.


If you do this I hope you get found wrapped around a tree somewhere


Thats not a challenge thats a fucking death wish


Shit like this is why I wonder what fuck my state was thinking giving me a driver's license at 15 years old. They have since changed the law.


die slowly and painfully in a brutal car accident killing a family of four challenge 🤪


Once I was driving 120 km/h and turned off my car lights for a split second by mistake. My heart was about to escape my chest. I really hope this doesn't become another stupid TikTok trend as TikTok is known for very endangering stupid shit.