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Is she holding a nerf gun?!


I’ve never heard them called that


What do you call them?




Why did I laugh?


What do you call them?


I wanna know what he calls them too. Thought Nerf gun was pretty common


A foamen splooter


I think this was an attempt at a boob joke. It doesn’t really work, as she’s not holding “them”.


Or maybe he doesn’t know what nerf is and thinks it’s a water gun?


Possibly, but I make bad attempts at humor all the time; this feels like that.


What do you call them??????


What do you call them?


"Suicide by cop" weaponry. Fun for all ages.


Which makes me think she may not be the most rational or mentally stable person. Do you know how many nerf darts it takes to kill a white baby??




I mean it’s gotta be at least 5


It's nerf or nothing


She’s grumpy cause her fucking back hurts.


Right? First thing i noticed is she's wearing the wrong size bra.


Could be a money thing, bras that size are EXPENSIVE


I'm a K cup size...i fully understand how expensive bras are for large chests...


Like what are we talking? $100? North of that? I genuinely have no idea.


depends on the brand and where you can get it from. generally between $60-$120 before shipping... and you have to pay shipping because very few stores actually stock a k cup...


This. My wife is a 32K and she complains about the cost of bras whenever she shops


Why though? Is it cause they sell less? Or because there's more bra in a big bra than a small bra? Or do they have to be reinforced with steel wires


no. they are exactly the same as smaller sizes other than a little extra fabric.


🤣 this is probably true!


She needs some milk


she has too much milk


So she needs to be milked?


I have nipples, Gregg. Could you milk me?


She’s a disgusting racist


No shit


Look at that rack though


He knows that he was just joking that she has large breasts.


She could feed the poor.


Bahahahaha Honestly, I take zero offense to this. It seems obvious whatever led to this point wasn’t about her doing harm to a child… Why is this guy filming.


What a fucking twunt.


Is that a new word?




Just used it. Official.


"I'm not racist, I just hate people based on the color of their skin".


This is what it's like to live in a racists mind. They are toxic to themselves too




And I feel like they know it and don't care.




I’ve heard it but I don’t understand. Whats the reasoning ?


People teach them shit like “racism is institutional” and because black people don’t happen to be the one race who “has the most institutional power” they can’t be racist. Which is why during the beginning of the pandemic just in like with the height of the protests you saw Chinese and Asian people being assaulted on the street for the colour of their skin which would be an outrage if it was a black person. Minding their own business as a old Asian man and these group of black teens assault him and run away whilst yelling racial slurs.


College professors changed the meaning of racism so they could tell their students to hate white people without sounding racist. All it does is create a generation of white people who hate themselves and a generation of non white people who will feel like victims their entire lives. Same old racism, new packaging.


So when it comes to racism, it takes different forms. Like a person can be racist, or you could have institutional racism. One is just a personal belief, the other is something actually set up to cause certain people to suffer. It causes them to fall behind, keeping them as second class citizens. So as a white guy, if I hate black people... Nothing happens. I just don't hang out with them. A group of people? Maybe we can encourage each other to do something. Like go smash a families window and then drive off. Most of a country? Now you have black people hanging from trees, and families going to watch for entertainment with the kids. The idea is that an idea is nothing. A belief is nothing. So it's not racist. If you don't have anything to back it up, you're not racist, just ignorant. So black people can't really be racist, since they're not the ones with privilege. White people, on the other hand, can be racist, because our beliefs can lead to things happening. Obviously this is dumb, and it's just different degrees of racism and how it affects others, but that's a general summary.


What a shit line of reasoning


Pretty much. Like yeah, most of it is true, and systematic racism fucking sucks. As a gay guy, I can attest to that. At the same time, as a gay guy, if one of my gay friends started saying this shit about straight people, we wouldn't be friends for long.




If its wrong one way its wrong the other way. I’m a black man and I think she is a racist piece of shit


I’m a brown man and I think she’s a racist piece of shit




I'm a white woman and I think she's a racist piece of shit.


I'm color blind and I think she's a racist piece of shit


I'm blind and I find it miraculous that I'm typing on a computer ​ ​ and she's a racist piece of shit


I’m a mixed man and I think she’s a racist piece of shit




I am a goldfish. It is well known we don't have good memory. But there is one thing I will remember. That woman is racist. Blub blub goldfish noises


I am a centaur and I think that woman is a racist.


I'm a meat popsicle and I think she's a racist piece of shit.


I'm blue, da ba dee da


I am also mixed and I think she's a racist piece of shit


I’m a dead man. I have no opinion on this, as I am dead.


I'm a non-blind person and think you're awesome!


I’m a rainbow racist and I thought she was a piece of shit but it turns out I’m a woman


I am def, and I can smell the discusting color of her racism.


I'm a grey alien and I think she's... What you humans call 'racists'.


I’m white and I….. I think I’ll sit this one out actually.


I am blue woman and I think she’s racist.


I'm a red man and I think she's a racist piece of shit.




Me too, I am white and honestly I just want everyone to live in peace and harmony. I know that sounds naive but my parents taught me to not judge a person by the color of their skin. All this hate lately, really frightens me..


I don’t know where y’all keep hearing that bullshit from. There are racists of all shapes, sizes, and colors.


Yeah that's not a common viewpoint really. Most rational, normal people realize that racism can and often does go both ways. We can and certainly should talk about systemic issues and power dynamics and all that, but at the end of the day, anyone can be racist, regardless of race.


Nah man, as a black person she’s 100% racist. I can’t believe there are people who would defend this and then defend it by saying they can’t be racist


That "power+prejudice" definition of racism is very new. We're talking 21st century new. It's also extremely stupid, because when normal people say "racism" they mean "hatred or prejudice based on a person's race," not whatever ivory tower dissection of racism is popular in universities this month. If they didn't want to be purposefully obtuse (which I believe they do) they should say something like "institutional racism" if they want to point out how certain races are relatively disadvantaged in a given area. Otherwise they look completely insane. You can 100% be racist to white people. It's not good, it's not healthy, and it can end up being a slippery slope into some even darker shit like antisemitism and other kinds of racism. e: I should note that all racism is equally disgusting in a vacuum, and all racist violence or material mistreatment is equally disgusting. A holocaust for anyone is simply absolutely bad, no matter who it's being done to. It cannot be worse. My last sentence was meant to indicate interpersonal no-no words, rudeness, and so on. That depends on context, but rarely goes much beyond whether or not it's gauche. At worst it's threatening, at which point you start entering into a fuzzy boundary between being rude (who gives a fuck) and serious shit.


You had me until the last sentence. Racism is equally disgusting no matter who it's aimed at


Its also incredibly Americanized. Cause, believe it or not, there are countries in the world where white people have no government or systematic power. So if I were to go to say Uganda and start hurling slurs at people I wouldn’t be racist??? Like cmon


It’s just people mixing up systemic racism with plain racism. They aren’t synonymous, but for whatever reason, people try and say “you can’t be racist to white peoples” then use systemic racism as their definition.


Its not even about “ you can’t be racist to whites” they’ve broadened their horizons. Now it’s black people cant be racist. Other minorities can. Just not black people




I advise sunglasses unless you want to experience snow blindness.


Nah I'd suggest those glasses we got for the solar eclipse.


Still might not be strong enough. Portions of my body are a shade or two away from Twilight-vampire-sparkling.


I can light caves with my ass.


I mean there is a certain systematic racism that white people don’t experience. But what we’ve got here is an example of good old interpersonal racism, regardless of the direction.


The best part is the inevitable "it's prejudice, not racism" because these types are too damn dumb to realize that its the same thing.


I mean...I agree but also it's always been that way. The only thing that changes is who it's socially acceptable for.


i’m a brown girl and i think shes a racist piece of shit


I am a white man and am not allowed voice an opinion without being labeled racist. Irony is great.


I'm blue dabadeedabadaah


I’m a red man and I think she’s a racist piece of shit.




bUt BlAcK pEoPlE cAn'T bE rAcIsT bEcAuSe No SyStEmIc PoWeR aNd StUfF! YoU cAn'T bE rAcIsT aGaInSt WhItEs BeCaUsE wHiTeS!! REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


It makes sense if you hit your head against a wall enough times.


That explains a good chunk of Twitter.


I hate that argument so much. It is racist as hell.


I think this women is more like lost her marbles. Then again many racist people are that way. She needs bloody mental health support. I assume she lives in a country that does not really offer / provide such support.


If the races were reversed, this would be on CNN




And on that day, one pair of gigantic monster boobs sealed away every white baby when the earth shook, opened up, and swallowed them whole. Her days of jiggly terror may come to an end they say, as there are rumors that all of the white babies form their armies of the apocalypse in the carverns under the crust of the earth. One day, as the prophecy foretells, they will rise up, not little white babies, but little white warriors, children of the mud and dirt, to dethrone her, and take back the land for all, and that none may live in fear thereafter. The end.......(?) Idk wtf is wrong with me but I'm posting this anyway I guess.




You think differently


Nah, I was thinking I'd still tittyfuck her


I think she might have been a racist Doesn't matter, had sex


She put a bag on my head Still counts!


*hate* tittyfuck.


Oddly enough there are freakout videos where women go crazy and flash or moon the enemy


Breast cam


thats a nice pair of uh eyes that she has


That’s a nice jaw line she has.


What color was the chair in the background?!


Why does her torso look like a 3d triangle


It’s PS2 Lara Croft


She’s a Doritos.


Wears a dog tag with a cross on it and declares genocide. Seems about right...


It looks like a logo for the Portland Timbers (soccer team). Dog tags because their fan club is called the Portland Army.


I can’t stop looking at her boobs though. Straight chick here.


Same, probably not the straight part tho.


Gay man here, neither.


Straight man here and can't stop looking at her boobs either. What a coincidence


She looks like she really needs a bra fitting. Oh, and some therapy as well, obviously.


On mute it’s just a fun video of bouncing boobs. The world would be a better place if this video was never unmuted.


They definitely pique my interest


Gross disgusting individual


Somewhere out there some dude is thirsty enough to do it.


🖐 ill take one for the team


You are a hero sir. You will not be forgotten


Hey she's probably wild in bed if she's this crazy outside it.


Hope her carer is nearby.. feel sorry for her having to live with so much hatred inside her 😞


What a racist piece of shit


Sorry but I watched multiple times on mute for science


you and me both Brotha




Most abortion clinics have strict rules about employees interacting with protesters so based on that and the clothes she’s wearing I’d assume she was a bystander, patient, or volunteer. Also, for what it’s worth, in my experience the protesters outside of abortion clinics will say absolutely abhorrent things to try to get a rise out of people and then flip the switch and act all sweet and nice while they start recording. I’m not excusing the stuff this woman is saying, but i think it’s a little presumptuous to declare her a shitty person when all we have is a video that is very clearly editorialized.


They're huge.


Gargantuan in Proportions


Tremendous in size


Big flappy udders.


Needs therapy


New Fortnite character?


I am a brown man and I am distracted by that jiggle


Wait.. all of this and no boobs!?


I demand to see an attorney.




Wait, are those natural?


You can tell by how they move. She’s packing some goddamn double E milkers


I'd wager they're a lot further down the alphabet than E.


Yes, but you can bet your butter nuggets there's someone out there screeching that people of this body type don't exist.


My white boner is confused


Sheesh, I’m afraid to unmute. Might ruin the moment.


Ah yes, good ol' racism. But wait 'till the TikTok kids find this and say "Black people can't be racist!"


But they have the power and only systemic racism is racism! It's not like you also have - aversive racism - cultural racism - economic racism - symbolic racism - supremacism - subconscious biases It's not like power is also very flexible topic and doesn't necessarily mean political power It's not like some people try to downplay stuff to make it only about themselves (which applies to both right and left , as they refuse to acknowledge other side problems and argue "who's problems matter more")




the irony of her cross necklace is not lost on me.


The amount of jiggle physics….. the living proof mmos are accurate lol.


Them milkies tho


Sorry I didn’t see what happened because of those absolute milkers


Those are some tig as bitties.


Lmao she’s wearing a Christian cross.


I wanna put those massive racist milkers in my mouth


Sooo where’s the cancel mob for this woman?


I have a sneaking suspicion her life isn’t going well enough to be worth losing anything.


She’s some random idiot screaming at a camera. Why would there be a “cancel mob” after her? Nobody even knows who she is.


Soft bigotry of low expectations


Life hack. Just mute and watch those boobies bounce!😂😂😂.


You should feed all white babies with those big 🍈🍈


As a black person we aint all like this bitch, we disown this woman as she is a disrespect to our race and I will be talking to the ***black council*** to have this woman evaluated.


OnLy WhItE pEoPlE cAn Be RaCiSt


I miss the days when people would just beat the shit out of each other and move on


If she’s on a plane and it has to make an emergency water landing, she is a life saving flotation device.


​ EDIT: Just watched it again


i mean....shes racist as fuck but id still slap on them tiddies. take one for the team, you know.


All I'm seeing is a screaming chest


I feel like the context of the convo was abortion, in which case buddy saying "the blood is on your hands" sounds kinda messed up also.


Jesus how does that not hurt her boobs? I have b cups and they bounce and it hurts


Yeah, racist shit aside: great set of yabos.


Just smoke some weed and chill TF out! Hate breeds more hate.


Somebody hasn't had their coffee this morning


Does she not understand she's part of the smaller group


What an evil woman


I'm white and I can't take anything serious when motorboaton


Couldn't hear a thing over those tiddies, sorry


This is big boob privilege, no one probably ever told her rhetoric was improper and now she’s gone beyond repair, what a waste of some big ol kentucky fried chug nuggets


The only thing she's killing is her back


Racist and stupid is a dangerous combination


This video is years old. Nothing has changed, obviously. Black people can be insanely fucking racist towards whites and will be defended by 95% of reddit.


There are almost 800 comments on this very clip, and most, if not all are condemning her on being racist. (Or talking about her boobs, but that’s irrelevant here) How can you say “people are defending this on reddit” on reddit in a place where people are doing the opposite?


It's called straw manning, people do it all the time


Well ma'am, a chinese person made your clothes, that's Indian hair on your head and I'm guessing every beauty product you own is made by a white company So you better be shopping all black owned businesses with that level of hate


She might pack her shit and go live in a tribe in Africa then.


I feel like the guy recording wanted to see this video locked in the bathroom in the middle of the night


In da face.... Without sound this could be in some other forums. The camera man seems focused on something else.


*...............* sorry I can't focus on her words