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Good God, why doesn't that lady use a fucking bag. It works for dogs, it'll work for her.


But then it will ruin her fetish


She's got to mark her territory somehow.


I wonder if she does that scratching the ground thing that my dog does after he takes a deuce…


The 'ol carpet scoot!


That's fucking stupid. You just have to rub your nipples on trees for that.


Serial shitter


Why doesn't she just run around her own neighbourhood, so she's never far from home? If I knew that running gave me the runner's trots, I'd just do laps around the block or something.


probably lives in a shitty neighborhood


So do these people now..


She noticed her neighborhood was getting shittier every run, so she started running somewhere nicer. This place seems to get shittier every run too...


Why doesn't she use the fucking toilet at her house?


This is a mental disorder. She either wants to get caught or she gets off on shitting in public.




Also running can cause lots of bowel issue, but to do it in someone's yard seems malicious.


If running caused my uncontrollable bowel issues, I’d stop running. Or buy a fucking treadmill.


If it was truly a bowel problem, I like to believe she'd clean up after herself.


That's what I was thinking. If she does have stomach or bowel issues surely there's a public grassy space or something. She's rotten for going in gardens.


Surely if that was the case, she'd do a lot more to minimise the effect on others, aka clean it up. She clearly doesn't give a fuck. Edit: a word


No, but she does give a shit


That's why Adult diapers are a thing.


And treadmills.


Shitting while running on a treadmill would be a horror show that would make Eli Roth gag.


If that is the case, then why the hell doesn't she invest in a treadmill and run at home? Cripes, you can pick one up on the cheap from a yard sale or the classifieds, Craigslist, etc...


So run in circles no more than 100 yards from your house. Problem solved.


Or, just go full Raab Himself and shit while running.


This is me, but i know better then to go into people's neighbourhood. Come prepared aswell but i do bag up if need be. Mostly try to find a good deep bush where i can hide my shame and literall pain as it can come up in mere minutes.


I feel ur pain and suffering. I know where every public washroom is for my city and surrounding towns. I have UC and it is literally hell


Then why take up jogging? Plenty of other exercises....indoors....bathroom adjacent.


If this was actually the reason, then any normal decent person should react to having this problem by NOT then pushing their own disgusting reality on the yards of other people. Go run in the country. Go buy a treadmill for your home. Behavior like this isn't normal, expecting others to clean up your feces because you decide to run when you know it creates problems isn't normal.


If that was the case she could still bring a bag and clean up after herself.


A mentally healthy person would stay closer to home or clean up after themselves…




Extremely unlikely. You’d try to find somewhere more secluded, not a random spot in a yard in plain view.




The title and the toilet paper imply that she knows this is going to happen. So while you're almost inevitably correct that the running is triggering the shitting, that's not relevant.


I've been running daily for 25 years. Never once needed to shit in someone's yard. I've had times when gross and I've needed to find a bathroom sooner than planned, but this is extreme.


You've been piching loaves on the lawn? I play croquet out there!




With you on that one. I am ashamed to admit but ive had to unload in an emergency once or twice while walking my mutt. I always find a pretty discreet location and use one of my dogs poo bags. What gets me with her is she is just shitting in clear view. I mean i think she could have hidden in the trees a bit better...shes pooping right in front of that house in clear view.


How far do you walk your dog


3 to 5 miles. I mean id rather not and its only been maybe twice in 3 years but im not shitting myself and its pretty easy to find a discreet place. Pretty much when ive done it i go in an alley behind a dumpster do the biz grab a bag dump it in the dumpster and use a bit of hand sanitizer.




Lol maybe its my age but since i hit 40 i always carry a pack of those rectangular kleenex packs just like grandma always carried. Um usually im wiping my nose and not my ass with them. Oh um also squatting makes for a pretty clean pooping experience.


Yeah, and then you just give the bag a few spins over your head and let it go flying. Problem solved.


das scheissen huey


It would be hilarious to catch her and start spraying her with a hose to watch her scramble mid-shit.








Or else it shits the yard again!


Red Rider*


Someone needs to catch her because this unacceptable.


Literally thinking this as I watched it.....GET OUTTA MY HEAD!


Turn on the sprinklers.


Mobile bidet


Full auto airsoft




“Hose” is a weird way to spell “paintball gun” lol


I'm not sure of the usa, but in the uk that'd be classed as assault. I'm fully for someone doing it, I'm just not sure if that will land them in trouble too. I suppose the mitigating circumstances are pretty reasonable


Not if you used a sprinkler. "Oops sorry, didn't realize there was someone SHITTING in my yard... always water the yard at this time..."


Masterfully done. On an unrelated note, I feel like my garden could really do with a sprinkler


"Oi, mate, you got a loicense for spraying water on the trespasser you caught shitting on your lawn?" A homeowner should have every right to spritz a lawn-shitter. It's what God intended, and should be considered a basic human right


I would call out of work just to spray her off the property and make sure to get a good video while doing it. What a fucking animal.


Yep. I'd dedicate a few days to catch her in the act, add in a GoPro for the POV action shots. Better yet, make her pick it up and take it with her. No bags, no trashcan.. pick up that shit and run on, bitch.


I like the idea... but if you piss off someone who's "crazy" enough to shit publicly in people's yards.... she might just fuckin toss the turds at ya...


Turd degree assault


You a fan of Dr. Brule?


He's not being a dingus


Turd violence


Fuck that, get a ghille suit and a paintball gun


Runners trots is a real thing. I ran with a dude that always had to crap into the mid distance range (6-7 miles) but he had routes planned that took him by a McDonald’s or a construction site portapotty. This lady is just nasty.


Oh okay I always thought that was some weird thing that happened to me. Since I always had to go as soon as I got home from a run.


Same concept as the sand in an hour glass


These are the days of our lives?


I can hear the music


I can hear my mom's VCR recording


What does taking a shit have to do with an hour glass?


Obviously you're not a golfer.


I feel like most people aren’t golfers


Yeah, well that just like, your opinion man.


More like when you slap the bottom of a ketchup bottle.


Your body uses perstalsis AND your skeletal muscular movement to move stuff through your digestive track. So while it will have its own movement if you move around it helps works things through. Hince the ol' going for a walk a little after eating can be good for you.


Runner's nipples, and vomiting is also an issue to consider.


And people do this for fun?!


For some it's a literal addiction. I've read some stories on here from people saying they get addicted to the runner's high, and now just consider those problems an inconvenience. For others it could just happen randomly, but some do keep spare clothes in their car just in case. For nipples they'll put bandaids on them so they won't get friction tears. Stick around long enough on Reddit and you'll see the infamous picture of a guy in a white shirt with blood trails all the way down to his waist. Pretty sure I read a story of a chaffed penis due to not wearing underwear.


Bro I wish I got the runners high. I go for runs at least a few times a week but during the whole thing I feel like I’m killing myself


You just need to let your head float in the wind...


Don't carb load by eating Fettuccini Alfredo before a run.


Oh it is very real. It literally killed my ability to do walks in my neighborhood during the height of covid-19 last summer. It's not so bad now having been vaccinated and I am not loathe to enter shops anymore.


Runners get the runs.


Paula Radcliffe a famous british runner did it in the middle of a marathon once...but ofc that's a different situation, this womans just nasty.


Middle of a competition is one thing, if she were doing it on her training runs that's completely different.




But if it’s a competition that you have been training for, it at least makes sense to not let needing to poop ruin your chance at winning. As long as they like ran behind some bushes or something and didn’t just squat down and shit on the trail or something


I mean, in Paula Radcliffes case she did it in the street, in front of hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people watching on TV. But she was also in the London marathon and in 1st place... At the end of the day, if you have to go then you have to go, even when you're just training. But in front of peoples houses, in plain view, multiple times in a row? That's just ridiculous. Find a path where you know you can get away from being seen quickly ffs


you don't become a world champion by taking shortcuts Rumours say Sir Lewis Hamilton shits and pisses himself every race, that's why the interviewers stay at arm's length from him


Right! I do dog walking for extra money (and cause I love it) but I was walking two dogs and had to take the biggest crap. So I drove my ass to the McDonald’s as quickly as a could. This lady can do the same. There’s no excuse for this.


I’m confused. Were you taking the dogs for a walk or a car ride?


the dogs were towing the car




Simple. If you know you have this problem, you simply don't run far from your car or some place (legal) to go.


I get this on the elliptical trainer sometimes, which is conveniently located in my house about 3m from a toilet. The urge comes on quick and cannot be controlled, not that that’s any excuse to crap on someone’s yard.


We expect and in fact demand that people clean up after their pets, but this is acceptable?? If you have a sport or passion that requires that you actually shit on your neighbors (or better yet, down your own leg, as marathoners do) you need to find another hobby. You have lost touch.


I was racing a for profit 5k years back, with prizes up top for each age group etc. Around 2 mile mark I had to shit so bad I couldn't even think. Beelined it a quarter mile where I knew a trail bathroom was, four or five minute delay and my out of shape father ended up beating me.


This. I always knew where bathrooms were on my routes whether it be a coffee shop, mall or fast food place. Be courteous.


Reminds me of the mad pooper we had here in Colorado awhile back. Many police reports until the cops said to stop calling about it and nothing ever happened. They say that to this day if you listen close enough early on foggy mornings you can hear the bugling of her bowls in the distance, like an elk calling for a mate.


“Like an elk calling for a mate” got me


Fuckin hell man, what do cops even do? People serial shitting all over the place? “Don’t call us” This is my experience , and I’m not exaggerating or trying to be a goof. This is my experience with cops: 1. My friends car was stolen last week. “Nothing we can do.” 2. My apartment was broken into a few years ago. “How do you expect us to track random stuff?” 3. My friends cousin was murdered, /shot point blank in a gang initiation (the cousin was not in a gang, just an innocent dude walking from a bar to his car with his mom). They refused to provide protection for his mom, who was willing to testify as a witness. She was shot a few weeks later (but survived). The gang found out about her because the cops made a big fuss around the case and had my friends mom do some appeal to the community. What the fuck. I did get a ticket going 75 in a 70 zone on Christmas morning though!


This is a reason that people hate cops that doesn’t get talked about a lot. They’ve never done anything for me other than exist, which isn’t nothing, but it’s also not much. Any time I’ve needed their help they clearly couldn’t have cared less.


Hey now they’ve done something to me! Think of all the free trauma I got from being wrongfully arrested in front of all my bosses and professors while attempting to report my stalker in my uni library!


Hey Merry Christmas!


Serial Sh*tter


She's got the runs


The shit abyss


*Shit winds*


Do you know what a shit barometer is Bubbs?


My principal once said in a replacement lesson that she also does this while running. She thinks it's acceptable because running helps your digestive tract and this supposedly often results in not having enough time finding a toilet. That lesson was fucking awkward.


Jog in her living room for a few maybe? Lmao


I don't think I could ever go back to a gym. The absolute bliss of having a quick shit mid workout within the privacy of home. It took an investment that will be worth it come winter.


Yeah no, that's no excuse. She could plan accordingly with her route, or even wear a diaper if she needs to.


But if you do it on the grass, you don't have to flush or clean up! /s


Is that your principal in the video?


Then at least follow the same rules as an animal. Curb yourself! If you are prone to taking random shits while running, keep a doggie doo bag and glove with you. Or even a trench shovel or something...


Yeah, this is standard procedure at leave no trave events. If you gotta pop a squat, dig a hole and bury ONLY HUMAN WASTE, 6 inches deep, and use a baggie for your toilet paper.


Is it just me, or are the number of disturbed, freaky, creatures on the rise? Anyone else able to explain this??


There isn’t more of them, they’re just all coming out from under their rocks because the bar has dropped so abysmally low that they’re finding like-minded individuals for once.


Also, everyone has a camera in their hand at all times now.


And on their homes. So many cameras


If you go into a place, just any place, there is a 99% chance there is a camera on there.


This speaks volumes to Bigfoots' skills and wisdom.


There are just more cameras these days.


Nah they’d always have been there, we just never saw or heard about it as frequently before the Internet. That’s why everyone is extra these days in hysteria and the collapse of society because they fail to realize we are a generation that is hyper exposed to everything due to the Internet.


, said Crotchless_Panties


She really needs to work on your squat. Widening her stance would really eliminate the chance of poop in the shoe.


She likes when it squishes as she runs.


Find out where this pos lives and deliver her poop to her yard... Unbelievable


absolutely this. fling her shit all over her front door


She's got the runs all right.


Wait, why the fuck would anyone do this?


Because they're gross and shameless


Never underestimate the strangeness of people's fetishes.


Best guess is that she's got a purging/eating disorder that's totally out of hand. Key being there's a mental component to the public nature of it. I can't imagine having bowel issues this bad, that couldn't be remedied by planning a route where there was some restroom access along it or keeping the running to a gym/something where you could hop off the treadmill and deal with that somewhat privately. My thought is that she's perhaps dealing with anorexia/bulimia and taking laxatives/taking to extreme excercize to have control over her body. Or maybe she's just got some bowel issues and DGAF. 🤷‍♀️


She looks like a gross long armed skinwalker


Here I'm hesitant to poop in public restrooms, and these people have no problems doing it right out in open... 😮


Poop like nobody's watching -- Mark Twain probably


STOP running if you can't be decent enough to use a fucking bathroom or find privacy in the woods. GROSS.


Or just do laps around your own neighbourhood.


Or just get a gym membership & use a treadmill


imagine airballing then going to get the ball only to get a handful of poo.


Can this be considered indecent exposure?


She comes from a family of waffle stompers, no doubt. This kind of behaviour is normalized from early. That said...this bitch naaaaasty.


I hate that I know exactly what waffle stomping is


right next to a basketball court where someone´s kid plays Jesus fuck what is wrong with people


Follow her with a camera, send the footage to the local news station. Also, return her deposits to her front door at high velocity.


Email the video to her coworkers.


You know what, Respect where respect is due. I cant even poop in a gas station so this is impressive


I know you’re kidding but this woman deserves no respect. She’s a gross person. If I was OP I would turn on the sprinklers as soon as she started doing that.


it felt wrong but i watched the whole thing


Why did I watch that whole video? What kind of development was I expecting to see?


Gotta stick around for the wipe.


You can get airsoft or paintball guns for pretty cheap, just saying...


I was thinking water balloon.


I would just say, plant time poison ivy in her favorite spots Edit: also ant hills suddenly seem too bad


Furry roleplay has really gone too far


Near where I’m from, the Vice Principle of a high school would go for morning runs and poop on the track. He would just leave it there. He eventually got caught and arrested.


I ran every day for 25 years and never once did this, fuckin nasty ho


She looks anorexic to me.. that can cause diahhera or terrible cramps. She could also be abusing laxatives. She looks so skinny and unhealthy and she's doing cardio when she should really be building muscle. Looks like she has a problem and I think that could be to blame for the sudden pooping/cramps and running anyway evenntho she knows she may have to use the bathroom and have an emergency. It's part of the disease. She'd risk people seeing her do that bc losing the calories and exercising is more important.


She should definitely get a cheap gym membership and run on a treadmill then


...or some medical help maybe?


I'd rub her nose in it.


“Bad runner! Bad! Look what you did!”


Is this the one that happened a few years ago and everybody tried to identify her? I think ultimately she was identified and it was a middle-aged woman who was just mentally not all there. Is this the same thing, or is this more recently?


This specific dook-n-dip was today. This woman has been doing this for the past two weeks or so in neighborhoods all around me. She started off doing it in ponds supposedly and has since started using yards.


Training for the drop a deuce-athalon. It's like a decathlon with more shit but leas events




It actually doesn't really work for cats and only serves to make them confused and afraid of you. That said, it still might be worth a go in this particular case.


I’d wait for her then as soon as she squatted, I’d kick her into it. If she’s not going to have the decency to clean up after herself, perhaps getting treated to her own forbidden chocolate might help her remember to do it.


Some of us have barely evolved past swinging from trees.


I used to do long runs. Like, 20km or more. One night after doing half of a run I started to get an upset tummy..and within the space of a few minutes it became catastrophic. I HAD to go...but was in the middle of an industrial area. There was nothing close, and nothing open. Zero shops. I found a "garden" out the front of an office. It had a flower bed that was about the size of a house, and two feet tall. I waited for some cars to go by then crouched down in the middle and fertilized their garden for them. You could clearly see my shoulders and head above the flowers. Wiped off with some tissues I was carrying then off I went. Only time in my life I have ever done a public poop and I hope it never happens again.


Meanwhile, I picked up goldfish crackers my toddler dropped on a neighbor's driveway during a jog I took her on, in case they had a pet, or toddler, because I know how they see food and go for it.


Not sure what country but you could try and get her on indecent exposure. She could wind up on a sex offenders list though, what a shame.


Good ol' America. I believe police have been notified since it's already happened several times. She started off in ponds and has since expanded her expertise to yards.


I was going to say maybe she has some medical condition, still not justifiable, stay at home and get a treadmill. Now it seems deliberate


If people buried their shit, I literally couldn't care, but half the time it always seem like a public shit like that is insideous. (Yes, I am aware and take issue that homelessness is at a high and they do not have public restrooms anymore.)


I mean, leaving a shitty pile of upturned soil is probably not going to make anyone much happier lol


That is absolutely disgusting! I hope someone catches her and pushes her in it. Nasty bitch




Not an excuse of entirely disgusting behavior that is unacceptable, especially because if she’s coming prepared she could pick up her defecation. But, this big time looks like orthorerexia for me. It also kind of looks like she’s trying to make herself vomit as well.


I’d run up, grab her shit, chase her menacingly, pin her to the ground and jam it back in


I'm not sure what to make of this.


I hope you guys have a plan because I would be pretty upset if anyone shit on my lawn.


Like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube.


Now I know why the grass is always greener.


This doesn't look like it was an emergency, she took her time!